Rescue Klavigar Lovataar

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There was nearly no the invasion. There is no stopping, of the demons that keep on attacking the Earth. There was no hesitation...on the Foundation. There has always been to fight and die in the dark, in order to protect those that live in the light, and that was before this happened. But now that the darkness has been lifted, and that the truth is revealed for the whole world to see, it now becomes the new motto for all. They will fight in the light, to protect the people that are about to be consumed by the darkness, which has now become the enemy.

The SCP Foundation has no longer decided to bring out more of the humanoid SCPs to do their bidding. Now, they need to use the SCPs that take on the form of weapons, or other objects that can help out.

One of the soldiers used SCP-2501 in his right hand, as he holds it in front of his eyes, and began to use the claw to crush the pack demons within his very sight. He even crushed a building, which fell right on top of the demons beside it.

Another soldier used SCP-4514, and began to use it to start killing the demons instantly, as the organs began to fail, due to being cut by the SCP's blade. The blood is mostly gone, the brain and heart, or rather...hearts, started to failed, and they are no longer able to breath, leading the demons to die of both blood loss and suffocation.

SCP-5175 is now ready to get out to fight, along with its wielded, PoI-3445

PoI-3445 struck some of the demons in the head, which transports them to The Realm of Unsaved Souls, where their essence will be devoured by whatever it is that is inside of this place.

SCP-516, a sentient tank, is shown to be carrying some children and their parents inside of the seats, and began to fire with his weapons in order to protect the innocent family from harm, and try to make enough room in order to teleport back to the Last Site.

In another part of the city, Jaime is still fighting alongside fellow SCP-2273, as both men with the bugsuits kept on blasting against as many demons as they possibly can. 2273 grabs onto a demon, and crushed it with his bare hands, while Jaime simply made maces with his hands, and slammed the maces onto another demon's head.

"Hey, man. You doing well?"

SCP-2273 turns around, and nodded at Jaime, as he spoke out.

"I am doing very well. Thank you, Beetle."

He than continues to fight, as he slammed the heads of 2 demons together, exploding them. But as Jaime began to strike at another demon, suddenly, all of them began to expand their bodies, before they had suddenly exploded violently.

"What the...who did that?!"

Jaime spoke out, looking around. And when he does start looking around...he noticed that...he is someplace else. He is not on Earth this time. The entire place looks like a land made of flesh of every human on Earth. The sky looks like it is made of human fat tissue, and where the sun should an eyeball. The ocean around him, it looks like not of blood. But instead looks like...Pus.

"What in the world? Where am I right now?"

As he spoke out to himself, someone spoke.

"Jaime Reyes..."

Jaime turned around, but he could not see who it was that spoke to him.

"Who...who's there?"

Jaime spoke. He turned his hands into arm cannons, and gets ready to fire at whoever spoke. Because he is now unsure if the person is a type of threat or not. As he began to turn around...something began to form from the flesh-like ground.

"What in the...what's that?"

But the coming from the growing flesh, simply spoke out.

"Not what's that. It is rather...who's that."

Blood began to squirt out of the growing mass, as appendages began to form, and twist into an entirely new and different creature that Jaime is now becoming disgusted at.

Jaime looks at the entity, and spoke out.

"Wait...I recognized you from the stories of some books I read. You're Grand Karcist Ion, right?"

The entity nodded, as he began to speak out, calmly.

"Indeed I am, Jaime Reyes. I am here for your help, and it's very urgent. And while it may seem to be easy, it is actually hard for me."

Jaime steps forward, albeit reluctantly, as he spoke out to him.

"What does an Old God like you want me for?"

Grand Karcist Ion than snapped his fingers, and showed the temple, and Jaime recognized it.

"Wait...that's the temple that Alex froze."

Grand nodded, but then snarled out.

"As well as the temple, where my wife, who you fought, had froze because of your friend."

This made Jaime looked shocked, as he spoke out.

"What? What wife? I didn't see any humanoids in that place."

Grand Karcist Ion shook his head, as he spoke out.

"The orb with the my least in that form."

This made Jaime jump, as he spoke out.

"Are...are you serious?"

Grand Karcist Ion nodded, as he spoke out.

"I am...but when the Scarlet King's invasion began, it caused the ice to break...which released my Wife, and it turned her back into her normal humanoid form. And my in danger, along with our child that she carries inside of her essence. You Newborns had put her and our child in even more danger than ever before, and I am very furious at what you Newborns have done to both my Wife and my Child she carries."

This made Jaime shocked, as he realized what the God before him meant. He had put 2 people in grave danger, which he didn't want. Looking down, he than looks up at Grand Karcist Ion, and spoke out.

"Than...why? Why did you bring me here? Are you here to kill me and us Newborns to get revenge on us all?"

Grand Karcist Ion looks at Jaime in the eyes, before speaking out.

