Spawn visits Alagadda

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It has been a few months since Spawn became contained by the SCP Foundation themselves. However, the Foundation wasn't to happy with Alex and Kanpeki going outside without their permission. However, they got past the lecture and were congratulated for finding them a new SCP.

Now, Spawn and Alex are seen chatting down the hallways. Right now, he is talking about his trip to Alagadda.

"Everything around Alagadda looked...reversed. Gravity doesn't work the same as Earth works, the sky is yellow with black stars, and people had these strange Venice Masqurade outfits with masks that can't truly be removed. In fact, I was the only one to make it go away. Since my body is made of Biomass, I can not control my body. Anyways... moving on with my-"

Before he could finish speaking, Breach is than seen going through a portal she made.


Alex looked surprised that she has appeared here suddenly. But than he composed himself, as he spoke out to her.

"What is it, Breach?"

Breach than spoke to him.

"Apparently, one of the people you interacted with back in Alagadda wants to see you. She wants you to go and meet with her again."

Alex looked a bit surprised, but than Spawn spoke out to her.

"Mind if I can come? I want to see what Alagadda looks like."

Breach turns to Spawn, showing surprise, before speaking out.


Breach than bright both Spawn and Alex into the portal. Then...there was this big blidning light that has appeared. When the both of them can see again, Alex was met with a familiar sight.

It was back in Alagadda again. And he was in the same outfit as last time.

He was back in the same outfit once more. But as he looked down, he than heard Spawn's voice, now speaking in full Spanish.

"What...What is happening?/¿Qué ... qué está?"

Alex turned to see Spawn's change.

Spawn right now is wearing a Golden Skeleton Masquerade outfit. There is gold all over his suit. He does have what seems to be a black cloak.

"Don't panic. This is what happens what you're in Alagadda./No te asustes. Esto es lo que sucede en Alagadda."

He spoke, and Spawn than calmed down from the surprise. Alex than spoke to Spawn.

"Well...I am going to have to see where the female is. So...see you later, and enjoy the city!/Bueno ... voy a tener que ver dónde está la hembra. Entonces ... ¡hasta luego, y disfruta de la ciudad!"

He yells at Spawn, before running to find the female. Alex than runs and goes to where he first met her. He sensed that she is at that same place. After about a few minutes, he finally reached it, and went up to the tower that he tried to use when he was running away. One thing that should be mentioned...the tower was upside down the whole entire time.

As he goes up, he remembers the touch that Alex has with her. The touch, while it is powerful and deathly was also so soft...and very delicate. Like she had longed for happiness for so many years. After running up the tower. He finally goes up and than meets the female from before.

The lover is looking the same as before. The only different is that her stomach is now larger, signifying her pregnancy. Alex the spoke out.


The female turned, and while her mask doesn't show, she is smiling with happiness, at seeing her loved one agin after a few months.

"My husband, Heir of Yaldabaoth!/¡Mi esposo, Herederob de Yaldabaoth!"

She than ran up to him, and embraced Alex tightly, while Alex returns. Alex focused his vision and sees that many of the arms have been wrapped around him. The arms themselves felt so...warm. As he embraced, Alex than faced her.

" called me. What is so important?/Entonces ... me llamaste. ¿Qué es tan importante?"

The White Lady smiled wider beneath the mask, and grabbed onto Alex's hand. The touch felt warm... and felt so...smooth. She than placed it onto her stomach. Alex than felt a bump now being felt. And than suddenly...a kick. This is when Alex realized what was happening right now...why he's sent back here.

"Is this..what I think.../Es esto ... lo que pienso ..."

As he looked at her, he senses...happiness...from her.

"That is right, my lover. Your child is in me./Eso es correcto, mi amante. Tu hijo está en mí."

Spawn is now flying around the entire place. He is still thankful that he can still bring out his cape. The cape still looks unchanged, except that there's no holes. As he landed, a female caught sight of him, quickly.

The female took notice on him, and began watching him. As she grips her red fan tightly, she thought out.

