SCP-6020: Tamaran

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Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of the SCP, containment is impossible to do. A drone has been used to establish and keep watch of the planet and to monitor it at all times. Should there be any change in behavior being shown, such as being more violent and aggressive towards Earth, The behavior should be reported immediately, as well as initiating Mobile Task Forces Hamer Down and Newborns

Due to the nature of SCP-6020-A-1, it is allowed to freely roam the facility. SCP-6020-A-1 is also allowed to share a containment chamber with SCP-6003-1. SCP-6020-A-1, however, can only roam to where there are SCPs that are harmless. SCP-6020 is given a extra bed be next to SCP-6003-1, a drawer, a bathroom to bathe in, and a mirror to look into.

Description: SCP-6020 is a Earth-like planet, (approximately 26 light-years from Earth in the star-system known as Vega)/No longer the case. As addendum 5020-A. It is the eighth planet in the Vega system, and is orbited by a pair of 2 moons. SCP-6020 is made with instance known as SCP-6020-A. SCP-6020-A are the native inhabitants of SCP-6020. SCP-6020-A instances are golden-skinned humanoids, as well as long red hair that is thicker than the ones that humans themselves have. They also possess green eyes, and are more taller than the average human in existence, by about a foot longer. The instances also tend to wear very little clothing compared to humans, both as a reflection of their uninhibited culture and in order to absorb more solar energy through their skin and convert that energy into the power of flight.

One of them is SCP-6020-A-1, Also own by the foundation as Koriand'r.

SCP-6020-A-1 is a very kind instance. It is a instance that is curious of everything on Earth and wishes to study about what Earth's tradition is. The instance wears a purple outfit that is revealing most of the skin on it, and has glowing green eyes. SCP-6020-A has an outgoing and vivacious personality that epitomizes the joy-seeking aspects of Tamaranean culture. It wears its emotions on her sleeve, loves to have fun, and often expresses herself in flamboyant ways. It is openly flirtatious with men, even taken ones, and is seemingly oblivious to the jealousy she generates in other women. SCP-6020-A can instantly assimilate other languages simply through physical contact with the other person, and if that other person is male, she will usually kiss them, often without any warning.

However, SCP-6020-A-1 is also a born warrior, and its sweet and frivolous personality evaporates whenever a combat situation arises. The instance is a fierce and no-nonsense fighter and extremely aggressive in battle. When fully provoked or pushed to far, the Subject can fly into a rage stage, increasing its already impressive strength level, and when in this state, those that considers at its teammates have sometimes had to physically restrain it out of fear that it might kill its opponents.

The SCP-6020-A instances are a very peaceful race, as their society seems to be driven more by emotion than reason. They can never lie, and are always truthful beings. When provoked, they are capable of entering a Rage State, which increase their strength, and makes them Invulnerable to harm. Tests have shown that the SCP-6020-A-1 instance possess a greatly differentiated constitution from the baseline Homo Sapiens though boasting a genetic structure similar in their pliancy and openness to genetic modulation. The basic SCP-6020 has greater resiliency and biophysical adaptability than that of a typical human, boasting a submolecular structure which better harnesses and stimulates their biology via the intake of Stellar and Ultraviolet Radiation. An individual from SCP-6020 properly charged via UV Rays gains a greatly condensed anatomy resulting in greater muscle structure, toughened skin & bone density, self-propelled flight, etc. Beyond that they're physiology also spare a couple of abnormalities further dividing them from most other species. Such as bright golden copper/orange skin tone, feline features, bright green catlike eyes, multiple auxiliary organs such as nine extra stomachs, and a prehensile tongue among other things.

SCP-6020-A instanced are incredibly robust to all known forms of injury and abrasion. Being able to survive in the cold vacuous expanse of deep space, resist the intense surface heat of stars and traversal within reach of a Black Hole's event horizon with little irritation. Even when depowered, SCP-6002-A-1 felt little to no distress when reaching to a nearby sun to restore itself.

SCP-6020-A instances were known to live for an extended period of time well over that of many known species of sentient beings. The eldest of their race having lived for nearly 10 billion years while remaining in his physical prime It is also believed that if they are expose to the Sun at a really young age, than they can no longer age up, and become an immortal being in life.

All SCP-6020-A instances possess the ability to psychophysically learn another species or ethnicity's vocabulary with little more than a simple touch or passing graze. The most effective means of doing so is usually through lip to lip oral contact with another recipient of the desired community.

SCP-6020-A instanced can consciously control the rate of Stellar Radiation intake in order to siphon power from other sources. They can also utilize it to manipulate their assimilated energies into various shapes and forms for practical usage. They can either use it to form of energy blasts called 'Starbolts', reform starbolt energy bursts into shielding or force bubbles to carry things around in, project and emit their stellar energy from their eyes with incredibly destructive force, or be used to cause the terrain surrounding a target to violently explode.

SCP-6020-A instanced can focus their starbolt energy into their hands and skin, being able to hyper-heat the dermal layer of they're body in order to flash melt anything they make contact with.

A SCP-6020-A instance with enough solar energy charge can go without eating, sleeping or needing to breath in lifeless and inhospitable environments.

Finally, SCP-6020-A have been know to exhibited the ability to speak too people by connecting to they're psyche. Touching and influencing hearts and minds of others through the power of their minds.

However, the drawbacks of their abilities is that SCP-6020-A instances are regulated by their feelings, happier emotions initiate and heighten their abilities while negative emotions weaken them to the point of deactivation. Also, If an SCP-6020-A absorb more solar radiation than they're able to process their cells run the risk of slagging. Should they be deprived of ultraviolet radiation to strengthen their bodies, a SCP-6020-A instance will slowly weaken while losing all of his or her powers and abilities. And finally, are violently allergic to metallic chromium, releasing Starbolts from their nose when they sneeze.

Scp-6020 is discovers when SCP-6003-1 opened a portal, along with SCP-6020-A-1. A drone was sent through the portal, and the planet is monitored at all times, in case of change.

Addendum 6020-A:

Due to the event of 1548, SCP-6020 has appeared at the other side of the Earth's orbital position. SCP-6020 had almost been taken over by the strange extraterrestrial entities, until SCP-████-1 and SCP-████-A-1 we're able to use something to teleport it to the Solar System, and is completely unharmed.

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