46. A changed man at last

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My claws dug into the leather of the seat while I ripped it out from the floor and threw it across the cabin. The plane had come to a stop a while ago, but I was still pacing back and forth in this stupid thing angry and confused, but mostly, hurt. The staff and most of the delegation had left for some time now, the only one still in the plane besides me was Roman, who was leaning casually against the wall.

"What's up, Val?"

With a sigh I sat down on the last remaining seat, letting my head hang, resting my arms on my knees while folding my hands together. "Nothing."

He walked over and placed a firm hand on my shoulder, causing me to look at his frowning face. "You didn't say anything the whole plane ride and when it landed you immediately started trashing the thing. You're my brother, dude, you can't fool me."

My gaze fell down to the ground again and I picked at my fingers. "I don't know, man. I don't know what to do. I've been with lots of girls, but only for the sex. This was the first time ever I simply didn't care about not having it, she was way too interesting to ruin it that way. I fell for her the second she stood up to me in that war room and it's not that stupid mate bond, that's been destroyed already. It's real, and for a split second I thought I saw it in her eyes too when I poured my heart out to her, I thought she was still there. But then it turned back to darkness again almost immediately. I know she spared me in the conquest, but she killed me anyway."

She was pushing everyone away and I knew we couldn't blame her for it. Every single one of us has contributed to pushing her over the edge. What I felt now was nothing compared to what she went through, what she was still going through even though she refused to admit it. 

"She's special that one." He smiled faintly, motioning for me to get up. "You're allowed to hurt even as king. It's completely normal, it fucking hurts but you have to go through it to heal. Just keep talking about it please."

Reluctantly, I got up and he swung his arms around me, roughly slapping my back a couple times. I sighed and returned it. "Will do. We have to keep fighting for her though. She deserves to be loved, even if she doesn't think so."

On the way to the house I discussed new pack laws with Roman. Ruthless or not, Iola made some good points about my reign. I gave the alphas too much freedom with their individual pack rules resulting in alphas like Anwir oppressing people in his pack, especially women. He pressured his pack and the people reporting to me into keep their mouths shut. I hated it and had to make sure it never happened again.

It was my job to keep the alphas in check to make sure they wouldn't abuse their powers and I failed in that regard. Some of them still had an ancient mindset which showed when Iola entered this kingdom. The joke was on them now, because she became queen and way more powerful. Hopefully they wouldn't see me as weak because she spared my life at the last second, if they did I was going to rip their heads off.

"Did my parents try to contact me now that I survived?" I asked one of the guards as I got out of the car in front of the house.

"No, sir." He nodded.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course not. I don't even know why I asked that."

I said goodbye to Roman and dismissed the guards since I was perfectly capable of protecting myself and the house. Closing the door, I leaned against it and sighed. My eyes roamed across the space in front of me. 

This place used to remind me of my family. They were close, but I never belonged in it. My father and mother were very conservative, while I was the complete opposite. My parents wanted a loyal follower for a son since I was born an alpha and they wanted to use that to their advantage, but I didn't want to be a puppet. When they tried to force me to change but failed, they decided to pretend I didn't exist, even though they lived in the same house. They didn't talk to me, refused to cook for me, my birthday wasn't celebrated and they convinced the rest of the family to cast me out.

As a little kid I was helpless against it, so I channeled everything into my training and became the best fighter in the entire kingdom while hiding my feelings from the world. During my training, Roman, the pack's future alpha, was the only one to notice what was going on. He and his parents secretly provided care for me. 

When I was sixteen my strength had evolved so much, the King felt too threatened by my existence he challenged me to a fight till the death. Obviously, he lost and suddenly this sixteen year old kid became king. The first thing I did was kick my family and everything that belonged to them, including all their stupid decorations, out of the house, since it was the ideal building to be used as a 'palace'. 

They fled to Anwir's pack and I never heard something from them again, at least not directly. You would think your child nearly dying would do something to you, but not in their case. They hated me and I didn't care about them anymore. For one thing I was grateful however, because they did teach me one important lesson.

