Freeing the Kingdom: Part 2

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Starfire than began to explain her origin to the group. The group is ready to hear the being, Koriand'r, out. She than takes a deep breath, before speaking it out.

"I live on a planet that is known as 'Tamaran.' We Tamaraneans are a peaceful race, as our society is driven more by emotion than reason. Unfortunately, my kind were eventually forced into war when they were threatened by the Citadel."

"The citadel...are those the people that have been trying to capture you?"

Alex than questioned the girl. He didn't know why...but there is some strange feeling he feels toward her. Koriand'r nodded, before continuing on. was the Citadel before. My family, who are part of a Royal family, were able to win it. After the war, they had given birth to us. My oldest sister, Komand'r, was not given access to the throne, because she did not have our kind's power."

Now everyone was confused.

"What power, Koriand'r?"

Jaime spoke out to her. Koriand'r than turns to Jaime and spoke out to him.

"Us Tamaraneans are properly charged though Ultraviolet Rays gains a greatly condensed anatomy resulting in greater muscle structure, toughened skin & bone density, self-propelled flight, etc. unfortunately, my sister does not have any of them. Because of this, and that I was chosen to become the next ruler, my sister was consumed by jealousy and rage, and turned against my kind. So when another Citadel war came, she betrayed our kind, and told the Citadel crucial military secrets to the of Tamaran. My people  were utterly defeated and they...they are now enslaved by them."

She spoke, as she began to tear up. Obviously...the pain of what had happened to her was so painful for even her. But she couldn't blame her sister. In fact, she blamed the rules of when it comes to Tamaraneans not having their powers to the throne. If that rule never came...this wouldn't happen. Alex looked at her in pity. Her situation reminded him of his situation of Aqualeily.

Being betrayed by your very own family. Except that her sister did it of vengeance. Aqualeily's did it for making sure that she makes no more friends with any humans. Just as Koriand'r began breaking, Jaime than put a hand on her shoulder and spoke out.

"Let us help you in this."

Koriand'r looked in genuine surprise, as well as everybody else. This is the first time Jaime is not reluctant to help anybody here at all. At times...he is always very worried at what is happening, but here...he is confident to come and help

"My friend...we have faced against beings that are to dangerous even the Citadel to handle, and for your kind to even defend themselves against alone. And even though all of that, we still pushed, and do anything to take back the world of others. We fought hard, long, and do anything we can to save the world, even though we are out through heavy amounts of pain. We always come out successful every single time. We have done the same thing to another one before, and had save T-shirt world. We even save the beings from this world that had become corrupted monsters. And this...this type of situation no different. So please...let us help."

Koriand'r was surprise. She never expected that someone will actually help her out. But than she smiled and spoke out to him, kindly.

"Thank you...and please do."

Jaime smiles, but Rex spoke out to him.

"There's a problem. How will we get to where your planet is?"

Everyone began to look at each other. But Blue Beetle has an idea. He was able to scan the location of the planet...and had prepared for transportation. But how was a surprise. He snaps his fingers and spoke into to his group in a attention-type voice.

"I have an idea."

Everyone looked at Blue Beetle. Than something began to change. He than began to twist and turn, before becomes long what seems to be a type of blood-red portal.

"Here, go inside the portal. It may take us there."

Everyone looked at each other, but the shrugged, and they jumped in. The foundation was coming. So Jaime close it. And just in the nick of them as well there. If the foundation had found would have been the end of Koriand'r's planet. approximately 26 light-years from Earth in the star-system known as Vega...

On a Earth-like planet that has a couple of moons seen...they are in a city that is taken over by the Citadel empire. The Tamaraneans are cuffed and are treated as slaves to the empire of the Citadel. But in a hidden dark place, the Newborns, along with the princess of Tarmaran, Koriand'r, are seen hiding in the shadows, looking for an opening. As well as a way to free the Tamaraneans that are under the control of the Citdael's enslaving the people.

"How are we suppose to get the Citadel away from the Tamaraneans that they're enslaving right there? We can't rush in and take them. It will only alert Komand'r herself."

Rex spoke out to everyone. Blue Beetle, however, planned it. He than took something out of her armor, and spoke.

"I have a gas that will make them silent and immobilize them for a bit. But we have seconds before they notice is, before the effects of the gas dissipate. We only have one chance. It is now or never."

Everyone looked at him, and nodded their heads at him. Jaime and the others went out of sight, as Starfire flied above the others, though she is still not seen. Blue Beetle than made noise, and the guards caught their attention at that. As they looked around, Jaime dropped the granade, and realizing what it is, spoke out.

"Oh no."

He bomb than exploded, causing them to fought, but no sound came out. Suddenly, the Newborns than jumped down, and attacked them, as well as knocking the guards themselves out. The Tamaraneans looked I surprise and didn't know what happened. But they were overjoyed to see Koriand'r alive, along with bringing some form of help.


Many of the slaves said. Koriand'r than fires a beam of green energy right on the cuffs, obliterating them. The now freed Tamaraneans than came up and hugged Koriand'r. Although they cannot understand what they are saying, they can understand that they are grateful. As they looked so happy, Jaime than spoke out as he noticed something that was not good.

