The Symbiotes get out of Control (Mostly)

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Everyone was shocked at what they are seeing right now. A Symbiote has in fact came to this world, and the cult is making it the end of everything now. Not even Alex could say anything...except maybe saying this.

"This feeling from him...I feel a lot of violence from whatever klyntar we're seeing. I have a feeling...we are in for something disastrous."

Blue Beetle doesn't know what to say what he's seeing of the Symbiotes frighten's him. True, the Symbiotes back at the foundation were pretty scary, minus both Toxin and Scorn, but this one seen, was more than scary. This a nightmare.

"Scarab...What is that thing?"

The Scarab silently scans it, than it came up with a answer.

"This Symbiote...It is the second one ever born."

"What...What do you..."

"I can sense how old it is. It is much older than even the earth. But there is one name that really intrigued me...Knull. If Grendel is here, than this means one thing...really evil chaos."

And both Alex and the Scarab are correct. As they began to look, Grendal notices Blue Beetle and roars at him. He than launches a tendril and Blue Beetle than begins flying away, in order to avoid it.

"Scarab! What do we do?"

"Suggesting retreat tactic. Meet up with the others back outside."

"Yeah, Good call!"

He than began to fly out of here, as Grendal began to cause chaos to the church, as terrifying screams are heard.

Blue Beetle than went out of the enterancs, as the others than see him panicked.

"Jaime. We saw what was happening. What should we do?"

Alex spoke out to him. Before Jaime could speak...


Everyone flinched and turned to see Grendal appear before them. The Symbiote is covered in lots of blood and bones, which is a terrifying sight. Blue Beetle than forms and readies his blades

Blue Beetle than charged at the Symbiote. But Jaime should have realized that you should not charge into someone with unknown strength. As he stabbed the Symbiote, Grendal just looks unamused, and just simply swats him away. Grendel than spoke out in a rather really distorted way.

It than roars at the Team. The roar of the Symbiote is strange. It is like it is combined with both a Dragon and the usual roar of a Symbiote. It than charged at them, but before it can attack them, a red portal appeared from under the Team, and they fell in without knowing.

Alex: "Ghhh!!"

Rex: "WOAH!!!!"

Circe: "Aaaaaahhhh!!"

Jaime: "Que en el.../What in the..."

They went completely inside of the portal, and Grendel had missed them. When he saw that they are not here with him anymore, he roared enraged, skyward.

In the floating island of Greenvile, a red portal opens, and Alex, Rex, Circe, and Jaime both fell through it. After they recovered from the fall they had, Alex and Rex looked where they are.


Alex spoke out.

"If we are in Greenvile, than that mean."

Than, a new voice spoke out.

"Yes...Rex. It is me."

Everyone looked and saw a Red Portal came out in front of them. As they look, a familiar figure than stepped out.

Everyone recognized who that is.

"Breach! Thank you for the quick save that you did."

The dimensional E.V.O smiled at Rex for his great gratitude.

"Just happy that I could help."

She spoke. Alex than checked his phone and decide to call the Foundation. He just hopes that nothing bad has happened to everyone there, particularly, this included the Symbiotes. After a minute of calling, he finally got the answer.

"Dr.Gears. Has something happened to the foundation?"

Dr.Gears than spoke out through the phone. The tone of his voice is clear he is in distress.

"What is happening here is not good! The other instances have now gone completely ballistic! They are now attacking everyone and everybody here. The only one that is still fine is the Sleeper instance, who is now helping out fight the instances that are attacking! I need the others to come back here and help us, now!"

Alex than looked at Rex, and he nods in an understanding of sorts.

"Breach, are you able to make a portal to the Foundation? We need to get there as soon as possible."

Rex said to Breach. She nods her head, and summoned a portal next to her. Alex went in first, than Jaime, and than Circe. Rex prepared to go in, but Breach than stopped him and kissed him in the cheek. He blushes, but smiles anyway, with Breach smiling in return. He does the same to her, before he steps in.

