The Truth

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Alex was in shock at what he is seeing before his eye right now. This is something...he never thought that he would have to deal against once more. It was...his father. The one that he had killed when the father had killed his uncle Josh, the only male family member that he could consider as his family. And he even looked the same before when he had first killed him, and he never has aged, even after so long of being gone!! But...Alex...he was...he couldn't believe what he is witnessing in front of him, witnessing something...that's impossible. He than shook his head, and got out of his shock, as he spoke out, demanding an explanation from him.

", it can't had died!! I saw you dead by my hands!! The blood pouring out of your heart!!! I even felt you blood in my very own hands!! So did you return from your death, and why... have you returned form your death, father??!!!! Why have you decided to come back again???!!!!!!!"

Alex was both in shock and is he could not believe the sight that is in front of him. Even after this long, it shouldn't be possible for this to happen. So why did his father suddenly return from the doors of death? His father simply looks at him with a bored expression on his face, and spoke out.

"You did...and I had to wander and suffer in hell for so long. I had to wander around for a long time, and I had to endure every single form of pain, just to get back at you. But no matter what I did, I couldn't find a way to get back at you, and return to the real world, as I was forever stuck in the hell, the Darkness Below all of existence, having to deal with all my worst fears, my worst torments. It brought me to my work version of hell, one where I had to suffer so many years for, so many days and minutes. Having to suffer every second of pure unimaginable agony and torture when I've to be killed by you of all people, Alex. I had my arms ripped repeatedly, my entrails munched on by all sorts of demonic creatures, and I had to relieve all the pain that you had given me. This included the time when you had killed me."

The father spoke out to Alex, and as if he wanted to prove his point, he lifts his shirt, and Alex sees 6 large holes in his chest...the same ones that he killed his father with when his powers first formed, after the has obtained the Blacklight Virus from a messenger of Yaldabaoth. In one of the holes...he gets to see the heart that he stabbed, which still is beating, despite the fact that it was stabbed, which shouldn't be ever possible. Alex snarled, as the he remembers what had just happened, and looks up back at his father, who than continued with his story.

"The place I was has driven me to insanity. I thought that it was going to be my fate for so long, for many years. But as my insanity grew, so did my hate towards you and I kept on hating so much...the pain no longer mattered, and I was relentless to cause as much suffering as I can, escape so I can torment you will cruelty...but I was never successful...that is, until HE came to me."

Alex than stepped forward, and spoke out, confused at what he had said, about this HE.

"Who did, old man?!"

The father of Alex than began chuckle, as he spoke out.

"It's a god unlike anything that I have ever seen. It is a being of a 7 eyes, all over every single part of his body, and whenever I turn away from it...all that I get to see, is more eyes all over the place, like I was seeing the devil itself, but far more beautiful, and godly than one. It was a being that I can like, a being that I would be glad to work with for so long, and he had felt the same...because he sensed my undying hate towards you, Alex. And he offered me a deal that I can never refuse. An offer that I would gladly accept to take since I was so desperate to escape this terrible hell."

Alex, now getting much more madder than before, than spoke out.

"What is the deal, old man?! What was the deal that made you decide to join whoever it was that had went to you?! TELL ME!!!!!!!!"

The father of Alex Mercer than smirked a cruel smirk, as he than spoke out

"He says that if I work for him, work for his master, than I shall be allowed to come back to earth to kill you, so I can finally get rid of you once and for all. But I first wanted to make you suffer...give you many years of suffering when I had returned. I wanted to make sure that you suffer just as much as I had suffered. I want you to feel pain, and anguish over the years, so I can make sure that it breaks you."

Alex than looked down, and thought of what had made him go through so much work. He than realized something.

"The containment breaches, involving the nightlight and both SCP-106 and did this, didn't you?! You had clogged up and messed with their containment rooms so that they could escape and put so many lives in danger!!"

The father of Alex Mercer than chuckled, as he spoke out to him.

"Yes, all me. I had to make sure that you are exhausted for a bit for me to strike. And that was when SCP-610 got involved. Like you, I could touch it, feel it without getting infected myself, due to my master empowering me with his strength. I took the 610 spores to the site you were in, and made you feel all the torment that I felt while I was in the darkness below everything else, by taking your girlfriend away from you. But I never thought had in a million years that you would be able to make a cure that will allow the 610 infection to be killed, and being able to save someone."


What the father didn't know...was that Cyborg had turned on the speaker for everyone to hear who the real culprit is, his intentions, and the fact that he made a deal with something that is going to do something bad, and needless to say, the Foundation was shocked. They had been tricked into getting the wrong people the entire time, and they never thought that in a million years, that the SCPs that they thought were aggressive and are believed to be deadly people that want to kill humans, are in fact people that are simply framed by this one guy, the one guy that is the father of Alex Mercer, and that he caused all those incidents that long ago, all just to spite Alex Mercer for the death that he got from his own son.

Needless to say, when the Supreme Intelligence and the Brother Eye heard that...well...they too were also unhappy that they had been tricked into attacking the SCPs that never actually done anything very wrong.


Brother Eye spoke out to the Supreme Intelligence, who than nodded, no spoke out.


Brother Eye, who is acting confused, than spoke out.


The Supreme Intelligence nodded, as he spoke out yet again.


Brother Eye says nothing, but inside, he agrees. And with the both of them in command, they than begun to command both the Sentinels and  the OMAC into stopping the battle between the Groups of Interests, Re-contain the SCPs, and help Alex with his father issues, who is the real culprit behind all the suffering that all sides had to go through for so long.

Back with the rest of the Newborns...

Everyone present inside of the Foundation was standing in shock. Alex's Father, was the reason behind all of do this? When that happened, the SCP MTF General than spoke out.

"What did we do? We were doing all this for absolutely nothing."

He than puts his head on his hat, and looks down at it. After looking at the hat for a little bit, he sighs, and spoke out.

"I'm so sorry, Newborns. We should never have doubted you. Even though you SCPs are anomalies, you are still people...and we only believed what we saw at the wrong time."

The Newborns say nothing, until Kaede comes forward, and spoke out.

"How about you quit complaining, and start getting the entire situation under control, than you can fix what you had brought upon? Than maybe we can forgive you humans for what you have done to us, and my Alex. So don't waste your time sucking, and start helping us with the situation."

The general looks up, and nodded his head. As that happened, Cyborg than spoke out.

"I'll reactivate the Containment Rooms in the control room. Than, I want everyone to bring the SCPs back to where they belong inside of."

As he spoke that out, the Sentinels and the OMAC than appeared, and they also began to work on getting the SCPs back to where they come from. Everyone nodded, and Wanda spoke out.

"Let's go."

They than begun to lead out of the room, and Toxin spoke out.

"Like old times, huh?"

Jaime nodded, and spoke out.

"Yep, just like old times."

As they spoke that out, Circe than spoke back to them.

"What are you guys doing, we have a situation to fix."

Than Scorn spoke out to them in agreement with Circe.

"<Text> I agree with Circe. Quit standing like statues, and start helping us clean up the mess that we made."

Toxin and Jaime nodded, as they ran to the others to try and help them clean and help the Foundation once again, to try and bring the SCPs back into their containment rooms, before they go out to find Alex.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Alex felt...livid. It was so much rage that he can take, how much he can keep stored inside of him, but he kept his voice low, as he spoke out.

