Meeting Ms.Sweetie and Shatter the Candy Golem

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Alex was in his room, chilling and minding his own business. He began thinking about SCP-049, as something about him made him a suspicious. He felt so old and had a similar aura to Alex himself, and yet, he doesn't feel as strong as Mercer. As he continued his thoughts, he felt his hand touch something in the table. He makes a fist and looks at it. It was a piece of candy. He looked confused, as he has no idea where this candy come from, but since he hadn't eaten in a while, he unwraps it and tasted it. It tastes like strawberry and yogurt at the same time in his mind. He felt nothing wrong. As he was about to think of SCP-049 again, a door opens up and then 2 guard came, both female.

"SCP-6000-1, we want to you to go in another interview."

Alex later stretches and stands up. He than looks at the guards dead in the eyes.

"Let's go."

The guards nodded and Alex follows them to another containment chamber for an SCP.

"SCP-6000-1, have you ever heard of SCP-2396?"


"Well, SCP-2396 is a female humanoid, approximately 2.5m tall and weighing 101kg. SCP-2396 is identical to a baseline female human in appearance, with the exception of naturally occurring pink hair and irises."

"What's so special about this one?"

"Well, as her documents explain, when denied any food item identified as containing sugar, SCP-2396 claims to undergo great pain, necessitating a constant supply of sugar or food items identified as such. The amount of sugar is unimportant in maintaining its anomalous effect. The consumption of sugars in any amount will cause SCP-2396's blood sugar level to reach a constant level of ~400 mg/dL. Due to its abnormally high blood sugar levels, the object is was in a constant state of hyperglycemia, stating to suffer from constant headaches and blurred vision. Despite its consumption of food, SCP-2396 does not exhibit any excretory bodily functions or change in weight. While SCP-2396 is "fueled" with sugar, any male individual coming within 50 yards of her expresses a strong desire to leave and reorient their position as far from SCP-2396 as possible. Male-identified individuals brought in direct contact with SCP-2396 undergo symptoms similar to a diabetic coma. The object claims that this is to "keep nasty brothers and their friends away."

"That explains why they act so reluctant to go forward when I was doing a mission. Is there an instance of it?"

"Only 2 of them , SCP-2396-A and B. SCP-2396-A instances are small objects comprised of simple sugars that resemble assorted colors of hard candy. SCP-2396-A instances appear anywhere within a six kilometer radius of SCP-2396's current location, with a greater density appearing in areas known to contain human traffic. Due to their size and the large area of SCP-2396's area of effect, placement and amount of SCP-2396-A is uncertain. The production of SCP-2396-A is known to increase when SCP-2396 undergoes stress. While SCP-2396-A objects are harmless when touched or ingested by female-identified humans, such as people like  us, male-identified humans undergo a gradual transformation to an instance of SCP-2396-B. Transformation into an instance of SCP-2396-B is marked by an increase in blood sugar levels, sometimes exceeding 600 mg/dL. Due to this, many who come into contact with SCP-2396-A are immobilized immediately by the rapid increase in blood sugar. Over a period of up to twelve hours, the individual's flesh, fluids, and bone are, through an unknown process, can be converted into hard candy which replicates and molds the body, causing the individual to become an instance of SCP-2396-B. SCP-2396-B instances take the form of large humanoid constructs and, rarely, unicorns. Once an SCP-2396-B entity has been fully converted, it will make way toward SCP-2396 and attempt to breach its containment. SCP-2396-B entities show a strong resistance toward blunt-force trauma and exhibit abnormal strength. SCP-2396-B entities will attack any male-identified individuals in their line of sight. SCP-2396-B entities follow any commands given by any female-identified individual, including orders to stand down, and are most easily terminated with fire, whether through incinerator or flamethrower."

"Wait, so if a male, even an SCP eats it, they transform into such in instance?"

"Well...only normal humans. If it is an SCP, than no. So you are safe completely."

