The Dreaded

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The next day...the base of the Serpent's Hand...

The base of the Serpent's Hand. It is a base of no leadership, and yet, it is a base of cooperation. An organization bent on believing that the anomalous are people, and deserve a better life than being treated like they are nothing but monsters. Inside the base, Alex and the others are inside of a cold room that the Serpent's Hand has made. The room was cold enough to make a human freeze to death in a hour, without any extremely thick jackets to be worn by anyone. But Alex and Rex can deal against it without difficulty.

Thanks to the temperature of the Cold Room, it made the 610 infection sleep. The 610 vial is next to other vials. One of them being Whitelight gases that Alex has collected. The other has purified Nanites from Rex's body. In another vial, are the Antibodies made by the Scarab.

Alex looked at the vials, as he puts his hands together, and spoke out, calmly.

"Okay, so we have the Whitelight from the foundation, Rex's Nanites, and the Antibodies of the Scarab, now we need the Anti-Venom symbiote."

Alex spoke out. Rex looked at him, and spoke out.

"Are you sure that we need Anti-Venom, Alex? For all we know, Anti-Venom could still attack you, due to the fact that you're a virus."

Alex than looked at him, and spoke out.

"The Blacklight Virus is adaptable. So it can counter against his touch. But just in case that he tries to route..."

He than pulls out a vial filled with a Black liquid, and spoke out.

"I manage to create a Super Venom to make the Anti-Venom Symbiote stop. It should be able to incapacitate Anti-Venom."

Some of the members of the serpent's hand than came in and took the vial, as one of them spoke out.

"We'll try to get Anti-Venom out of the foundation. And also, Alex, you've been working all day on this. Take a break, Alex."

Rex than goes behind Alex and puts a hand on his shoulder, as he spoke.

"He's right, you know. You have been getting working all day, and it may be stressing you out. C'mon, let's go to the library, Alex."

Alex looked at him, before nodding his head to him, and walks out of the cold room. After all, he is getting a bit stressed out by the fact that he hasn't found a cure for SCP-610 yet.

As he walked out of the cold storage room, he saw that James and Halo are looking outside, seeing the beauty of the outside world. Jaime and Cyborg are playing games, and Cyborg...won the game.

"Oh, come on!! You have the ability to manipulate technology to win, no fair!!"

Cyborg laughed at the reaction of Jaime, as Blue Beetle began to throw a tantrum. Circe and Kaede are at a dimensional SCP, when activating a Lamp.

The lamp is SCP-1660, and since Kaede loves animals, she will see a lot of animals inside 1660-2.

"Alright, Kaede. You ready to go?"

Kaede nodded, and Circe lit up the lamp. Once smoke appeared, it began to form a door in front of them. Kaede opens the door, and both her and Circe entered 1660-2.

Alex looked around, and saw that some of the Serpent's Hand were able to sneak some of the SCPs out of the Foundation. One of them was even SCP-999.

SCP-999 seems to be very happy, and is seen eating a lot of candy that the Serpent's Hand gave to him.

The other SCP is a bit of an sad one, called SCP-590.

SCP-590 was treated as a tool instead of a person, due to the fact that, when he touches a person with an injury/sickness, not only does he heal the injury/sickness, but the injury/sickness will be transferred to SCP-590 himself. He was treated with only a small amount of regret, and more of being used like a tool, which the foundation have little concerns for, unless it truly begins to kill SCP-599's own being. So the Serpent's Hand, during one of their attacks, was able to get SCP-590 out of the Foundation, and took it to Serpent Hand custody, where he could hopefully recover from the Foundation's terrible treatment.

Another SCP, was surprisingly the one he knows of. It was SCP-191 herself.

Apparently, SCP-191 deeply missed Alex and Rex immensely. So when they went into the Serpent's Hand, 191 jumped onto both Alex and Rex, and hugged them tightly. Cyborg was horrified at the sight of what happens to her, and it reminded of what has happened to him. So he took care of her like a older brother to her, and try to give her some form of humanity within.

Right now, she is sitting with Cyborg and watch him play his game, as well as giving Jaime a tantrum. While SCP-191 doesn't show it, Alex could tell that she is trying to laugh at the situation at hand.

And Rex, he is now hanging out with Federico, and are about to play soccer outside of the base, which is thankfully not shown outside.

Alex looked at what's happening, and decided to go to what the Serpent's hand calls it. He's going to the Wanderer's Library.


The Wanderer's Library. It is a pocket dimension that leads to different alternate universes and timelines. Alternate versions of the Serpent's Hand uses this place as a place of meeting and a place to read for their own enjoyment. And currently, one person is using the Wanderer's Library to read in order to ease himself of the stress that's happened.

Alex was now reading one of the books inside of the Wanderer's Library. And right now...he is reading a book called The Slumbering Prince. And a story about a entity that lives in various realities that make up the multiverse, as well as using the human mind as doors, it is what made Alex interested in it. However, as he was reading, there is a time, back at the foundation, that Alex has discovered something before his very eyes. And it is a moment that he will not forget.

Back at the foundation...3 years ago...