"You son of a dare you?! How dare you cause this much suffering to other people??!!!! You may have come back from the dead once before, pops...but this won't happen again!!"

As he spoke out, footsteps was heard from behind him, and Alex turns to see Rex and James coming from behind. Rex than looked at the Father of Alex Mercer, and spoke out.

"What the...Alex, who's that?!"

Alex snarled out.

"My father...and the reason we were framed. The reason for the entire mess we are in now, the reason for the containment breaches we had to fix when we worked for the SCP Foundation, Rex."

Rex was shocked, and James snarled.

"So this motherfucker's been the reason behind this, huh?! Well than, I'm gonna-"


James actually flinched at the way Alex spoke, and saw that he looked absolutely Livid. He walks past James, and spoke out.

"This old fucker's ass is mine, James. He is not yours to take."

James was surprised at the way he spoke out, but Alex did not care, and spoke to his father once more.

"I killed you once before, father..."

He spoke, as his arms begun to tremble with immense rage, as he spoke out once more.

"I will kill you again...and I will make sure that you don't come back!!!"

He than charged at his father, as he begun to fight off against his dad. But before he could even land a bit against him, to his surprise, he was kicked back and struck with enough force to send him flying back to the wall.

Alex was in pain, but he ignored it, as he opened his eye, and shouted out.

"How?! This shouldn't be...your master did this, didn't he! He gave you power!!"

His father smiled very menacingly at that, as Alex than jumped down from the crater, and spoke out.

"Should've known that this would happen. Doesn't matter, I'll take you on."

Alex than charged forward, and his father attempts to punch him on the face. But Alex than activated Musclemass, and blocked the punch, before he strikes back, sending him flying to a wall behind him. But his father was far more annoyed than even hurt, and spoke out with a grunt present on his face.

"That's the best you got, you little fucker?!"

He forced himself out of the wall, and Alex spoke out.

" is not all. I have got far more tricks to use against you, pops."

He spoke, as he charged at him, and formed his blade, and attempted to cut his father down to size. But to Alex's shock.


His father formed a blade of his own, and clashed against Alex's own blade suddenly. Alex was shocked, as he spoke out.

"You can use some of my abilities as well?! Now that is unfair!!!"

Alex snarled, as he kicked his father, which sort of pushed him back, before he formed his Tendrils, and begun to wrap his father in the fleshy strings from his arms, and begun to use his Musclemass, and begun to kick and punch him with all of his might, which actually begun to hurt his father, before he breaks free from the tendril prison, before he attempted to cleave Alex with the blade. Alex gets out of the way, but he got cut in the shoulder, and when he dodged back first, his father than formed a claw on the right hand, before attempted to strike his son in the face. But Alex stepped back again, before a cut manage to hit him in the face, which healed fairly quickly.

Alex jumped back, before he spoke out for his father.

" it is getting hard to repeat history to even kill you. Now I can tell that you're trying to prevent me from doing that move on you again. Well, what does that make you, a very cowardly father?

The father of Alex Mercer simply looks up, and speaks out to him.

"Don't think that insulting is going to change the outcome. I can do far more than that, you little brat."

He than raised his arms, and Alex instantly begun to realize what is about to go down...but it is too late to enact a plan to try and stop it. Suddenly...the floor begun to shake, as though a powerful earthquake had begun to arrive in a immensely powerful magnitude. And before everyone else can react to the situation...



All of a sudden, the infected came out of complete nowhere, and crashed through the ceiling. The Hunters, the Juggernauts, the Leviathans(which came from the ground) and the flyers. He than looks at Alex with a twisted grin on his face, as he spoke out to the son he hates.

"But tell me...Alex...when was it you that ever had a choice to stop me...especially when I have already taken someone very important?"

A tendril on the ceiling goes down, and who it is shocked Alex.


Alex spoke on shock, as he sees his sister hung by the tendrils. Dana looked as though she has been beaten down to a pulp, judging from the black eye and some of the cuts present on her face. Alex's father than turns around...and spoke out to James.

"Oh...and James is your name, right? I believe this belongs to you to."

Then, another Tendril lowers itself down...and James instantly recognized that person, someone he never thought he'd see.



James looked at Alex's father, who had no idea how to respond to this at first, before a snarl formed...and is now utterly enraged, so pissed off for the first time in his life. He than formed his Blade and Tendril, as he roared out his words, wrathfully.


This time, James is not going to be taking Alex's word to stay out of this. Now, he's going to make sure that the Father pays for what he's done, especially when his daughter is found, but is now endangered.

"Guys, let me help also!!"

Rex spoke out loud, as he ran forward to help out, only to be stopped by a kick, which he blocked. He punched, and was able to pushed the person back. The screeching on the floor means that she is simply sliding back from the force of Rex's punch. Rex than looks up, and saw who it was that attacked him in the first place.

He recognized he once saw her as a child, back before the Nanite Event had been set off.

"You...I remember you. You were one of those scientists that I had met. Back before that Nanite Event occurred."

Rex spoke out. The female smirked, as he spoke out.

"Yes...I remember you...Rex. I am Black Knight. I am also an 'acquaintance' with Alex's father here."

Alex was shocked, before he snarled and spoke out.

"So you were helping his father into causing more suffering, Lady? You will not keep doing this to Alex!! He has never done anything wrong to you!!"

Black Knight than smirked, as she spoke out.

"You are as foolish as your brother, Caesar. He was a person that will not give into the temptation to get power."

Rex was shocked, as he spoke out.

"You knew my bother too?!"

She nodded, before speaking out.

"Yes...after all, he was so foolish to keep his guard up, to think that one of his scientists would manipulate his servant into causing the Nanite Event, the event that I was sure would kill him."

Rex was shocked, but that he felt immensely enraged, as he finally connected the dots together.

" were the reason My parents died. How dare you?! And all just to gain a list for power, lady?!"

Black Knight glared for a bit, before she spoke out

"I had did everything I could to get what I had wanted...but your brother kept on getting in the way, and I can never find him to kill him. But since I want to make your brother suffer...I will kill you to make him weak, and I will get the power that I want...the power that rests inside of your soul."

As she spoke hit his, she smirked, as purple lines began to form on her face. All of a sudden, a blade took the place of the left hand, and a whip appeared on the place of the right hand.

Rex was utterly shocked, as he saw that Black Knight is an E.V.O herself. She smirked, as she spoke out to Rex.

"You are not the only one that can do this, Rex. I was a test subject earlier than even you, a prototype of the Omega Nanite, if you are wandering."

Rex snarled, as he actives has Big Fat Sword, and points the blade at Black Knight, who does the same.

"I hope that you are ready to take me on...Rex...because unlike the other before me...I will not let you live this easily.

She smirked, as she went towards Rex, and charge at him, as both him and Black Knight clashed blades with each other.

Back with Alex and James...

The father of Alex Mercer than chuckled, as he spoke out to James and Alex.

"Well...if you want the both of them're going to have to kill me first."

Alex frowned, as his eyes glared at his father. He than spoke out

"You...I will not let you get away with what you have done. You have caused me suffering for far to long. I will make sure..that you die for all the terrible actions that you had put us through."