At the foundation, everything was in chaos.

Scream is now controlled by whatever is making her act like this. Toxin and Scorn are battling Sleeper, who is still completely fine. Sleeper is trying the best he can to fight off against the Symbiotes. But as both Toxin and Scorn are of the 1000th generation types, they are immensely difficult opponents. Thankfully, he won't have to do it alone, because Blue Beetle came to his rescue.

"Need any help here, Sleeper?"

"Need more help than ever."

Jaime grins, before looking at Scorn.

"Alright, Scorn. Round 2!"

He than activated his arm cannon, and Scorn does the same to her right arm.

Both of them launch and attack with their Arm Cannons.

Both of them has locked energy blasts with one another. As this is going out, Sleeper than fights Toxin. Sleeper than coated his webbing with a chemical that weakened the Symbiote. What that happened, Toxin was swaying left and right. Seeing that he can strike now, Sleeper than strikes him. But even as he is weakened, he is still strong.

Sleeper than punched him in the face, sending him far back. Toxin, however, recovers and does the same to Sleeper. Sleeper than looked angry at Toxin, and manipulated his matter to the point that he enlarged his fist, and slammed it down on Toxin. Toxin, however, lifted the fist, and charged at Sleeper once again.

Sleeper, however, became invisible, and snuck away from Toxin. And lunges down on him, and took him by complete surprise. He than punched Toxin in the face multiple times, before Toxin used the back of his head to head butt him, and threw him back.

Toxin than tried to replicate the same thing that Sleeper had done, turn invisible and sneak up behind him. But Sleeper was also known for seeing things that are invisible. When he saw Toxin, he used a tendril and slammed him down to the ground. He than slammed him in the ground, put him in a sort of choke hold, and roared in his face.

Back with Blue Beetle and Scorn, they are still locked Cannons with one another. It is seriously starting to irritate Jaime, as he has no idea what to do. But as he is looking for a way around this thing, a Purple Tendril than comes out of nowhere, and tries to attack him. Jaime than ducks down, but this was the worst mistake he made. Scorn than lowered her Cannon, and charged at him. She even hit him so hard, that he is knocked down. Scorn than goes over him and spoke a distorted voice.

"Bow before our God, cretin."

But as she said that, The chest plate than made a cannon, and Jaime's eyes had suddenly turned blood-red. Khaji in control.

When this hit Scorn, it damaged her so bad, she was knocked unconscious. The damage on her was so great, she no longer regenerate anymore. After that, Jaime took control, and looked at Scorn, sadly. He than made a cage, in case she wakes up, and decides to attack again.

Blue Beetle turns to see Sleeper is in serious trouble. He is having a hard time beating down Toxin. Blue Beetle than intervenes and used his now trustworthy Sound Cannon, and fired at the Symbiote.

This Sound Cannon was so powerful, it made Toxin's experience so much of a pain. After about almost 10 seconds, Toxin is finally knocked down. Sleeper and Jaime looked down at Each other, before Jaime than made a cage quickly.

Back with Scream, she is now battling both Alex and Rex, as they try to restrain her and do whatever they need to defeat her. But Scream is always using her hair to block anything that they try doing. Alex and Rex than decide to do a different tactic.

Since they cannot get close, they will need to do it as far away as possible. Alex than used the Whipfist to strike at the hairs of Scream. This made her force to regrow them back. But at the same time, Rex than attacks and used his Blast Caster on her.

He than wrapped his appendage around Scream, and brought out a Static Shock on her.

The shock was so painful that it actually knocked Scream completely out cold.


Scream than fell down to the ground, and both of them put away their powers.

A minute later, Scream, Toxin, and Scorn are put in containment. Venom has already been dealt with, and is now in his new containment. As they look at seeing them controlled, the director than came to them, as he spoke out.

"We have a lot of things to discuss about now."

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