Jie jie 3

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In no time jay and jie jie adjusted to their new highschool life, it was both fun, depressing and boring but nothing was better than meeting new people and learning new things. Most especially for jay who had somehow become a main attraction point. Jie jie had never noticed it before but jay was actually quite handsome. His short puffy brown hair and his radiant emerald eyes were part of his beauty. He was olive skin, slim and tall with a warm smile or a confident smirk on his face. Compared to jie jie they were completely opposite; Jie jie had a rough uncombed black hair, he was unfashionable and was rather shy, he was one inch shorter than jay and had problems with socializing.

Seeing Jay happy like this was exciting but at the same time Jie Jie couldn't help but worry that his friend might get into trouble with the delinquents. Jay noticed jie jie had been staring in space, he waved goodbye to the girls he was talking to and rushed over to his old friend. Jay asked. " what are you thinking of"

Jay's voice was easy to tell, it was deep and sounded mature but at the same time cute. Jie jie responded with his usual worrying emotion. " You got a letter from a girl. She said I should give it to you!" jie jie picked up the letter and handed it over to jay. Jay took a glance at it but he immediately threw it to the nearby trash, he was used to all these kinds of letters and they were somewhat bugging him out.

Surprised, jie jie rose up and walked over to the trash to pick up the squeezed letter. He scolded, whispering" You shouldn't do that. The girl put a lot of hard work into it, she put some hearts on it and made it look so appealing and you didn't even bother to read it" jie jie rose up from his squatting position, cleaning off the rubbish which was on top of the paper. He glanced at Jay but was caught shocked by the disgusted glare Jay was given. Jay walked over to jie jie and grabbed the paper from him. He squeezed the paper, and shredded it to tiny irreparable pieces and once they were all torn, he stepped on it frowning at jie jie. Jie jie was caught off guard by this he had never seen jay glare at him like that it was intimidating and made jie jie's hand to shiver and his face to sweat profusely.

Annoyed, Jay sighed before speaking up. " If I don't want something I put it in the trash and if anyone tries to pick it up. I wouldn't care who that person is. All i will do is to teach that person a lesson" jay walked away from jie jie locking the door really hard to show his anger, leaving jie jie in fear and anxiousness.

When jie jie knew jay was gone he squatted, closing his eyes and letting the hot tears flow down his face. This was the first time he had ever seen Jay so mad. All he did was try to help but now Jay hated him even more. Was he too clingy? He thought.

The fear of losing his best friend surrounded him as he closed his eyes and let his fear fade away in the form of water.

School had ended and jie jie was back in his house. The cracks on the ceiling only gave him bad memories and the distorted look on the house made jie jie to fear what could be behind the door. The day had been terrible for him and encountering a new problem wasn't going to help him at all.

He opened the door with a loud creak, the house was quiet which meant no one was at home. It was pretty normal for him anyway. His parents hardly ever came home and once they did they would always have arguments.

Jie jie walked in and locked the door behind him, he pulled off his shoes on the brown mat and called out to his sister. " A niang!" but there was no answer so he called out again but there was still no answer. Jie jie was in a panic now, he rushed over to his sister's room to search for her but she wasn't there. His sister never came home late, most of the time she would cook for him before he could even get home. The house was empty and his phone's battery was low. Nothing could describe the fear in his eyes.

Just as he was about to rush out like a lunatic, a phone rang. The ringtone was familiar, it was his mom's phone. He followed the phone's sounds and it let him into his mother's room where the phone was lying on the bed. He walked over to the phone and picked up the call. It was his father. " Jie jiang! Are you there?"

Jie jie responded." Yes!" his voice was weary and in fear, he knew something was wrong.

His father asked" where are you?"

Jie jie" I–i–am at home!"

From the background, came a loud angry voice. It was a woman and from the guesses jie jie knew it was his mom. " jie jie where the hell have you been! I have been calling you all day. But you fucker decided to turn of your phone. How could you?" The woman's voice slowly turned calm and it sounded as if she was crying. " your sister! We are in the hospital—she got in a car accident and—".

Although Jie Jie's mom was hot tempered, she still had a little bit of love and compassion in her, especially towards her children. She hated her husband but wanted to stay with her kids at all means. She cried. " jie jie! Come to General Hospital right now" her voice gave away her fear and bothersome heart. None of this was helping jie jie and all it gave him was the fear of losing his only sister.

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