25. Carrie

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Rage didn't even begin to cover it. I had to get into that building, I had to know what kind of bodies they were burning. It couldn't be vampires, not on this scale, those leeches were immortal. Deep down I knew the answer already and it was confirmed when I let my senses do their thing. Those bodies were human and it wouldn't surprise me if they were completely drained of blood.

Taking one step towards the building, the prickling feeling of the power flew through me and it completely took over. No one was going to stop me from entering that building. The guards in front of it charged at me. I blocked the attempted punch of the first one and cut his throat with my dagger. His blood spilled all over my face, but I didn't care. Grabbing his own throat, he tried to scream as the silver burned his skin, but he couldn't. He fell on the ground choking on his own blood. It wouldn't permanently kill him, but the time it would take to heal it was going to be long and excruciating.

The next guard jumped towards me, trying to attack me in the air. My flat hand made contact with his chest, and the second it did, he was flying through the wall of the building, creating a big hole. The last guard tried to run inside and I threw the dagger right in the middle of his spine. He dropped down to the ground, screaming in agony as he moved his arms behind him in an attempt to remove the dagger, which he obviously couldn't. 

I sat him up onto his knees and twisted the knife in his back. The screams became louder and tears rolled down his cheek.

"You poor little thing." I whispered into his ear while pouting my lips and cutting his throat.

With a light tap on his on the back of his head, he fell face down on the ground. I took out some more vampires, mostly by cutting throats before I kicked open the doors, breaking the hinges and sending them flying through the building. Walking through the opening, a vampire with his fangs out tried to go for my neck, but before he could I flipped the dagger in my hand and sliced them out. His pitiful excuses for fangs clattered on the floor and he covered his mouth with his hands. Blood was dripping out of it as I had accidentally given him a real life Joker mouth.

I grabbed his cheek with one hand, my silver rings sizzling against his skin, and he flinched. "For your sake, I hope that won't leave a scar. Now be a good boy and show me where the humans are."

He nodded and led me through a hallway, passing the security room. A security guard was casually leaning back in his chair with his feet kicked up on a table, listening to loud music as he tried to fix something about the security system. He had no idea what was going on and my eyes fell onto the footage of the security cameras. I frowned confused, in every area I had walked through, the security camera was broken or shut off.

Must have been a power thing.

Moving on, blood dripped from my face and out of my hair onto the ground. At the end of another damned hallway, there was a large metal door guarded by six guards. Obviously, they noticed us and they eyed the trail of blood I had left behind me with every step. Gulping, they froze where they stood, afraid they were going to be next.

Grinning, I widened my eyes for a quick second. "Run."

They bolted past me, a very wise decision. The guard next to me attempted to chuckle.

"Stupid. You needed them to pass the security checks to open the door." He barely managed to get out.

"I'm sorry what did you say? I couldn't really understand you with your mouth all fucked up like that."

His knee cracked when my foot made contact with it, and he lowered himself onto the floor, not being able to stand anymore. I walked over to the large heavy door, grabbed the doorhandle, and turned to him with a petty smile.

"I don't need those security checks." I said, ripping it open with ease. 

My powers had certainly reached a new height tonight.

I snapped the guy's neck and just when I was about to walk through the door, I felt the masked man materialize behind me. I snapped my gaze to him, seeing him give me a thumbs up after which he disappeared again.

Rolling my eyes, I sighed. "That was uncalled for."

Walking into the next room, my mouth fell open in shock. Hundreds of severely underfed humans were caged and being drained of their blood. Most of the woman were pregnant and lots of them looked alike with similar hair colors and features. This was a room filled with incest. The extremely big space was poorly lit and moist, there were other connected rooms to the right with multiple signs above it. 

'Breeding room one till twenty'



'Waste dump'

More signs were on display above other rooms and the sight of them made my skin crawl. The humans didn't even notice me, they were either asleep or too drained to notice. Contemplating about what to do, I rubbed my temples heavily. I couldn't set them free, most of them were too weak to stand and the vampires outside would surely take advantage of them, probably killing them in the process.

I focused my senses on the kitchen, but there was barely any food in there. I inspected an empty cage, there was some sort of drinking installation attached to it through a small tube. My eyes roamed over the ceiling, where every tube came together, leading to a lever at the left side of the room. It wasn't on often, the lips of the woman in the cage next to the one I was looking at were severely creased. They must've only gotten a couple drops per day.