Alex and Rex were going through the halls of the SCP Foundation, and apparently, they are talking about some stuff that has happened while seperated.

"So...Alex, what test did you get involved in, this time?"

Alex looked back and remembered what he had seen.

He looked back at Rex, and spoke out.

"They took me to SCP-017."

Rex was shocked, as he spat out a drink that he was having.

"What?! Are you seri-WOAH!!!"

Rex slipped on his own drink, and fell down to the ground, hitting his head on the ground.

Alex helped him back up, and spoke out.

"Yes, I'm serious. And it...wasn't a pleasant feeling. If I hadn't slammed my knuckles together to make a shockwave, I would've died. Those people that assigned the test for me must have really hated me."

Rex shook his head.

"No kidding."

But as they walked, suddenly, an alarm went off, and it caused some people from outside to run.

"Huh? What was that just now, Alex?"

Alex turned to him and shrugged.

"No idea. Probably a containment breach?

But Rex shook his head, and spoke out.

"If it was, than we would have seen either SCP-682, 096, 106, and 076-2 trying to attack us. So no, I don't think that it is a breach. It must be something else."

Alex looked and Rex, and knows that he has a good point. Obviously, something off is happening.

"Should we check it out?"

Rex nodded, and the both of them began to run towards what is causing the breach from the start. And as they ran to the source of it happening, they saw that there are other people running away fast, but thankfully, they jumped away from the staff without harm.

They ran to the source of the alarm...but it then stopped. Thankfully, they've tracked it down, and saw something that is rather a little...strange.

It appears to be a door, but they saw something that actually made them concerned. There was blood on the floor. That was it good.

"Why do I have a feeling that...this is bad?"

Rex spoke out. Alex prepares you touch the door, but than...he froze. He felt that...there was something powerful behind this door. Something ancient...something that is so...evil.

Rex noticed that he isn't opening it...and Rex, being usually cocky and brave almost touched the handle. But Alex finally unfroze, and twisted the handle. He than opens the door. When they both went to the other side, they saw that it was an extradimensional location of some sort. It is a spherical space one hundred kilometers in diameter, and it has 7 pillars before their eyes, made out of some kind of strange, unknown material. Alex and Rex looked around this place, and have no idea what to think of it. They took a look at the pillars, and saw drawing that don't belong to any Earthly civilization. One of the drawings seem to look like a diabolical creature with horns and a single eye. But the others...were a bit difficult to describe. But it seems to be showing pictures of a war of some kind.

"Hmmmm...this is interesting."

Alex spoke out. As Rex looked around, he than noticed something in the corner of his eye, and spoke out.

"What is that?"

Alex than looked, and saw that...there's a tunnel next to the door. So using their enhanced vision, then went down into the tunnel.

They tunnel was very dark and seems to be going down for some reason, but both Alex and Rex could see that it is made out of something that looks like granite, but it is as white as bone, and is immensely tough. As when Alex punches the wall of the only made what is simply a tiny crack. He decided not to waste his time, and both him and Rex decided to continue.

"What type of space is this, Alex?"

Rex spoke out. Alex turned around and spoke out.

"I don't know. But whatever this place doesn't look good."

Even Alex began to look a little bit worried of what is going on. But he still stays as brave as he can against whatever this place they're in.

Alex and Rex continues to walk, until Alex and Rex got out at the end of the tunnel. They are at what what seems to be a ledge of some sort, stopping by about 25 feet. But in the shadows that is before them, they spot something before them. They couldn't see it, due to the fact that it was dark. So Rex used his Funchucks as a light source for them to see what is beyond their reach. What they something that Alex will never forget, ever.

Alex and Rex look in utter shock at what they are seeing before them. It seems to be the entity from the picture, but it looks very worse. It was an obese humanoid creature, with reptilian-like scales, and horns that resemble tree branches. When Alex bends down to look at it's face, it has a single giant eye, with no visible jaw present. It was immensely tall and large. So much that it would be able to walk through a barrage of buildings with ease, by simply walking through the buildings alone. And the hands of the entity are big enough to cause a single earthquake with just a single punch to the ground under itself.

Alex doesn't know why...but he feels something ancient...and evil. It isn't as old at the Blacklight Virus, or even as old as Yaldabaoth in that manner...but it was still old and ancient enough to be immense powerful by itself.

Alex than looked at what is on the entity's back. It is what appears to be chains and hooks of some sort, and they seem to be in the same position as the pillars that were shown back above. Alex could sense that the chains themselves are organic, made from bone and sinew. But 6 of those chains have shattered, and only one chain, the 7th chain, is the only one attached.

Alex was shocked at what he's seeing. He thought Knull was bad enough. But this was one of the most terrible things he has ever seen. The evil he is feeling off of this thing, while not as evil as Knull, it was still filled with evil nonetheless.

They looked to the left, and saw a Codex in an ancient language. This is a language of what seems to be letters, but it was as though it was clawed and reassembled into a disgusting jumble of pieces of letters. And yet, Alex and Rex can somehow translate it with the words as:


Alex than looks at the chains that have been shattered, and spoke out.

