Proving Him Wrong - 8.

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While I wait for Jenny and her friends to leave the café I walk down the street and head towards Donna's Bar 'n' grill. I see my second boss sitting on a crate with a cigarette in her hand. "Hey, Donna."

She looks at me before stuffing the cigarette back into her bag. "I wasn't smoking." She sighs. "I take it out to remind myself that I don't need it when things get hard for me." she looks down the road. "I thought you were working at the café this morning."

"I am, but there was this group of bitchy girls I went to high school with and one of them ordered a coffee extra hot. I made it the way she wanted and she drunk from the hot cup and then screamed because she burnt her tongue. It was her way of getting the new employee fired, but since she doesn't know how to make drinks I was told to leave by the boss, until the girls left."

Donna shakes her head. "I hate those types of people. Do you have a picture of the friends and her? I want to make sure that they don't come into my workplace and pull a stunt like that."

"Sure," pulling my phone out of my bag I open up an app that has access to year book. "Those are the girls you need to keep an eye out on."

She takes a picture of it. "I'll make sure everyone knows about them. I can tell you right now that those girls won't have a place to go over the weekend. Once, this is out they're all in trouble."

Good. We don't need people like them in our workplaces.

Looking at the watch on my wrist I say. "I better get back to work." I stand up and see Jenny and her friends walk out the café door laughing.

Donna looks in their direction and says. "Are they the girls that tried to get you fired?"

"Yeah," I move toward the side of the building. "I need to hide until they leave this area and then I can go back to work."

She looks at the place where I'm hiding and says. "They're coming this way, Paige."

I see them through a hole in the fence and one of the girls says. "I can't believe you got Paige fired from that. She's done nothing to us."

Jenny crosses her arms. "She may have not done anything personally to us, but she did hurt Damien by not talking to him before he left for UCLA."

What does that have to do with her? It's not her business if I'm hurting Damien by being cold towards him. He did all this to himself.

Donna stands up and looks in the girls directions. "I heard what you did to Paige. All three of you should be ashamed of yourselves. That girl hasn't done anything, but try to figure out what she wants to do as a career. She smarter than the lot of you because she doesn't want to waste four years without knowing what she wants to do. It's taken her couple of months to figure what she wants to do and I can tell you right now that she's going to be successful in that chosen line of work. While you three piss away the money your parents worked hard for. So, instead of trying to cause problems with great people here you should go home and take a long hard look at yourselves and see if this us who you really want to be." She opens the door to the bar 'n' grill.

Jenny's mouth opens and closes a couple of time. "Who the hell was that?"

Stepping out from behind the building I say. "That was Donna. She owns the bar 'n' grill and runs the under 21 nightclub. You've just pissed off the wrong person in this place. Have fun being rejected from the best place around." I walk away from the group and head in the direction of the alley.

As I take the back way to the café I see a car pull in front of me. The windows are pulled down and I see Nick. "Why aren't you at work, Paige?"

"Something happened and I had to take a break. I'm heading back to work right now." He looks back down the street. "You shouldn't go back that way on your own. I'll drive you."

"What's happening down there?"

"A couple of cops are doing a drug bust and I don't want you to get in the crossfire if you're walking down there. Nothing will happen if you're in the car with me. The cops know I have nothing to do with this part of the town."

I climb into the car and he takes me to the café. When he parks in front of it. I thank him, before climbing out.

I step behind the counter and place my bag underneath it. When I stand up there's a customer and he's looking at the board. He gives me his order and I make it.

Once I've given him his coffee he walks out of the café and Annabeth says. "That was great. I've never seen anyone do that to Jenny."

I turn towards her. "I've wanted to do that to you."

She shakes her head. "That's not surprising. I'm glad that you never got the chance to do it. I would have caused a scene and got you fired." She looks at the counter. "And Damien would have disliked you more for hurting his friend."

I sigh. "Damien, gave the twins a ring the night before graduation. He wanted them to keep it for safe keeping."

She covers her mouth with her hand. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know he was that into you. If I did..." she cuts herself off. "Actually, I still would have done it. I became a horrible person when Mom was diagnosed with Cancer. I didn't know how to react to the diagnosis that I just took my anger out at the people that were worse off than me."

I hug her.

Jody and Jay enter the café. Jody looks at the counter and she stomps over. She looks at Annabeth. "What the hell are you doing working here?"