"I would like to. But my Wife is in danger, and her creatures cannot hold the demons at bay forever. She is currently asleep, and the Scarlet King is cure you trying to get her. I may hate you, but if you can get my mate to me, where I can bring her and our chosen to safety, I will forgive you for that treacherous act, Jaime Reyes."

Jaime looks down at the ground, unsure if he is up to the task. But a god is asking for his help, and he is desperate to see his beloved safe by his side again, as well as their child. Looking up, he nodded and spoke out to him.

"Okay. Just how long do we have until they reach your beloved?"

Grand Karcist Ion looks at Jaime, and spoke out to him.

"Long enough if we get moving now."

Jaime nodded, as he formed his wing. He prepared to snap his fingers, as he spoke out.

"I cannot teleport your directly to the temple, as the Scarlet King will know I am here. I can, however, teleport you to the land of where my beloved is at. That is all I can do for you, Jaime Reyes. But you need to bring her back, fast."

Jaime nodded, as he starts to fly up. Grand Karcist Ion snaps his fingers, and a ring of veins formed out of nowhere, and blood is floating around the veins and arteries, and when Jaime went through the blood, he is at a different part of a land on Earth. And it is a part of land that he recognizes.

"Okay. SCP-2191 should be in this place somewhere. Scarab, I need you to scan the entire land to find me the direction of where the temple is."

The Scarab than spoke out.

"Affirmative. Scanning starts right now."

Then, blue lights come out of Jaime's eyes, as the Scarab began to move Jaime's head around. As he turns around to the west a bit.


Jaime stops, as Scarab spoke out.

"The temple is in the west. Distance: 3 miles."

Jaime nodded.

"Than we've got no time to lose. We need to move out now! Thrusters, full power!!"

Jaime than began to fly, and the power of the thrusters increased to much that he began to fly very fast, almost similar to a fast blur.

As Jaime moved to the direction of the entire place, he saw a group of demons on the ground, and they seem to be fighting something on the ground. He doesn't know why...nor does he go and check it out. He needs to keep on moving so that he can find the temple, where Lovataar is located inside of.

As Jaime is flying, however, he now heard a new sound. It sounded similar to that of a shrieking bat, but in a much higher and clear volume, which sends chills down his spine. As he looked down, and used his telegraphic vision, he looks to see what it is that the demons are fighting off against right now. The creatures resemble a crossbreed between a bat and a human, with their tongues being very long, and at the tip of the tongue, it was a circular mouth of a lamprey, which is dripping blood from its mouth, like it had a recent meal.

Jaime remembers these creatures, as he faced them back at the temple, and now they are attacking the demons of the Scarlet King.

"This must mean the temple's somewhere nearby."

As he spoke out, a loud snarling was heard out of complete and utter Koehler. Jaime looks down to see a large creature covered in bones, which looked like it was sticking out of the skin off the entity itself.

Orok was recently alerted his the danger of his sister, and now...he has joined in on the fight to try and protect his sister to the best of his ability. He uses his bare hands to try to rip and tear through the demons as if they are nothing more than paper. But regardless, Jaime ignored the savage Klavigar, and was able to find the temple, which he had almost flied into by utter mistake.

After landing on the ground, he went into the door, and looked around the entire binding that he is inside of right now.

"I...I remember now. It's this way."

Jaime spoke out. He remembers clearly well when he went to this place. After all, the Scarab stored the encounter of this location inside of its memory.

He went into the door, and was able to find the place where the fleshy passageway is at underneath the place that he is inside of now.

Jaime, not taking the chances by going on feet, decided to form and spread his wings, and flies through the tunnel as fast as possible, turning and drifting through the long fleshy hallway, as he continues to go fast towards where Lovataar should be at now. The fleshy walls are beginning to bleed SCP-2191-2 liquid from the veins, as if every part of the wall is a human vein. But Jaime pays little head to the liquid, and simply keeps on flying towards where Lovataar might be at.

After flying for a few minutes, he lands on the ground, and looks down. But to his utter shock, he can't see downwards, because the fleshy sphere opened a very large hole. It was so deep that he needs to use some flashlights to know where to go down to. And there is only one flashlight that can help with this.

"Scarab, activate some lights, now."

Lights shine of out the eyes of the suit, as Jaime began to look around, searching deep into the sphere, until the Scarab spotted something.


Jaime stopped, and the Scarab took control of the suit for a little bit, as he began to float down, making sure to not make any sudden movements or sounds when he goes down. He floats down and down...until Jaime sees something...human-like.

"Could it be...Scarab, don't you are stop descending."

Scarab agrees, as it continues to go down to the bottom part of the sphere. After a total of 5 minutes, Jaime gets a good look of what he has shined his light atop of.