Alex's father than smirked, as he spoke out to him.

"Than you can try, Son."

Alex Mercer's father than used his tendrils...and consumed the infected that are present with them, without even having to kill them. After consuming all of them, his eyes glowed a menacing red.

Alex, snarling with rage...then does something that is completely unexpected. He takes out the Power Stone from his pocket...and lodged it into his chest. When that happened...


Alex screamed in agony, as power is felt throughout his body...until it calms down, and Alex closes his eyes...before he opened them, with his eyes now glowing a Purple Color.

James Heller does the same, as he used the tendrils on his chest to root it with him, causing him to finally be able to use the Soul Stone safely. His eyes glowed orange, as he looks at Alex's Father.


The father smiled, as he spoke out.

"You can try...James...but you will fail, and in the end...she will be mine to command.

Alex snarled, and spoke out to his father, his body is trembling with pure abolishes fury with having seeing what he's done now. He is going to make sure...THAT HIS FATHER DIES IN THE MOST PAINFUL DEATH THAT HE CAN EVER IMAGINE.

"Now than..."

Alex Mercer forms his Blade and Claw, as he spoke out.

"...let's get this done."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Alex Mercer and James Heller than goes into combat with Alex's Father. Alex than made his first move, as he kicked his father with his Power Stone infused kick. James took the turn, and attacks him with a stab in the stomach. But the Father than grabbed both Alex and James by the neck, before throwing them towards another wall, slamming them into some electic reactors, which began to glow. Realizing what was about to happen, Alex and James than used their tendrils, and reeled him into the reacted instead, and jumped away from it, as it exploded into a burning light. Alex and James have been thrown by the immensely powerful blast of energy that had resonated within the reactor.

As the smoke cleared, Alex and James looked to see that Alex's Father is still find, although he is a little bit damaged from the explosion. He looks at Alex, and spoke out.

"You seem to have been working out more than I expected, Alex."

Alex scoffs at his father, as he spoke out.

"I've done more than just simply work out. I'm gonna be the guy that's gonna tear your entire body to tiny pieces, so much that you won't be recognizable to anyone, pops."

He than crouches down, and jumped towards his father, and activated his hammerfists. He than clapped his hands, and unleashed a powerful purple shockwave that sends the father back slightly.

But Alex's Father has also become immensely powerful in his own right, as he seemed capable of standing his ground against against his son, even when he is using the Power Stone to increase the any abilities that he has. But the only good thing is, the Power Stone seems to hurt him more than when he used his normal Musclemass. But with his Musclemass increased by the Power Stone, well, he is now destructive. He than stood up, and launched himself at his father, who than stopped the strike, but is pushed back as a result. Alex than held his palm in front of his father, and spoke out.

"Eat this one, pops."

His hand than began to glow purple, before a powerful explosion of purple energy suddenly appeared.


It was so powerful that this actually damaged the Father of Alex, who is than pushed back, with Alex himself only slightly harmed by the attack that he's done.

It was now James turn to try and take a crack at the man that has kidnapped his daughter in the first place. Now, he is going to do anything he can to get revenge on the man that had did this. And it starts, right here, and right now.

He than pierced his hands into the father's chest, his wrists began glowing around with Orange, and pulls, and to Alex's surprise, it was the Soul of his father...but it was rooted by tendrils of darkness, than prevented his soul from being ripped away.

But James is not a person that will take giving up as the answer to the question, and instead, attempted to pull the Soul off with all his might, with strings of the Darkness snapping, causing the father to fight back, and immediately pulls his soul back inside his body.

James smirked, and as he sees the Father of Alex shaking on his knee, he spoke this out.

"Oh I get it! You're nothing but a bitch ass coward that is afraid to die!! Well, shame on you, I have a stone that can put an end to your fucking life, you fucking old fossil!!"

Needless to say, the father did not take those worlds kindly, and spoke out.


He cried out in a rage, and attempted to kill him. But James swung his Soul Stone empowered blade, and stabbed him in the chest, piercing his soul.

Unlike with Alex's Power Stone enchanted attacks, the Soul Stone is actually able to hurt the Father, because he is directly attacking his very essence that the human body can usually contain, as it embodies their true selves. James Heller than formed his Hammerfists, with is glowing orange, and Strikes at his face, causing the Father even more immense pain than before.

He than kicks him back, and preforms a groundspike on the ground, causing spiritual Orange spikes of energy to erupt, and pierces the Father everywhere, causing even more immense pain than it was demonstrated before. Needless to say, when James stopped, the father stood up, and snarled with immense fury, as he spoke out.

"I'm not going down and out yet, bastard!!"

James smirked, as his eyes flared even more.

"Why don't you try me?!"

With Rex and Black Knight...

Rex and Black Knight clashed with Each Other, as one of them tries to overpower the other with their strengths, and with their Sword arms. While Rex has greater range with his Blade, Black Knight's is simply way more powerful, as the blade is glowing with energy, making her blade's effectiveness much more greater than even Rex. The only upside that Rex has, is that he has way more weapons that he can use, and they allow him to have far more combative options to utilize than even Black Knight.

He than pushed her back, as he made a left Smack Hand to try and grab her.

But Black Knight simply cuts it with just a swing of her blade, like it wasn't even made of metal. And this was only the beginning of the terrible problem.

She than jumped into the air, and had swung her glowing purple whip, which than wrapped around the Big Fat Sword, which he raIsed to defend himself against.

Unfortunately, when Black Knight landed, he was thrown to a wall, and Rex had to dodge and jump out of the way, so that he can advocate one of his Battle Axes, after he formed a Block Party build of the Left arm.

But he as he clashes against Black Knight, he than turns to Alex and James to see how they're holding against the Father of Alex.

"Hey, guys!! Are you both doing okay?!"

With Alex and James once more...

"Does it look like we're doing okay?!"

Alex speaks out, as he dodges against one of his father's strikes. His father seems to be getting more desperate to try and defeat and kill Alex, because he is now using everything that he has to try and bring him down. Alex than formed his shield, and block his father's attack. The shield even caused a purple explosion that damaged the father, forcing him to jump back to avoid further harm. But Alex and James used their Claw and Hammerfists, and did a groundspike, with Purple and Orange spikes coming out from the ground, forcing the father to jump away from them, and only ended up getting stabbed a little bit. But Alex than took the chance so tackle his father, sending them both to a wall, and crashing into some electoral generators, which then exploded.

Rex realized what was happening, and spoke out.

"Umm...never mind."

He than resumed to fighting against Black Knight. But as he locked energy blades with her...he looks down at his necklace...and realized what he didn't do.


He facepalmed.

'Why didn't I try this sort of thing sooner.'

He than opened the neckless and revealed the Time Stone. He is than pushed back, and Black Knight attempted to strike him.

"This is the end for you, Rex!!"

She than launched herself at Rex...before Rex used the Block Party...and stopped time around her. The Block Party is green, and has mystical runes around the sphere.  As Rex than detached the bubble, he saw that it is still going. He than spoke out.

"That should hold her."

He than turns, to try and help the others that are fighting against Alex's father, who is still having trouble fighting against them.

