Serial Killer 2.

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Kousu rushed home on his motorcycle and when he had finally gotten home his heart stopped beating as fast as before. He walked into his house and made his way from the garden to his mansion's door. His hands were shaking and he was terrified. Kousu placed his hand on the doorknob and slowly opened it before he walked in. He tiptoed to the dining room since that was the place that led to his room but he was shocked to see his mom and his relatives all seated.

They all stared at Kousu but mostly they stared at the blood on him. His mother glared at him before turning away disappointed. On the dining table was Huang Ning, Mei Xuan, Mei Lian, Uncle Mei Chen, Aunt Mei Ming, Uncle Huang Dongci and his Mom.

His mom picked up a cup of tea and sipped it before turning over to Kousu. " Have your seat."

Kousu didn't bother to go speak up for himself; he just went over to the empty seat behind Mei Lian and sat down.

His mother sighed and called out to the butler Dang Wei.

Dang Wei rushed over when he heard his young mistress calling and bowed his head in respect. " Where is Huang Xin"

Dang Wei turned over to Kousu. Before speaking up." Young Master Huang Xin will soon be here!"

The name Huang Xin starred all kinds of emotions in Kousu, the sudden fear which filled his heart only increased further. He found it hard to breathe and his head was spinning.

When Huang Ning noticed the ghost-like appearance on his brother's face he tapped his lap and smiled. Trying his best to give Kousu peace.

Just at that moment Kousu felt someone hug him from behind and when he turned it was Huang Xin. Huang Xin smiled," Big Brother you look more pretty than ever. And it seems you have gotten a lot of attention. The hickey on your neck suits you. You know!"

Kousu forcefully pushed Huang Xin away and held his collar. " Fuck of dipshit!"

Their mom shouted. " No use of inappropriate language when I am still here. I don't care about your fights or arguments but as long as we are able to finish this family meeting and get back to our business."

Kousu let go of Huang Xin and sat back down annoyed. Seeing his brother again only brought unpleasant memories. Memories which made him want to stab himself, made him think his existence was a problem.

Dang Wei walked over to their table, but he didn't come empty handed; instead he came with Gao Xing.

Kousu stood up. " What are you doing with Gao Xing!"

When the puppy saw Kousu it wagged its tail and bit on Dang Wei's arm before it rushed over to give its owner a hug. Kousu picked up the puppy and stroked its back.

However as the reunion between pet and owner was going on Kousu's mom glared disgustedly. " Who gave you the right to bring a puppy into my home."

Everyone went silent and turned their stares to Kousu and Gao Xing.

Kousu was annoyed by it. Not only was she asking stupid questions but she also had the audacity to touch Gao Xing. " The fuck's your problem. And who said the house was yours? My father gave it to me. Not you!"

His mom tightened her fist. Knowing that Kousu was right about the house being his. " Dang Wei take the filthy beast back upstairs."

Kousu ignored his mother's unkind words. It was normal for her to say senseless things especially when she was at the losing end.

Kousu sat down and smiled at his mom. For the first time he had won an argument against her but he didn't know much more was coming to him.

His mom sipped on her cup of tea before continuing. " So you are a serial killer!"

Surprised, Kousu's eyes widened and he turned over to his mom with fear.

His mom knew she had caught on to him and now she was proud of Huang Xin for telling her everything. " Soul Catcher right? "

Fear, confusion and regret filled deep in kousu; how did his mom know? The only people who knew were Huang Ning and Mei Xuan. he had never told anyone about it before.

His mom shouted" Answer me!"

Kousu was speechless but he soon grew his confidence back. " Who told you?"

Kousu's Mom was annoyed by this. She grabbed her cup of tea and sipped on it before she finally spoke up. " That's none of your business. "

Kousu smiled, " If it's none of my business. Then why should I tell you about my affairs? "

Seeing Kousu had some-what grown wings, His mom stood up and was about to give him a slap but Mei Lian stopped it. " Please aunt Huang i am sure Kousu has a reason for killing people he wouldn't just kill people for no reason"

Hearing this Kousu brought down his ego and tried his best to prevent further conflict from happening. He didn't want Mei Lian to worry.

His mother snickered." I can't believe you still support this fool. Do you know who he is working with? Uncle Meng the man who betrayed his own brother and that brother was your father Jiang Xing."

Kousu was annoyed by this. Not only did his mom call him by his father's surname, she had the guts to blame Uncle Meng for his father's death. " Are you fucking done? I don't mind you making my life a living hell. You can go ahead and embarrass me infront of everyone. I have no damn problem with that. But get this straight I kill people at my own will and none of this has to do with Uncle Meng. if i decide to kill people that's my business all they will fucking do is send me to prison. Haven't i fucking being there before. You never cared about me so what's your problem with me playing with the lives of people. You never cared about society and you saw lower class people as dogs. But now am I not helping you get rid of the dogs!"

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