Council Of The Gods

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In the realm of the gods in Mount Olympus.

Hades and Anubis along with Satan have summoned a council now knowing that Punguari has been liberated.

Osiris: What's he doing here

Anubis: He's with us, he told us the news and he's also the reason of the meeting

Satan: Hello God

God: Hello Satan, it's been a long time

Satan: It has been, old friend

The meeting began and many began to remember that tragic night.


After sealing Punguari into a mountain, Ra was knocked unconscious, everything was in a mist.

Odin: Are you ok, Ra, we're organizing an evacuation

Ra: Sisiki and Chipiri? Where are they?

Odin: We don't know, no one has seen them

Ra: I'll go look for them and meet you guys back at the rendezvous point

Odin: Ok but be careful Ra, Ucumu's hellhounds, the Inferorums are everywhere

Ra fought against the Inferorums, looking for Sisiki and Chipiri but all he found was Sisiki's spear and Chipiri's macuahuitl, Ra only knew that they were no longer with them.

Meanwhile in the rendezvous.

Hera was being a motherly figure to the Aztec children were separated from their parent during the panic and evacuation.

Hera: Don't worry little ones, we'll find your parents

Then they heard the howls of the Inferorums, the Aztec began to panic until they saw within the heavens.

Jesus and his angels came to help.

Ganesha: What an incredible entrance, brother Jesus

Jesus: Thank you brother Ganesha

With the last Inferorums dead, Ra had returned with bad news.

Jesus: Ra, where's..........Sisiki and Chipiri?

Ra: They're no longer with us, all I found from them were these, their spear and macuahuitl

The gods mourned for their fallen comrades and soon they brought the best architectures from ancient times back to life, so they can rebuild El Dorado.

Jesus: From now on, we will look out for this city from the forces of evil

After the city was rebuilt, the gods built two statues of Sisiki and Chipiri to honor them.

End Of Flashback

In the council meeting in Mount Olympus, the gods and goddesses are all giving each other suggestions on what should they do to prevent history from repeating itself.

Isis: We need to bring the mask back here

Ares: We should, Isis but we should also prepare our armies for battle

Sobek: Punguari is just a kid

Ares: I meant for the Inferorums

Sobek: Oh

Jesús: Well then it's settled, we must mobilize

In that same moment, the gods prepared their armies for battle.

Ra: Remember our fallen comrades, death to the Inferorums

Armies Of The God: Death to the Inferorums

Ra: Death to Ucumu

Armies: Death to Ucumu

Apollo: On to battle

The gods and their armies got into their horses and chariots on their way to Mexico to prevent history from repeating itself.

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