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It was 8th period, and Alex had that period with me too, so I walked in dragging him by the hand. I'd grabbed it when he'd almost fallen down the stairs by accident, and the hallways were so crowded I didn't bother to let go. I knew he wouldn't read too much into it, being gay and not into me at all. It was actually kind of nice, not having to evaluate everything I didn't around him so he wouldn't think I was flirting. Usually I had to spend a week like that before whomever he was got it and I could relax. So I was glad that I didn't have to worry about that with Alex.

However, it seemed like not everyone had gotten the memo, because I was immediately (and thankfully, privately), swarmed by my friends, all asking who he was and if we were dating. I just rolled my eyes and introduced Alex to all of them. They were all nice, in their own way, and we found a seat for him by Lily. The class period went pretty well, everyone was pretty friendly.

The only thing that bothered me, was that I kept feeling someone looking at me, and every time I looked up, Jake would scowl slightly at Alex. I didn't like that he was assuming stuff already, but it wasn't really his business so I just ignored him and worked on my World History project.

Pretty soon, the class period was over and everyone was packing up. I asked if anyone needed a ride, and surprisingly, both J.C. and Alex raised their hands sheepishly. They looked at the other, surprised. I laughed and assured them that I could give them both a lift, just to meet me in the parking lot. I grabbed my bag and left the classroom as the bell rang, intending to head to the cafe real quick before taking J.C. and Alex home.

However, that plan was foiled when Jake came up behind me and hissed, "I'd like a word with you, Isabell." I followed him to the now-deserted stairwell and waited, watching him. "Well?" I finally asked. "Who was that guy?" He exploded. "Calm down." I held up my hands, rolling my eyes as I did so. "His name's Alex, and he's new. Mrs. Riley asked me to show him around." He looked at me for a moment, not quite believing me. "Why were you holding hands with him then?" I sighed, then rolled my eyes again. "He almost got knocked down the stairs by some silly juniors running around. I caught him, and just held on so it wouldn't happen again."

"Fine." He finally said, sighing. "I just.." "Thought he was my boyfriend, which hurt because we just finally broke up yesterday?" I finished for him. "Pretty much." He laughed sadly. I gave him a hug. "Trust me, I couldn't get over you that fast." I assured him, then winked and whispered, "Plus, he's gay. So he wouldn't go for it anyways." He laughed in surprise. "So I guess I had nothing to worry about, huh?" I bumped his leg with my hip, then began to walk down the stairs.

"Nope, but I ain't yours anymore anyways!" I called as I left. I heard his faint laugh as I walked out the door, and I grinned. It felt good to be able to laugh about that now..

I found J.C. and Alex hanging out by my car, talking and laughing. "Sorry I'm late!" I called, jogging over to them. "No rush!" Alex told me, blushing the tiniest bit. I narrowed my eyes, was Alex interested in J.C.? They would certainly be an interesting match..

"Well, where do you live Alex?" If you live closer than J.C. here, I'll drop you off first." I asked as I climbed into my truck. "I live about 20 minutes from here, I'll give you directions as we go." He told me, climbing into the back seat so J.C. could have the passenger seat. "Okay, I'll take J.C. home first, he lives about 15 minutes from here." I told him. "Of course, it's close enough to walk.." I teased J.C. It was a constant battle, he thought it was too far to walk, but I'd walked to and from school most days for the last 6 years, up until last year when I got the truck second-hand.

"Don't even start." J.C. grumbled, climbing into the passenger seat. I grinned teasingly and flicked his nose, then started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. We all talked a bit as I drove, but I mostly left it to Alex to entertain J.C. He certainly didn't seem to mind, and I needed to focus. I'd only been driving for two years, and I didn't want to be in an accident.

Soon, we were in front of J.C.'s house, and Alex and I wished him goodbye. "It was nice to meet you!" The boys said at almost the exact same moment, then laughed when they jinxed. "Jinx!" They both yelled. I giggled and rolled my eyes. "Go home, J.C." I told him, waving him away playfully. He stuck his tongue out at me and walked backwards towards his front door, still having a jinxing match with Alex. It didn't end until he yelled, "JINX!" One last time and slammed his door shut behind him.

Alex sat back, grinning. I smirked. Yes, this is certainly going to interesting..

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