'This it time?/Este sentimiento ... ¿es hora?'

She than proceeds to follow Spawn, who is now flying again. He than goes under and above the steps that's present. He goes under the stair cases that are upside down, above the ones that's normal, and the same that goes for the staircases going sideways.

But the female is still knowing where he is going. She than flies to where Spawn is going to where ever he is going to. Spawn noticed, and flies faster.

After a little bit, Spawn sees that he isn't losing her. Then, he used his magic to teleport somewhere else.

Since he could not go back to Earth once more, he had to teleport somewhere else so that he's hidden. He was now inside of an abandoned house in Alagadda. Even though it is abandoned, it is still looking clean. And now, he shifts back into what he usually is.

"Good...I'm safe...for now./Bien ... estoy a salvo ... por ahora."

But Spawn should not have spoken this so soon, because a few seconds later...



Spawn looked and saw familiar items cutting through.

" have got to be.../Ohh ... tienes que ser ..."

As he spoke, the door than got destroyed to splinters, and the female that is following him is now here. Spawn wanted to attack, but he sensed no malice, strangely. As he looked, he felt is cape than began to go away, suddenly by force. The female before him is making his suit like this.

"Please tell me this is not something that is forbidden./Por favor, dime que esto no es algo prohibido."

She than dropped her weapons, and grabbed Spawn's shoulders rather roughly. She smiled beneath the mask.

"Oh trust me...I have done way more forbidden stuff that what you have seen. Even from one as me, daughter of the Red Lord!/Oh, confía en mí ... He hecho cosas mucho más prohibidas que lo que has visto. ¡Incluso de uno como yo, hija del Señor Rojo!"

Spawn has no idea what or who the Red Lord is, but he knows that what he about to happen now...he guessed what it is.

'I guess this must be how Alex has entered Alagadda, and the experience that he has to go through, which is why he didn't talk about it. Supongo que así es como Alex ingresó a Alagadda y la experiencia que tuvo que atravesar, por lo que no habló de eso.'

Spawn thought, ready to go through whatever is gonna happen.

Back with Alex and the White Lady, they are discussions about their child that is soon to be born someday.

"What would you name the child that we might have?/¿Cómo llamarías al niño que podríamos tener?"

Mercer questioned the White Lady, as he continued to rub her stomach soothingly. The White Lady sighed with content at Mercer's own caresses.

"Honestly, I have no idea what our child's name be./Honestamente, no tengo idea de cómo se llamará nuestro hijo."

She spoke out, feeling the baby's kick against her stomach. It was a very pleasant feeling for the White Lady. Finally engaged to a Son of the Goddess of Flesh. It has been her greatest dream to have ever since that she was a child.

But as she is thinking about it, Alex than spoke to her.

"Maybe we can call out child the King of Flesh, if it is a male./Tal vez podamos llamar a niño el Rey de la Carne, si es un hombre."

Before she could decide it, they heard running coming out the top, only to see Spawn jumping up, and landing next to them.

"Spawn, What are you do...don't tell me, is it what b I think it is that has just happened?/Engendro, ¿qué haces ... no me digas, es lo que creo que acaba de suceder?"

Spawn nodded and spoke out to him in great stress.

"I don't think I want to stay here. I think I want to creo que quiera quedarme aquí. Creo que quiero ir ... ahora."

Mercer than looks at the White Lady, and speaks out.

" you mind if know.../Entonces ... ¿te importa si yo ... ya sabes ... "

The White Lady understand, as Spawn was very uncomfortable at what had just happened before, which she had guessed on.

"You beloved. And also...if it a female...let's just call her the Queen of the Flesh./Puedes ... mi amado. Y también ... si es una mujer ... vamos a llamarla la Reina de la Carne."

He nodded, and both him and Spawn went out. As she watches them go, he than looked down at her child growing inside her.

" will be the greatest one that you mama will ever had./Pronto ... hija mía ... serás la mejor que tu madre haya tenido."

As she spoke, she felt a kick inside her. She chuckled, as she looked beyond the horizon of Alagadda.

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