Fight against the Hanged One

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As the bright light finally faded, everyone has no absolutely idea what is happening. Alex starts to open his eyes first, than Rex, and then, everybody else. As they opened their eyes, they are surprise that they are now in what seems to be a throne room.  But what really surprised everyone, was who was sitting on the throne itself.

This brings that is sitting them all is a robed figure. The robe looked really torn and is absolutely ruined. The face is not seen, as the hood hides it. Alex and Rex senses the power of this terrifying being. The power it has is terrifying to a absolute degree. This being completely outclassed Knull. It could even have the potential to make its own world, or effortlessly conquer worlds. Venmo's however, recognized the entity.

"That...That thing. I know what that thing here is."

Everyone looks at Venom surprised.

"You do?"

Venom nodded.

"That person is called the Hanged King. Knull has fought against him before. His powers, while not as powerful as the Scarlet King, is still powerful to a really horrifying degree. It than gets worse, as they are suddenly suspended in mid air, and brought closer.

"And your friends is right...cretins. You have impressed me when you have defeated the Ambassador. Not many were able to do this much damage. Only Knull has done this much to him. long can you last when you are against me? You all shall feel the terrifying might of the Hanged King!"

As he spoke out, he begins to look up at the 6 victims he suspended.

But what should have been a face on his head, there is a terrifying hole. A god-forsaken hole. It is as thought it is black hole trying to suck the glue out of them, yet something hangs around their necks, almost like a noose, strangling what remains their lives.

Breach, Skwydd, and Jaime were all terrified, and close their eyes. Mercer and Venom simply looked, as the virus has done just as worse, and Venom has encountered this before, and is barely afraid. Rex too looked, and while he is afraid, because of how much he realized that his friends and loved ones are endanger, he had to stay strong, all for their sake. Surprising, the Omega Nanite within Rex's body is actually making him slowly immune to the effects of the Hanged King.

"Impressive. Not many people were able to resist my face. Many would go mad to the point of ending their own lives. But I am not surprised at you, Venom and Blacklight, as you, Venom, had seen this before, and Blacklight, as it has done just as much destruction as what my face would do."

Alex and Rex than had their eyes glow. Alex a Blood-Red, Rex's Electric-Blue. And each of them were glaring at the hole of what the Hanged King revealed. And each had a type of flow that has meaning.

Alex is like an infection, a instinctual predator that is willing to take lives to achieve his goals, and willing to infect those to his service. Like he is ready to discard humanity and replace it with his own image.

Rex is a type of eyes that is willing to cure anything, and really cherished humanity to the absolute fullest, allowing them a free will. Like he is ready to save humanity, and preserve what many humans have longingly desired.

Mercer uses his fear to block the Hanged King's effect, while Rex uses his desire to protect everyone he holds dear and projects it from his eyes. Venom, however, just simply looks uninterested.

The both of them combated the effects of the King's effect of his face, and the other 2 safely looked. The king was still unamused, as he knew that this would happen.

'Knull once used his fear against my own projecting fear. The Blacklight and the Omega are using their own projections to counter against my own. If I cannot get them to fall down to their knees, and force them my service, than I will kill them. I will also the power of the one known as 'Breach', and use her power to send earth to my dimension of absolute hopelessness.'

He than waved his hand, and send the group flying. Alex and Rex than recovered, and each got out their Whipfist and Blast Caster together.

Alex and Rex than stood up, as they look at the king, who just looks indifferent at the 2 beings.

"You are a threat to me, because Mekhane and Yaldabaoth have empowered you so that if you fight against me, you would seal me away, and make me fail my master's plan. But now that you are all at your most weakest state, it will be easy for my master to finally complete his plan."

"So that's why you brought us here. We could have to potential to defeat you and your master. Not just with mine and Rex's power, but with mother and Mekhane to aid us in this."

"Correct. Now...stand down...SO I CAN FINALLY KILL YOU."

