Time to take on the Fight...

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The City is in chaos. When the black hood dropped, it caused everyone to be infected by some sort of Symbiote virus. When this happened, they are all under Knull's influence, and the hosts are in donuts during the entire situation that is happening now. The team is doing everything that they can to put a stop to it, but they are obviosuly on the losing side.

Back at the Facility, Alex is devising a plan for everyone to use, so that they can finally fight back against the God.

"Alex...What do you have in mind?"

Rex spoke out to Alex. He than turns to Rex and spoke out.

"We need to get a good enough open space for us to get to Knull, but with so many people infected by this strange virus, it is not very easy. No, we need to have Breach come in and help us in this situation. Rex. You, me, and Blue Beetle will aid me in this. Circe, you, Cricket, Tuck, and Skwydd will go on the ship that has the electric based weapons on there."

Everyone was confused.

"Why do we need to go on there?"

Tuck spoke out to him.

"Because Grendel will most likely be there, and will try to help out Knull, and so he could devour us. But Grendel is weak to anything that is electric based. Rex could do it as well, but it will most likely stun him and hurt. No, the ship's electricity is way more powerful and is more useful when against Grendel. I will need Rex's help to fight off against Knull, and Kanepeki's as well, as it is better to have more people fighting than none."

Everyone looked down, but they nodded. After a minute, Alex than stood up, and he spoke to them.

"Alright, everyone. Let's go outside and stop Knull. He is residing in New York. Everyone will need to have Anti-Symbiote Suits. I will be fine while I'm out if you're wondering."

After a bit, everyone than decides to stick to the plan, and follow Alex's orders. They went into the armory, grabbed onto the remaining suits, and they went outside and prepare to go into the battlefield. Before the left, Cricket, Circe and Rex have a talk.

"Rex. Before it might be the end of me and the others, I want to thank you for all that you have done for us."

"If it wern't for you, we wouldn't be with the man that we love."

Rex smiles and spoke to them.

"Well, I am just glad that I met you both as well."

Both the females gave a kiss goodbye to Rex, before they went outside and into the ship. Rex than watch them take off for a minute, before Alex called out to him.

"Come on, Rex. We need to fight off against Knull."

Rex than turns and goes with them.

"Alright...I'm coming.

"Good. Then let's go and save the Earth."

Jaime and Red than took flight, with both Alex and Kanpeki going along with them.

In New York...

Knull was residing in the Center of the Red Zone, which is where Alex used to live in. As he looked at everything around him with the tip of his finger touching his mouth, he than sensed 4 presences coming forward towards him. He than looks to see 4 people he clearly didn't expect.

He looked a bit uninterested at first, but than he sensed a familiar power in both Rex and Alex themselves.

"So...the spawns of Yaldabaoth and Mekhane decide to come to where I sit on. It will be a repeat of what happens in history, except this time...I will not lose."

He than stood up and walked to the 4 man team.

"How...How did you escape from your prison, Knull?"

Alex spoke to him. Knull laughed a bit. His laugh is very unsettling. It was so dark and deep, like a bottomless void wanting to drain his life.

"Grendel...he was the key to opening it. I know that your friends have battling him. Very clever to use. But you all will not survive by my wrath."

Rex than spoke out to him in a mocking tone.

"Well, that is plain ironic, since you were beaten by 2 gods of Flesh and Machine. Since we carry what they gave to us, I think it will be a repress in history...repeat in defeat!"

After Rex said that, Knull got a bit angry.

"You want a fight to me, Cretin? Fine than...I accept your, it challenge!!! But you should know...I am not alone!!"

He spreads his arms out, and reveals the amount of Symbiotes present with him. Alex activates his claw, and his left eye glows red, as the infected from the Red Zone are also summoned into the field.

"Neither are we."

The Infected of the Blacklight than chased the Symbiotes away to another part of the city.

Breach also began to help out by teleporting them into electric cages that Alex made.

Knull then lept to where the team are at with his sword raised. But Rex was able to bring out his shielding Omega Build: Block Party.

He was able to summon it just in time, but Knull took it down with only a couple of hits. All four staggering back, Everyone activated hit blades, and Alex shouts at them all, commandingly.


Alex and the others than rushed into the battle for fight against Knull. Knull than took out his blade. It was no All-Black, but is still deadly nonetheless. Alex clashes his blade with Knull's sword, only for Alex to get thrown back. Blue Beetle than used his blade on Knull and got some good blows in. But Knull simply swatted him away, sending him crashing into a building, while also hitting Rex in the head. Kanepeki than tried to use his own blade on him, but Knull simply grabbed it, and just threw Kanpeki for another a single mile away.

Alex and Rex than recovered from the attack, and the both of them clashed blades with Knull's sword. Knull than pushes them back and tried to swing them to cut them in half. Both Alex and Rex just jumped out of the way, and tries to strike him at his most vulnerable spots. Knull than tried to cut Alex in half, but Alex pulled up his shield and defended against the symbiotic blade.

