The Time Has Come

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It has been a couple of weeks, since they brought in those that have been chased by the SCP Foundation. They have even gotten some people to come along at their side, and even help fight off against the Foundation. Hey manage to make the cure. But before they start to use it, they need to test the cure on some of the SCP-610 specimens, which they decided to grab in cages, as well as wearing hazmat suits. Of course, they aren't planning on bringing it to the Serpent's Hand base, which is the most dumbest idea ever. No, they plan on doing the test at the same place that the infected are at.

Alex and the others begun to go through the Portal that Cyborg had made, and with only Scarlet Witch, Kaede, and Halo having to wear hazmat suits, and Firestorm having to stay behind, due to heat making the situation worse, the rest of the group are the only ones that are immune to the 610 infection residing in the small islands that are in Russia. Alex and the others looked around, and was surprised at what he is seeing.

"Huh. Looks like it grew a bit more faster than I thought it would have grown."

The SCP-610 infection has grown so much that the entire land is simply a mass of red. Scarlet Witch looks around, and spoke out.

"I can't sense the thought of the 610 infected. It's as though the intelligence inside of them have combined so much that it makes it impossible to read their minds.

Rex turns around, and spoke out.

"Don't worry. We're not here to catch a lot of it. We're only here to take one of the infected so that we know the cure could work perfectly."

Scarlet Witch, sealing down a nervous lump, than spoke out.

"Hopefully that it never has to come to this situation. Because if it does, and I get infected, than I'm going to be the most difficult problem that you guys will have to take care of."

Halo than turned around, and spoke out to Wanda.

"Don't worry, Wanda. We'll make sure that you don't get infected by this awful infection. We'll make sure that you come back safe and sound."

This didn't make Wanda feel any better, and still feels a shred of doubt in her mind. But regardless...she went along with the group anyway.

She walked and walked with the group...until they had found a village that is composed of SCP-610 infected. Alex went forward, and turns to the group to speak out.

"Rex, James, Cyborg. I need you with me."

The three than signed, obviously not wanting to touch the 610 infected. But they obviously need to do it in order to test to see if the cure made for the 610 infection could work. So with only James scowling at that, all 3 of them went with Alex, and leapt into the air to try and catch a SCP-610 candidate for their experiment to see if the cure of effective enough to help out with getting rid of the infection that is present.

Scarlet Witch, Halo, and Kaede than got ready to deal with a possible 610 attack, as they are unsure if they can easily trust Alex and the others when it involves the matter of SCP-610. But regardless, they decide to get involved into his rather...immensely disgusting situation here.

After at what seems to be an entire minute, shrieks and roars of agony and rage have been heard from within the village, and after a little while, Alex and the others have returned from the village, and has an SCP-610 infected that they're carrying on their strong shoulders. And it was very large, like about 10 ft large, and has about 5 arms, and 10 legs, almost like a spider. The girls flinched at the sight of them, as Wanda spoke out.

"Woah, that is a large and a very, very disgusting one. Where did you find this?"

Alex than looked at her, as if saying 'You don't want to know where, Wanda.'

After keeping the infected down, it begun to flail, its legs and arms, kicking and smacking at the people that are restraining the 610 infected.

"Ow!! Mercer, do something before I rip the infected apart!!"

James snarled, as he can barely contain his immense anger. Alex nodded, as he bends down, takes out a syringe, and stabs it into the shoulder of the 610 infected, as he injects the cure. Alex than turns to Blue Beetle, and spoke out.

"Jaime. Begin analysis in 610 bloodstream."

Jaime nodded, as his eyes began to glow as he begun to scan the infected. He looks, as the white liquid begun to spread, all over the bloodstream. The 610 began to change back...but the process was being slowed down, and was about to stop.

"No...or should he working!! Why is it beginning to-"

Before Alex could finish yelling, Cyborg than spoke out.

"Don't worry. I got it from here."

He than took out something...It's the Lovecraftian Locket.

Alex looked at the SCP-427, before Cyborg opens it, and places it into the hand of the 610 infected, and Jaime scans the body again.

"Process resuming. The cure is now staring to become effective. All of the mutations are beginning to cease."

Alex looks, and spoke out.

"How long until it is about to be complete?"

Jaime looks at Alex, before he spoke out to him.

"Should be back to normal by about 3 minutes."

The 610 infected's arms than began to snap off, until only 2 of the arms remain. The 10 legs of the infected than begun to decay and rot, and when that happened...the legs began to snap, slowly, one by one, until...there are only 2 legs.

The Red Flesh than began to flake off of the body, like it is made out of nothing but ash. After a little bit more...the body is back to normal. The cured person in question is a female with brown hair that reaches down to her knees. It also seems to be 5'3 in height, and appears to be around the age of 25. Alex than puts a blanket over her body, and picks her up, when his earpiece went off. He pressed it, and spoke out.

