Side Story: Spawn

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In an abandoned part of what remained of the yellow zone of New York, there is a green eyed, entity with a black suit and a red cape, with skulls on some parts of his demonic suit. This is Spawn, formerly from the SCP Foundation.

(Both first pictures have been made by Yare-Yare-Dong)

Although he originally looked like his usual self, he decided to change his appeared for male himself look more...menacing.

It has been a couple of years since Spawn has left the foundation. He has been doing the best he can to hide from the foundation, and try to live his own life. But because of how dangerous it is of going outside in the open, Spawn must stay hidden.

He tries to be hidden, tries to get away from as much as he can from the Foundation. He tries to stay away from as much sight as possible so the foundation doesn't guess where he is. So far, he has been lucky, and the Foundation seemingly gave up on finding him. Spawn felt like he can finally catch a fucking break.

But even then...the foundation has a surprise for him. One that he will not expect.


It was in the middle of the night. Many people are sleeping in as much room as they can, but the slums made it harder to sleep rather peacefully.

On the side of the building, Spawn is seen climbing onto a wall of a building...with his hands changed into something that's rather...strange.

Spawn looked at his hands, as they became similar to suction cups of an octopus. It feels weird, like his fingers have been fused together, as the thumb feels very flat, as it has been enlarged to make it easier for him to be stuck on the walls and climb. Decide that he has to ignore the fact that, it looks weird, he than climbs up. He than crouched down on the building, and look at the view that's before him.

He began to look at the view before him, as the wind blows his cape. He looked a little stoic, but has a face of sadness inside of his eyes. Everything has changed. He doesn't know how to deal with the sudden change in life. If he ever has one.

But as he reached the top, he than feels something. It was similar to his own aura, but filled with machines. Curious, Spawn than stands on top of the building, and spread his cape. He flies, and goes to wherever the aura is.

As he flies around, he heard what seemed to be the sound of a loud roar. He ha son idea where it is. He just knows that it's not good.

He than used his cape to become invisible. He than reappeared, with the cape now making him visible this time.

Spawn showed up, with his cape extended longer to the ground, and his he's glowing green. He than looks to see the strange entity that is roaring.

The being that is present and roaring resembles Spawn, except that it has a semi-mechanical body, with red eyes instead of the usual green. Sparks of electricity began to fly out of his body, threatening to fry anyone that gets to close to him.

This entity is called the Necrocop. When the foundation got ahold of Spawn, they were able to extract a piece of his cape, and fused it with machinery. The original purpose of the cloned cyborg was to capture Spawn and send it back to where it's containment cell is. Unfortunately for the foundation, however, it got out of control, and began to wreak havoc on everything, and eventually went outside so that it could come and kill many people. It has all the powers of Spawn, but can also manipulate electricity. Only thing that makes it easy to beat, is that it is not a very intelligent being to say the least.

Spawn observed the entity for a little bit, before noticing the symbol on the back of it. Snarling slightly, he than walked over to the Necrocop, and spoke out.

"So...the foundation made you, huh?"

The Necrocop than noticed Spawn, a he chuckled rather dark and creepily. He than spoke out.

"I think It gonna turn you into nothing but scrap."

The Necrocop roars electronically. It than charged at Spawn, as he prepares to battle against the cyborg clone of himself.

Spawn landed a punch at Necrocop, who was than sent flying back to a building. Spawn than flies in the air, and charges at Necrocop.

Hands covered in Necroplasm energy, as well as bladed chains coming out to aid him, he attacked Necrocop with immense force to painful for even the Hellspawn to endure.

Necrocop, however, made the cape of its own go to Spawn, as it tried to ensnare his face. Spawn dodged, but the cape began to follow him around the place. Realizing that he needs to stop it, he than used his own cape and blocked Necrocop's to protect himself, quickly.

The Necrocop than fired electricity at Spawn, which actually manage to hurt him, as he is sent back by the attack. He than stood up, as he spoke out.

"Okay, you got me by surprise all right. But I have made new tricks up my sleeve as well. Like this!"

He than grabbed the ground, and than yanked it, as a chain was somehow in his hands, and it was superheated. Flames also seem to strangely hurt from the ground itself.

Necrocop got hit by the chain, and was sent back by the sheer heat. The chain even broke for the sheer strength of Spawn. Jim also teleported behind Necrocop, and grabbed onto his back, where a chain was being pulled out of it's body. It than combusted, which sends the cyborg Hellspawn launched forward.

So he did learn some new tricks after his escape.

Necrocop than fired electricity from his mouth, which Spawn was hit from. But than, the ground erupted, as a sword pierced Necrocop, sending him back, and an axe also appeared, hitting him in the back. Needless to say, it's painful.

He than grabbed on one of his grenades, pulled the slot out, and threw it at the cybernetic Hellspawn. He took it to the face, and was holding onto it.

Using the distraction, Spawn than attacked.