Annabeth looks at me and then she turns to Jody. "I've changed." She whispers.

Jody shakes her head. "Cut the bullshit. I've seen you humiliate and torture my best friend from the moment she dated Damien."

She looks at the table. "Jody, you have to know something about me. It may help you understand why I was mean. But, it won't make up for all the things that I did to Paige. But, I'm trying to mend bridges with her."

Jody leans against the table. "You've got two minutes, Annabeth."

Annabeth looks at me and I hold her hand. She takes a deep breath and turns to Jody. "Since Paige started dating Damien I felt jealous of their relationship. Before, she came along I was Best Friends with him. We grew up together. His parents are friends with mine and our parents were hoping that someday we would get married and become family. That reality disappeared and then my Mom was diagnosed with Cancer. She couldn't look at me knowing that I wouldn't be with him." She looks at me. "Mom told me to break you up. When I did I felt guilty. It made Mom happy that you two wouldn't be together anymore. But, what she didn't know was that he never wanted to be with me. Before, he left I tried sleeping with him and he turned me down. He said the only person that will make him complete was Paige. Then he left for UCLA. He never came back for my mother's funeral."

Jody has tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry your Mom made you do that to Paige. Did Damien's family show up at the funeral?"

She shakes her head. "Damien's family loved Paige. They were pissed that I was the cause of all the stuff that went down." She looks at me. "It doesn't matter how much I apologize it's not going to fix all the things I've done to Damien and you. I hope someday the both of you can be together. You were perfect together."

Too bad she didn't think of that before she broke us up. I don't think I can forgive him that easily.

Jody looks up the board. "Can I get a hot chocolate?" She turns to Jay. "Darling, what do you want?"

He looks at the board. "I'll have a black coffee."

I move over to the coffee machine and make there drinks. I put a lid on the drinks and carry it back to the counter.

Jody looks at the cakes. "Give me whatever you like, Paige. You've always chose nice cakes for me to eat."

I cut a piece of Vanilla slice for her. I whisper. "There's better cake as Donna's Bar 'n' Grill. I'll get you something tonight."

She smiles. "I'm looking forward to trying something from there."

The door to café opens and Damien walks in. He moves towards the counter. He looks at me. "I can't believe your still working here. I thought you'd at least be working on getting into University for winter."

I shrug. "Sorry, for disappointing you. But, I don't have a rich family that's going to get me into University."

He crosses his arms. "Dad would hire you in an instance if he knew you needed a job."

I shake my head. "I don't need your help, Damien. What I need from you is to order or get out of the way so I can serve the next customer."

He runs his hand through his hair. "Get me my usual. Don't forget to cut a slice of cake for yourself."

I walk over to the machine and I make him coffee. I place it on the counter and then cut a slice of cake for him. He gives me the money. "Keep the change." I take the change out of the register and put it in the tip jar.

The next customer moves forward and Annabeth takes the order. She moves through the customers quick. I write the name on the cups and what the ordered. I make the drinks and Annabeth takes them to the counter for the customers.

For the rest of the afternoon Damien sits in the café. He walks over to the counter and orders more drinks and he looks at me.

I open the door to the office.

Renee looks at me. "Paige?"

I shut the door. "Can you kick my Ex out? He keeps staring at me while I work and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable."

She exits the office and she looks Damien. She shakes his head. "He's been one of my best customers. I can't kick him out." She looks around the café. "I can send you home early."

I smile. "That would be great." I pick up my handbag and I exit the café through the back door. I make my way to Donna's bar 'n' grill.

When I open the door to the bar 'n' grill I'm greeted to a few girls in short skirts and make-up on their face. I joke. "Is the circus in town?"

Donna laughs and she walks over to me. "What are you doing here early, Paige?"

"My boss let me leave early. I didn't see the point driving home and then coming back here."

Donna points to the kitchen. "Since you're here early. You should have dinner. Do you mind doing an extra couple of hours?"

I shake my head.

"Good, do you want me to hold a table for your boyfriend?"

I nod. "Can you get him a table for three people? His sister is back on town for the weekend with her boyfriend."

She writes his name into the book. "Go,"

I open the door to kitchen. "Alex,"

He turns around and looks at me. "What are you doing here early?"

"Having dinner. Donna said you'd cook me something and then I have to start work. I want a steak and vegetables." I rub my stomach.

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