21. A worthy dance partner

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My father and I performed a routine we made up when I was fourteen years old, consisting out of lots of dance moves and ending with him lifting me in the air. Once the sound of the bridge entered my ears I completely let go, getting so caught up in the music I forgot other people were in the room. Closing my eyes, my hands roamed over my body as I swayed perfectly along with the music. 

When I opened them, people had actually joined us, finally enjoying the party while my father had left the dance floor to observe everyone. My vibe was ruined when a set of hands, not belonging to me, roamed over me as somebody grinded against the back of my body. My elbows immediately found their way into the man's chest, who stumbled back with an 'Oof' leaving his lips. 

Turning around, I noticed it was the alpha who gave me a bad feeling when he introduced himself, Alpha Anwir. The tall, brown haired man in his mid-thirties grabbed my arms, turning me around and pressing my back into his chest. His cheek rubbed against my ear, his beard irritating it as he breathed loudly.

"Don't be so stubborn, baby." He whispered in my ear, making me cringe, especially since I could tell he was completely sober.

"I'm no one's baby," I hissed, stomping my heel into his foot. "My bad."

He cursed, letting me go, giving me the opportunity to turn around, seeing him look at me with rage and lust. Remembering my father's words to try and not cause a scene, I backed away into the crowd towards the side where Valerio and his men were talking to the actual nice alpha, Alpha Bellamy.

When I almost reached them, Anwir yanked me back and groped my breasts and butt, resulting in me smacking him hard in the face, my silver rings sizzling as they burned through his skin. I was so enraged I could end him then and there. The sound of the smack was so loud, it made everyone stop dancing. He touched his cheek, my smack had drawn blood, and he started to shift. A girl shouted that he groped me and he clawed her face, making the DJ play I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift.

His auburn wolf jumped at me and I dodged it, letting out annoyed groan. I was done with all these goddamn fleabags. Some of his men ran forward to help him, a literal shifted wolf, but when they locked eyes with me they backed away. I kicked off my heels and as my feet touched the cold floor, I closed my eyes, reaching deeply into my inner being, all the way to the permanent trace the powers had left, and my rage fired them right up.

My lips formed into an enraged grin as I opened my eyes, locking them on Anwir, enough warning for my father and Valerio to exchange a worried look.

"ENOUGH." Valerio roared, his voice easily being louder than the music, which immediately stopped. His voice was deep enough to shake your inner core, making everyone flinch and bow on their knees in fear, even the alphas. The power in just his voice had forced Anwir to shift back, causing him to lie naked on the ground.

I awkwardly watched the scene being the only person who was still standing excluding him, even my father was bowing. Was that a real thing? Because if I did it this late it would look even weirder and I was way too angry to do it anyway. My eyes averted to the girl, who was surrounded by people from her pack, deep claw marks were visible in her face covered in blood. Fortunately, she would heal, but way slower since it was inflicted by an alpha, a really unfair alpha which made me even angrier.

Valerio walked over to Anwir and kicked him against the wall. He stood up, still naked, looking rather angry as well.

"She hurt an alpha! That slut should be punished." He yelled, pointing to me. 

"You groped her." Valerio stated annoyed. "Why should she be punished?"

"So what?" He barked out. "According to my pack rules she should be whipped for hurting me outside of battle. Even if that wasn't the case, she should be whipped for those sickening eyes, she's a threat. Grow some balls Valerio."

Believe me, they were there already. I had seen them.

"Shame for you we aren't in your pack and this isn't your kingdom, but you would want that, wouldn't you?" Valerio stepped closer to him, narrowing his eyes, coming to the conclusion this was the alpha the rogues had worked for.

Anwir squared himself up, trying to come across as more intimidating. "You aren't fit to be king, you're weak, spineless and soft, giving everybody, especially women, such freedom. They should be your servants, you weak pathetic son of a-"

Valerio ripped off his head before he could finish that sentence, multiple werewolves from his pack letting out a relieved sigh. He kicked his head to the side, straightened his black blouse, and turned around.

"Well, look at that. A new alpha position has opened up out of nowhere." He said blankly, motioning to the DJ. "Go ahead, stand up and enjoy the rest of the evening."

