O'Death's Calling

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Back after they found 2399...1 minute during their leaving...

Cyborg, Rex, Blue Beetle, and James are all flying back to Earth. They were finally able to jam the signal from whatever that Machine is. But as they fly, Cyborg looked a little to the left, as he could not help but think of what it was that he saw when he was accessing the machine. He felt like there was something wrong with it. Something that made it aggressive.

"Well...that's it. There are no signals that are on our way. We have gotten rid of them all, and now, we can go back home, and start to continue working."

Jaime spoke out. James snorted, as he spoke out.

"We ain't here to party, kid. So don't rocket your hopes up to explode you fucked-up head off."

Cyborg looked at him, obviously not approving his tone, but than, he felt something painful inside of his own head, and than, voices began to be heard from within the Cyborg's head.

As he looked forward, he than held his head, as if he was in pain. Everyone noticed, as Rex spoke.

"Victor, what's wrong?"

Cyborg than turned around, and spoke out.

"I don't know. I think someone is activating a transmission on my head."

This made everyone surprised, and James spoke out.

"What transmission, tin shit? We have gotten enough signals to stop, what's this one?"

Cyborg than opened his hand to make a speaker, and a voice spoke out clearly, despite the fact that everyone is in space without any wind to produce any sound.

"This is an automated emergency broadcast from the SCP Foundation and your national government. One or more of our sites is experiencing a communication breakdown, likely due to a containment breach of unknown magnitude. All citizens are ordered to stay in their homes as containment teams work to secure the breach. This message will broadcast from April 20th, 2016 until—"

The message cuts itself and then repeats. This made everyone suspicious, and Blue Beetle spoke out from his earpiece.

"Did you get that, Alex?"

Alex than spoke out in the other side.

"I did. And unfortunately, mine is experiencing the same transmission as Cyborg's computer. Whatever it is, it isn't coming from the foundation itself. I looked and saw that the foundation isn't making it. When you all get back, I need you all to track down the signal and find out what is happening."

Blue Beetle nodded, and spoke out.

"Will do."

Blue Beetle, Cyborg, and Rex speed up back to Earth as fast as they can to make sure that nothing bad's happening.


When the others came back, they went back down to their base, in order to find out where the signal is coming from. With Cyborg's hacking skills, they determined that wherever it's coming from, it is coming from a cave that is somewhere in the cemetery of Joppa, Indiana.

"A cave? Why a cave of all places?"

Circe spoke out. This was really confusing, as a cave doesn't have technology to produce any signals, and doesn't have any WiFi connection inside of the system.

"Maybe it's an SCP we did not know about, Circe."

Rex spoke out to his girlfriend. Alex Mercer, however, remained silent, as he began to hear the strange signal. He doesn't know why...but he has a strange hunch that whatever it is, whatever this SCP is, it will try to lure him and the others to its location, and do something catastrophic. He than decided to do something. He turned to Cyborg, and spoke out.

"Victor, make a drone. I have a bad feeling of one of us going in the location of this SCP by ourselves. Maybe we can use the camera to see what is going on."

Cyborg looks up at Alex, as he spoke out.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?"

Alex nodded. Cyborg raised his hand, and made a flight drone.

"I hope you know why you're doing, Alex."

Cyborg spoke out, as Alex than spoke out.

"I'm positive. Just hope we can pull this off without any consequence. Also, are you able to track the signal of where the Transmission originated?"

Cyborg nodded, as he used his eyes to check and trace the location of it.

Cyborg was able to track the signal, and sends his drone through his portal. When they went through the portal, it than began to fly around to find out where it needs to be, and that is to find the cave transmitting the signal.

After an entire minute of flying around to find the cave, they than heard the signal becoming much less static-like, and  were able to see the cave itself.

The cave itself looked normal. However, Alex knows better than to think it is simply safe. For all they know, it could be a dangerous location. It's a good thing that Alex was able to use a drone from Cyborg, instead of bringing himself or the others to do his situation, or it could lead ended very terrible.