Alex and James than continued to fight against him, as he is pushed back by the 2 Blacklight beings, with Alex using his Musclemass to punch his father away. His father hit the wall, as he snarled with rage.

"I think your struggle has gone for far to long."

He than jumps up...and points his blade at Dana, who's eyes widened with immense fright. Sweat rolled down her head, as the father spoke out.

"I was going to kill her as a child. Now I shall finish the job that I didn't do before hand.

Alex than rushed to Dana as fast as he can, as he shouted.


Alex, after see his sister Dana was about to be killed...suddenly felt everything around him start going to black, as he felt as though that he is about to arrive to late to help. But as that happened, before the blade pierced Dana...


Alex looks up...and saw that Dana wasn't stabbed...because Karen...took the blow for Dana. Alex's eyes he shouted out her name.


He shouts in utter horror, as he sees that the person he in the way and took the hit for Alex Mercer's sister. Alex looks in utter horror, as Karen has the Blade come out of her, as she fell limp, and Alex, using the Whipfist, reels her in, as James began to resume the fight with Alex's father, while Alex himself began to try and save Karen's life, and try to heal her, or at least...extend her life as long as possible, so help can arrive.

"Karen...Don't worry...I can...I gonna save you!!"

He spoke, as he begun to heal. But to his utter shock, it was not working this time!!

"What? No, it can't be!! I should be able to heal you right now!!! Why isn't it working?!!"

He than began to try healing Karen even more harder than before, as he repeats the same words over and over.

"Come on!! Come on!! Come on!! Come on!!"

As he spoke out...he feels a hand touch his face...calm and gently, he looks as Karen, who, despite the fact that, she's in agony...she is smiling comfortingly at she strokes his face.

"It's okay...Alex. You don't save me."

Alex, who was shocked, that spoke out.

"What do you mean?! I didn't go all this way here for nothing!! I came here to cure you from the SCP-610 infection!! I can't let that be in VAIN!!!"

But Karen simply spoke out these last words...before he had finally faded.

" me...and I'"

He her body than flowed, with her soul...freed from her physical form. gone.


Alex spoke Rex checked on Alex...and looks sad.

"Alex...I'm sorry."

Rex prepared to put a hand on his shoulder...



Rex's hand has been shocked by purple electricity, as it caused him to flinch. Alex than began to slowly stand James jumped back.

"Mercer...we have to do something!!"

James looked at him, and spoke out.

"Mercer, why aren't you-"

"She died..."

James turned to Rex, who looked at Karen's body...sad.

"Karen...she died. Alex...couldn't save her."

James' eyes he realized why he wasn't speaking, before looking at Alex and attempted to talk to him, but retracts, as he has no idea what would happen if he did talk to Alex about it. But what James doesn't what Alex is thinking inside of his own mind.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Inside his was calm...silent...cruel. All of those 3 concepts above, that is inside of Alex's mind.

He is unsure what to think right now, as he looked in absolute horror at what has happened to Karen...seeing his one human that he was meant to care, vanish in his life the way it happened, ripped from the center of his soul. It is as though that the cold void inside of his heart has been opening inside the explosion of a giant star, as he saw what he now realized that Karen is gone. A shadow embrace of his raging darkness has finally taken ahold of Alex, as he is now lost all sense of his ability to think like his usual self, as he it now became for nothing of trying to cure the one human that, besides his uncle, gave him the happiness he wants.

Flashbacks of all that he did...all the hard work that he put into...all to save Karen. The only human, other than his uncle, that has given him happiness. And all that hard work...had to be destoryed by the one man he hates so much...the one man that had caused him suffering...the one man...


As he continues to look down...he feels a drop of blood in his mind fall...inside of the goblet made of flesh holding together glass. A first drip...a second...a third...a fourth...a fifth...each drop filling the goblet, with blood already filling over the brim. Than...the 6th drop came down...and finally...when the 7th drop came...


The Goblet suddenly exploded, as the tendrils were ripped and cut from the glass shards. As the sound of glass shattering finally was heard within his mind, as his father attempted to strike his son's head...his son suddenly stopped it...without even using his own shield!!

Alex's father looked in shock, as he saw his own son glow purple from the Power Stone that is embedded inside of his body. Purple cracks that are shown on his entire body began to glow brighter and grow a little bit more, as James looked and saw that being quiet. Normally, he would yell out and shout out with anger present in his voice...but the way he is so unnerving.

Alex began to walk calmly towards his his eyes are still wide. Although it looks as though he is still looking in absolute shock and horror, behind the eyes that he makes, are one of purple, bottomless power. What is the power? It is is is the power of cold, dark, absolute rage. A rage that now can no longer be stopped, misdirected, and spreading. It is now directed to the one person, that has ruined the lives of others for far to long. Of his life, for far to long, and now...he wants to make sure that he pays dearly, with his life.

After Alex stopped walking, and faced his father in the eyes, he only spoke out one word.


The father began to think what he meant by that word.


After thinking about it, his eyes than widened in assumption, and snarled with rage.

'Is he considering my powers to not be above his?'

He looks at his son, as he spoke out.

"I will not be swayed by your insults!! I will kill you to get the freedom that I really deserve, you little piece of shit!!"

He than laughed himself at Alex, and formed a massive blade arm, before trying to cut him in half. But to his shock...


Alex stopped it within his own bare hands! This was impossible!! He shouldn't be this powerful. He than looks up, as he makes an explosion inside of his hands, sending his Father back, violently.


His father was sent flying into a wall behind him, and crashed into it. He struggled to stand up, as he saw how his son is acting right now.

He than placed his tendrils on the floor, and the floor itself began to crack.

Alex's eye looks down at the crack, as he noticed the tendrils coming out of the ground.


They rose up, before aiming back towards the ground, as it got ready to strike Alex Mercer. But Alex was not having any of it...and with his power, he summoned a devastator, with Purple Tendrils cutting through the tendrils of his father like they are nothing but sticks.


His father snarled in pain, as he retraced his hands...which had the tendril fingers chopped off. Needless to say, he was not ready for when Alex suddenly grabbed his father with the Whipfist, and slammed him on the ground. The father began to stand up, but Alex than kicks him hard, making a shockwave that made his father hit large cables with wiring on it, shocking him.


He than went down to the floor, but began to stand up. But he looks, as his son began to walk. His eyes...are a sickly purple color. Before...they were far more brighter...but now...they dim...and are far more menacing, as red pupils are shown in the dim purple glowing of the iris. Eyes that are filled with the blizzard's cold and dark passion of slaughter and cruelty. Movements with the grace of a diabolical god, but with the savagery of his own rage. He fights with a rage so brooding and blackening, that not even James can compare to how enraged Alex is in this state. And it is the rage...THAT WILL END THE LIFE OF HIS FATHER...THE ONE THAT HAD TAKEN SOMEONE THAT HE CARES ABOUT AWAY FROM HIM.

He than raised his fist, and purple bolts of energy than appeared from the ceiling, forcing his father to run, and try to avoid  the Power Stone blast of much as he can. But by this point, he is simply done wasting his breath, and is much more focused on killing the man that had took something away from him for the last time. And to this time...he no longer cares about how much he has to take to kill him. He now only cares about one thing...and it is what he is doing now.

After he finished his attack, Alex spoke out to his voice in a calm, yet chilling tone.