I was a little jealous he had killed him and not me, but was more concerned about the power rush now that I didn't get to use it. Closing my eyes, the power felt a little more controlled because I had tapped into it myself instead of it catching me off guard. I focused on relaxing myself, completely emptying my mind, trying to let it flow through me in an attempt to control it instead of letting it control me. Everything went completely silent, except for the rain dropping slowly from the edge of one of the windows. I aligned my breath with it, becoming one with every drop as my chest rose and fell, tranquility flowing through me.

It felt like ages, but when I opened my eyes only a second had passed. To my surprise, the rush had actually settled down, leaving the same trace as last time, only a little more present. My attention was drawn to the marked man in the corner, he sure loved those, giving me a small nod before disappearing again. 

The DJ played Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift and I smiled a little. For the first time ever, it felt like the power and I were in sync, it felt like we were one and I finally had the slightest bit of control.

A hand being held out in front of me snapped me out of my daze. My eyes moved over the fully worn dark blue sleeves, to his chest where the blouse was hugging him, over to the face it belonged to, where a very blank expression greeted me.

"Dance with me." The low, smooth voice commanded.

This time, I decided to listen. I put my heels back on and took his hand, following him to the dance floor. People cleared out space for us to dance. He placed one hand on my back, while holding my hand with the other one. I placed the my free hand on his shoulder, and we started to dance. I followed his lead and he varied between different dance styles, the corner of his lips turning slightly upwards when he switched them up. He knew he was a good dancer and he was challenging me to keep up with him, trying to test if I was going to make a mistake. I sure as hell wasn't going to.

"How are you doing?" He asked, keeping his voice down as we continued dancing.

"I'm fine." I said, following his lead when he switched it up again.

"Seriously?" He frowned, twirling me around.

"Do you really think I would be dancing with you if I wasn't? I would probably be throwing his body around in rage." I stated, his hand finding its way onto my back again, strengthening his support while he dipped me down. 

He moved me back up and we resumed the dance. His gaze moved between my eyes, trying to find some sort of emotion in them. "True, but I don't just mean your adrenaline issue. The man assaulted you so how are you doing mentally?"

"I'm doing fine." I assured him, not portraying any emotion in my voice or eyes. 

The truth was I felt like shit, but I wasn't going to give in, I sure as hell didn't want to cry. All eyes were on me tonight and I couldn't show any weakness, not if I wanted to prevent another attack. I would scream it out in my bed or shower tonight, but not now.

He twisted me, my back being against his chest for a couple of seconds as we moved across the dancefloor before he twisted me back again, making me face him directly. My leg moved up to his side, our noses almost touching as I leaned into him, his eyes roaming over my face. "See that's where you're lying." He whispered huskily.

"No, I'm not." I whispered back, keeping my eyes locked on his while he dipped me down again.

He moved me back up into a lift, his arms supporting me under my butt. I stretched my arms, resting my hands on his shoulders, keeping my gaze on him. Slowly, he put me down, the both of us breathing heavily, our eyes piercing through one another, until my feet touched the floor again.

"Buttercup-" He breathed out, but was cut off when the music stopped and transitioned into Another One Bites the Dust by Queen.

Everyone around us closed the space they left us and attempted to dance again. He cleared his throat and I awkwardly stepped back, brushing off my dress. 

Now that was a worthy dance partner.

I plopped down next to my father at the bar, I needed a drink, it was incredibly hot in here. He wiggled his eyebrows, showing me his phone with a grin. He had filmed the dance and I shook my head, laughing. He looked at it in awe, he was so proud to see me doing one of the things I loved most, dancing. 

After a while the DJ announced the last song would be played, Hold My Hand by Lady Gaga, and I was approached by three men, drunken Isaac, Alpha Bellamy and Valerio, who all wanted to share the last dance with me.

"Heartbreaker." My father coughed, suppressing a laugh.

Isaac held a whole speech on why he would be the perfect husband, making both Alpha's frown in confusion. 

Bellamy, a tall, broad blonde haired man with lots of tattoos, chuckled. "Well I can't compete with that. But please promise me you will share a dance with me if we ever meet again."

"I will." I smiled. He bowed and left, leaving the choice up to Isaac and Valerio, the latter who looked annoyed that I was even considering any other person than the literal king.

