Gather the Data

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After an entire minute, Alex was able to bring Victor to where he's hiding.  The place, which he forgot to mention to Victor, is in one of the N.Y.Z lairs.

Much to Victor's dismay, it was housed with the Blacklight infected, although he assures to Victor that, they are under his control. They're really harmless.

When Victor met up with the other members of the Newborns, they were a little uncertain of how to react to Victor. They did, however, tried to greet him kindly, and Jaime was actually very accepting towards Victor.

But to James, he doesn't trust Victor in any way, which was mutual to Victor. However, James, when he looks at Victor, he sensed something. He doesn't know what it is...but he sensed something that he should hate immensely. The same thing for Victor. And also, Victor is very great at using computers, while James, is a technophobe, and really hates computers so much.

Right now, Cyborg is hacking into the computer, in order to search for any possible location on the 610 infected areas. However, due to Cyborg intercepting with the process, they have to start from scratch.

And of course, Victor had to pierce and ruin some of the equipment for location. He than tried to do the same thing...but nothing happened. Rex than joined in and tried to amplify his power by using his own. But somehow, it isn't working. Jaime than joined in, and tried to use the Scarab's ability to hack, and tried to locate, but it still didn't work for some reason. Something must have happened that caused it to be averted.

Victor wants to keep on trying to help out, but Alex claimed that, he can take a break from doing this, and doesn't want to stress his mind. Victor obliges, and went to a computer room to rest in. But while inside the room, suddenly...he heard something in his head.

"Wah? What's that in my head?"

A strange language was being heard inside Victor. This made her get caught off guard, as he looked at his hands. His hands began to glow with yellow holographic cubs surrounding his hands, and something, possibly pictured, began to form on them. He clenched his fist, as he recognized this power. This power was the same one that he used when he first unintentionally activated it. When he first activated it, it was when he found the Newborns for the first time. At first, he was reluctant in accessing the files, but than, began to think of something that could possibly help out.

"I wonder...maybe if..."

He than opened his hands, as pictures have been revealed on his hands, with all of them glowing an orange color.

Victor than began to scroll right, as he looked at the pictures that are being shown to him. And than, he began to realize something.

"Those are information that belong to the SCP Foundation. I wonder if I can just..."

He than scrolled as he began to look for information on SCP-610, and why it can no longer be located on the map. After a little bit, he was able to find a report that involved the 610 infection. He tapped onto the picture. The caption reads as followed: Attention, all Staff and Soldiers of the SCP Foundation. As of late, 610 cure has become impossible to make, due to vast majority of SCP-610 growing out of the vials, as well as the immense infection spreading in Russia. The project shall be closed, and there will be no objections on the cure closing. The file of SCP-610 will be locked away, until further notice. It is also locked away, in case someone tries to grab onto the file and use SCP-610 as a weapon, should it ever be revealed to anyone seeing it.

Cyborg closed his hands, as he spoke out.

" least I now know what caused this to happen. But I wonder if I can...gain access to SCP-001."

He than scrolled to the right, in order to find 001. When he located the SCP File, he attempted to access the file itself in order to learn what's 001. The result was [DATA EXPUNGED]

Next Day...

Rex is doing the best he can to get the location of the SCP-610 infection relocated again. But this is as difficult as finding a needle in something akin to a haystack.

"This is so annoying. We're supposed to have triangulated the position from before. Kind of wish that I had Jaime make a backup file for us to have in the instant that we've found them, but still...give me a feeling break for once, dude!!"

Rex rants out very angrily. As he spoke out, Victor came out to where he is, and spoke to him.

"Rex, I think I've found a solution to this problem that are having right now."

Rex turned to see Victor behind him, now in a hoodie and dark blue jeans. Rex looks a bit surprised at that, and spoke out.

"You did? What is it?"

Cyborg sighed a little bit, before speaking out.

"I manage to find out the reason that we cannot triangulate the position is because the SCP Foundation has cut off the 610 infection to the outside world so that no one will access it in any way. And also, I was able to find and dig out some files that revealed that the 610 file has been locked up. The problem is that it is still on the SCP Foundation still."