"Is that all you can do? Is this your full power, all that you have to show me?"

He clenched his the ground underneath began to crack at the rage that the Son is about to release.

" is my turn to show you my full power...and one that you shall never forget."

Alex spoke, before he closed his mouth...and begun to raise the Power Stone to the max. His eyes close, with tears of rage coming out of his eyes, before he unleashed an ungodly howl, as the full extent of his finally...UNLEASHED


At the sound of the roar, he is than consumed by a menacing purple light, as the ground shattered, and than, a twister of blackness began to appear.

Alex is than surrounded by a cloud of purple and black smoke, as he finally has been pushed too far by the man that has made the person he is in the first place. And now...he is going to make sure that he suffers the most painful death that he can possibly imagine here.

He suddenly appeared at an instant in front of his father, before lifting up into the air, before he finally shouts out the words.


He shouted, as he finally ripped him in half, in a rather violent manner. Needless to say, even James was shocked at the sudden display of brutality, as blood and guts fell down to the floor with a splat and a splatter of blood on the floor.


Alex than summoned bulllets of purple energy, and fired them at his father, who than screamed in pain even more than before, before jumping into the air, forming his Hammerfist, and slammed the Hammerfist elbow onto his father.

He glared at his father in the most horrific way possible. His eyes have a story that reads or thing. It wants to make sure that his father dies in the most terrible ways he can possibly imagine, and that his father, will truly knows what it's like, to be hurt, far worse than he can imagine.

He made tendrils on the ground, and all of a sudden...the tendrils ripped off the legs and the left arm off, as his father howl in agony.


Alex, however, doesn't bat an eye at what he has done to his father. The eyes of Cold Remorseless hate never wavers, as James than decided to walk next to him.

James, who is feeling a little left out from the hot-blooded vengeance of what Alex's Father had done, than decided to do a similar thing. He than used the Soul Stone's abilities, in the form of white and Orange clouds, that are spinning around very ferociously.

"This is for attacking my daughter, Old Fucker..."

James than puts a palm out, as Alex does the same thing. They began to gather energy, as they channeled the power of the Stones inside of their bodies, and now...are readily to obliterate the man that caused this much suffering...once and for all.

Alex's father, who is shocked at what he is seeing, than spoke out, despite the anguish that he's still feeling from Alex's assault from before.

"No...NO!!! I...I won't allow this to happen!!! I will complete my goal to return to the outside world once more!! And not even you can stop me!!!"

He than used his remaining, and launched at the 2 in order to keep himself alive. He has gotten very close to both Alex and James, and attempted to strike him, before they can unleash the immense might of the Power and the Soul Stones. But before he even has the chance to strike the both of them down with just his one arm...



He was suddenly hit by a bolt of lighting, which had caused him to be thrown back by how powerful and painful this lightning bolt is. Alex and James, now having the chance, than unleashed everything that they have towards the man that had caused Alex this much suffering, and the one that will pay for killing his uncle.

After a little bit, they than fired the energy of the Infinity Stones at Alex's Father, who than formed a shield to protect against it. But the power of the Infinity Stones are so powerful...they are able to break through and destroy the shield, with the father looking going to die again.


He has been hit by both the energies of the Power and Soul Stone. While the Power Stone disintegrates the Body...the Soul Stone is destroying the very soul of the father...Of Alex Mercer himself. In other words...he can no longer go to an after life...nor will he ever exist at all. He is permanently gone, with no body left behind. The tendrils than withered...and both Dana and Amaya have dropped to the floor. James caught Amaya, as Amaya held onto her father for dead life.

"Dad...I thought that I...that I..."

Amaya began to sob, but James hushed her, as he spoke out.

"It's girl. I'm here. I'm here again. You don't need to worry."

James was so glad to see his daughter again. He thought that...she wouldn't make it...but now...he's happy to see her lovely daughter again. But the same can't be said for Alex, as his situation is now far worse.

Alex...who has been exhausted, is now on his he tries to cry tears of anguish for Karen...but he can't. He has wasted his tears so much when he fought his father, when we went at full power...that all he can simply close his eyes...thinking of his failure to save Karen Parker. The failure to save a person that's special.

But as he looked down...he hears a familiar voice coming in his way.


Alex turns, and, not to his was...Aqualeily. She looked...sad as see him like that. Alex's eyes barely widened in surprise, as he looks up at herZ

"Aqualeily...I...I never thought I would see you again."

Aqualeily than looked she spoke out.

"I saw what happened...I'm sorry."

Alex shook his he spoke out.

"Don't least you didn't kill her.

Aqualeily...not wanting to see Alex hurt anymore...than hugs him...but he doesn't hug back. He hurt, by what had just happened...all his effort to save her...had become straight-up futile.


"Did anyone hear that?"

Rex spoke out, as Wanda, Firestorm, and everyone began to enter the containment room.

"What is this? What's happening?" of the guards noticed Karen...and she was back.

"What? Karen!! Is she-"

Rex than puts a hand on his shoulder...and spoke out.

"Alex succeeded in curing her...but his father...he killed her."

The soldier's eyes widened...before looking down sadly. But there one thing...he didn't realize. What everyone didn't that a small piece of his father was still alive...but it was beginning to change it begun to form into something else. The biomass began to spread on the ground with vein-like patterns, before it began to rise in the air, and begun knitting on itself, forming an entirely new shape. One of the end became a type of handle...while the other end became something else...a stabbing end. It became a spear. Than...a voice spoke out.

7̸̦̬̹̆̌̐̉ ̵̝̿͘͜͝S̴̝̬̑̍̓̕è̸̜̲́͘a̸̧͇͚͎͆̿̋̈́l̷̥̟̟̞͠s̸̭͉̤͕͒̚ ̴̳̬̗̄́͐͑ͅ
̵̱̩̗̀̒7̶͉̄̇̉͂ ̸̧̞̪̔͝B̵̧̼̳̉̉̌ͅŗ̶̗͕̎̕͠i̴͉̐͌́d̷̢̖͈̑͐̊̑e̴͍͗́͑͠s̸͚̻̺̅̾͋̀
̶̡͎̩̰̃7̷͔̳͎̒͜͝ ̵̖̣̉ͅŚ̸̪͙p̴̪̥̪͎͂̕a̴̢̺̘͇̎ẅ̴̹̬͇͖́̄̕n̴͉̠̠̞̐̀s̴̢̮͕̟͆̾
̷͇̈́7̴̠̐̔̒͠ S̶͉̪̗͌i̵̧͓̙̭̪̍͝ṉ̸̥͖̽̏̎̃̋s̷̼͋̆̔̕̚
7̶͔̟̼͊͜ ̵̩̪̫̝͊̉Ş̶̪͎͔̒̈́̌̈͘t̷̢̫̩͐̈́͜͠͠o̸̞̼̺̓͑n̷̻̗̞̥̗͗͐̆̓e̵͖̼͔͕͔͗s̵̥̖̙̳̯̀
̶̣̈͒7̸͉̩̩̯͊̑̾ T̴̠͕̗͑̾̍͝h̴̝̟̝̀r̷͍͇͔̲͆̏̒͆o̴̱͆͗̚͝ǹ̴̝͙̯͇́̕͠e̸̯̱̒̅̾͝s̷̯͓̀͗́͠
̷̥͓̙́̅7̵͈͙̠͍̒̕ ̵̪͚͉͊̓͠S̶̘̎́͆̄ͅp̷̧͉̰̰͆e̴̡͔͔̎̕ͅa̸̬̋͐̊r̵͚͔͉̉̇̓͠s̵̥̼̝̭̎̈́͝
̷͙͍̩̥̍̊̕Ö̵̧̖́F̸͓̱͂̉͠ ̵̨̭̂̾̉T̴̺̠̘̊̊̉̏H̷̨̖̀E̷̛̜͂̂̚ ̶̭̮̰̺͑Ṣ̴͋̒Ć̶̡̘̫̅ͅÁ̸̩̬̂͝R̴̘̙͐̍͋L̸͖͖̝͕̾͒̈́̕E̶̢͆͛̈̕Ṯ̷̥̼̅ ̴̰͓̆K̴̼̦͊̌̿Ḭ̴̼̠͈̈́̀͐̌N̸̛̬̞̟̱͐͆G̸̫͍̺͛̀̊