Cyborg, a little bit nervous about using his own body to move inside, than made some controls to the keyboard in Alex's screen, and spoke out.

"Alex, you take control. I don't feel comfortable to go inside this thing by my own will."

Alex grunted a little bit, but obliged and went in. He than took the controls, and went forward into the cave, in order to check out what's at the other side.

They were not ready for what was at the other side.

Once Alex reaches the other side of the cave...they saw a unusual sight. They were in the same graveyard...but there was no plant life. The plant's decayed, and the ground resembles sand. Everyone doesn't know why...but they feel like they shouldn't be here for some reason.

"Let's go check the city."

Alex than raised the drone up in the air, as it than flies as fast as it could to find a nearby city. When they reached a city...it is a horrific sight to behold.

The city was in ruins, as though an apocalypse happened. The buildings were destroyed, cars are rusted and ruined, and the trees in the city, as well as the parks...they are all dead...as well as the humans present. The humans inside of this SCP, they are deceased. But for a strange reason, there are no living bacteria inside of each of their corpses.

Everyone was shocked at what they are seeing.

"What the...how are they dead?"

Circe spoke out. Alex looked very uneasy, but he needs to get some answers at the SCP that they are seeing. And speaking of the SCP...

"Maybe there's an SCP Foundation that exists in this universe. Maybe it has the answers."

Alex than began to turn to the direction of the foundation. Thankfully, the drone has a special locator to know where they are going. So they can go to the foundation in no time flat.

But as they continued to the foundation...everyone noticed that...there is no signs of anything living. All humans are dead, all animals are dead, all plants are dead, everything is dead. In fact, the death present is too real.

When they got to the foundation, they found that...it too is also dead. There are bodies gathered all over the floor, many of whom from scientists.

"Damn it. Looks like the Foundation fell victim to this as well. Seriously, what happened?!"

Alex spoke out to himself. He could not believe what he is seeing right now. But now, he needs to get inside of the foundation, to look for some answers.

He than looked at the controls, to see if there is a button than will get them to open the door. He than pressed a red button, and the result, it was a red laser from the drone's 'eye' as it cuts a large hole at the door. After cutting it wide, he than was able to get through the door, without any of the propellers getting hit by the surface of the metal walls.

As it began its journey into the Alternate Foundation, it found something very unusual: It was SCP-682 and SCP-096's room. This is not suppose to happen, as 096 and 682 are separate. Alex than goes to SCP-096's room, to check to see how he is. He isn't sure if he'll get killed by looking at the alternate's face, but whatever.

Alex was able to open the door, and was able to see SCP-096...dead.


Everyone looked in shock at what they're seeing!!! This is impossible!! SCP-096 never dies!!! How can this be?! SCP-096 can be damaged, but killing him...is impossible!!! This wasn't supposed to happen!!


Everyone looked at Alex, as James growled out.

"What is it, Mercer?"

Mercer was wide-eyes, as he spoke out.

"If SCP-096 has died...than...does that mean..."

He than controlled the drone, and brought it to 682'a door. He cuts a hole open, and when he entered...it was as Alex was fearing.

682...he'a dead, on the floor of it's containment cell.

"This is impossible!! 682 is never killed. How can this place have a dead 682 inside of itself?!"

Than, something else creeped into his mind.

"If...if 682'a dead, than...does that mean...our counterparts..."

Everyone than began to feel unease. Alex wasted no time, and immediately flies throughout the foundation itself to find their counterparts. After about 10 minutes of looking...they reached the site's center.

Than...they saw the most horrific sight of all...on the floor of the foundation, are the bodies of Rex, Circe, Cyborg, Kaede, Blue Beetle, Patrick/Toxin, and Patricia/Scorn.

Circe covered her mouth at what she's seeing before her, before turning to Rex and hugging him, as she is actually feeling terrified and sad at the same time, that she died in the dimension that they are seeing before their eyes. James was also shocked, at seeing his own dead body. Rex and Jaime and Victor, they couldn't believe this terrifying sight before their very eyes.