He than attacked the duo. As Alex and Rex jumped, The King warped reality, and both Alex and Rex are suddenly falling down in what seems to be an abyss. Suddenly, a blind flashing light than began to appear, and when Alex and Rex looked, they saw that they are in a entirely different dimension. Chunks of land and rock are there, but there are many people seen hanged. The Hanged King is seen at the center of the largest island that is seen floating. The largest island seems to have what seems to be a kingdom at the center. The kingdom looked like it is made of ruined gold and silver, and has ropes hanging around the kingdom's edges.

Alex and Rex than looked at each other,
obviosuly, they have never seen a kingdom be so disturbing like that. But they each have the same goal. They need to defeat The Hanged King, quickly. Rex than used his Blast Caster and wrapped it on one of the island trees. He than jumps and begins to swing to the king's location.

Alex does the same and also uses his gliding ability to go even faster and get even more momentum to use his Whipfist more.

Rex activates his Sky Slyder, and Alex than jumped onto it, as there is no more land to grapple on. They than hurried up towards the king, who is raising his hand, firing out ropes.

Alex jumped, and both him and Rex dodged the ropes, which began to wrap around their heads. Alex and Rex than used the Whipfist and Blast Caster, wrapping it around the king's neck. Alex than cuts the king's neck with the whipfist, while Rex used his B.C to shock him.

But those attacks barely did anything. In fact, he is not feeling any actual pain. And is a barely irritated.

"That is all that you two can do? How pitiful."

He than wave his hand, causing a shockwave that sent both Alex and Rex flying away fast in opposite directions. Alex and Rex were shocked to see what has happened. They then started going off the island.

Rex immediately acted by activating the Boogie Packs, after deactivating the Blast Caster. He than goes up the edge of the large island, as he goes back to fight off against the king.

Alex was able to stop his fall by dashing to the edge of the island and use his wall-crawl ability to keep himself stable. After clearing his mind a bit, he than looks up, as the thought of what had just happened from before.

'This being...he is truly more powerful than even Knull. We barely even put a dent in him. Alright...time to think of a plan.'

Alex thought, as he began to run right back up.

As Alex ran up the walls, Rex made it to the top, 5 seconds before Alex can reach the top. As Rex charges at the king, he than activated his Rex Ride, and splits the front part, revealing a bartering ram to aim at him.

Rex than rams right into the king with a "CRASH!!!"

Rex than deactivates it and looks at where the king was, before feeling a extremely sharp pain from the abdomen. The king was still fine, and punch him so hard that it severely hurts him. Rex than was sent flying towards a very large building.

As the king was distracted, Alex than launches a surprise attack, now using his claws.

He than slashed at the back of the king, before jumping back, using his groundspike.

The king, however, was fine, even with his body impaled. He than broken off the spikes piercing his body, and launched himself at Alex, who barely dodged the king's punch. Before he can do anything else, the king appeared in front of him, and Alex barely brought up his shield, before being punched very hard and far into a building, with this one next to where Rex had crashed into.



Alex and Rex than sat up, injuried healing in Rex's case, while Mercer is self-generating more biomass. Alex and Rex stood up and the both of them looked at each other.

"Let's try a different approach, Rex."

"You got it now, Alex!"

Both of them than activated their blades, their most balanced and used weapon they have.

Alex and Rex than charged right to the Hanged King. They then leapt into the air, and tried clearing him. The king, shockingly, caught the blades with nothing more than his hands, and simply pushed them back. But Alex and Rex wern't giving up yet.

Alex's blade was glowing a red hue, and he charged at the king. This time, when he attacked the king, he actually was able to damage him. The Hanged King than looked enraged at Alex. He is feeling rage for the first time in his entire life.


The Hanged King than raised his hand and summons a large number of rope and tied it on Alex, holding him in place. The king expected for him to actually not strangle to death. And he was right. As the virus doesn't need to breath, he is still fine.

"I figured you would still be fine. That is why...I plan on bringing you back to your pieces."

As Rex heard this...something inside of him has...snapped. The king brought out his sword, and prepared to cut Rex to death, but was stopped by...Rex?

He punched the king without any build so hard, he went flying, with the ropes instantly disappearing. The King and Alex looked at Rex in genuine surprise. Than...what came next just how that something about Rex is seriously wrong.

