Roger that!

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Going back to this intimidating skyscraper was the last thing Kousu wanted. The tall building was made out of glass and attracted a lot of sightseers. The glass was perfectly cleaned and not even a speck of dust appeared on it.

After taking a few glances Kousu decided to walk in. The guards greeted him with a bow and let him in. kousu stared at the exotic portraits which cost millions and billions of yuan. He wasn't too impressed by them. Most of them were just weird. There was one which only had a little dot as the painting. Kousu sighed–The world was turning into something else. It couldn't even differentiate between art and a dot.

One of the workers noticed Kousu andwalked over to him as he immediately stretched his hand out. " Young Master Kousu. You look very elegant!"

Kousu wasn't impressed by the man's respect. What was so elegant about a black hoodie and a baggy trouser. " Where is Mr. Xianyue? "

The worker smiled. " He is upstairs waiting for you."

The worker walked Kousu to Mr. Xianyue's office before he took his leave hurriedly. Kousu stared at the door, he wasn't willing to even look at Xianyue. Zuo Xianyue was the head of Xin Zhao Design Group. A popular company known for their architecture and design skill. The company was founded in the nineteen sixties and had grown to be a rich and popular company. But their current leader Zuo Xianyue was the opposite of what people saw. Kousu and Zuo Xianyue used to be business partners; since both companies' ancestors had worked together. But Kousu was never a fan of Xianyue and he didn't know Xianyue had taken a liking to him. On the day when Kousu was supposed to get the Huang companies award Zhao Xianyue harrased him but luckily Huang Ning was able to protect Kousu. But due to Zhao Xianyue's wealth there was no justice served and Zuo Xianyue was set free.

Kousu opened the door and walked in. Zuo Xianyue sat on the large sized couch, his legs crossed and his attention was on Kousu. He gave a some-what horny smirk and chuckled. " Huang Xing!"

Kousu was annoyed just by looking at Zuo Xianyue and glared at him disgustedly." Don't call me that!"

Xianyue smiled. " Would you prefer it if I called you Jiang Xing?"

Kousu held himself from bringing out the gun in his pocket and putting an end to the bastard's life. " I don't bear that name. Got it!"

Xianyue nodded " Got it" he waved his hand for Kousu to come sit next to him and Kousu walked over. Kousu moved over to seat but when he was about to sit Xianyue grabbed him and Kousu fell on him.

Annoyed, Kousu pushed him away. " What is wrong with you! Have you forgotten your place asshole!"

Xianyue frowned. " A hickey huh! It seems you are having fun."

Kousu pushed Xianyue away and stood up, he didn't expect the hickey to be that obvious. " That's none of your business."

Xianyue was even more annoyed; he stood up in anger and grabbed Kousu's hair before he knocked Kousu to the ground. " You little son of a bitch. So you have been fucking with some random people huh! Have you forgotten who you belong to!" Xianyue grabbed Kousu's neck and strangled him. Kousu coughed and tried to push Xianyue off him but he was too strong.

There was only one thing Kousu could do, Kousu stretched his hand to the gun which had fallen under the chair. It was hard to reach but soon Kousu managed to get it. He picked up the gun and pointed it at Xianyue. He smiled. " I don't belong to you and so you don't forget. Never mess with Soul Catcher." Kousu pulled the trigger and shot Xianyue on the head. Xianyue jerked but soon came crashing down.

Once Kousu was sure Xianyue was dead, he hurriedly stood up and picked the gun by his side. He rushed over to the window and shot it. The glass broke and made a catchin sound.

Kousu picked up his walkie–talkie. " Dang Yingwu. Tiger force. Client 205 is dead. "

Walkie–talkie," Roger that!"

Kousu took no time to waste, he ran back to give him a huge leap and then he sped to the window and jumped off. Just as he did so the Skyscraper exploded, there had been a bomb implanted so that there won't be any evidence for the police.

With the force Kousu used to jump down, his legs were injured. He had planned he was going to jump so he prepared himself a parachute. It was the only thing he found worth the use and in the end it was really worth it.

The parachute stopped and Kousu rushed over to his motorcycle. He put his helmet on and started the engine. The motorcycle started quickly and raised off without leaving a trace.

Having reached a safe location. Kousu parked down an old alley and picked up his phone. He tried calling Dang Yingwu but he wasn't picking up.

Now kousu was lost and confused, his legs were aching and his neck was bruised. " Damn the asshole!" Kousu cursed, he was unsure of what to do and with Dang Yingwu not picking his calls he was sure the police might catch up to him.

However Kousu noticed that he was in Sai's neighborhood. He was unsure of going to Sai's house with Blood on his face. The only thing hiding his face was his helmet and for sure Sai would want to see his face.

Without thinking twice, Kousu picked up his motorcycle and started the engine. Sai's house wasn't far from there and in no time Kousu stopped the motorcycle and walked over to the door. He pressed the doorbell .

And surprisingly the door opened. It was Sai and his dog. " Koisu!"

Kousu didn't have time to explain things so he removed his helmet and held it to the side of his shoulder. " Yeah it's me!"

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