"What is it? Is there something wrong?"

The voice in the other side spoke out.

"Yeah, there is. We tried to find Karen Parker...but she has disappeared from the Site that he was contained in. I think someone has moved her."

Alex was shocked, and spoke out.

"Damn it!! Well, good news is, we have a fire that can work. But we need to find Karen. This means so much for me. And I think I know how to find her.


It is Nighttime now, at the Foundation Site where it once had begun with the 610 incident. But Karen's infected body had been forcefully moved elsewhere, and so they need to find a way to get to Karen. But there is only one way to do it, and Alex manage to make a plan for this thing to work. They need someone outside to let someone know if the cost is clear, and if there is, than they can wait until one of the people from inside come out, and James can consume that person to possibly gain knowledge of there Karen might be located at right now. While it has a high chance of failing, this is the only idea with any success. They are only going to send 2 people to deal with this: Toxin and James.

Toxin is shown to be sneaking around the site that the group is targeting. He walks calmly and quietly, as to not draw attention. Toxin's job is to scout the entire area, just in case that there are people from inside the site coming out. Needless to say, he is not to happy about that.

"Man, this is a bust. Why is it that we have to check if the coast is clear? Why can't I just to my own thing, and outright chomp on their brains?"

Toxin spoke out, sounding very displeased with what he has to be doing right now. As he spoke out, Patrick than spoke out to him, as he noticed something that apparently Toxin didn't see.

"Wait...Toxin. What's that on the ground?"

Toxin looked down at the ground...and saw a golden stone.

Toxin...a bit curious of where this came from, than picks it up, and examines it. Inside the stone, he can here the words spoken by a female.

"Release me!!! Give me my escape!!!"

Toxin, however, simply ignores this, and just continues on, and scouts the entire area. When he is finished, he looks around, and saw some soldiers coming from behind. So he immediately jumped up, and hides on top of the ceiling. The guards than stood under where Toxin is at, and...after a minute of looking, he than decided to simply take them for amusement.

Lowering himself...he grabs the to guards, and reels back up, before eating their heads.


But Toxin's he is not dumb enough to try and leave the bodies outside for the other guards to look at. So he jumped away from the building, and sends the bodies into the ocean that they're near right now.

Toxin than comes back, but saw that there are more guards present, so Toxin became invisible, and begun to sneak around the guards, before he speaks to Alex through an Earpiece in his right ear.

At another part of Site...

James was at the front door of the Site, where he is supposed to make some noise to drag one of the Site Personnel outside. He than made a loud noise, which alerted one of the people. He than jumped into the air, and into the ceiling. As he looked down, he saw that one of the Sitr Personnel has went outside, and seems to be in some sort of Hazmat suit, most likely from the 610 infection, and are trying to clean up the mess that the 610-infected Karen has made.

James Heller than snuck behind the Site Worker that is now outside, and when their back is turned, he sped very quick towards the person, and snapped his back, and consumed him, as well as immediately taking on his form. He than turns around, and spoke out.

"Okay, I've consumed the guy. Can I go in?"

Cyborg remained silent for a bit, and spoke out.

"Yeah, you can. But don't try and attack anyone else, as that will draw attention to us."

James nodded, before he goes inside of the building, and try to find a file that can help him find the location of where he needs to go, and where the possible suspect might be. The one that had sent them the message in the first place back at the Base of the Serpent's Hand.

James, while still in his disguise, than arrived at the computer room...and heaves a sigh. Because he knows what is about to happen next. He had seen the memories of the person he consumed, and now...he had to go through something that he severely hates so goddamn much. Taking another deep breath, he than walks to the door, opens it, and begins to find a computer that he can use to find what he needs to find now.

He than jogs a bit past the guards, and after a little bit of making sure that nobody is noticing him, gets on the computer, and logs into the server. And James, judging from his body sign, knows what is about to happen right now.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"I'm at the computer. What do I press?"

Victor that spoke out.

"First you need to-"

Before he could speak, James spoke out to Cyborg, and did something without even asking.

"I'm pressing the red button."

But James, acting on impulse, pressed the Red Button, which made the screen messed up a little bit.

"Shit! Now the screens on fucked up! Shit's broken!"

Victor, sighing for a bit, than spoke out.

"Okay, press the 'alternate' key. A-L-T, Alt-"

But James, in utter frustration, than spoke back at Victor.

"Alt? There is no fucking alt. I've got a fuckin squiggly line key. I got a fuckin key with a triangle on it. What the fuck kind of keyboard is this anyway?"

Victor, now a bit desperate to not get James caught, than spoke out.

"James, calm down. Th-erree...There should be a button with a blue square on it."

James turns and sees it, and than pressed onto the button.

"Okay, that's more like it. Bringing up the personnel database."

After a couple of seconds, James spoke.

"Alright. I got the location."