"Maybe I can try and reattach it."

Alex than went to the top of the dangled chain, and than used his tendrils to grab the bottom part. As he grabbed onto the 2 parts, he than used his tendrils to stitch the chains back together. But when he released unexpected effect had happened out of nowhere. The chain than began to glow a green and black glow, and all of a sudden, the tendril began to decay and rot, as the tendril suddenly becomes confetti and ashes.

Rex was shocked, and spoke out.

"What the...that has never happened before!!"

Rex shouted out. Alex than tried to do a similar thing with the second chain. But the effect was the same as before. The biomass tendril rotted, and the chain went back down once again.

"What the...why isn't my tendrils working? This thing has never happened before!!"

He than used the dangling chain like it is a rope, and swung himself back to where Rex is at. When he landed, he turned around and looked at the gigantic entity.

"Why did my tendrils now work?! It usually seals things up guaranteed. This has never happened before in my life."

As he looked, a voice spoke out of complete nowhere.

"So, you finally get to see the Devourer of Worlds."

Alex and Rex turned to was Yaldabaoth, but in her humanoid form again.

Alex was shocked, and than spoke out to the creator of the Blacklight Virus/Mother.

" you know this thing that's in front of us?"

Yaldabaoth nodded, and than spoke out.

"I do know. This being is known as the Devourer of Worlds. It is a being that is bent on destroying the Earth, which is where my real from is residing in. We are lucky that it is sealed...but it will be released from this soon."

Yaldabaoth spoke out with a shimmer of darkness in the tone she has right now. Rex than came forward, and spoke out.

"Do you mind telling us what is up with those chains on the ceiling?"

Yaldabaoth than looked down, and took a deep breath, before speaking out to the 2.

"This is a being that once tried to destroy the world. It has the power to consume the life force of every living being on the planet, and also has the power to absorb all the heat on Mortal World. It has attempted to consume Earth for itself, and for its Seven's Bride...Jaspetar. But one day, a magician, and the master of magic, known as Keshpeth, lead his army of 10,000 men into the realm of where the devourer and Jaspetar resides in, and battled against them to protect their world from being consumed. After the war that has lasted for a total of 23 years, Keshpeth used the bones and sinew of Jaspetar to make the chains needed in order to stop it, and used their immense magic to seal away the Devourer of Worlds, and locked it in a dimension that the remaining 4,995 magicians have made, along with Keshpeth, in hoping that it will forever stay sealed, and no one could find out that it exists."

Yaldabaoth than looked enraged, and spoke out.

"But unfortunately, one of the humans had acted dumb enough to unlocked it without knowing what it was, and caused 4 of the chains to be broken. Because of this, the process has begun for a long time, and when years later, 2 more of the chains broke, causing the people who know of it to panicked, and using whatever recourses they have in order to fix the chains. Unfortunately, the only way to fix them is to use the Bone an Sinew of another Devourer Entity. And unfortunately, that no longer exists to help. The Devourer entities that have existed in the past, have now become nothing but bones and lifeless, due to the fact that an event caused them to starve to death out of no worlds present. Because, in possibly another 20 years (unless another entity can break the last chain off of it to accelerate the process), it will be free, and nothing can stop it.

Alex than walked forward and spoke out

"But how does this explain why my tendrils didn't work, when I tired to use it to reattach the chains?"

Yaldabaoth looked at him, and spoke out.

"Even though Jaspetar is still dead, her very soul, despite the fact that she no longer has her physical form to exist with, she now lies within the chains. When you tried to put the chains. Back together, Jaspetar's soul allowed her to absorb the life within the tendrils, making it useless."

Alex was shocked, and spoke out to his mother.

"You mean...there's nothing that we can do to stop it?"

Yaldabaoth than looked down sadly, and spoke out.

"Unfortunately so...and so, you can only do one thing in order to help the world, my child..."

She went forward and places a hand on Alex's shoulder, as he looked at Yaldabaoth in the eyes. She spoke out one word for him to hear.


She than backs off, and disappears back to where she belongs to.

Alex was shocked, and Rex, now knowing that there is nothing that they can do, places a hand on Alex's shoulder, and brings him out of the dimension.

But Alex could only react in shock, that just like the incident that involved the Universe being almost completely wipe, with only the solar system still existing, as well as another existing solar system surviving, this is another situation that he can no longer do anything to help out with. But regardless, he goes with Rex, and exits the dimension, never taking about this again.

Back in present day...

Alex than pinched his nose at the fact that he is unable to do anything. It was the most terrible time he had ever got himself into, and there is not a single thing he can do to stop the Devourer of World from being unleashed. And the fact that other Devourer entires no longer exists...means that the only thing they can do, in case it is ever set free, is to prepare to fight against it, as Yaldabaoth advices him to do as such. He just hopes that there is enough time to prepare.

As he looked at the book, he decided that...his mind is eased enough, and he needs to get back to work on making the cure for the 610 infection.

He puts the book down, places back in its proper shelf, and walks back out of the 'way.' It is time to continue the cure.

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