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Once Dan Hua and Kousu were done with the injured men they headed off to find Sai. Although Kousu and Dan Hua were unsure where Sai would be, they weren't willing to give up yet.

Dan Hua chuckled at the way things were going, he wasn't surprised to see Kousu and Sai have a fight but he was rather pleased. He wanted to crush Sai under his feet and see Sai suffer until he begged for help. Dan Hua's hatred for Sai was indescribable and he was willing to do anything to make sure Sai suffered the same fate as him.

Kousu and Dan Hua rode on their motorcycles circling the area and looking for any member of the Mo Wang gang. They had searched but it was difficult to find any members since they didn't wear their uniforms everyday. Kousu had his mask back on. Before leaving the school, Some students took pictures of him and he was sure they had already posted it on Weibo. By now people would be looking for a guy with silver hair and a black mask but even with everything against Kousu. He still wanted to have a chat with Sai. This was going to be the very last time they would ever speak again and this was going to be the moment their hatred for each other would grow stronger than ever.

But before they could continue riding, Dan Hua stopped Kousu. " Wait Kousu aren't those Sesame Balls."

Kousu stopped his bike when he heard Sesame Balls. They were the snacks his father loved making for him, even though he didn't remember anything about his father he remembered the sweet taste of his father's Sesame Balls. So he stopped the bike and proceeded to buy one.

Dan Hua followed from behind, he too wanted to have a taste of them. As they entered the shop Kousu noticed two familiar individuals seated. They were Demon and Angel.

Dan Hua noticed Kousu was staring into space and asked. " You know them. "

Kousu nodded. " Ya! They are from the Mo Wang gang .Their names are Demon and Angel."

Dan Hua was unsure of who they were. During the time he was part of the Mo Wang gang, he never saw Demon or Angel. So he guessed they were new.

When Angel noticed Kousu he waved.

Kousu," Dan Hua. Buy sesame balls. I am coming."

Dan Hua nodded. " Yes boss."

Kousu walked over to Demon and Angel. From the looks of things they had also come there to eat sesame balls.

Demon smiled." Kousu, you look a lot different today...Oh yes it's the bandage isn't it. Your arm looks hurt, are you okay?"

Kousu," I am fine. It's just a scratch."

Angel," If you are really okay. Then why is your hand covered with bandages?"

Kousu sighed. He wasn't ready for questions like this. He had way more things to do than to bother over some scratch that didn't even hurt. " Do you guys know where Sai is?"

Angel and Demon looked at each other before Demon answered. " I don't think you should bother Sai today...Sai is at Dangning beach. "

Kousu wondered what Sai would want to do in Dangning beach.

But Angel explained further. " That is Sai's special spot. It's where he stays when he needs time to think or relax... We don't know why he likes the location but he just does. It would be better if you let him be. Just today."

Kousu wasn't really listening to them. All he cared about was going to Dangning beach and talking to Sai.

Dan Hua walked over to their table and waved at Demon and Angel.

Dan Hua, " Shall we go?"

Kousu nodded." Ya. but did you get the sesame balls?"

Dan Hua nodded. " Of course!"

They walked out of the shop and rode their motorbikes to Dangning beach. However the beach was really deserted with no soul in sight. It seemed as if no one ever came to the beach. And now Kousu could understand why this spot was where Sai stayed if he needed to relax.

Kousu told Dan Hua to go home and not bother waiting for him. Because he wanted some quiet time with Sai.

When Dan Hua heard this he was disappointed but he left like Kousu instructed. However he didn't go.

After Kousu was sure Dan Hua was gone he walked over to the beach to look for Sai and he eventually saw Sai. Sai's hair wasn't tied like usual, it was rough and blew wherever the wind asked it to go. Sai had a neutral look, his golden eyes still sparkled even though they were somewhat dull and his smile had perished completely. Sai hadn't noticed Kousu because he was still distracted by his thoughts.

Seeing this Kousu walked to the back of the bench in which Sai was seated on. Even though Sai didn't see Kousu. He already knew Kousu was the one behind him.

Kousu expected Sai to be the one to talk first but he figured Sai wouldn't do that and so sighed before releasing the troubles in his heart. " This place seems nice... Just the place i would go to if i had troubles or worries..."

Sai still didn't answer.

Kousu continued even though he was too scared to speak. " Sai. Thank you for everything...You were the first person to act normal to me even when you found out i was an idol. You kept it from everyone and even told me nice things to keep me motivated. You gave me a cute pup and you made me feel like I belonged ... .But even now I still feel like I am using you. It doesn't matter to me if you forgive me or develop hatred towards me...But I want this burden to get off me. Sai i might die in a month time or you might never see me again. I will just be a shadow in your memories, but none of that matters. Once I am gone from your life, I am sure you will finally have peace.... "

"I am Soul Catcher. You can hate me all you want for killing your brother, none of that really matters. But i want you to always see me as your enemy.... And if we meet again let us be enemies to the death."

Sai still didn't speak but Kousu stood up from the bench and walked away. 

This was the last time they would ever cross paths.

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