Chapter 12

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"It's amortentia!" Granger exclaimed enthusiastically, her hand stood straight and tall in the air. The small class was crowded around the front bench where the new Professor stood before three potions.

Professor Slughorn raised a grey brow, pressed down with wrinkles. "Indeed it is. I presume you can explain to us what it does?"

"Its a love potion, the most powerful one in the world," she explained with a well of confidence.

Slughorn nodded, "And how did you recognise it?"

"The pearly sheen and the smell. It is rumoured to smell differently to each of us, depending on what attract us. For example, I can smell freshly mown grass, new parchment..." Her head shot back up from where she'd been gazing into the softly bubbling potion. She blinked the dazed look from her eyes and took a step back.

I gently nudged my way to the front as I'd chose the more spacious, easier place of standing at the side, despite having the worst view. The aim was to try and capture a whiff of this mysterious potion but others had floated closer to sniff too. Nevermind, I guessed I'd have smelt books.

"Splendid!" Professor smiled, clearly impressed, "What is your name, dear?"

"Hermione Granger, sir."

"Granger? Might you possibly related be related to Hector Dagworth-Granger?"

Hermione shook her head, "I very much doubt it, I am Muggle-born."

Although I didn't talk to Everett much and he certainly wasn't in the Golden Trio's inner circle, he'd found out about Hermione's heritage and he'd informed my parents and I at a family dinner. When I thought about it again, he was probably just talking to mother and father.

I saw Malfoy lean closer to Nott and whispered something, earning a snigger. At the front of the little crowd around the potions, I watched Harry turn around and throw the pair a dirty look which they merely reflected like little children.

There were only about twelve students who had progressed to study potions at N.E.W.T. Levels and unfortunately Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson and Theodore Nott where three of them, along with the golden trio, no shock there. Potions had been one of my strongest subjects last year although I'd still been surprised when I'd been accepted back in the course. Perhaps they let me join out is sympathy.

Slughorn either didn't notice or simply didn't care. Instead, he clapped his hands together and exclaimed, "Ah! One of my greatest friends is Muggle-born. She must have been the best in my year..."

"But sir, I thought it was impossible to create love," Malfoy remarked in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Good point, Draco Malfoy, is it?" Malfoy nodded. "Amortenia doesn't manufacture actual love. What it actually does is cause a powerful obsession and it is because of this that it is probably one of the most powerful and perhaps, the most dangerous potion in the room."

Nott eyed the potion sceptically over the top of Parkinson's head.

"Sir, you haven't told us what's in that one," Ernie Macmillan, the only hufflepuff in the room, pointed out.

Slughorn pried the miniature glass vial out from the metal hands of the clamp, "Ah yes. This, ladies and gentlemen, is Felix Felicis. A curious potion more commonly referred to as—"

"Liquid luck," Granger interjected.

"Indeed, miss Granger, thank you. Its desperately tricky to make and disastrous if you get it wrong. However, one sip and you will find all of your endeavours succeed until the effects wear off." Out of my peripheral vision, I caught Malfoy and Nott exchange a look. They had probably set their hearts on getting the potion, just like everyone else in the room.

"It does have a few side effects including giddiness, recklessness and overconfidence to a point that may become harmful. That is what I shall be offering each of you today, enough for twelve hours to the student who manages to brew an Draught of Living Death of most sufficient qualitu in the remaining hours. The recipe for said potion can be found in page ten of your books. I do not, however, expect perfection at this stage. You may begin."

Everyone scrambled to their allocated desks and commensed their potion brewing. I dug out my Advanced Potions book, found the correct page and gathered the necessary ingredients and instruments.

With that potion, I could live the dream for a day! I'd perform top of my class, I'd make so many friends, I'd be able to do magic! Or maybe I could send off my music to a record label and have my work released and start my life again in the muggle world as a star? Although, I should sneakily drink it before a particularly troublesome, demanding day of exams. However immoral that would be, my final grade it would win me would be permanent. And probably illegal.

- - -

I didn't win the liquid luck vial. No surprise that bloody Harry Potter did. Personally, I thought the Golden Trio should take the year off and let the rest of us have a go at winning something.

After potions, I had a free period so I met up with Ivy by the lake seen as it was a nice September day. The last of the summer sun smiled down on us from the clear blue sky and the air wasn't too cold for once. The morning dew had evaporated by this time so we didn't bother with retrieving a blanket.

I'd just made a start of analysing an astrology chart with Ivy who was chomping an apple obnoxiously loud when a certain smiling Weasley made their appearance.

"Hello," Ginny greeted us, Ivy's face light up brighter than the sun above us and patted the patch of grass next to her. I moved up my books and sheets of parchment for her.

"Hi," I smiled warmly at her, "How come you're not in class?"

"The charms teacher didn't turn up, someone came and said he'd been taken ill so we could leave," she explained and sat down next to Ivy, "You don't mind if I join you, do you?"

"Of course not. We're just doing some studying. Aren't you doing your owls this year?"She nodded, "You might want to revise too. Ivy or I can try to help if you need anything."

Ginny handed me a grateful smile, "Thank you, I've actually got some Transfiguration work I can do." She took out some books and layed down on the grass.

"I doubt I'll be able to help you with that," I snorted, more to myself than anyone else.

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