It was Lovataar. Apparently, she didn't transform into a blob-like monster. She simply wrapped herself in what seemed to be her own makeshift cocoon, in order to protect herself, and her child. And speaking of which, she looks like she is at the very end of his pregnancy, and is ready to give birth.

Jaime looks down at the female, and spoke out

"Hey, you're Lovataar, right?"

The female looks up at Jaime, who than continued speaking.

"Ion sent me here to find you, and wants me to get out of the temple that you are inside of right now."

Lovataar's eyes widened, as she spoke out.

"Beloved...sent you to find me?"

Jaime nodded, and lowered his hand.

"Grab onto my hand. I'll carry you out of this place."

Lovataar was reluctant, and due to her body not moving for so long, she doesn't know if she can handle it. But slowly, and shakily, she reaches out and grabs onto Jaime's hand, before Jaime began to carry Grand Karcist Ion's bride, as he flies right out of the temple, and began to fly away from the area that he was on, fast.

But as he began to fly away from the temple, unbeknownst to Jaime, the demons are actually sensing Lovataar's presence, as well as he'd child. When they began to sense it, at the command of their king, they began to fly where Jaime's at, in an attempt to take the bride and the child from Karcist Ion.

But as they got closer, Lovataar noticed, and screeches out.


Jaime turns to see the Demons flying in his direction, chasing him. Their Spears ready to pierce the armor off of his body. Jaime, realizing that his hands are full, than spoke out to the Scarab.

"Khaji Da!! Take control of the back part of the armor and make some cannons to shoot them down!!!"

Khaji Da, responding to the command, and formed cannons on the back of the suit, and the Scarab began to get ready to fire.

"Beginning targeting process..."

It than raised an eye that it has made on the back, before it manage to catch a demon in its line of sight.



A energy blast shot out of the cannon that the Scarab made, sending the demon straight down to the ground, and causing it to tumble down and get pierced by a tree, stabbed right into the brain, instantly killing the demon. But that is only one of them. The other demons aren't so happy with it, and began to go even faster to avenge their fallen comrade. But the Scarab won't allow that to happen. He than began to fire at the demons, who now began to avoid the energy blasts and try to get close to Jaime in order to capture Ion's bride.

While Lovataar has wings on her back, she cannot actually fly, and can only glide. She can only fly when her beloved Ion is present alongside her, and she is far more awake. But with Ion not present, Jaime is forced to have his hands full. This meant that Jaime needs to find a way to get enough distance between the demons and himself in order to get Ion to teleport him away from them.

The demons than began to make strange hacking sounds, before firing something at Jaime. Blue Beetle dodged the attack, but noticed it was a blackish red liquid. The liquid landed on a rock, which blacked, and formed mouths and tentacles.

"Oh god."

He realized now what they are planning to do. They are planning to try and corrupt Jaime so that he can fall under their control. He is not going to let that happen to him, however, as he began to move much more faster than before. The demons are slowly losing Jaime, but they are also getting faster, and are matching Jaime's flight speed. But this isn't going to scare Jaime, as he began to move even more faster than ever before.

The demons...before they found even find a way to grab him...were suddenly grabbed by a tendril of some sort. Then demons looked down, and saw that the tendrils...have mouths at the of its length, with the mouth of the tendril resembling a lamprey.

It turns out that the SCP-2191-1 instances know of their master's evacuation, and are now giving Blue Beetle enough time to escape. When he turns around, Lovataar whispers sadly.

"My babies...they are sacrificing themselves in order to save my life. I wish that...I could have way more fun for them then what is happening right now."

Jaime looks sad at the bride of Grand Karcist Ion, but does not speak to her. Instead, he looks forward, and as he does...he noticed that a portal is opening before the 2 entities.

"Lovataar, your Husband's opening a portal for the both of us right now."

Lovataar looks, and saw that he was right, as he went through the portal, and landed down onto the fleshy floor of the dimension that they are inside of right now.

Jaime, using the armor, was able to make a perfect landing to keep himself from toppling down like he's a uneven tower. Placing Lovataar on the ground. Ion, now appearing in a much more humanoid form, than spoke out loud.


Lovataar turns around to see her beloved Ion, standing behind her, and in a form that she had instantly recognized.


She spoke out, before flying towards Zion, and Ren racing the Old God with all of her strength, in which the Old God, and creator of Sarkicism, returned the embrace and hugs Lovataar lovingly. Ion and Lovataar, after a few minutes, look at each other, a Lovataar takes her mate's hand, and placed it on her stomach. The mate of Lovataar closed his eyes, as he feels his child move and kick around, as life began to form like a endless dream that never ends. But as he closed his eyes, he felt Jaime's presence leaving. But...he does not care. He has already forgiven Jaime, when he has brought his beloved Lovataar back. He has left the portal open for Jaime to go through, as Jaime disappeared back into the Earth, and to fight alongside the others. After all...he cannot wait for the day that his child will soon...


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