Demon and Angel?

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The gang meeting had finished and so all the gang founding members gathered at the temple to have their own special meeting.

Kousu was still behind sai he was unwilling to show his face yet having to deal with the members was enough for him but now he had to deal with the founding members.

The founding members climbed the staircase; they were about eleven in number. From guesses, Kousu could tell they were separated in divisions, each of them having their own assistants.

Most of them were tall while only a few were short.

Bo cheng shouted " Sai who is that fucker behind you "

" who the hell are you calling a fucker " kousu remarked.

Bo cheng laughed " you should show yourself instead of hiding behind sai like a wimp"

Sai interrupted " i don't mind him staying behind me "

Rue Xuan looked disgustedly at kousu." Seems you have found a crazy one sai "

Kousu couldn't agree more.

Sai smiled " yes!. Kousu is my role model "

Kousu slapped sai from behind," i already told you fucker don't call me your role model "

Sai cried " but that's what you are "

The other founding members watched indecisively, they were used to sai's behavior.

The afro haired guy smirked " sai. Your friend seems really strong for his height "

" We are the same height, " kousu said.

" actually i am a inch taller "

Kousu let go of sai and walked over to him, he swung his leg trying to hit the afro dude but the guy dodged it.

Kousu dropped his leg down " just a tiny inch taller "

The afro dude smiled " kousu huh!"

" hmm!. Kousu "

" my name's demon "

Kousu was confused as to why the hell he would name himself demon, he smiled and laughed a lot and he also looked very nice he should have been called angel instead.

Kousu was puzzled," demon?"

" He deserves the name " a boy who resembled demon came out from the crowd, he had a red afro and a blue headband tied. He was the complete opposite of his brother, he looked like someone who would fight anyone if he got the chance to, his teeth were gnashed together and his eyebrows were slightly up. He looked angry.

Angel smiled immediately when he saw his twin brother." my name is angel and that's my brother demon "

Confused, Kousu questioned if he was still in the earthly realm. How could a devil be called an angel and an angel be called a demon?.

Sai noticed kousu confusion and whispered to his ear " once you get to know them you will understand "

Demon smiled " kousu!. You were too easy on that assassin. If it was me I would have broken all his teeth and fractured his face. That way he wouldn't be recognizable, " Demon smiled while punching his fist together.

Kousu waved his hands"no way!. That would be too much for me. I prefer to just break people's teeth that way their smile is gone "

Demon laughed out loud." kousu!. Since you are going to be sai's assistant i am going to have to nickname you . After all i nicknamed everyone. Fatty ass, risk taker, sleepy fox, party pooper...." demon mentioned the nicknames while he pointed at who it belonged to.

Kousu chuckled slightly. The nicknames were perfect.

Demon pointed at kousu " i know!... scorpion "

Kousu smiled– why did he give him the name scorpion?

Demon could already tell what kousu's question was going to be so he answered it on time " Your nickname scorpion fits you perfectly. Because before scorpions sting, they use their claws to grab and stabilize the prey. With smaller prey, the animal simply is crushed by the scorpion's grip or for larger prey the scorpion stings its prey with its venom."

Kousu was still confused.

Demon explained further." you wait for the perfect moment before you attack your prey!"

Demon smiled.

Sai repeated " scorpion. The name fits you perfectly "

Kousu thought of it for a while. It was truly a wonderful name to give, " demon. Thank you!"

Sai turned over to the rest of the founding members" Each of you introduce yourselves"

They all did as sai said from the first division to the last division.

" li chen. Vice president "

" Rue Xuan. First division captain "

" My name is Chen chen. First division assistant captain"

" My name is Hao Yu. Second division captain"

" My name is Yong Le. Second division assistant captain"

" Bo Cheng. Third division captain"

" Ming Yu. Third division assistant captain "

" My name is Demon. Fourth division captain"

" My name is Angel. Fourth division assistant captain"

" My name is Jia wei. Fifth division captain"

" zi zi. Fifth division assistant captain "

All of these were the founding members of mo wang. Kousu was surprised. " My name is Huang xing. But I prefer people to call me kousu".


Kousu was called out by li chen. For some reason li chen wanted to talk to him but kousu wondered why. Kousu guessed it was going to rain the wind that blew was stronger and scary looking clouds gathered in the sky.

Kousu heard someone walk towards him and so he straightened himself up, he turned over to see who it was and it was li chen.

Li Chen walked over to him with boldness in every footstep he made, his hair was braided back like a dutch braid, and his eyes were black.

" You asked to see me ?" kousu questioned. He was unsure whether his identity had already been discovered by this tall delinquent in front of him.

Li chen didn't speak too loudly, he only sat on the staircase and asked kousu to come sit next to him, kousu did so and soon it went silent.

Li Chen broke the silence and finally spoke up " kousu i only have one thing to say to you. Sai sees you as a role model he looks up to you, it's rather strange the role models he picks but he chose you not for fun or boredom. Sai hardly ever talks to people he doesn't know or trust, he only stays with people he trusts but whenever i see sai with you i see a different form of sai a side maybe i have never seen before. Me and you don't know each other. I don't know why Sai chose you to stand by his side but all I ask is for you to treat Sai right and not hurt him. That's all..."

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