"I can't break my promise." I said, making Isaac's drunken face lit up in excitement.

The song started and we danced together, very dramatically might I add. He twirled me around and around, lifting me up several times, and we comically moved our hands around. When the song finished he bowed to me and I curtsied, both of us bursting out in laughter. He walked off, swaying from side to side, he would not remember this tomorrow, but I definitely would.

The alphas said their goodbyes and slowly everyone went home, leaving only Valerio, my father, Roman and me in the building. I was leaning against the door, having already climbed up the stairs, and stared ahead of me, processing what had happened to me tonight. The men were standing in the middle of the room, discussing something related to the investigation, but I didn't eavesdrop. Realization hit me and I felt disgusted all of the sudden and really wanted to go to my room to rinse every last trace of Anwir off me. Unfortunately, it was still raining outside and I wasn't going to run through it, destroying Agatha's hard work by getting it completely covered in mud.

My prayers were answered, because the men wrapped up their little talk. Valerio and Roman looked pretty confused when my father swung me over his shoulder again, and I chuckled. He sprinted through the rain to the house and put me down again. Roman went back to his pack house and Valerio casually walked over to his house, not caring about getting soaked in the rain. His blouse stuck to his muscles when he walked through the door.

I kicked off my heels, asking my father to unzip me, which he did, and immediately ran up the stairs to my room. I wiggled out of my dress and placed in on my bed, and I went into the shower, turning it on at a high temperature. I covered my whole body in soap and rinsed it off, but I didn't feel clean enough. So I did it over and over again, getting more frustrated each time. 

When my skin turned red after approximately thirty minutes of rubbing soap on it, I lowered myself against the wall and sat on the floor, letting the water pour of my head. I stared at it pouring down the drain and an angry tear rolled down my cheek, merging with the rest of the water. I cursed myself for getting too caught up in the music, allowing him to creep up to me like that, and I swore I would never let it happen again.

Eventually, I got really tired and turned off the shower. I dried myself off and put on the only t-shirt that could serve as a pyjama. Walking into my room I heard a knock on the door, I opened it, hiding my body behind it since the shirt was way too short.

My father looked at me confused. "What's going on, kiddo?"

"I forgot my pj's so I only have this shirt to sleep in, but it's not exactly comfortable." I sighed.

"Give me a sec." He said going downstairs.

I closed the door and sat down on my bed, covering most of my body with the thick blanket. Multiple sets of footsteps could be heard coming this way. They stopped at my door, but instead of opening it, the door across from me was opened. Not long after, it was closed again, and Valerio mumbled a "Here." to my father, before going downstairs again.

My father knocked on my door, and entered shortly after. He had a small pile of clothes in his hand and placed them on the bed next to me.

"Go put these on. I'll wait outside until you're comfortable." He smiled, walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

I unfolded the clothes and held them up in the air. It was a really oversized sweatshirt and a really oversized pair of sweatpants, both definitely belonging to Valerio. I raised my eyebrows when I put them on, I didn't think he owned anything other than blouses. The clothes were way too big on me, but they were definitely comfortable and soft, so I walked over to the door and let my father in again.

Exhausted, I let myself fall down onto my bed. Lifting up my head I saw my father had grabbed a blanket and made himself comfortable in a chair.

"Uhm dad, what are you doing?" I tilted my head.

"You didn't think I would let you sleep alone after what happened tonight, did you?" He leaned back his head on the chair and closed his eyes.

"You don't have to worry about it. I'm fine." I stated firmly. Although I wasn't sure I was trying to convince him or myself by saying it.

He raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes again. "I'm sure you were in the shower for an hour because you were perfectly fine."

I got under my blanket and curled myself up into a little ball. "I just felt ... gross." I said softly.

He got up and sat down on my bed, pulling me into an embrace, his voice sounding sad as he spoke to me. "It wasn't your fault kiddo, and you're not gross. The only gross thing is a thirty five year old man behaving like that. Good thing Valerio killed him, or I would have done it myself."

Not responding, I buried myself deeper into his chest as tears were about to escape my eyes. He held me close to him and stroked my hair for hours until I finally fell asleep.

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