What is that Strange Door?

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Alex is waking around a small town, and is having Rex with him. The Foundation has given them the permission to go out, just as long they do not reveal their abilities to the outside. They like normalcy very much. Alex and Rex are walking into a really strange street. But it is obviously a Slum of some sorts here.

There are many homeless people here, and they are all protecting themselves from the elements by using some garbage bags.

Some people even began to eat food from garbage bins. And Alex and Rex look very unhappy about the conditions. But while they look around, Alex than began to feel uneasy, at a strange feeling that he's feeling right now. Rex noticed, and spoke to Alex.

"Yo, Alex. You okay?"

Alex turned to Rex, and spoke back to him, calmly.

"I have a bad feeling about this. I have no idea why. But it is obviously something that's not good."

Rex nodded, and they continued to move forward. But as they do so, one of the homeless men noticed them, and spoke out to everyone that is present around here.

"Hey! These guys over here have fresh clothes! GET THEM!!!"

Everyone noticed, and began to chase after the duo here. Alex and Rex took the initiative to get away, fast. Alex and Rex wished that they could use their powers, but the do not want to get in trouble by the foundation.

"Alex!! Do you have any real idea where to go from around here?!"

Alex than began to think of something. This is a very tough decision right here. He wants to use his powers. At the same time, it would catch the attention of the outside world here. He than looks at Rex, and spoke of his plan.

"We need to hide and disguise as much as we can do so to flee. I hope that it's possible."

Rex nodded, before both Alex and Rex ran even faster. The crowd are going to try and take away the clothing that Rex and Alex have for themselves. But Alex and Rex are way more faster than the average human. As Alex and Rex turned, Alex grabbed Rex by the shoulder, and jumped up high into the air, and had landed onto a broken rooftop. Alex and Rex turned, and jumped into a corner, and found some ragged clothing here.

Alex looks around, and used his Thermal Vision to check and see if there are any humans that's present here. Alex changed his clothe's appearance, and gave the ragged ones to Rex.

"Where these, and out the hood over your head. We don't want them to recognize who we are."

Rex looked a bit reluctant, but he went along with it, and puts in the clothes to hide his appearance. Rex was able to put on some glasses to make himself look even more different. Alex and Rex went behind the wall, and they looked to see many homeless people. Alex turns to Rex, and spoke out to his partner.

"We cannot make ourselves reveal our faces. We need to cover our faces to look at convenient as we can."

Rex nodded, and both Alex and Rex lowered their heads, and began to walk away. One of the Homeless guys saw them, but they assume they were just like them. Alex and Rex looked at each other, and Alex did a thumbs up at him. Rex did the same thing, but was a bit worried that one of the homeless people will notice and realize who they both really are.

Thankfully, nobody caught them, and they passed without incident here. Alex and Rex than turned to a dark alleyway, and Rex removed his clothing, while Alex had changed back to what he originally looked like.

"That was a close one."

Rex spoke out, wiping the sweat off of his head. Alex nodded, and the both of them continue to go into the alleyway, but they stopped dead in their tracks, when they saw a strange sight that's seen before them.

A strange door is here in the dead end alleyway. Alex doesn't know why, but he is feeling very uneasy at the sight before him.

"Why does it feel like that this door is more than what I can see?"

He spoke to himself, quietly. Rex than felt a bit nervous, and began to go forward. Alex than spoke out.

"Careful, Rex. This might be something that we are unprepared to be in right now."

Rex turned, and spoke back.

"I know about that, Alex. But I have Block Party. So I'll be fine here."

Alex looked at him with a deadpanned facial expression present. But he just shrugged it off, as Rex continued to go to the strange door.

Rex than began to pull on the handle, but hesitated. Obviosuly, he was not comfortable with what is about to occur. But after a total of 10 seconds standing still, he pulls open the door, and saw a strange spiral stairway that is going downwards.

Strangely, it resembles the stairs in his old house before he had transformed to today. Rex was reluctant to go down, but he goes downwards. He traveled down here for about a minute, before reaching a door, which resembles the door of his family. He than decided to opened it, and was met with a shock expression present on his own face.

The room he is entering resembles his house when he was a child who still had his parents still alive. The kitchens was the same as the past house to. Something was up. He than raced back upwards, and opened the door, with a strange freaked-out expression presents here, which Alex had noticed here.

"Well...did something happen while you were in here, Rex?"

Rex than spoke out in a shocked tone.

"Your not going to believe what I had just seen in there."

Alex looked a bit interested, and spoke out to him with challenge present.

"Try me."

Rex than takes a deep breath, and began to explain everything that was down here.

10 minutes of explaining later...

"No way! Are you joking?!"

Alex spoke very loudly here, unable to comprehend what he had just heard from him. A door had led him to a room that resembles the house he had when he was a little kid? That should be just a coincidence right there, isn't it? Rex than shook his head no and spoke out again.

"I'm not joking! It actually happen to me!! How about you go and see the room all for yourself here?!"

Alex nodded, and went to the door. He took a deep breath, and went in. But when he went in...it looked very different here.

Rex describes the stairs as looking like it was his house and is brown, but Alex sees the stairs going up, it is gray, and is instead going up, rather than going down as described. And strangely, it looks like the house that Alex has stayed in when he was a child in his past.

"Well, do you see it?"

Rex spoke out to him.

"Very strangely, no. What's even more strange is that the stairs looks like it is one from my apartment, and it is instead going up."

Rex was surprised at the response.

"What?! How is that..."

Alex said nothing, but than went upwards, until he found a door, resembling the apartment of his families. Alex than got a bit suspicious on what's behind here.

Alex than opened the door, but instead of Rex's house that should be present here, it was instead Alex's apartment rooms that are present here. But the simple sight of it made him go down and hold onto his head.

He began to recollect every bad thing that had happened to him in the past. He remembered his father's cruelty. His mother's endless depression, all the bad stuff that happened to him in his life.

Alex, deciding he had enough, runs out of the place. He raced up the stairs, and met Rex, who is about to enter, and he accidentally ran into him, hard. Rex and Alex than recovered, and the both stood up. Alex and Rex stared at each other for a entire minute, before Alex spoke out.

"We will need the SCP Foundation, like right now...here!"

Rex nodded, and contacted the SCP Foundation about this find.

A half an hour waiting...

After waiting for a little bit, the Foundation was able to locate them, and some of the soldiers came along, and a Doctor is present with them.

"Alright, SCP-5000-1 and SCP-5002-A-1. Where is this anomaly?"

Both Alex and Rex pointed to the door, and the soldiers began to move forward. The soldiers open the door, and he noticed what is looked like from the inside.

"What the...why does the stairs look like it was from my house right here?!"

Alex and Rex spoke out.

"That happened to us both!"

The soldier turns and looks a little bit annoyed here. He than enters along with the soldiers. Alex turned and spoke to the doctor here.

"I hope the soldier knows what he is doing here."

The doctor shrugged, and spoke.

"He'll most likely get out of this thing without difficulty."

After a few minutes, he came back, and the doctor spoke out to him.

"So, soldier, what did it look like?"

The soldier looks down, before he spoke to them.

"Well, I thought it was going to lead into my room, but when I opened the door...it looked like it was a pocket dimension of land and clear rivers."

Alex and Rex turned surprised.

"What? But that doesn't make any sense. When we entered here, it resembled the inside of our houses and rooms!"

The doctor than looked and spoke to the soldiers present.

"I want you to try and move the door. Perhaps it can be brought to the SCP Foundation for containment."

Alex and Rex nodded. Surprisingly, it was simple. They loaded the SCP into the truck, and they head back while in the van seat, resting.

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