"Oh. But wait, if she dislikes males, why bring me to her?"

"Well, normally that would be the case. However, you had passed her containment chamber a number of times and went passed her yard by about 10 feet away from her, and even she noticed it, and it greatly surprised her as to why you wouldn't fall under her effects. You have left her intrigued to the point she would like an audience with you alone, as she requested it."

"Surprise, I guess."

After a total of 10 minutes, they were able to go to a containment chamber, resembling a glass cage with a female inside it while sitting on a bed. The female was wearing a pink dress and had a bowl of candy on her lap. She has pink hair and irises. She noticed Alex and tilted her head in interest and smiles, unable to contain her excitement. The guards than usher it in.

"Alright, SCP-6000-1. Do your thing now."

Alex nodded at her and walked inside the containment chamber. As soon as he went inside, the entity then spoke to him.

"So you must be the one that couldn't be affected by me? I am Ms. Sweetie

The female said, while she walked in front of him. To Alex's surprise, the female is taller than even him! She is up to 7-8 feet, while Alex is 6 feet. Alex wan't sure how to respond, other than say, "My name is Alex Mercer. Nice to meet you in person, I guess."

The SCP looks at him with great interest, while she steps back and points to the table and speaks out,"Hey, let's take a seat so you can talk to your new gal, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yeah, I kind of would."


Both Alex and Ms. Sweetie took a seat at the opposite side of one another, as the both looked at each other, SCP-2396 than spoke to SCP-6000-1.

"So, How did the foundation find you, pal?"

"They found me in the Red Zone of New York Zero, when me and a few other SCP gave a rotten lizard a beatdown."

Ms. Sweetie tiled her head in confusion.

"New York Zero? Don't you mean New York City."

"Well, due to a Black Plague sort of return, they had to blow up N.Y.C to three zones, just to make sure that it isn't the Black Death pandemic again. And it would have turned back to normal had it not been for me getting into the picture."

"What did you do?"

"...let's say something catastrophic."

"Anyway, How was it you were found by these people?"

"Well...Let's say I had attracted to them with my own stuff."

"Those candy golems that these people talk about?"


"Similar thing with me, except that I wasn't caught as the creation of my own are dangerous."

"Oh, so you keep your own people out?"

"I was paranoid, so I didn't know who to trust, though I did manage to encounter the other few was a rather awkward meeting when I had seen them in person."

Ms. Sweetie giggled at what he said about that. "Yeah, I can imagine how awkward it must have been at seeing it, candy."

Great, so now she calls Alex Mercer candy.

"But if you don't mind me asking, how were you not effected by what I can do."

"I am a person that embodies a virus within me, so I am safe. Also, I actually genderless, since I can shapeshift into a female that I had absorbed. Here, let me show you an examp-"


Before he could finish speaking and give an example, an explosion was heard outside. The containment chamber opened as the female guards from before cam to him and spoke out.

"SCP-5000-1, we are in a situation here. Can you help us for a bit."

"Okay, interview is over, sorry."

"It's okay. Just got a chance to talk to someone, sugah."

Alex nods and gets out the door and runs, as craters are made by his feet. After 5 minutes, he sees a giant humanoid figure that is made of hard pink candy. This is SCP-2396-B. It began to run to the containment chamber containing SCP-2396, as Alex punched the Candy Golem, sending it back 10 feet away. Alex Mercer than brought out his hammerfist to aid him in this fight.

(Think Of it as it is in the second game)

Alex than puts the left one behind him, and launches at SCP-2396-B, where when he made contact, it caused the Candy Golem to shatter into pieces. It went down quicker than Alex Mercer thought. Alex Mercer was than escorted back to his room.

'That is rather interesting, meeting someone like her. Her face reminds me of Dana. Man, I still miss her after all these problems I have to suffer in because of that being standing in the way. I really hope I get to see her again.' Alex thought of this, as he closes his eyes drowsily.

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