Childhood friends 3.

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Sai sat in the reception waiting for Kousu to come. He had been there since his brother Li Huawei dropped him off. The teachers had tried many ways to make Sai leave but Sai refused to go until he saw Kousu.

It was almost time for class to begin and Kousu hadn't come yet but Sai didn't have a disappointed look on rather his face gleamed as if he was sure Kousu was going to come.

This time the teachers didn't bother Sai after all he was a kid with an attention span of only five minutes. They were sure Sai would soon be running back to class.

The door swung open and a man in his late twenties came in. In his hands was Kousu. Kousu struggled to let go of the man's hold but the man only tightened it. " Da–Da I don't want to go to school. I want to stay at home with Gao Xing. Da–Da is such a meanie. '' Kousu kept on hitting his dad but his dad only ignored. When they reached the reception Kousu's dad dropped him down and Kousu went over to meet Sai. " I hate my da–da."

One of the teachers came over and assisted the young man in carrying Kousu's bag. " Mr. Huang Hao yu are you alright?"

Huang Hao Yu was Kousu's biological father and also the heir to the Huang family. The Huang family was a rich and noble family known across China, they had businesses in almost every state in China and around the world. They were rich, respectful and highly favored. And so they were given utmost respect. Huang Haoyu sighed. " I am fine, Miss Jin. I am so sorry we are late. Xing Xing insisted on playing with his cat."

" But Da–da didn't let me. Da– da is a meanie!" Kousu brought his tongue out.

Huang Haoyu scolded. " Manners Kousu"

" Humph!"

Sai watched with no expression on. Although he was happy to see Kousu, he didn't have a single smile on. Sai had always been like this from a very young age. As a child he never cried nor smiled. He hardly ever showed any expressions and it brought a cause for worry in his family. But since his mother didn't really care about him, the worry died down and everyone decided to accept Sai the way he was.

Kousu tilted his head and glared at Sai." Whatchu lookin at."

Sai avoided making eye contact with Kousu. " Nothing..."

Kousu didn't find Sai strange at all. Even though other children found Sai different, Kousu was positive that he could make Sai smile. " You could at least try smilin."

Sai avoided Kousu as much as possible. Although he was the one who wanted Kousu to come at the end, he was just too shy to talk to Kousu.

Huang HaoYu turned to his son and waved. " Xing Xing i will pick you up by three so keep Li Huan company!"

" Don't even come."

Haung Haoyu walked out of the reception leaving the two kids behind.

After Huang Haoyu had gone, Kousu held Sai's hand and they walked over to their class.

The class contained about ten students seated and ready to study. When Kousu and Sai came in the students stared at them because they were holding hands.

Kousu glared at them. " Watchu lookin at!"

The students averted their gaze and continued their class works.

Kousu and Sai walked over to their seats and sat down.

However when Kousu wasn't looking Sai stared at his hand and blushed. This was the first time Kousu had held hands with him and for some reason he was happy about it.

The student behind Sai called out. " Hey! Pretty eyes.. Whatchu blushing for.."

Sai only ignored the boy and continued writing. The boy's name was Fu Cheng, he was one of the bullies in Sai's class. And he always enjoyed making fun of Sai even though Sai mostly ignored him and never answered.

But Fu Cheng wasn't taken no for an answer, he kicked behind Sai's chair continuously but Sai still didn't answer. Even with the racking noise from his chair he still concentrated and managed to ignore Fu Cheng.

Still Fu Cheng wasn't given up, he brought out a yellow coloured drink; he wanted to pour it on Sai and get everyones attention. 

However just as he was about to pour it. A book was thrown right at the corner of his eyes. The drink poured on Fu Cheng's dress and everyone stared at him quite surprised.

Fu Cheng immediately turned to see who had thrown the book at him, he turned around but no one seemed to have done it. Until he saw Kousu's smirk. He then knew Kousu was the one who did it.

Fu Cheng, " You got some nerve! Do you know who I am?"

Kousu smirked. " Let me guess. You are a boring old bully that picks on people who can't fight.."

Fu Cheng was unsure of what to say now but he still shouted." You!"

Kousu chuckled. He opened his eyes and gave Fu Cheng a terrifying look. His red fierce eyes bore a hole deep inside of Fu Cheng and Fu Cheng was unable to speak. " Don't bully Sai.... Or you just might get it."

The teacher walked inside and then Kousu started crying. Once the teacher saw this she rushed over to Kousu.

" Kousu, are you alright, what happened to you?"

Kousu cried." Fu..Fu..Cheng peed on himself..sniff.. And he said he was going to pee on me too."

Fu Cheng was astonished by this. Kousu was the one who poured the drink on him but yet he was the one crying.

Fu Cheng said in embarrassment " I..It wasn't me miss Jin...Kousu was the one who..Poured the drink on me.."

The teacher was even more annoyed. She stood up aggressively and dragged Fu Cheng by the ear. " You deserve a bigger punishment. Not only did you bully Kousu but you also lied."

She took Fu Cheng away as the crying decreased. When Kousu realized she was gone he placed his smile back on and cleaned his tears. He turned over to Sai and smiled. " Don't worry, I am here."

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