I made my way over to the lever and pulled down until a steady amount of water continuously flowed out of each tube. It was the least I could do. I didn't want to startle everyone, so I made sure the stream wasn't too strong.

After taking out the security guard on my way outside, I took out the guards burning the bodies as well, nearly vomiting when I had to close the door to the furnace. These people deserved better than being burned in that way.

When I reached the gates, the lights imitating the sun were turned on as it was 'morning'. The guards stalked back when they saw me. I was still holding the dagger, drenched in blood from head to toe.

"You're going to want to open those gates fellas." I stated blankly, motioning to them.

They nodded and opened the gates, notifying palace security inside. Blood dripped from my entire body as I walked through the golden gates. The statues watched me walk down the middle of the main road leading to the palace doors. In front of them, a small legion had gathered, swords and stakes drawn.

Infuriated, I shook my head, clicking my tongue and flipping the dagger. "You know what happens to parasites such as you?"

They looked at each other confused while shifting on their feet. 

"They get squashed." I shrugged, my dagger landing in the middle of someone's throat.

Most of them ran. A couple others stayed to fight, only to be taken out. The last remaining ones I threw right through the palace doors, which came down with a large bang. I picked up my dagger and a random vase on my way to the dining hall, where multiple voices were coming from. 

That was one hell of an early morning meeting.

I barged through the doors, making everyone snap their heads to me since they couldn't hear me coming and apparently hadn't given a shit about the palace doors. My eyes roamed across the room, my father stood in a corner to observe everyone. His eyes widened when they fell upon me. There were seventeen other people in the room, vampires to specific, wearing their dramatic fancy clothes. One of them was Haimon, who put down the glass he was holding. I didn't know the others, but I could tell they were ancient, some of them even older than Haimon. 

I hurled the vase against Haimon, hitting him in the face as he was unable to dodge it. In a split second, I was across the room holding the dagger against his neck while he was still recollecting himself.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip your heart out at this very moment." I roared, my voice drenched in venom. Valerio was right about them.

A woman who seemed to be the second oldest vampire in the room, glared at me and opened her mouth to say something.

"If I so much as hear you breathe woman, I swear to whoever's up there I will burn your face off in that fireplace." I snapped to her, keeping my eyes on Haimon.

"I- I can explain." He sputtered, getting down on his knees. He motioned to the others to do the same thing, which they did.

I laughed, removing the dagger. "I admit, I'm pretty curious to see how you plan on charming yourself out of this one."

"Kiddo." My father suddenly spoke out, still standing straight. "Have you killed anyone?"

"No. Everyone is dead but alive. Same cannot be said for the human bodies being moved out of their blood farm." I glared at the vampires in the room.

"I'm sorry what? Did I hear that correctly? Blood farms Orpheus?" He raised his eyebrows, taken aback by the news.

"Unfortunately, yes." Haimon admitted, keeping his eyes glued to the floor.

My father didn't know how to respond but another vampire did. 

"It wasn't his idea. We, the leaders of the clans, wanted it and control them. It was established with a majority vote at the time, only Orpheus was against it." The blond man blurted out and I could feel he was telling the truth.

"And that's supposed to make it okay? He is the king for fucks sake." I spat out.

"Not for long." The old vampire lady grinned.

I grabbed her by her hair, dragged her over to the fire place and shoved her face in it. She shrieked as flames skin burned off her flesh and I pulled her out seconds before it would've killed her. If I killed any of the vampires in this room, retaliation against the humans would surely follow, and that was the last thing the human kingdom needed right now.

"Now you know how it feels." I whispered before I threw her back on the ground.

"Why did you do that?" The blonde man fearfully spoke, moving over to her.

"What can I say? I'm a woman of my word." I shrugged while walking over to the table to lean against it. 

Haimon finally looked me in the eyes. "You know I couldn't do anything about it because of what I explained to you Iola. I had to listen to stay alive and stay king, imagine if any one of them became the next king or queen. It would've been way worse."

That was definitely true, but the man certainly had no spine. I placed my hands on the table beside me, moving my gaze through the room, looking everyone dead in the eyes. 

"From now on, the days of treating your king as a puppet are over. You'll listen to him at all times, and if you so much think about defying him or harming any of those caged humans, I'll personally make sure you wish you were truly dead." I spat out. "Am I clear?"

