The Prototype Backstory part 1

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Location: New York City
In an apartment, 10 years ago 2008

This entire situation has gone for far to long in the family inside a house. The father neglects and is unstable, the mother is depressed, and the uncle is the only one that tries to keep the family alive. Two such family members were able to do things on their own, with the older sibling taking care of the younger. His name is Alex Mercer.

Born from a soon to be collapsed family, Alex Mercer is the 10 year older brother of his younger sister, Dana Mercer, who is a 7 year old. Alex is the kind brother to Dana Mercer, and always tries to make themselves happy. They always watch horror movies together and comfort one another, they play board games together, and they would always sing songs to one another.

When their uncle on the father side, Josh, comes, they always have the fun times of their lives. As the uncle is aware of the situation, he always takes them out to someplace fun to successfully light their spirits up. The uncle, in Alex's eyes, is the one thing close to a father of his own. With the uncle, the brother, and the sister together, they are a happy family. Alex hadn't realized, things can't ever stay the same...and he learned it...the hard way.

Nighttime on Saturday 18 of August 10:30 P.M

Alex and Dana are watching a horror movie called Goosebumps, which was about a group of kids trying to get out of the supernatural, in the children's way of saying it. They had watched it somewhere between the time of at 8:45 to 9:00. After the movie is finished, Alex had spoken to his sister.

"Dana, I think it is time to go to bed. It is past 10."

Okay, but brother? Who is going to sleep with me?"

Alex smiled at his younger sister and spoke out "Uncle Josh will be sleeping with you. I already appreciate it when he told me about it."

Dana look worried. "Will you be okay, Alex?"

Alex looked at her funnily. "Of course, Dana. What could happen to me? A monster coming into my room or something?"

Dana looked embarrassed. "I guess you are right."

Alex smiled and wraps his arm on her shoulder, and pulls her close to him.

"Come on, Dana. Let's brush our teeth."

As Alex and Dana walked to the bathroom, a hidden figure watched them going to the bathroom. It resembled a being with deer-like horn with hooves, and has red skin, with three eyes on the left and right side of the head, with it's eyes laying it's attention on Alex Mercer. It stares at him until he closes the bathroom door. When the door closed, the figure melted into a red goo, and disappeared. It looks like Alex is going to have a monster after all in his room.

Alex's Bedroom 11:00

Alex is in his room sleeping, his eyes closed in a peaceful sleep, his mind, thinking of the fun times he had with Dana and his uncle, he had smiled when seeing his sister smile and his uncle coming. As he was continuing to think of the happy memories he has, he heard something

'Thump' 'Splat' 'Squish'

It sounded like skin and something wet stepping on the ground, causing Alex to wake up from his sleep and his memories. He looked around and saw nothing. He at the bottom of the door, and saw a shadow. But it was not a human shadow. The shadow had horns like a deer and it is coming to his room. Afraid, he immediately hid under the covers, as the sound of the door opened.

Alex was afraid for his life now. He had no idea what that being is, or what it wants. After a couple minutes of sound, nothing happened. Alex was unsure if the monster is still here. Alex removed the covers from his head to make sure that the room is empty. What he saw standing above his head made his freeze in fear! It is a monster, wearing a cloak of red flesh, with arms and legs sticking out of it. Is had a tail with a scorpion, hooves like a horse, and had 3 eyes on the left and right side of the head, with an eye on the chest and a single eye on each palm of the hand. The creature looked at him and tilted his head in interest for some reason.

Alex tried to move, but as he attempted to, the creature lift his bony finger, and Alex felt his muscle and bone being constricted. He can't move! He is stuck in bed! Just what is happening to him?

As he looked, the creature than clamps its hand over Alex's mouth. The creature then puts its other hand into the cloak. A hand from the cloak put it on the creatures hand and puts it over the boy's heart. The thing it is holding looked like a black and reddish-orange orb with tendrils going from side to side, as well as having metallic spikes on various places. The boy is terrified for his life, unsure what to do. As the boy looks at the orb, the creature than speaks out. It's voice is like a combination between a sick person, and a person speaking in water, but having a clear, gurgling tone.

Be reborn, Alex Mercer....Be reborn as the avatar of the Blacklight Virus...Be reborn as the child of Yaldaboth and become his creation of millennia.

After the creature spoke, he slams the sphere into Alex's heart. Alex was struggling. He felt that every part of his body is on fire. He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. He wanted to shout for help. But the creature held it's hand over Alex's mouth. Preventing him from doing anything, other than feel the pain he is feeling right now. He is unsure what he is supposed to do in this situation. As he looked at his body, he saw his body being covered with orange and black tendrils, crawling down his toes already, and up to his head. He felt the tendrils bore into his skin and fusing with it! Alex is terrified for his life.

'What's happening?! This is scary! I want out! I WANT OUT!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!'