Cyborg than spoke out.

"Don't forget to sign off."

James than got a little bit frustated, and spoke out.

"Yeah, yeah."

He than walks away from the computer, as the voice in the speaker spoke out.

"Terminal 4 is logged on with no personnel present. Please return to your station and commence proper log off procedure."

But James response to that?

"Fuck off. I hate computers."


They were able to find the location of where Karen Parker has been located, and went into their vehicles to try and search for the site. Alex, however, wasn't paying attention to that, but was looking.

As he looked out the window, he began to wander how Dana is right now, and if he should send her a message of where he'd be going right now. But after a little bit, he decided that it is not worth the risk, and that she should remain ignorant of what is happening right now, believing that if he gets her involved, he'd be putting her in something horrible. Besides...she means too much for Alex to be put in such a dangerous situation like this.

He than feels a hand on his shoulder, and turned to see Scarlet Witch, looking at him concerned.

"Alex. Are you okay?"

Alex looked down for a bit, and spoke out.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit tired right now, that is all."

Wanda Maximoff nodded, before she goes to the back seat again, and wait until they arrived at their destination, getting ready to make their assault. Alex simply sits down, as James and Halo are shown resting alongside each other.

And next to another one of the vehicles, Rex and Circe are riding in the Rex Ride, as Circe spoke out.

"Is till can't believe that is the time to finally end this. It is finally our time to finally free Karen and put it all behind us."

Rex nodded, and spoke out.

"Yeah...I just wished my other friends could see us right now, especially Cricket. God I missed those 3. They were such great people to be alongside with."

Circe than hugged Rex, and nuzzled her head onto Rex, as if to comfort him. Rex however, is too focused feel comforted, as he now has to deal with what he is about to do. He's worried that he has to do this thing now. But he knows that his is necessary to be free from the terrible ordeal that they had suffered for years. He just hopes that, it can truly free them today. located Foundation Site...

They have finally arrived...and it was astronomically large. It was larger than any city that they have ever made, and is far more advanced. Looks like they are preparing for Alex and the rest of the Newborns, in case they are about to come after them, and ready the defenses that they have on their arsenal.

"Huh. Who know they were so good at being able to predict what could happen to them next."

Rex had spoken out, as Alex looks down at the Containment Site that is holding Karen's 610 infected body. He had gotten this close, this fucking close, and now, he is going to make sure that the entire thing ends. And here, he will make sure that this is permanent.

Alex than looks up, and spoke out.

"Bring in the small Hydrogen Bombs, so we can start to turn up the carnage of the Foundation."

He spoke out. SCP-4051, who is present with the group, than made a wormhole, and pulled out 3 small Hydrogen Bombs out of the portal, and gives them to Alex. But Alex turned to Rainer, and spoke out.

"Not to me. It is to the people that are using the weapons on the vehicles. The ones that are holding launchers for the Hydrogen Bomb Launchers."

Rainer looks, and saw that there are people with firearms in their hands, and Rainer spoke out one word.


Alex than turned to one of the Serpent's Hand members, and spoke out.

"Are the other groups of interests coming to help us."

The Serpent's Hand Member nodded, and spoke out.

"We got as many as we could. We got the Chaos Insurgency, we got the Church of the Broken God, we got Sarkicism, and we even got some anomalous weapon from Marshal, Carter, and Dark, which should be more than enough to help us with this dangerous task. I just hope that we can do this without all of us dying."

Alex turns around, and spoke out.

"You know, you can't prevent death. We need to be lucky in what we need to do, even though some people may die from the fight. However, I'm not sitting down and waiting for Karan to be remaining an infected. I will do anything to cure her of the 610 infection.

After he speaks that out, Cyborg than comes forward, and spoke out.

"Well...if you are about to cure Karen Parker of the 610 infection...than you are going to need this to help you in your task."

Cyborg than reached into his pocket, and pulls out the Lovecraftian Locket, and hands it over to Alex. Alex, who is a bit nervous on if it will work the same way as it had done before, than slowly, but surely grabs onto the locker, looks at the locket, before putting it into his pocket. He than spoke out.

"Thanks. I'm gonna need that to help her."

Cyborg nodded, and spoke out to everyone.

" everyone in position to attack the Site?"

One of the members of the Serpent's Hand than spoke out to Alex.

"All weapons, equipment, and utilities are all ready to begin firing. The other Groups of Interest are getting close."

Alex looks off into the distance, and saw that they are about to come to the Site soon, as he sees off onto the distance. Alex nodded, before he walks over to the weapon's vault in one of the vehicles, before waking forward, and spoke out.

"Alright than..."

He said, as he closed his eyes. He than aims at the Site and spoke out.

"Let's go out and save Karen. Shall we?"

He than fire the Hydrogen Bomb, as he charged into the site, and roared for battle.


...I AM COMING!!!!!!!!!!!"

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