Sharing the same blood does not mean you're family.

I had a different family. Roman became my brother and his parents gave me the same love they gave him. Because of them, I grew up to be the confident man and king I am today. Not having experience in ruling, I learned through trial and error, learning that the most effective way to keep enemies and wolves, especially alphas, in check is through force and teaching them who stands at the top of society. Wolves were pack animals after all and answer to the strongest, most powerful wolf, so that's exactly what I became which resulted in that horrible nickname.

It worked. My spies kept monitoring the people and most of them were happy with my reign. Of course, there were exceptions, the ball showed that, but I couldn't satisfy everyone. As long as the good majority was happy, I was happy.

Well, at least until I entered my house, because where it used to remind me of my family and childhood, now it remembered me of her. Everywhere I looked there were memories. In the kitchen, where I baked those pancakes. In the living room, where she told me about her 'adrenaline' issues. The third floor where her late father slept and the second floor where she slept across from me. Lastly, the door opening, where she asked me why I didn't just reject her.

It was unbelievable. This girl barged into my life and she wasn't impressed one bit. Instead, she kneed me in the groin and continued to challenge me with every breath she took. Her mind, the way she carried herself, called everyone out on their shit and didn't give a fuck about the species and their opinion of her, it wrapped me around her finger instantly. It didn't matter that I shut out the mate bond, I fell for her nonetheless, because those eyes, oh those purple eyes, which saw through my shit the second they fell on me, I could get lost in them forever.

How I felt frustrated me to the core, because I had no idea what to do with it and how to express it. So I kept it to myself, not wanting to take the risk of fucking it all up. Sure, I had many people around me since I was king, and every single one of them wanted to get to know me for good or ill intent, but in the end I was alone. Of course I had Roman, but he had a wife and a young baby of his own.

It was a funny thing, love. It was a place where I could let down my defenses. Suddenly, I wasn't that alone anymore and as my feelings grew stronger and stronger while the months passed by, I learned from her and ended up being a different man than I was when I first met her.

Loving her had consequences.

And now that she had lost it, I still loved her even though it fucking hurt. There was no giving up on her. No, she went through hell and back and still remained standing. She deserved better. She deserved to be fought for, believed in, even if deep in her heart she didn't believe it herself.

For fuck's sake, Valerio, snap out of it and go do something productive.

I slammed my hands against the door, shook my head and walked into my office to work on those plans. Overthinking was a man's worst enemy at times. The next morning I had created new laws which forced the alphas to create a new list of better pack rules and send them over to me for approval. I was going to send trusted soldiers over to the pacts to infiltrate and make sure the everyone, including the alphas, followed the rules. Criminal behavior would be punished and alphas behaving like Anwir would join him in losing their heads.

Roman, Azim, Beren and the head intelligence officer, Solomon, were coming over for a quick meeting and status rapport about what happened while I was away. We exchanged some quick hugs and went to my office. The whole house was made sound proof against eavesdroppers, making it the only place where we could peacefully discuss everything without other listening werewolves around.

"It's good to have you back, sir" Beren commented while the men walked to the chairs in front of my desk and sat down.

Nodding, I sat down with a deep sigh. "Thanks. Not sure the rest of the people agree with you on that one."

"Ironically, our spies told us they're even more impressed by you than before since you managed to stand your ground quite long against Iola during the conquest."

"That only happened because she lowered her powers to our level to keep things interesting." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"They don't care about that, they only care about the actual fighting they saw." Roman shrugged.

Azim awkwardly cleared his throat. "And let's not forget that they love the obvious sexual chemistry."

Oh, for crying out loud. This was supposed to be a distraction, not a fucking reminder.

"Now is not the time, man." Roman's eyes widened and he shook his head.

Rolling my eyes, I slammed my hands onto the desk and pointed to Azim, who flinched. "We're not going to talk about that. Understood?"