Knull than gets hit in the back by the B.F.S. He turns and sees Rex behind him. He than goes to Rex and tried to attack him.

Breach threw a portal at Knull, putting him to the opposite postion, and instead hit an apartment wall. Knull growled a bit, before Kanepeki and Jaime joined the fight. Jaime used his cannon arm and shoot in the face, while Kanepeki used his Kagune to make a hand to keep Knull in place.

Knull has been locked in place for a minute, before he shouted out loud


He than summoned a shockwave out from himself, and brought them all away from him. Only Alex and Rex still. Before that everyone was thrown back, Kanpeki summoned his blade, trying to cut the sword.

The attempted sort of succeeded, except that the blade regenerated. Before he could do anything, he went flying back from the shockwave. Alex and Rex than continue their fight with the God.

Alex leapt into the air, and tried to strike him from above. Knull, however, saw what was about to happen, and stopped Alex. But this was the moment that Alex needed, because Rex came in the scene, and activated the Battle Saw instantly.

He than tried to cut the god in half. Knull, however, noticed that to, and jumped into the air to avoid it. He pushed Alex away, hard. He than went down and tried to cut Rex in half. Rex barely dodged it, but he force of the shockwave from the cutting sent him bad a bit. Looking at Knull with uttermost frustration, he than activated the Slam Cannon at the left arm.

He than launches pavement from the ground at Knull. Knull simply cuts them away. Rex than tried to strike him, but Knull simply pushed him back. Rex and Alex than are on one knee, and both looked at each other. They nodded, and the both of them attack.

Alex than used his blade, and did a tornado spin. Knull blocks it and pushed him back. Knull than switched his attention to Rex and charges at him.

Rex reacts by activating the Smack Hands to deflect his strike, before using his B.F.S in the fight again. He clashes with Knull's Blade for a bit, before both Alex and Rex switch to the Bad Axes and Claws.

After they switched them, they immediately fight against Knull again, this time in more even ground than they did before when they used their swords.

Rex clashes with Knull and was now able to get more good blows in. He than blocks the sword strike of Knull, before spinning around.

The tornado spin he did caused Knull to stagger back a bit, before Alex then jumped into the fight again.

Alex than pounces on Knull and claws him very painfully. He snarled at Alex and tried to cut him clean in half. But Alex was able to grab it with both of this sharp claws. He than jumped back, and does a Groundspike Devastator attack.

Alex than looked to see that Knull is regenerating again. Reacting quickly, he immediately runs to Knull, activated his Blade, while keeping the claw at the left arm still. He than spins around and cuts him a number of times, each of the strikes more painful than the last one.

As he stopped spinning, Knull took him by surprise, and suddenly struck with immense force. Alex's perception went slow motion, and he jumps away from one of the miniature shockwaves. Alex than tried to attack, but Knull was able to see what he was doing, and parry his attack away. He than kicked Alex so hard, he crashed with the force of the biggest meteor. And this was only a portion of Knull's true power. When Alex was sent back, Knull than goes to Rex. Rex than tried anyway he can to defend himself, but Knull was able to get around it, and struck Rex. Rex was hit so hard, that he was sent to where Alex has been sent.

Blue Beetle than came back and fought against him. He than used anything that he can to beat him. He used his blasters to weaken him and tried to use his mace arms to smash him down. He than took flight and used his arm cannons to attack his face. As he does this, Knull makes a whip from his own shadow, and launches it at Jaime. Jaime than tried to cut it off of him, but it was to late, and Jaime was sent far away, and unconscious to.

Kanepeki than rejoined the fight. He regeneration had taken a long while to do suddenly. He than jumped and stabbed Knull multiple times in the gut. He than leapt into the air, and made a blade to cut Knull badly. Than, he made a cage to trap Knull's body in. Knull, however, was not amused, and struck the cage so much that it has shattered. Kanepeki was caught by surprise, and tried to defend himself with whatever he can do, but Knull was extremely quick and attacked the Ghoul with so much force, it sent him back to 5,000 feet.

He than looked at Alex and Rex. He smirks and goes to their position, and points at them with a sphere of compressed living darkness.

"You impress me. Although you are not as strong as the ones who had spawned you, you still made quite an impressive challenge right here. However...this is the end for you completely. I had held back on my true power, and you all, die."

Alex and Rex than tried to get up, but than black tendrils wrapped around them, holding the 2 in place. But that did not stop them from trying to stand up and try fighting again. As Knull prepares the finishing blow on the godly duo...


The area around them has shattered! Everyone and everything is suddenly gone right now! New York, the Symbiotes...gone. Only whiteness and Knull, Rex, and Alex still remain here. They looked around and saw that they are not on Earth. The land around them looks like the ground is reflective, but the sky is blue and red. If you step in it, the ground shimmers like it is water. Knull looked angry, as it seems that he recognized this.

"No...not here...NOT AGAIN!!!"

As Alex and Rex began to wonder what is happening, 2 figures than appeared next to the both of them. All Alex and Rex can say is:

"It...can't be."

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