Spawn than made green spikes of Necroplasm from his own body. He charged at the Cyborg, as it was than sent back by the strike.

Spawn than made some sub-machine guns from his suit, and began to open fire at the Foundation's cyborg mistake. Necrocop held barely any resistance against Spawn and his assault. Spawn launched 2 balls of Necroplasm, which hit Necrocop in the face.

However, Necrocop used his chains, and wrapped it around Spawn. Spawn than got shocked with 1,000,000 volts of electricity, as his body began to act violent and very spastic. Spawn than realize that it is killing him with the electricity. And this time...the killing on him is permanent. There's no coming back from that. He than used another grenade, and grabbed onto Necrocop's mouth. He than shoved the grenade in, as the explosive blew up, causing Necrocop to let go of Spawn's body.

Spawn than gets up, though due to the damage he has taken from Necrocop, he is struggling to stand still. Needless to say, it is very painful to even do. Necrocop than used electricity-infused Necroplasm, which he struck Spawn with. Needless to say, it was more painful then before. Spawn through another grenade, and Necrocop struck it, creating a blanket affect for Spawn to avoid Necrocop.

Necrocop looked to see the smoke cleared, but Spawn is nowhere to be found. As Necrocop began to look around, he heard the sound of chains wrapping against something...and than...suddenly...


A pinch had came out of nowhere and struck Necrocop in the side of the head. Necrocop looked above him to see Spawn. Apparently, he became invisible the entire time the grenade explosion happened, and when he got close of enough,  he was able to use the chain to wrap it around his fist, conduct it with Necroplasm, and strike it on the Necrocop's head, sending him flying back far.

Spawn than teleported behind Necrocop, as he made a grenade underneath the cyborg. He put the abomination in a headlock, as the grande exploded.


The ground gave away, as both Spawn and Necrocop fell down into the sewers.

Spawn used his cape to hover down to safety, however, while Necrocop used his chains to grapple onto the ground's sides, stopping him completely.

Spawn than made chains and wrapped it around the Necrocop. He tries the best he can to make it stop moving.

But the Necrocop than summoned electricity, as it than conducted onto the chain, and into Spawn himself, who was than shocked by the sudden attack. But Spawn is not much of a guy who gives up on a fight easily.

As Necrocop charges at Spawn, the true Hellspawn grabbed him by the head, and slammed him down to the ground. He than punched him multiple times, before throwing him to a fuse box...which is immensely powerful to the point that it now became weak.

Spawn, now taking the initiative, than decide to make his final move to killing it.

Flying into the air, he made guns out of his cape, and summoned a couple more guns into his hands. The Necrocop could only watch in shock at what was about to happen to him.

He than shot raining bullets made of Necroplasm, with one bullet being launched into the right eye. Necrocop tried to stand, but Spawn summoned demonic arms from the ground.

It forced the Cybernetic Demon down, with him doing a hand motion to make the arms fire his torso very severely.

Spawn than made a giant ball of Necroplasm in the air, before launching it down to the ground, aiming at Necrocop.

Necrocop tried to use whatever power he has in his body to stop the attack. But that didn't work. The water inside of the sewers negates the use of his attack, as water alone has been known to neutralize anything that has static. And there is nothing that Necrocop can do to stop it.

When the sphere made contact with Necrocop...


The sphere exploded in a flash of green light. Spawn looked at the crater. At first...all that he sees is smoke. But when the smoke cleared...Necrocop is no more. There are only pieces of machinery of what remained of that cyborg. There is also no biological essence of Spawn present. Spawn held out his hand, as Necroplasm floats in the air, and goes inside of his hand. Spawn absorbed the Necroplasm, as He than heard something. The SCP Foundation, they're coming. They just have detected the seismic vibration of the battle, as both Spawn and Necrocop's battle has shaken the ground very badly. Thinking quickly, Spawn used his power to teleport as far and out of sight as he can.

Spawn watched as the foundation checked on the remains of the entity. After a little bit of scanning, the foundation agent spoke out.

"Yep...this is it. This is Necrocop. It looks like someone must have destroyed it. Is it who I think it is that has destroyed our creation?"

Another one of the Foundation Agents used his flashlight to look at any of the buildings, in order to see where Spawn is. Unfortunately, he isn't on the building this time. Instead, if the Foundation agent is smart enough to look down at the ground, he would see that Spawn is watching them, with his eyes barely glowing sickly green.  

Spawn was glaring at the Foundation. He would not forget the times he was hurt by them for experimentation, hurt by the fact they didn't listen to when it involved the warning he was given, and most importantly, he's immensely pissed that the Foundation has accused him of something that he and his friends have never done 2 years ago.

Spawn back a little bit from the scene, as the SCP Foundation and their Soldiers now scanned the destroyed remained of their creation, with no way to bring it back to life again due to no more having any form of biological matter, before he walks away in silent. This should keep the foundation bothered from taking him.

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