He nodded quietly, while the other men grinned and shot each other a look, except for Solomon, he wasn't here to fuck around, he lived for his job and delivered. The man was old, 247 years to be exact, and quite grey. Werewolves aged slower and had an average lifespan around 320 years old, so in human years he was a little over 75 years old now. Until werewolves became 21 years old they aged exactly like humans, but after that it slowed down drastically. He lived through many things, kings, battles, wars and served in the army ever since he was sixteen years old. 

He never wanted to retire, but the public thought he was, which was great. That was if they could find him in the first place, he was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Fit with massive knowledge about the kingdoms and the army, he made the excellent head of intelligence. Nobody knew about him, except the delegation and his spies.

Continuing, I stared at them blankly. "Did anything interesting happen while I was away?"

"No sir, it's been pretty dull around here. We've captured some rogues who were planning an attack on their former clan. The situation in the Les Chiens Crasseux pack has been improving for the better under their new leader now that alpha Anwir is dead, but most people were simply watching their king in awe and were very relieved when you made it out alive. You were very beloved before, but even more now that you survived because most people feared who would be your successor. Your methods work, your reign works, for the most part at least."

"Thank you. Let's hope it stays that way. Kill the rogues."

"Yes, sir." He nodded.

"Anything else?" I wondered.

"No." He said a little too quickly.

Where the others might have bought that, I knew he was lying and I raised my eyebrow.

"Alpha Phobos can arrive at any moment." He mindlinked me.



I rolled my eyes and right at that very moment, Phobos barged through the doors, appearing to be very angry. Getting up from my seat, I walked over to the front of the desk and leaned against it.

Motioning to the other men, I sighed. "Leave us."

The men stood up and left, while Phobos kept his gaze fixed on the door, waiting for it to close. As soon as it did, his infuriated eyes met mine.

"We need to kill her!" He exclaimed, too angry to sit down.

This dude had lost it. How did he want to do it? By tickling her with his claws?

I frowned and crossed my arms. "I'm sorry, what?"

He paced back and forth. "I don't care how, but we need to find a way to do it. I've seen the broadcasts, Phelan, that woman is insane. It would be best for everyone to get rid of her."

Fear. I could smell it in the air.

On the outside I appeared calm and steady, but on the inside I was fuming. Not just because of how I felt for her, but simply because his judgement was unfair. Although there was something off about her, but not in the way she was acting out, but in her lack thereof sometimes. 

My hands grasped onto the edge of the desk and I desperately had to keep myself from breaking the whole thing in two. "It's not going to happen. She won fair and square. Besides, everything that she has become, we and everyone else helped create. Just because you're scared of her doesn't mean she immediately has to die."

"You're biased!" He slammed a chair into the wall and continued to pace around. "I don't think you deserve a say in this. We're not blind, everyone can see that you two have been fucking for a long time now."

Oh how I wished that were true. We'll get there eventually.



I pushed myself off the desk, glared at him and lowered my voice. "Watch it."

He stalked back a little, but found some idiotic courage somewhere. "I challenge you to a fight. For the right to kill her and for the throne."

"Really? So you're telling me that you came all the way out here and barged into my office, just to waste my time and lose your head? Now that's just stupid." I scoffed, shaking my head.

He leaped forward and lashed out and within seconds his heart was ripped out of his chest. The doors opened immediately and Roman and I exchanged annoyed looks. Alphas like Phobos and Anwir were getting on my nerves and I'm glad new legislation was in place now, even though it would take a while before all packs abided to it.

Closing my eyes a couple hours later, I took in the fresh air from outside while I sat on the porch. The nature in this kingdom was the best out there. It was clean, non-mutated for the most part and the wildlife was friendly to everyone who deserved it. I had missed it while I was away. Industry and warfare had taken over the human kingdom and nature had to make room for it a long time ago. Most buildings looked the same, it was very unoriginal and the whole kingdom had an almost robotic feeling to it, but nearly everyone who lived there had no idea since it was the only thing they knew. I knew this, because kings had access to way more knowledge than everyone thought.