When the last words of the chant was spoken...


Sudddnlu, a violent explosion came out of nowhere, as everyone was caught so suddenly by what had just happened. Alex, who was shocked, than felt something in his body. It was the spear that than forced its way out of his 5 more spears than begun to join. One of the members of the Serpent's Hand than spoke out.

"Oh's beginning."

Scarlet Witch than turns around, and spoke out.

"What is beginning?! What's wrong?!"

The Serpent's Hand member than looked at Scarlet Witch with a hollow expression...devoid of any hope.

"The end...of all things."

Than...a another violent explosion appeared, as a beam of energy appeared from the 7 Spears. Suddenly...the Infinity Stones than floated they begin to join with the 7 spears, as they hover over the piercing ends of them. Suddenly, a voice spoke out from the 7th stone. The golden one, known as the one that is forgotten, the Ego Stone, that houses an entity, that is the second in command of a being so scary, and gives mortals the hearts of pure, black, limitless fear, and the entity than spoke out in the voices of a thousand creature in existence.

T̷̟͛h̸͉̙̀̕ë̷̺̮́̌ ̵̨̫̊̈́D̵͉͠a̷̝̥͂͠r̴͍̝̅̈́k̷̳͈̉̚ṋ̷̪̀e̵̡̟͋s̸̥̚s̶̱͂̈́ ̵̢̫̄̈́B̵̭͆͛e̶̜̖͝l̵̡̳̿̓ò̶̺͝w̴͔̞̑ ̶͙̎s̸̯̑̍ͅȟ̶͙̻ä̵͓̥́̚ḽ̸̽l̴͈̈́ ̸̤͋͂s̵̘̱̃w̵̙͖̍͠a̶̬͒̐l̷͔̰̇͊ĺ̶̟̲̔o̸͙͗w̴̻͠ ̷͙͐a̸͖͊̏ḷ̵̂͆l̴̡̃̉ ̶͇͎̅̓ó̵̱̪̅f̸̢̓ ̴̼͒́e̷̘̪͘͘x̷̫͔̒i̵̛̭s̴̢̊͐͜t̴̟̍e̵͚͑n̸͔̂̄c̸͈͊̾e̸͉͋͝.̶̩͔͗̀ ̵̃͆͜Ṱ̶̄h̸̥͇̎͝e̸̦͈͛ ̴̭̟͒R̴̘͔̔ȉ̴͙͝s̴͙̓i̴͖̤͂͝n̶̯̈g̶̢̅ ̷̱̥̓̄o̴̜͊̀f̶̳̭̾ ̷͖̻͛t̶͈̭͠h̷̖͓̀ẻ̴̳̲͝ ̸̙̂B̷̝̌̈l̵̪̀ō̶̬̮̓o̶̩̒d̶̞̐ ̷͚̯͐͘ö̸̫̹́͘f̷̥̔̕ ̴̯̀̋m̷̮͑͘ì̷̖̭̈́l̸̫̊̅l̷̛͖̲ì̴̳̍o̵̤̪̒ṋ̸̈͘ś̶̪͓̽ ̵̟͉͂s̶̙͓̕ḧ̵̗͔́ä̸͉̙́l̴̻̾͝ḽ̸͊̓ ̸̛̠̙c̸̘͍͐̕o̵̺̖͝m̴̨͉̌m̸̛͉̻͑e̴̟̾͠n̶̪̼̒̚c̶̞͘e̸̜͑.̶̮͑͌ ̷̦̻̄̀K̴̨͒̇ͅh̵̞̹͛ȁ̵͖h̷̻͒̋r̶̘̈̓ͅą̵̘̓͌h̷̫̟͑͠k̷̢̥͂,̴̳̿̇ ̸̡̺̒̈́m̵͖̅y̷̜̲͌̿ ̴̭̰͗g̶̬̱̅̽r̸͙̍̇ę̵̈͘à̵̢̛̙ť̶̹̹̈́ ̷̜̱̽d̵̮̩͊̈́e̶̦̩͋͊a̸̹̒̔ŗ̷̍è̷̘͘ś̵̲͎͌t̷̼̲̃ ̷̗̼̔͘l̵̤͈̚͠ó̵͜r̴͕̤̔͗d̵̛̗̠̊,̸̹͝ ̴̘͘y̴̘̍o̶͎̓̈́û̴͓͝r̵̡̩̄̃ ̴̭̄t̵̢͍͌i̶͉͑͠m̸͚̏e̷̫̞̿͠ ̴̮̒̏h̷͈̭̉a̷̧̍s̴̢͇̎̎ ̴̨͘c̴̫̍̀o̵̪͉͑m̵͙̂e̶̳̿.̸͕̟͝ ̴̛̟͍Ț̸͂̽h̸̗̯͐̿e̶̙͠ ̶̖̓̑e̶̮͔̓n̶͉̦͝ḏ̷̋ ̸̹̊͝o̴͕̾f̶͆̌͜ ̴̝́a̴̛̯̯ĺ̵͚l̸̖̙̂ ̴̦̣̽t̴̬̮̍ĥ̸͔͆i̸̻͂n̸͇̅͋g̸͍̀ ̸͈͉̈́͝s̵̫͐ḧ̷̼́ḁ̵̮̍̋l̷̨͝͝l̷̆ͅ ̶̲͠č̶̜͜͝o̵̡͆m̴̮̟̆̈m̷̫͗͛e̸̝͆n̴͙͚͑c̸͛͜ę̸̓.̸͍̗͋̒ ̸̘͓͠Ȁ̸̗n̴̖̞̾͒ḓ̵̖̈́ ̸̱͂̔y̷̡͚̓ǫ̸̀͆u̶̗̒̈́r̴̪̼͘ ̵̛͍̦͐ṃ̶͙͑o̵̼̻͗̃s̷̡̈́̍ẗ̷̨̢́ ̷̪̇p̷̞͓̚ȯ̶͖͘ŵ̶̦̥̐ẽ̷̦̼r̴͊̀ͅf̷͍͆̐ǘ̵͍̕l̷̗͚͊ ̶̯͗c̴̛̪̬o̶̯͌̽m̵̙͇̈́̚ḿ̴̳͕a̵͇͑̓n̸̬̱̿d̶̨̑ȩ̴͖̓̄r̷̜͉͋̾,̸̡̮̌ ̴̭͌̊Ǹ̸̗͎e̵͓͆m̴̬̰͘ẽ̶̫̈́͜s̵̖͝i̷͓͋ͅs̸̠̠̓,̵͓̝̈́͝ ̸̲̰̇ṡ̷̖̆ḩ̸̓ą̵̒̄l̶̨̪̈́̏l̶̨͔͝ ̷̬̋̚ạ̶͆̐i̵̪͠ḑ̵̓̀ ̵̨͕͝ỵ̵̣̕o̶̝̝̽͊ṳ̶͊.̸͓̂̓.̵̤͂ͅ.̴͖̲͌ṱ̷̈́ǫ̷̧̀ ̵̱̰̄d̵̩͈͗̑ẽ̷̬̟s̸̘͙̓͝t̶͍̥͋ŗ̵̱̃o̵̘͇͊͐ȳ̴͙̈ ̴̹̿ă̷̘̇l̴̩͚͝l̵͓͉̾̂ ̶̨͉̋͝a̶͈̋n̷̼͑͛d̸̖͍̔͝ ̵̘̒͠f̶̼͆͐e̸̢̤̚e̷̜͇͆͊d̵̪̘̿͗ ̸̘̩̐̓t̶͍̭̎ḩ̴͇͝e̸̞̒̎m̷̛̍͜ ̸̣̅t̵̜͚͝͝ȍ̶̪ ̵͖͔̿t̴̫̂ḥ̷̢̆̑e̶̬̣͋ ̷̩̺͂D̴͓̝̍̾A̸͙͗R̷̯̹̕K̵̖̑N̵̗͍̏E̴͙̖̽S̶͙̏S̶͈̃!̷̛̳!̵͓͑!̷̜̣̊̓