After a minute, the pain stopped. Alex no longer feels the pain he felt before. The tendrils are gone. The creature's hand isn't over his mouth anymore, allowing him to breath again. He felt his muscles and bone no longer constricted, finally allowing him to move. He turns left to find the creature, only to see that it isn't here in the room with him anymore. As he lies down, he felt drowsiness over take him again. He then fell into a deep sleep. Trying to forget what happened to him.

August Saturday 25 Morning: 8:00 A.M.

Alex's day is a rather unlucky one for him. He had somehow gotten sick, and has to rely on his uncle and sister to help him, while wearing masks and glove to not get sick as well. His mother barely visited and his father only insulted him, claiming he doesn't deserve to go out, much to Alex's chagrin and dismay. However, this is the night where everything change, the night the family purely broke by one bad person.

9:30 P.M.

Alex was in bed, reading a children's novel, when he heard a knock coming from the door.

"Come in."

The door opened, and within came his uncle and Dana, both of them are smiling.

"Hey, kid. How's are you doing?"

"Pretty great actually. I'm actually feeling a bit better than usual. I think my sickness is going away.

"That's great, Brother! I think you'll be fine in a couple of days, and we'll have some fun again."

"Yeah Dana. Yeah."

"Alex, can I talk to you for a bit with Dana about something?"

"Okay, What is it, Uncle Josh?"

Uncle Josh Mercer than sat on Alex's bed and spoke this to him.

"Alex, you have done a good job at taking care of Dana. You are a brave guy who, even with his parents not helping, is doing things to make yourself and your sister happy. I am very proud of you for taking care of Dana, as my nephew, and as the uncle who cares about you greatly."

Alex stares at his uncle wide-eyes for a bit, before he smiled a genuine smile at him.

"Thanks Uncle. It means a lot to me."

"Anytime, champ, anytime."

Alex and Dana than hugged their uncle, who later returned the gesture. However, as the hugging kept on for a minute, the three heard shouting from inside the room. It was their father's shout. And the mother is trying to calm them down.

"Looks like your mother is trying calm him down for some reason."


Alex is speaking. He had heard it more clearer somehow, and knows that they're saying

"You don't think he's here to harm us, right?"

Josh looked at his nephew and niece. Than he turns to the door and looked at the children.

"I'll go and check what's going on. You two stay here, okay?"

Both children nodded and Josh rushed out, closing the door.

For a minute, nothing happened, when all of a sudden...




This made the 2 siblings jump, worried for their uncle's life, they immediately ran out of the room and looked downstairs to see their uncle with a hole in his heart. The children, terrified for their uncle, immediately ran down
to him.



Alex and Dana bent down on their knees trying to help him by stopping the bleeding, but there is nothing anyone could do. As he is dying, he touch their faces comfortingly, before finally he died of his wound.

Dana: "Uncle Josh, No."

Mother: "Brother, No."

Then a slap is heard and Alex looked at his father. His face was filled with cruelty and insanity. He had a shot gun in his hand.

"You people were weak to me. I shouldn't have married to you people. I should have married to one I could have fun with.

Alex: "No..."

Father: "Perhaps I should start with you Alex, since you failed to stop me first."

Mother: "Don't do this, please! Don't hurt my child!"

Father: " And yet his is only yours. I will go for you last for my entertainment...

Dana: "AAAAHHH!!!"

The mother and father looked and saw Alex, and sees his arms. His arms have began growing black appendages from his shoulders, which then grow down his elbows, then to his hands. As his hands are clenched, the black mass covered his fists, which suddenly grew 4 silver blades on his hand as 3 'fingers and one 'thumb' they grow to 2 feet as Alex held them up in fear and the family looking up in shock. The arms than glow orange as Alex spreads his arms and roars to the sky.


Alex than charged at him so fast that it was impossible to know how fast he is, and he stabs his father in the heart and stomach with both claws.


Alex's father looked at his son in shock as he saw his son's eyes. Their eyes glowed a blood-red hue. Before he could say anything, he coughed blood, and Alex let's go of him as he dropped dead.


He turned and saw his mother and sister looking at him with fear.

"Wh-What are you?"

Alex's eyes widened and looked at his claws. Feeling ashamed of himself. Unable to live here any longer, he jumped high and created a hole in the ceiling.

SCP laboratory 10 years later 2018

The SCP laboratory had gotten a job to do. Apparently, task force Red Right Hand are tasked to find an SCP called SCP-6000-1. He is said to resemble a human with bluish gray eyes, and he wears a work-shirt, a gray hoody, and a black jacket with red wings. He is believed to be somewhere in a red zone in New York City, which had fallen victim to a Black Plague, which set bombs to separate N.Y.C to prevent the Black Plague disaster from happening again. Now, SCP-6000-1 has spread a virus called SCP-6000 and made some creatures that, thankfully can't be seen by people. Little did they know, they will have a bigger problem on their hands.

At the front of the chamber, there is a door called 682. Within it, a growl is heard as the ground shook, before the dent is made within the wall.

Alright, hello, everyone. This is my first time doing Wattpad. I really hope you like my attempt at doing it. If you don't than simply ignore it.

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