Unlike the closed-minded and bleak human kingdom, mine was way more open, I had made sure of it. The humans had confiscated all the books and other art forms when the borders were built, but spies had managed to collect a tiny amount and it was shared with everyone, inspiring others to create some of their own. Since there weren't many examples, most of the newly created art here sucked, but it was the thought that counted.

Everyone was free to be whoever and whatever they wanted to be here, no matter what. The only things that were strictly forbidden were crossing the borders and cooperating with vampires and spying for humans. The vampires had destroyed too much in the past and it was a shame that they immediately went underground once the borders were up. Atom bombs were dropped on the territory immediately after, but unfortunately they survived, as apparently did some of the wildlife above ground, which turned into something entirely unexpected.

A shadow fell on me and I looked up to see Roman standing in front of me with a grin. "You want to go for a run?" 

"Yeah, sure." I shrugged before going inside and changing into some sportswear. 

We ran for hours, past fields, hills and forests. It was mid spring, so the temperature was getting a little warmer, but still remained on the cooler side. Different types of black, purple and red Tulips were in full bloom along with white and yellow Daffodils across the fields and hills. My favorite flower was not blooming just yet, it would have to wait for at least another month. It was a rather simple flower and along with its color it represented happiness and joy.

It was a Buttercup.

Oak, Pine and Willow trees were showing off their radiant green colors as we ran through the deep forest. Most of the wild animals, mostly rabbits, deer, birds and the occasional horse and cow, watched us carefully from afar, because they knew what we shifted into. We ran past my favorite secret hide-out hidden deep within the heart of the forest where the trees grew thicker and taller. But once you wiggled your way through them, a big waterfall falling off a high hill, which flowed into a pond filled with Water Lilies and Lotuses was revealed. I discovered it as a young boy and it was a great place to be alone and be at peace.

When we returned to my house, drenched in sweat, girls, their mothers, and their grandmothers were waiting in front of it and practically threw themselves at us. Not for our personalities, but for our looks, alpha status, and titles. 

The usual shit.

I rolled my eyes, making my way outside and ignoring everyone in the process. "Why can't they leave us alone?"

"The playboy a couple months back would've jumped any woman he liked with her consent." Roman snickered as he closed the door behind him.

"I don't even want to think about it." I closed my eyes and shook my head for a quick second, before walking over to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water for the both of us. 

He said down at the table and laughed. "A changed man at last. I wonder why?"

I leaned against the counter and raised my middle finger with a grin.

"When are you seeing her again?" He wondered after downing the whole glass.

After doing the same thing, I placed my empty glass on the counter next to me. "She's coming in a couple of weeks as part of her Royal Tour."

"A Royal Tour? That doesn't sound like something she would do." He frowned, leaning forward in his chair and resting his arms on the table while folding his hands together.

"It isn't. Apparently it was the generals' idea."

"Since when does she listen to them?" 

She didn't.

"Exactly." I exclaimed, moving my hands in front of me before I sat down opposite from him. "I knew something was off the second she told me. I had to be careful though, since I think she can sense people's feelings and emotions. I kind of picked it up while watching her interact with people. When she's really paying attention and interested she always knows exactly what's going on."

"So what do we do now?" 

I had no fucking clue. We couldn't ask her, because I doubted whether or not she would tell us in her current state. There was no way we could pry it out of her either, she was way too intelligent for that. So there was only one thing to do.

"We're going to let her do her thing while she's here to see if we can find out what she's up to. Spies will be useless around her so there's no use in assigning them."

Roman nodded and stood up. "Understood. We can't beat her anyway, might as well not get in the way until we have to. See you around, dude."

"See you." I said before he left and shut the door behind him.

Once again I was completely alone and my mind wandered while I played with Roman's empty glass in front of me. Her agreeing with an idea from the generals was out of character. It had to be for a reason, a reason we simply couldn't see. She was extremely calculated and most of all, she was holding back. 

What the fuck were you up to, Buttercup?

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