Down Memory Lane

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My phone buzzed. For the thirteen billionth time today. Thankfully, it was already 6th period, so the endless texts were almost over. I checked my screen under the desk, wondering what she was bursting to say next. I nearly laughed at what it said, 'Hey, did you ever think about how turtles breathe underwater? I don't think they have gills, do they? Or do they just hold their breath?' Katie wasn't normally this random and talkative, but I guess since she isn't allowed to talk, lots of crap is stuck in her head. I shook my head. Actually, she was normally really talkative and random, I just never noticed how much until now.

I did a quick Google search, and forwarded the results to her, with the attachment of 'Wait until after class for anymore random questions please.' She texted back 'Otay' with the sheepish-face emoji. I sighed and put my head on my desk. I was abruptly so, so tired. I loved Katie, Hell could freeze over before I stopped loving my best friend, but I was tired. I had homework to do and cakes to bake and waterbottle-holders to crochet, and I wanted a little me time. I had been Katie's mouthpiece for 3 days now, and I was looking forward to going home and sleeping.

"Ms. McCormic, please wake up and finish your assignment." I heard Ms. Sanchez say quietly next to me. I picked up my head a little to slide my paper off my desk and handed it to her, all the questions answered. She took it, a little surprised. "Just.. don't disturb the other students, okay?" She told me before walking back to her desk and setting my finished paper down on it. I rolled my eyes. How on earth could I disturb other students by sleeping? 

I must've dozed off, 'cause I woke up to the bell and Katie shaking my shoulder. I stood up, reaching down to grab my bag. Oh no, too fast! Gray static covered my vision, and I sank to the floor to avoid falling. Katie gripped my shoulder, steadying me. When I could see again, I accepted her out-stretched hand and pulled myself up. She handed me my bookbag. I sighed. I knew what she'd say if she was allowed to talk: "You seriously need to get that checked out." She told me this every time, but it wasn't like my family had the money to take me to the doctor to get more expensive pills right now. And it wouldn't kill me, so I saw no reason to get worked up about it.

We finally made it to 8th period, which I did not have with her. If I was being honest, I was relieved. I liked having a couple class periods when I could be me, instead of me and Katie. So I happily dropped my bag onto my seat and told all of my friends (we all sat in one corner of the classroom to get away from the idiots), "Hi humans!" "Hey Izzy!" My friend Emily waved from a couple seats away, grinning. "JC got a new DS today. He's kind of obsessed." Lily whispered, giggling. "Whatever." JC mumbled, from the seat next to mine.

"Hey babe." I heard from behind me. I frowned, turning around. "Jake, seriously. Quit calling me that." Jake grinned at me slyly. "Why not, sweetheart? You used to love my pet names." I sighed, so done with him already. "That was back when we were friends, Jake. Before you screwed up epically." He slid a little closer to me, making my skin prickle uneasily. "I think we were a little more than friends, Izzy, love." I shoved him away. "You don't have the right to call me Izzy anymore, Jake." He rubbed his chest exaggeratedly where I'd shoved him, and fake-pouted, "But Izzy, we have unfinished business." I rolled my eyes. "And what, pray tell, is our unfinished business?"

He leaned in close, making me feel claustrophobic since I was pressed up against the desk. "You still have my Batman hoodie, Izzy dear." I made a noise of disgust in the back of my throat. "Whatever. I'll drop it off at your house this afternoon. That's if," I whispered in his ear, feeling his shiver of appreciation at my closeness, "If I haven't burned it yet." He drew away, shocked at my claim. I smirked and swept around him to my seat, bending down to grab my notebook. "You're still as hot as ever." He murmured, moving closer til I could feel his body heat against my backside,  laughing when I tensed up. He wasn't laughing, however, when I whipped around and held my pen, which was clicked out, close to his cheek. "I'll drag this across your face if you don't leave me alone, Jake." I said in my sweetest little girl voice.

He backed up quick at that, just like I expected. The teacher walked in then, and Jake made his way back to his seat, grumbling, on the other side of the room. I smiled sweetly at him, and took my seat, opening my notebook. "What a jerk!" Melody said from the seat behind me. "I know." I whispered back, "It doesn't bother me anymore." It was just notes today, like always. Which meant my mind was free to wonder, and wonder it did.

 Back to 4 years ago, freshman year, when Jake began flirting with me.

He was so sweet back then, giving me daisies and telling me cheesy pick up lines. He was the perfect cowboy, every small-town girl's dream. And I fell for him, harder than I would've liked. He had me wrapped around his finger, and it went on for months. Months that were wasted, as it turned out. It was at the choir Christmas party, that I found out how little he cared about me. I was singing the 12 Days of Christmas with a group of my friends, giving each other random solos and a couple times in which we left someone hanging to finish the verse (since they were shy, but had nice voices, we hoped that this would help them get out of their shells a bit), and was having so much fun. 

That is, until I saw Jake being led out of the room by Lola, a typical bleached-blonde brat. I followed them, after telling the others that I'd be right back. I saw Lola push him against the wall outside, hands on his chest. I was about to yell at her to stop, to leave my boyfriend alone, when Jake kissed her. I watched him kiss her, sliding his hands to her butt and groaning with lust. I ran back inside, slamming the door behind me. I ran to the bathroom, tears streaming down my face, absolutely disgusted with them both. Lola, whom I barely knew, and Jake, who I'd been foolish enough to believe loved me. I cried and cried, unable to stop. After a while, I heard a knock at the door, and Regan's voice asking if she could come in. I stood up unsteadily and unlocked the door.

"Oh baby," She said when she saw my tear-stained face. "What happened?" "Ja-ake!" I sobbed. She pulled me into a tight hug, smoothing my hair to calm me down. We sank to the floor, her arms still around me. "Tell me all about it, honey." I hiccuped, and began. I told her everything, from how sweet he used to be, to what I just saw. "Oh honey." She repeated, when I finally stopped. I was cried out by then, and she smiled at me, smoothing my hair away from my face. "You're gonna be okay, Izzy. We'll fix this." I hugged her, finally able to smile. "Thank you so much, Regan." I whispered.

"Any time, sweetie." She pulled me up with her, and opened her purse to fish out a tissue. She wiped my salty-wet cheeks, then handed it to me so I could blow my nose. She was like an older sister to me, and I loved her supportive yet strong nature. With her, I believed everything would be alright, simply because she said it would be. "Let's go, Izzy. We still have a party to enjoy." She grinned and pulled me out the door, shutting it with her hip. "Do I look okay?" I asked, not wanting anyone else to know I'd been crying. "Beautiful as always." She winked and pulled me back into the party.

"Hey, you were gone for a long time! You guys alright?" Melody asked, handing Regan and I a chocolate cupcake each. "I saved these for y'all, since everyone was flocking to the dessert table." She giggled. "I knew these wouldn't last a minute, with how delicious they are." I smiled at her compliment. She knew full well that these were the ones I'd made, and it meant the world to me that she liked them. Regan looked at me and grinned. "Thanks so much! We were just having some girl talk." She winked at Melody. "You know how long that can take." Melody giggled, and escorted us to a table of our choir buddies.

We didn't see Jake the whole rest of the day, and he didn't try to call or text me for a full week after that disastrous day.

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