"We've got incoming."

He than activated his arm cannon, and began to shoot at the other Citadels attacking. The enslaved Tamaraneans, along with Koriand'r, than blasted them to the point of being unconscious.

"Everyone, go and!"

Jaime spoke out. Although they can't understand what he is saying, when he said the word, 'hide', they knew what they have to do now. They flied and got out of the place, and fast. The other Newborns took care of the guards very silently. As they finished off the guards, Jaime than spoke out.

"Everyone...we have a lot of cleaning up here."


Everyone was now running towards the kingdom at alarming speed. The Newborns had to weaken the forces of the Citadel in order to take the throne back way more easier. As they continue to run towards where Konand'r's location is, Komand'r took notice and began to order the guards to attack Koriand'r and her friends.

"Kill them...all of you!"

The guards nodded their heads and went out to fight. As they began to fight off against the attacking group, Komand'r than turns, stands up, and began to generate energy her hands, while shouting out.

Back at the group, the citadel than began to attack the Newborns and Koriand'r. But the Newborns have experienced so much that to is nothing but a joke. And besides...they're not smart.

Alex jumped over one of the citadel sans used his Whipfist to attack the one that tried to smash him.

The attack was painful to the point that it's indescribable. So much that it was unconscious with just one hit. Alex than activates his hammerfists and began to smash them.

Alex than put both of his hands together, and slammed them into the ground, and created a extremely powerful shockwave. The shockwave sent about 15 of the Citadel soldiers back. Alex than activated his Musclemass and began to punch them. Although, the musclemass doesn't make his target explode this time. Because they are more tougher than a human, they are simply knocked a bit unconscious. As more began to appear with deadlier weapons than before, Alex than activated his blade, and quickly blocked an attack with it. He was sent back a bit, before using his left hand to stop, and raised his right blade.

When that happens, he than charged at the enemy, and brings hell upon the Citadel. He than starts to slice and dice the weapons, before beginning to go immensely berserk.

Toxin and Scorn are having it much easier than before. Scorn made a blaster from some of the mechanical equipment of Tamaranean origin, and began to fire at the Citadels.

As she outright began to blast them with her blaster arm, she noticed a strange effect on using the gun. Not only does it hit a person with immese damage, it also caused them to shake, as it began freezing, or being hit by electricity. This is the opening that Toxin had needed, however, as he began to use his webbing, grabbing them by the head, and swung them into the groups of the Citadel that have begun surrounding Koriand'r. Toxin than got a bit angry and grew to venom-size, and began to rampage throughout the people attacking them. Toxin than flipped above them, and slammed his fist, hard, down into the ground itself. The ground than shook and caused the Citadel army to lose their own balance. Toxin's orange moving tendrils from the waist than moved and wrapped around their legs, before spinning the Citadel above him and slamming them into each other, making them rain down painfully.

Rex is now using his Slam Cannon. He used a chunk of concrete from the ground, and began to shoot at the Citadels coming towards the Newborns. He was able to get a few of them, both there are still more of them rushing forward.

Rex than activated his Smack Hands, and began to beat down the Citadels attacking everyone. He blocked many in the people that are hitting him, and than used the back of his hands, swinging it to make them fit away. As more are coming in, Rex activates the B.F.S, and began to attack with it.

He than cuts and sliced the weapons of the Citadel, before using the flat part to send them flying away. Than, one of the Citadel than attacked Rex, and Rex locked blades with the Citadel.

As the 2 combatants stuggle, one of the Citadel than noticed and began to help out his fellow Citadel friend. Rex noticed and kicked him away by activating his Punk Busters, sending him flying away. As Rex deactivated them, he than used the Battle Saw, and cuts the weapon clean.

Thanks to that, Rex was able to push him back. Rex than activated his Funchucks, and swatted the Citadel away. Than, another Citadel began attacking, and Rex put out the Block Part to block it.

Rex than use the Bad Axes to cut the weapon, and struck the Citadel, painfully. He than turns around, switched to the Rex Ride, and began to ram them in.

Blue Beetle is using everything that he has made himself. When he got hit by a Citadel doing an uppercut, he landed on his feet and his own bare hands, and used the Scarab to begin becoming more lethal there.

He summoned some pointe legs, and began to attack lethally. He stabbed them in the legs, arms, and anywhere else that is not really fatal. As he looks around, he than began to take flight, and seeing how many Citadel soldiers are present in here, he than took a page out of Rex's book, and decided to batter ram them.

The force of the attack was enough to pushed them away and send them flying. As he is fighting them, he brought out arm cannons and began to shoot them. He than backflips and began to use a shield slam. As he began to fire, Koriand'r than began to fly upward to where Kmond'r is. She than summoned green energy, and fired at Komand'r's positioned.

Komand'r, however, saw this, and went flying upwards very fast. She looked down, and as she saw her younger sister, she smiled a cruel one.

"Hello, sister. It is good to see you here again."

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