Than...a blinding flash of Blackness have everyone saw their life flash before his eyes. But before everyone was consumed...Alex spoke out.

" is all so...


The outside world began to hear shaking, as the citizens began to feel the ground beginning to crumble. Adults began to struggle to stand, children begun to fall, cars begun to crash into stuff, and into other people, as the citizens began to look around of what's happening, and why everything is starting to shake for some reason.

"Look at the sky!!"

"What is that?"

"It looks so scary!!"

"Look...out in the distance!!!"

As the citizens began to look...far off into the distance...a blinding white flash of light appeared, as SCP-5001 burst out of the ground.

The cage Yaldabaoth and Mekhane are finally forced to come out. The immense energy is to powerful for either to ignore, and they just reawaken again to confront what is creating the energy that they are familiar with, the energy they know they should be wary of.

SCP-2932, Titania's Prison, has been broken down, releasing all sorts of hostile entities along the way. All of the entities than begun to ran out of the, with only one coming out. Calmly...and shrill...a male who appearance looks very young...but is the oldest human to ever live, since the beginning of everything.

SCP-2317's Final Chain is finally broken. It is now ready to take and destroy the entire world, as well as other worlds beyond Earth. It steps out of the door, which breaks into a portal, as he than rises from the depth of the dimension that it's trapped inside of for god know how long.

In the city of Audapaupadopolis, Seth is looking at the horizon, as he saw the change. He sensed the portal, as he spoke out.

"So...the time has come. It won't be long now, before I am forced to return and fight against this war, just as I did before."

He than turns around, and sees the portal. A scarlet ring of swirling energy the spirals into darkness, like it is nothing but a Black Hole, sucking anything that arrives to come and feed it.

In the temple, SCP-2191, the ice cage that is holding Lovataar than suddenly began to crack, along with the ice covering the entire temple. It cracked and cracked until...


The ice finally has been destroyed. Lovataar is now free once more, and will finally finish her work to give birth to her spawn.

The entire sky has become red, like an everlasting bloodbath of despair spreading throughout the entirety of existence, with the clouds becoming black with tendrils moving all over. The moon has become a bright red color, like the blood of a trillion people has dripped onto it, and is ready to spread death to all that dare tries resisting.

The sun has become dark, like a black hole ready to suck the hopes and dreams of those that try and right back against the darkness that shall destroy all. The Darkness and Blood of despair and hate...has risen from the depths of shadows-below.

At the G.O.C base...

At the base of the G.O.C, the leader, known as the Acting Director, is taking a look at the situation that is happening right now, with so many people starting to be killed on the same day, and with many dangerous anomalies having busted out of their prison, and beginning to act on bringing death and destruction to the world at large, as people began to run and scram in fear of what is happening.

As the Acting Director observed, one of the G.O.C members than came running, as he spoke out to their leader.

"Acting Director...the Spears, they've been assembled. Do you know what this means?!"

The acting director than turns around, and spoke out.

"Yes...I do. has finally returned. We need to take active countermeasures, in order to protect the human world. So get ready. As this is going to be the battle of our lives. All of creation rests in our shoulders, Eric Burke."

At the Church of the S.K.

The Children of the S.K are now at their statue, as they sensed the spears open. They than bowed down, as the leaders spoke out.

"Brothers and sisters...the spears have finally been assembled! Now our god has finally begun to arrive to cleanse the corruption of existence, and free us for our eternal rest. Let us rise, and cheer for our God!!!"


Back at the Foundation...the portal is shown at the sky itself, as demonic entities come out of the portal and began to spread around to destroy and kill anything they target. And in the ground...the SCP Foundation Personnel, Sarkicism, The Serpent's Hand, The Church of the Broken God are present.

Toxin stood up, and after that, the others did as well.

"What happened..."

Toxin spoke out. The member of the Serpent's Hand than spoke out to Toxin.

"Isn't it obvious? The end."

Circe than turns, and in her confusion...she spoke out.

"The end of what?"

The Serpent's Hand than turned around, with a hollow look him his eyes, and spoke out jugs only one word.


Spawn was confused, as he spoke out to him.

"I don't get this, asshole? What do you mean the end of everything?"

"Yeah, speak up you son of a-"

Than, James felt Amaya's hands on his waist, as she spoke out.

"Dad, I don't know what's happening! I...I'm so scared."

James than crouches down and hugs her, as he spoke out.

"It's okay, babygirl. I've got you, Maya."

But as that happened, Toxin seemed to realize something. There is someone missing, or rather...there are some people missing.

"What the...Alex?! Where's Alex?!"

Dana also noticed, and spoke out.

"Alex?! Where are you?!"

Circe than noticed sometime else.

"Rex, he's gone too!!"

Jaime than noticed something.

"And Wanda, and Firestorm, they're also gone!!"

Jaime than turns to look around.

"Where did they go? Do you think they're..."

But everyone doesn't know what had become of them. All that they that they're gone, and they can't do no more.

"Umm...guys. Look at the news!"

Cyborg spoke out, as he turns it on. The news show the various anomalies, and the many hostile entities from Titania's Prison rushing around to kill people, as the G.O.C began to combat against the threat. The SCP Foundation's remaining 05 leader than spoke out.

"We need to help them. Everyone, get ready. This is going to be a deadly fight."