As he began activating his B.F.S, his eyes began to glow a menacing blue this time. But now his pupils are shown, and than, wires began to appear on the right side of Rex's body. Circuit markings began to appear and a cable went out of the right part of Rex's face.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rex has a emotionless expression present in his very face. As the King began standing, Rex moved at blinding speed and appeared next to the king, actually slashing his back, and hurting his like Alex had done to the King. As the king stood up, Rex than appeared behind him again, but this time, the King move away from Rex.

"It appears that the Son of Machines has entered a type of berserk-like state. I will have to be rather careful, as he is likely to be as instinctual as a predator would be.

The king than raised his hand, and summoned ropes to try and restrain him, but Rex simply cuts them away. He than jumps into the air, and tried to cut the King in half. The king than dodged, but Rex than does a tornado spin. This caught the King by surprise, and was hit a number of times. As the king tried to gain distance, Rex than changed now to the Smack Hands.

The snack hands look more human-like than before, as it now has more developed fingers, along with an extra finger, as well as having giant screws for the elbows themselves, and blue wires inside the arms of the Smack Hands. And when he prepared to punch at the King, one of the hands than turned into a rocket, literally.

It detached from the right arm, and thrusters came out of the back, as it rockets itself towards the Hanged King. The King was than suddenly punched back from the force of the Smack Hand itself. He than punched the ground so hard, it caused the ground to quake in a 100 foot radius, causing the King to fall down, hard. The Smack Hand than did a reverse thrust, which returned back to Rex's arm. Rex than reactivates his Big Fat Sword, and attacks further.

Rex jumped and now launched a battle scream. His scream sounded like a combination between an animal roaring with rage, and a machine screeching from how it goes into overdrive, like the roar of what happens when a jet takes off, but a thousand time the amount of sound present. Rex than turned the sword into a Battle Saw, and began to cut the king down to many small sizes. But as he finished the arms, the king than raised his hand, and a rope came from behind and yanked the berserker E.V.O back away.

The King than stood up and used his face at full blast. This is way more worse than the pervious time they used it. It gives off the meaning that life itself has no meaning and is not worth fighting for. But Rex is so blinded with rage and in a Berserk-like state, that he cannot think about it. The king than readies his blade up above Rex's head.

"Such a pity. He would have been a valuable asset to our side, along with the one with the virus. But now they most go, and when I discard them, I will take the one called 'Breach' and take her power that can open and create dimensions themselves. I will bring it to my master, and we shall use it to take and destroy creation, and I will finally leave the desolated place that I have been trapped in."

As the King prepares to take away the E.V.O's life, a sudden presence than appeared out of nowhere and stopped the king from killing Rex. As the King looks around, he suddenly gets hit at the back by someone, and was launched into a building.

It was Mekhane! He had came out of nowhere and stopped the Hanged King's killing. As he looks at where the kings as launched into, he looks down and spoke out in his mechanical tone.

"Your plan will not continue, Hanged One. Nor will you take the lives of one of my own creations away. When I bring them both back, I will seal away and sever your connection to Alagadda, and make sure you do not do this again, as well sealing away all 3 of the lords away."

As he looks down, he saw that Mekhane and Alex are awake and looked in surprise at the presence of the god of machinery himself.

"You two have a large destiny ahead. This destiny will make your both determine the fate of the worlds, along with the fate of humanity. When the time is right, you will guide humanity and everyone to a bigger, brighter path, and give them hope. is time for the both of you to leave and return back home."

He than makes a portal, and both Rex and Alex walked into it. But before they left, Rex turns to Mekhane and spoke to him.

"Mekhane. We'll meet again, right?"

The god of machinery than nodded his head, signifying the answer to the E.V.O's question. Rex than turns back to the portal, and heads inside.

When Rex and Alex went to the other side, they found that their friends had recovered, and are back with them in Alagadda itself. And they are also back in their clothes when they entered, as well as their masks. The group than stood up, and saw that a door is opened for them.

"I guess this is our way out./Supongo que esta es nuestra salida."

Alex spoke out, now speaking Spanish once again.

"Yes, it is./"Sí lo es."

