Don't judge a book by it's cover!

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Huang ning looked around his empty room as nasty thoughts accumulated in his brain. All he could think about was kousu. Kousu was stubborn and one of his biggest problems, he never listened, he always got into trouble and his heart always got broken. But yet kousu still trusted people easily.

Huang ning would sometimes wish he was more like his brother, kind and softhearted. But life had taught him lessons no one could pay to learn.

He picked up one of the picture frames. This one was a picture of kousu in preschool. Back then kousu's hair was longer than it was now. It was dyed black and plaited to rough braids. Kousu always wanted to look like Huang Ning and so he begged to get his hair dyed.

Huang ning smiled a little, remembering kousu's childhood was the only happy thing in his life. But the childhood days came teenage days which led to most of kousu's depression and suffering. Huang ning remembered the times when kousu would come home covered in blood and shattered glasses or sometimes when kousu wouldn't even come home at all. Eventually, Huang ning would find kousu sleeping in the garage or sleeping in front of the gate.

Those periods were the hardest for Huang ning. During that period he had to deal with Huang Xin .

Huang ning staggered at the thought of huang xin. The boy who caused kousu's downfall.

" i wonder how that fucker is doing! If kousu were to see him again. I am sure they will have a clash. Just that name 'huang xin'is enough to change my mood. Ugh!" Huang ning sat on his bookshelf chair. He opened one of his drawers and took out a picture frame with the picture of the twins. Huang xin and Huang xing. They looked so happy in the picture. To think that Huang xin would develop so much hatred towards kousu to the point of wanting to kill him.

Huang ning placed the frame back where it belonged and rose up from his chair. His only hope was to never see Huang Xin again...


" one hundred men against two hundred !" the enemy gang shouted.

In the midst of all the disaster kousu stood, he spun his eyes staring at everyman in the opposite gang and his gang. They were having a gang war like sai explained. Mo wang versus the headless bull. The men in this gang were fit, tall and muscular. Kousu found it hard to believe these men were teenagers. How was it possible for teenagers to look like forty year olds? What do they eat?

The head of the gang came out " Sai! So you and your petty team came out huh? It's surprising that your little gang decided to show up in such an event. Don't you have little shame. " The guy was six feet tall. He was a giant, a thin giant that is! His hair was dyed blue and red and his mischievous smile and unrecommended glasses added to his physique.

" Sai! You know the rules. We need a one off"

Kousu was confused ' one off'.

" A One off is when. A chosen member of a gang fights the strongest member of another gang. For example whoever represents our gang against Jing ri. Until one of the fighters is taken down the fight cannot continue. Once the fight has ended the other members of the gang are allowed to continue fighting " Jie jie explained.

How much does this kid know?

" I will do it" Sai was ready to fight Jing ri.

Rue Xuan walked to the front of the battle field, his gaze fell upon kousu. He wanted to see what kousu could do. " Why don't you decide asshole? " Rue xuan smirked at Jing ri.

Jing ri smirked back. " Well then I will take on the silver haired one. I like cute guys."

Kousu turned around to see if there was another silver haired guy. But since the universe was against him he was the only one with silver hair.

Sai was annoyed by it" no!..."

" oi! I am not weak!" Kousu walked over to Jing ri. Their height difference was truly remarkable. A giant versus an ant.

Jing ri pervertedly stared at Kousu. Looking at him from down to up and slightly licking his lips.

" Fight!"

Jing ri was truly fast, he moved his hands ready to punch but Kousu was too late to react. Although he slightly dodged it he was punched in the jaw. " Damn! You are strong. Huh!"

Jing Ri stopped to acknowledge the complement " ah! Thanks"

" Too bad. You get easily distracted "

Jing Ri's glasses fell to the ground and cracked. It was an amazing sight to see and it had happened so fast everyone was unsure whether a human took down the giant Jing ri that easily.

The name soul catcher wasn't given to kousu for fun. When he dodged Jing ri's attack he acted like he was badly hit but once he noticed Jing ri blink for a second he used that chance to kick Jing ri off his feet. But he didn't expect the kick to be powerful enough to make Jing Ri look so lifeless. " oi! You awake. Damn guess my legs have gone strong. I haven't beat anyone in a while. So I guess it went stiff a little. Don't tell me the kick took you down so easily. Damn, my old lady always said. Don't judge a book by its cover!" kousu laughed hysterically. His laugh was both creepy and approving.

The other gang members mouth's were open in shock. How could a five foot tall feminine boy take down a giant in nothing less than ten seconds? Was that even possible?.

Kousu turned over to his gang. " what are you fuckers waiting for! Do I need to gouge out his eyes before you guys believe I won?"

Even his gang members feared him. Only a few founding members were shocked by his strength. Sai smiled approvingly. " That's my role model!"

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