Everyone than begun to leave, to go and aid the G.O.C, but what they didn't notice is that through the portal...are 7 eyes, each glowing red as the blood of the mortal humans, but as strong as divinity, and filled with a limitless amount of a voice of a million beings than spoke out, frighteningly.

Y̸̘̘͌͠ͅȄ̵̦̍̋̆S̶͚͉͑̃.̴̣̗͎̌.̸̗̹̐.̸͔͕̙́̆͂͝Ţ̶̟̹̥́Ȟ̸̛̜̯͐͜E̴̤̞̮̾ ̷̡̳̫̙̏́̆T̶̡͛͆̕Ȋ̷̤͆̾̚M̴̢͖̈́͗̏̈́È̸̖ ̶̣͈̹̈́Ḧ̷̫͖̬̟́̊̅̊A̸̛̯̮̅͘S̶̯̾ ̸̢̱̜̿͋͊Ç̶̜̾̐O̶̤̕͝M̸̞͚̉Ȇ̴̡͚̖͕.̷̳̿̐͛͘͜.̴͕͂͐̽͜͜.̸͈̟̅͗M̶͚̒͑̀̽Ỷ̴͙̝̽̽͜͝ ̴̛̖̈̂ͅD̶̨̬̏Ḛ̷̛̝̼̭͑͠Ş̴̯͖͐̏̊T̴͎̩̺̞̿Ḯ̵̢͕̦͗N̶̦̭͌͋̎Y̶͇̾̑ ̵̧̤̎̔ͅİ̸̡͚̣̥̈Ș̴͎̂̃̎ ̷̠̗̼̄́̀̇F̴̥̃͌Í̸̙N̵͉̜̓̓̚͜͜Ḁ̴͑̈́̒̓ͅL̵͈̰͋͌̄L̵̲̂͆͋Y̷̢̛̛̮̽ ̴̩̘̻̰̏̿Ã̵̬̉T̵͙̖̊͠ ̴̧͈̟̲̑̄̓͛H̵̼̘̟͂Ā̶̮͚̜̞N̸̖͍̮̈́D̵̤̳̃.̸̤̇ͅ.̴̬̓.̴̤͓͐̃͝Ã̷̟̘͔́L̸̗͂ͅL̷̻̐ ̵̡͉̼̗̊O̸͈̳̥͒̃͘͘F̸͉̜͉̎ ̸̯̱̟̊̀͜E̵̢̲̗̍X̶͖̖̾͐Ï̷͓̮̺̈͆̓S̷̫̳̟̥̽͒̅͑T̷̲̟́Ë̷̢̘̦́̒N̶̨̩̽̃̔̈C̷͉͉̙͛̈̚E̷̲̼͘ ̸́́̚͜S̴͎̟̠̰͋͊͘H̴̪̩͛Ȁ̶͉̥̝̊͋L̵͈͈̩̖̂̆͛͆L̸̨̬͚͈̄͒̒ ̷̭̩͋͌̈́F̷͎̙̋I̴̺̤̐͋́N̴̡̤͂̒A̵̞̹̒̅͝L̷̥̳̓̅͆̚L̴̡͔̘̱͂̕Y̷̧̢̖̭̆͘ ̵̧̡̳̆̐͝B̷͕̗̗̋̚ͅE̵͓̅̀͛̂ ̵̦̈́̀̔̓Ę̸̠͍̟̒̎̑̐R̵̳̫̅̈Ả̸͉̯͚͊S̵͍̠͓̳̎͂Ė̸̟̊̀͝D̴͚̘͋̇̊.̸̨̛͈͊̄̀.̶̂̿̆͜.̷̱̲̫̯̑͠͝Ȁ̸͈̗͆Ǹ̷̟̥̽̈͘ͅḐ̷̠̕ ̷͈̋̌ͅI̸̢͚̱̻̐ ̴͓̫̄Ç̶͔͓͗ͅA̴̡̤̫͎͛͆͊̕N̷̺̎̈́ ̶͕̹̂̂Ḟ̴̞̲̫͘Ĭ̸̪̂̄͝ͅN̴̗͌̀A̴̡̞͗͛̄͛L̶͜͝L̵͍͇͔͌̃͛Y̶̗͙̼̱̓ ̶̠͇̚Ĕ̷͚̪͓̈́͝A̶̺̫̯̦͗̎̕Ș̵̢̧͚͋̈́̽Ẽ̴̳̠̐̏̿ ̴͚͖̪̈́̀T̸̘̐̈́͂̈́Ḫ̴̱̗̾E̵̢̠̍̎̉ ̸̝̲͇̀P̵̪͕̤͑̈́͛̌Ȁ̶̝̝̗̰Í̵̧̻̺͇͗͋̕Ṋ̵̡̲͒͌ ̸̡͐͋Õ̶̡͇͙͙̔F̶͇͊̈́̿ ̷̢̬͔̕Ć̷͉̌͝ͅR̸̠͉͈̽̏E̶̘̩͗Å̵̧͇̭̟̌̕T̴̙̬́̈͠͝I̷̪̫̘̕O̵̼̽N̵̰̾.̶̤͖̾̉̈́.̸̪͌͋̎͊.̸͎͍̥̟͋À̶̱̜̰͋͜N̶͎̻͕̔̔̉̂D̵͍̰͈̪͋ ̸͈̲̆N̸̙̲̊Ô̵̧̖͎͍T̸͔̔͒͘͘Ḫ̶̝̯͊I̵͉͜͝Ń̴̛̠G̴̢̬͔̽ ̷̠̖͙̈́̒͜C̶̨͙̠̲͆͆̎̕A̴̬̒͂N̴͚̫̝̪͒͐ ̸͇̎͘ͅS̷̬̮͌̄̉̅͜T̵̹̾͌̋Ơ̸͉̬͓͑͆͘P ̴̖́M̵̬̬̰̖̂̿͒̒E̶̢̎̅ ̶̜̠̥̎̊͝Ņ̸̺̜̾͑̿̓Ơ̶̮̯͗̉Ẃ̶̖̲͓̦,̴̝͊͝ ̷̭̜̹͖̀S̵͉̐̐͗O̶̫͆̑́ ̶̥͒͌̚̚S̵̲͚̳͙͑͋A̶͎̯͙̚Y̵͓͇͓͂͊̀̄S̶͉̗̤̑́͜.̸̡͎̥̩͐̀̑͘.̷̞͋̏̈́͘.̶͙̘̋̽̅͝T̷̰̩̮́͐͊͠H̷̰͋̐E̸̖͋̋ ̴͇̼͆̀̍̏ͅS̶̤̬̱̖̈̚Ċ̵͇̻̆A̴͓͈̦͐R̶͖̣͍͗̅͝L̵͙̓E̵̲͉̤̽̃͗͜T̷͔̮̦̄̄͊͗ͅ ̶̺̿K̶̡̤͎͇͝͝I̷̪̓N̴̪͙̠̂G̴̪͈͇̗̅!̵͖̩̺͛̓̈̈!̶͈̦̟̲̌!̷͈̟͆̏̄̅!̵̲̼͎̄̚!̵͈͓̳̟̅!̶͕̬̃͊̔!̷̭͌!̷̬̟̂̿!̴͙̩͜͝!̷̢̠͎̮̉

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