"So it is true....death had and for us in this dimension."

Cyborg spoke out. They were lucky that the others didn't see this.

But Alex noticed something wrong. He wasn't shown dead with them. What's going on?

He than began to look around the foundation, in order to try and find where he is. However, he encountered the bodies of SCP-076-2, SCP-191, SCP-040, and both M'gann and Koriand'r. And this is seriously terrifying.

After looking around the alternate foundation sight, he than checked New York's state, and just like that, like the previous locations, all dead. All of the creatures, all of the evolved...every single one dead.

But as he kept on looking, Alex than began to think to himself.

'If you aren't at the foundation...where else would you be? New York's dead, and my body wasn't there. So maybe...at Edmonds' Beach is where...'

Alex than went out of the Foundation Site, and began to go to Edmonds Beach, in order to find out where she would likely be. He than goes to the direction, and hopefully finds what he doesn't need to see.

After about an hour of going to Edmonds Beach, he was able to locate it, but he was not ready for what he saw. On the beach, a lot of Aquatinalius' on the beach, lying down dead. Strangely, the ocean still exists. But amongst the Aquatinalius present, was one he never wanted to see dead.

Aqualeily is shown dead, and is lying down, flat on her back, her eyes closed, as if she sleeps. Her face looked so...delicate. And even Alex began to feel a tear build up from behind his viral eyeballs.

As he looked, however, he than heard a voice he didn't think he'll hear in this dimension.

"So...someone finally crossed over to my dimension."

The Drone than turned around, and saw someone inside the dimension that Alex was clearly not expecting to see here.

From what Alex can guess it is, this is the Alex from this alternate SCP. He is wearing different clothing, and his hair is white, like he has aged into an old man. But despite this, his face is the same youthful face that still resembles who Alex looks like. He looks the same as he was in present day.

He than turned on the speaker, and spoke out.

"Who are you?"

Even though Alex knows who it is, he pretends to not know him. But he Alternate Alex knows who he is, as he spoke out.

"Isn't it obvious, my other self? I'm you in this dimension."

Alex was a bit surprised. How he was able to know that it was him, he will never figure. But still...he needs answers.

"How are you alive? This dimension looks as though everyone's been killed."

The alternate Alex seemed to recognize the prime original Alex, and spoke back.

"Well...my other self...I made a mistake, going to SCP-2935."

This caught their attention.

"SCP-2935? What's that?"

The alternate Alex took a deep breath, as he spoke out to them.

"SCP-2935 is, as you might have figured out, a cave that's located underneath the cemetery of Joppa,Indiana. At the other side of the cave...is a universe that resembles earth in 2016, except that everything on earth, which is living, have all died."

Alex the others are shocked, as they spoke out.

"So...you mean, this dimension that the drone's inside of now..."

2935!Alex, however, shook his head no.

"This isn't SCP-2935. I think it's best if I tell you in order for you to better understand what SCP-2935 is really about."

Everyone than looked at each other, as he spoke out.

"The Foundation of my dimension has discovered a transmission, the same one you might have likely stumbled across when you are in your own situation. They wanted to bring me, and only me, into the cave to check it out. When I came through the cave, I wasn't entirely sure what is going on. Everyone inside 2935 is...dead. When I looked inside...I found people, such as SCP-682, SCP-079, SCP-173, and evening Clef and Bright, all of them dead. and it wasn't just Earth. The woods with a lacking name's (4000, in case you don't know) species, the Gate Guardian, 343, 3000, everyone has died. But there was no signs of me and my friends when I was in SCP-2935. It didn't feel right. When I went back to my universe in order for me to tell everyone about this...I made my terrible mistake of coming back. Whatever was in that universe, inside of SCP-2395, it wanted me to come here."

Alex looked at him, actually a little bit worried, and spoke out.

"What happened?"

2925!Alex sighed, as he spoke out.