Everyone quickly nodded in panic, even Miss I-currently-don't-have-a-face. True terror was radiating from everyone's body, except from my father's. He knew this moment would one day come and it didn't surprise him.

"Good." I pushed myself up from the table. "Now get the fuck out of here and remember, I'm watching you."

They scurried out of there, except for Haimon since this was his palace after all. He got up from the floor, scared of my next move.

"I'm so, so, so sorry. I'm going to make sure every single one of them gets immediate care, and gets home to the human kingdom. I will have to make a deal with them anyway, to see if I can get blood donations voluntarily and most importantly, the right way." He said softly. "I hope you can forgive me one day."

"Don't get your hopes up. I hope you will grow a spine and start acting like an actual king instead of some little boy, but I wonder if that's ever going to happen." I said walking away with my father, who was glaring at Orpheus. "Congratulations by the way, it seems like you finally have their respect now."

We left him alone in that room, boiling in his own mess. 

My father followed me to my room and grabbed both of my shoulders once we were inside. He knew my powers hadn't toned down yet, they had completely overtaken me and there was no stopping them because I was still too high in my emotions.

"Kiddo, listen to me. Whatever you did during the dance, you need to do it again." He worriedly looked me in the eyes. 

I pulled away from his grip on my shoulders and turned around, closing my eyes and running my hands through my bloodied hair which had become hard and brittle. I desperately needed to focus on something, anything. There was no running water as far as I could hear, there was no wind outside since we were in a literal hole in the ground.

Breathing deeply, I blocked out everything around me. All the noise, inside and outside the palace, immediately went dead quiet. The faint sounds of voices and movement completely numbed down leaving me with only the sound of my breath, high up in my chest. I had to let one sound in, one that would give me a bit of focus to regain some control, enough to discharge the powers raging through me.

Opening my eyes, I realized I had subconsciously turned to the fire burning in the fireplace. I tilted my head and slowly approached it in a trance like state. I knelt down before it and my eyes fell upon my sleeve which was burned. I had held the Wicked Witch of the West into the fire and apparently my sweater had caught fire, but somehow my hand was completely fine.

I squeezed my eyes for a split second, deciding to let the fire in. After pinpointing every sense I had on the cracking of the fire for a while, imagining it flowing through me, I relaxed a bit, allowing me to push down my powers and gain some control again. It was enough to enable me to discharge the powers, leaving behind a bigger trace yet again.

My father sat down beside me, resting his arms on his knees. "You have a thing for fire, huh?"

"Not just fire. Water and earth as well." I said dryly, raising my eyebrows while I continued to look in front of me. It was partly true, leaving out the thing I also had for blood.

"Let me know when you add wind and metal, I'll call you Avatar from then on." He grinned, nudging my shoulder.

"I prefer Kiddo." I blurted out.

He stood up and held his hand out to me. "Let's get you cleaned up."

"Right." I frowned, taking his hand.

I completely forgot I had a whole Carrie situation going on.

We walked over to the bathroom and I glanced in the mirror, stopping in my tracks when I saw the reflection. The purple eyed creature stared back at me, mimicking my every move while it was completely covered in blood. Someone else's blood. I took a step closer, cocking my head and raising my hand as the creature did the same thing. Reaching out to the mirror our hands touched and its purple eyes drilled into mine. The words of the prophecy moved to the front of my mind and a slight amount of fear rose within me as I realized what kind of creature was looking back at me.

It was a ruthless killer.

My father pulled me away, cupping my face with his hands, his worried eyes searching for my averted attention. "Whatever you're thinking in there, stop it. Your actions were justified. Maybe a little brutal, but definitely justified."

My eyes met his and I nodded, not really buying what he was saying, but going along with it nonetheless since I was exhausted. I stepped inside the shower, fully clothed. My father did the same thing, helping me wash the blood out of my hair and off my face, not caring he got soaked in the water. After my hair and face were fully cleaned, he grabbed my pj's from my room along with some clean underwear and put it down in the bathroom, leaving me alone to strip down and fully clean myself. Slowly the water became clear with only traces of soap in there, suggesting I was completely clean. I dried myself off, got dressed, brushed my teeth and stepped into my room.

My father was waiting for me, sitting on a chair and I gave him a big hug and went to bed. He plopped down on the chair again, refusing to leave me alone tonight. As soon as he turned off the lights I fell asleep, too tired to dream of anything, although the creature in the mirror lingered in my mind.

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