Horn Gang.

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After Li Huawei's death things seemed to have been okay with Sai and Li Chen. Mostly Sai. Sai acted as if nothing had happened to him and he was completely okay. He also took care of the gang with no pressure whatsoever and nothing made the gang seem weak.

However Dan Hua wasn't at all okay. His mother Dan Mian was diagnosed with cancer and was taken to the hospital, but because their family didn't have enough money the bills couldn't be paid. Mainly because they were too expensive and since Dan Mian was now in the hospital Dan Hua had to take care of his siblings and he sometimes missed school.

Soon there wasn't enough money to even feed his siblings and Dan Hua had no choice but to starve himself. However, in no time. They were unable to even eat, the money they had left wasn't enough to sustain them. Leaving Dan Hua to look for a job.

But since he was still young no one wanted to hire him and due to frustration Dan Hua made the choice to borrow a loan.

He had met with different delinquents and they told him the only gang that was given loans was the horn gang. Although Dan Hua didn't want to have anything to do with the Horn Gang he eventually decided to borrow a loan.

The Horn Gang was among the most powerful gangs in China, they had stations in different countries and their leader Rui WeiGuo was a crafty man with no heart whatsoever. There were rumors about him killing his members just because they wanted to leave the gang or they wanted to give up. Rui WeiGuo's name sent shivers down the spine when mentioned and people saw him as ruthless and heartless.

But now Dan Hua was going to meet this ruthless gang and borrow a loan from them. A loan he was unsure of how to pay back.

Because the Horn Gang's place was hidden away from society Dan Hua had to specifically meet a member of the Gang before he was allowed to enter their territory. Surprisingly the horn gang's place was just a gym that was still open. The gym was really well made, there was no way anyone would suspect the gym was filled with criminals and murderers.

Dan Hua walked into the gym and to his surprise he could see people working out. They all glanced at him when they saw him but they turned back and continued working. Just by seeing these people Dan Hua trusted that he wouldn't get in trouble and if he did he could just run away and since there were civilians he wouldn't get in trouble.

Dan Hua was taken to a special location in the gym, the guy who had guided him all the way stopped at the door to a room in the gym. There was something written on the door and it was 'MANAGER'

When Dan Hua saw this he was sure he had reached the boss's office but the guy who had guided Dan Hua left without saying a word. Even though Dan Hua was new there he already knew what needed to be done.

Dan Hua opened the door but as he opened it, he heard sounds. These sounds weren't just normal sounds, they were sounds from what adults did in bed. As Dan Hua opened the door the sounds increased. 'Pa pa pa' Those were the sounds coming from the room.

He walked into the room and was shaken when he saw it. Rui WeiGuo and a man where f*cking. Rui WeiGuo had placed a s*x toy in the man's rear end and he was continuously pushing the toy in and out as the man squealed.

Dan Hua didn't want to go any further but when Rui WeiGuo saw the fear in Dan Hua he raised his gun and said. " You better not ditch me. I heard you want to borrow a loan, the money is here." Rui WeiGuo hit the table and like he said there was a briefcase on the table" You can have the money but you have to pay back by the end of the month but if you don't you will end up like this guy here. But since you are really pretty I will give you two months. In a month's time I will send my men to deal with you but after two months and you still don't pay. Well then you will become my new toy."

Even though Dan Hua wanted to run away, he had no choice than to accept his fate. Either he took the money or he would be shot. And so Dan Hua walked over to the table and picked up the briefcase. The man on Rui WeiGuo's lap tried to beg for help but all Dan Hua did was take the money and leave.

He needed to pay Rui WeiGuo as soon as possible.

Dan Hua walked out of the building with fear, he couldn't believe what he had just seen and no matter how hard he tried to clean his eyes. There was no way that scene would leave.

He didn't want to end up like the man from earlier but he had no choice or say, he was already with the money and he couldn't pay it back. Now the only thing he could do was to find a way to pay Rui WeiGuo back and not become his next s*x toy.

Dan Hua was unsure of what way he could pay back but now the only thing he could do was to find a job. Even if it was against the law, he just needed to find a way to deal with his problem.

As he was thinking he remembered a time when he saw a gun in his father's closet. If he took the gun then he could make good use of it and even earn money. However, the way he was going to earn money was going to put him in trouble.

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