Rex's eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"Are you seeing what I think you're saying?!"

Victor nodded, as he spoke out.

"Go to a risky mission to the SCP Foundation, hack into their systems past the firewalls, and we'll have the information we need in order to destroy the infection."

As he spoke out, Alex comes out of the shadows, as he spoke out.

"If you're thinking of going to the Foundation, bring Jaime with you, Victor Stone. He is similar to you, after all."

Victor stared a little bit, obviously unamused by what Alex has said to him, until Jaime than comes out of the shadows and into the room, having facial hair present on his face.

"I'll come along with you, Victor. Even I need that. The Scarab could be a great aid for you, Victor."

Jaime spoke out to Victor, who looked down for a little bit, before speaking out.

"Than we should start getting ready."

Victor spoke out, as he took off his clothes to reveal his cyborg body. Jaime puts on his Scarab, as the armor began to spread all over his entire body.

After that, both Jaime and Cyborg fly out of the Lair, as they go out to the SCP Foundation, again. And oh boy, they went out of the Lair very fast. It was almost instant. They were like 2 blurs.

They than began to fly fast, and Jaime knows where he's going, since he is aware where the foundation is. He has gotten back from it form even far distances such as this type now.

Victor, however, also knows where the Foundation. He was able to trace the signal of where it is emitting radio waves, and is following the Radio waves into the direction of where it's being activated.

The Radio Waves of the SCP Foundation are immensely powerful, much powerful than any other Radio Waves that have been made by any man to date. So it was easy to track the Foundation down.

As they got near to the SCP Foundation, Khaji Da than spoke out to Jaime.

"Jaime Reyes. Keep your distance with the so-called Victor Stone."

Jaime was confused, as he spoke out to Scarab.

"Why say that, Khaji Da?"

The Scarab than answered back.

"I sense strange energy coming from within his core. And the energy...feels so, ancient. So you must remain vigilante."

Jaime, however, was confused. He thinks that there is literally nothing to worry about. Regardless, he still took Khaji Da's words first heart, and has to make sure that Victor isn't going to betray him.

When they land, they are at the side of the building, as Victor than began to look at the walls of the Foundation Site. He than turned to Jaime, as he spoke out.

"Okay. I'm going to scan the outer walls to see if there is any place for me to start gathering the data. It could, however, cause an alarm from inside. So I'll need to be quick on getting the file fast. I'll need you to be one guard for any soldiers that might come out of nowhere."

Jaime nodded, as he began to look around the place. His arm cannon out, as he prepares to go against any soldiers that might appear.

Victor scanned the outer wall for several minutes, before finding the perfect spot to gather the data that he needs.

He was able to go to the hole, and then looks down at his hands, as the access drive it now starting to open up.

He opens his palm, as a futuristic-looking drive appeared out of it. He than puts the drive in the hole, in order to locate the data that he need.

His 'eye' on his forehead, began to glow orange, as he broke through the Firewall without any form of restraint or discomfort. He's than able to locate the file that has SCP-610 inside it.

"Alright. Time to get to work."

He than closed his eyes, as he now begins to obtain the file from the SCP Foundation's database.

Inside foundation...


An alarm is suddenly going off from inside the Foundation, as they began to check what is happening. The site directo, who has requested SCP-610 to be locked up, decided today to show up, and spoke out to the people in the site.

"Everyone, what's happening?!"

One of the scientists than turned and spoke out.

"Someone...someone is trying to take the SCP-610 files away!! They were able to break into the security and is now stealing the data!!"

This made the Site Director shocked, as he than looked at any place of why it is happening. He than found a camera, and showed Jaime with Victor.


The Site-Director snarled. He than turned to the others, and spoke out to them, angrily.

"Get the soldiers outside and contain those 2. We need all hands on deck for this one. If they get ahold of this file, all will be lost!!"

Everyone nodded, as the Soldiers than got into the armory, grabbed the weapons and equipment, as they go outside to contain them.

Back outside...

Victor than opened his eyes, as he spoke out.