"When I came back, my universe...my home...dead."

Everyone was shocked at what was heard. His universe...dead. He than looked down sad, as he spoke.

"No one was alive. Rex, Jaime, Patrick, James, Victor, Aqualeily, Kaede, the people I care about died. Not even Alagadda was safe. My mother also died. Dana died. Yaldabaoth died. I have no idea how it happened. My guess is, an unknown entity who inhabits SCP-2935 lives there, and made me carry out its work, by using the signal to bait me into coming to its place, so it could latch onto me. In fact, I'd say that I'm not the only one who had to suffer this terrible consequence. There might be others that have gotten into the same thing I have gotten into. Since the drone you have is now in the reality, my reality, if you have it come back through the cave...you'll kill your reality."

Everyone was now very terrified of what's at stake here. They are now in a dimension in, if they bring the drone back through the cave, they will kill their home, taking them along with it.

"What do we need to do?"

Alex spoke to 2935 Alex. 2935!Alex looks them dead in the eyes, and spoke out.

"Now...you have to destroy the drone, and me as well. If the drone's connected to your Cyborg, than that means a small piece of him is still alive, and that prince could house whatever it is that made this place. The drone has the power to explode, right?"

Everyone looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah, it can. Why you ask?"

Cyborg spoke out to 2935!Alex. The 2935 alternate Alex looked and spoke to Victor.

"If I can overload the drone, it can cause a nuclear explosion that will destroy me, since I have nothing else to live inside of anymore. My home is gone, and I'm unable to go to any other universe, or else I will kill them. So please, have me destroy it."

Everyone was shocked at what was about to happen. They are actually going to kill an alternate Alex of a different timeline. Prime!Alex was unsure what to do. But after a little while, he sighed this out.

"I really hoped it had never come to this. Now...I think it has to be this case. Okay...you can blow it up, so you'll be free."

The alternate Alex smiled emptily, as he spoke out, saddened.

"Thank you. All of you have my sincere gratitude. And...do me one last favor."

2035!Alex spoke out, as he jumped to the road between Seattle and Lynwood.

"I want you to seal the cave up, so that no one could ever access it again. Can you do so to prevent this again?"

Alex than nodded with both hesitation this time.

"We will. Don't doubt us on it, my other self."

2935!Alex smiled, and than spoke out.

"Thank you all...goodbye, everyone."

2935!Alex than made his claws, as he began to stab the drone at it's core. As he did so, Cyborg felt the drone disconnect from him, as the drone on the other side began to explode. The video feed ends, as it ends before they get to witness anything.

2935!Alex was holding onto the drone, as he closed his eyes. He than began to say this in his mind.

'Dana, Kaede, Aqualeily, mother, and my friends...I'll see you all very soon.'

He smiled, as a tear leaked out, and the drone, glowing as hit as the sun, finally exploded.


A massive explosion appeared in the form of a mushroom cloud, in the country of Edmonds. It was shown in all its glory, as 2935!Alex was obliterated, liberating himself from the dead world he lives in.


A day after it all happened, Alex, Jaime, Cyborg, and James went to work on blocking the enterance to the 2935-infected world.

Alex and James used tendrils for cover it in the outside of the cave, while Cyborg and Blue Beetle used the materials of their armor/body to make a barrier. Both of them constantly regenerate, and are harder than the toughest metal, and concrete.

Alex, however, looked at the cave. He could not get it out of his head. He couldn't get the thought of all lives inside that SCP stolen. All the thoughts of how his alternate self was bombed to death by his own hands, and how it would have turned out, if the drone was sent back to their dimension. He...he is unsure hat to think of this anymore.

"Mercer, it's time to go. Come, asshole."

James spoke out, as him, Jaime, and Victor prepare to leave this place and go back to base. Alex turned and nodded his head.


He than took one last look at the cave that he sealed, before he jumped away with the others, in order to move on from this godforsaken place. This deranged place...will forever haunt him.

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