Venom spoke out. It looks like everyone is now back to speaking Spanish again.

"I really hope that this is the only time we go to Alagadda. That was really, really crazy there./"Realmente espero que esta sea la única vez que vayamos a Alagadda. Eso fue muy, muy loco allí "."

Jaime spoke out to the group.


Skwydd spoke out to everyone.

"Let's just hope that nothing like this happens to us again.

"Well, it was nice while it had lasted. So I might come back by myself./Bueno, fue agradable mientras duró. Entonces podría volver solo."

Breach spoke out. Everyone looked at her, but they didn't argue. If she wants to have fun when they go to Alagadda, she can do so. She than summoned a portal and was surprised that she can now summon them again.

"I guess that when the Hanged King was defeated, his control over your portals has been ceased./Supongo que cuando el Rey colgado fue derrotado, su control sobre sus portales había cesado."

Rex spoke out to her. Breach smiled and hugged her beloved.

The hug went out for a minute, before kissing him on the cheek, and retreating to the pocket dimension that she lives inside of. Alex and the others than looked back at the doorway.

"Alright, you guys. You all ready to return? Muy bien chicos. ¿Estás listo para volver?"

Everyone nodded yes. Skwydd went inside first, than Venom, and than Jaime Reyes. Alex and Rex than prepared to go inside, only to be stoped by familiar voices.


"Hold Up!!/¡¡Sostener!!"

Alex and Rex turned to see the 2 females from before.

"Okay, if you are planning to do that again, I am going to make.../Está bien, si planeas hacer eso de nuevo, voy a hacer ..."

Before he could respond, the female than spoke out to him.

"Why...why can you both not stay?/¿Por qué ... por qué los dos no pueden quedarse?"

"Yes! We want you both to stay, please!!/¡Si! ¡Queremos que ambos se queden, por favor!"

But Alex and Rex than spoke out to them both.

"As I said before, I was force here by someone. So, unfortunately, I do not belong here./Como dije antes, alguien me obligó aquí. Entonces, desafortunadamente, no pertenezco aquí."

"And also because of some event that had relatively effected us. So we need to go, because not only are our friends and others are worried about us, we had almost have our lives away by this awful guy that brought us here in the first place. And besides, I have loved ones back at my home/Y también debido a algún evento que nos ha afectado relativamente. Así que tenemos que irnos, porque no solo nuestros amigos y otros están preocupados por nosotros, sino que casi hemos perdido nuestras vidas por este horrible tipo que nos trajo aquí en primer lugar. Y además, tengo seres queridos en mi casa."

The ladies looked down in sadness, understand that because they don't belong here, they cannot stay here. But they do have an idea that just might work.

"Than...if you cannot stay...can you at least...visit?/Que ... si no puedes quedarte ... ¿puedes al menos ... visitar?"

The one with the angry mask said in a hopeful. Alex and Rex look down, before looking back at the ladies.

"We'll try to do that. But we need to convince Breach, who can travel here without needing to do something to access this place. She just needs to portal us./Intentaremos hacer eso. Pero tenemos que convencer a Breach, que puede viajar aquí sin necesidad de hacer algo para acceder a este lugar. Ella solo necesita contactarnos."

The girls looked up with hope being present.


The one with the yellow dress said to them. Alex nodded their head, before the one with the angry mask hugged Alex and Alex hugged back. The female than looks and spoke out to Alex.

"Can you take off that mask? I want a kiss."

Mercer looked confused, but than remembered that he can control his body. He than dispersed the mask and his face is revealed. The woman than kissed Alex in a mouth to mouth contact. Even though she is wearing a mask, it feels just as real as any face present.

The yellow girl just simply hugged Rex, as he returned the embrace to her back. After a bit, they let go and spoke out to them.

"Hopefully, we will see you soon!/¡Con suerte, nos vemos pronto!"

"See ya!/Nos vemos!"

After saying their goodbyes, Alex and Rex head towards the enterance.

"I guess this is it. We're going back./Creo que eso es todo. Volveremos."

Rex spoke to Alex. Alex nodded 'yes' as they both continue towards the exit. As they walked, a light shines forth, before darkness settles.

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