"Alright, we're clean!! We need to leave this place as fast as we can!!"

Jaime nodded, as both Victor and Jaime blasted off into the sky, and began to get away from the Foundation as fast as they could.

As they began to fly away fast, they looked down, and saw that missiles are coming towards them, and they dodged out of the way. But as that happened, they are homing on them, returning to who they are targeting.

Jaime than tried to get next to Victor, who is trying to blast them out of the air. But the Missiles are somehow having an A.I controlling the missile's direction. So Victor decided to do another thing.

He turned his left arm into a rocket launcher, and fired at the missiles that are chasing after them.


The missiles explodes, causing both Jaime and Victor to become out of control, due to the force of the explosion. They have no idea where they are going. So they immediately decide to go down. Although it would mean encountering the SCP Soldiers, it would also mean that they can fly much better next time.

They than went down as fast as they can, by deactivating the thrusters. As they fell, they can see many of the SCP Soldiers below, as they are running to where they would most likely land. But Jaime and Victor know that can take them.

As Jaime and Victor landed, the Foundation were somehow able to appear before them quickly, and pointed their weapons at them, as the commander spoke out.

"You both are coming with us, even if we have to see why cripple you to bring you to the Foundation, you 2 SCPs."

As the Foundation began to surround both bio-organic anomalies, Jaime looks at Victor, as he spoke out.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Victor turns to Jaime, and as though he has read his mind, he than spoke this out.

"Way ahead of you, Jaime."

Both Jaime and Victor than got out their arm cannons, as they start to fight back.

Both Jaime and Victor than fired at the SCP Foundation, as the Soldiers took cover as the blasts hit the vehicles. Victor began to fly up and began to shoot the vehicles down to vehicle oblivion. Luckily, there was no one inside of the Vehicles.

One of the Soldiers fires bullets at Cyborg, who's metal body caused the bullets to bounce back, hitting the Soldier in the stomach, causing him to fall down very painfully. Victor than used his White Noise Cannon to destroy a vehicle, causing it to explode, and forcing the SCP MTF members to duck for cover in order to shield against the hot lethal blast.

As Victor turned to see if there is anyone else to attack him, he used his 'eye' on his forehead, as he scanned the area behind him. In one of the buildings, he was able to find a number of MTF Soldiers ready to attack him from behind his back.

Victor than blasted the ceiling of a building, causing the soldiers that are hidden inside of it to get hit in the head and be knocked out by the sudden attack by Victor.

Jaime is using his energy cannon at minimal level and hits many of the Soldiers present. The soldiers fell down unconscious by the power of the blast, which was very painful.

The Foundation than attempted to use twin laser cannons to try and fire at them. These ones can actually cause some damage to the Scarab's armor, and attempted to use that advantage against him.

But Victor and Jaime made a shield to protect against that.

Fortunately, they were able to deflect it back at the weapons. Unfortunately, it was able to damage not only Blue Beetle's armor, bit it also damage Cyborg's armor. It looks like the weapon is powerful to damage Cyborg's body, but is now healing.

Blue Beetle than spoke out.

"We need to send them to the ground, literally."

Jaime than made maces in his hands, while Victor made a rather large arm in his left arm. Although Jaime was surprised, he doesn't hesitate, and when the MTF Soldiers start getting near them both, both cybernetic beings slammed them to the ground, making them ground shake, and causing cracks to appear violently. Using the time that they have, Jaime and Victor than got out of the ground through flight, and began to head back to their base.

The ground than became an Earthquake, as the remaining vehicles than fell inside of the very large cracks. After a little bit, the cracks than began to close up, causing the vehicles to be crushed.


An explosion has resonated within the cracks of the ground that has been shattered. This caused some of the remaining conscious Soldiers to fall down, though they were able to touch their hands on the ground and hold their ground, in order to make sure they don't fall down into the cracks before them.

The Soldier than pressed onto his ear piece, as he spoke out.

"We failed. The Cyborg got away with the data of the 610 files."

Silence...until a crashing sound was heard, and a loud sound was heard, enraged.


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