Freeing Punguari

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While the Qi Masters and Casagrandes were a barbecue at the hacienda, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne are going to the Punguari mountain.

Lincoln: You sure about this?

Ronnie Anne: Yeah I'm sure, this will epic, you're not scared are you?

Lincoln: No, it's just dirt bike stunts in a mountain aren't always well safe, Jake did had a friend who did a stunt in mount Olympus and ended in a body cast for three years

Ronnie Anne: Oh my but trust me everything will be ok as long as we're together

Lincoln: Ok but I pick the music

Ronnie Anne: Deal

Lincoln got the dirt bikes ready and chose the music.

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Lincoln: Ready?

Ronnie Anne: Ready

Lincoln: Then let's go

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne began to race to the bottom of the mountain, everything seemed fine but without warning, Ronnie Anne's necklace began to glow and float causing her to crash.

Lincoln: Oh god, Ronnie Anne?! Are you ok

Ronnie Anne: Yes my love but don't worry, I'm ok, this bush cushion the blow

Lincoln: Hey wait, look your necklace has changed

Ronnie Anne: Strange how it change from a gem to a crystal

Then the crystal began to glow again and a swarm of purple butterflies came out of nowhere flying towards them.

Ronnie Anne: Where did they come from?

Lincoln: I don't know but that was weird, they didn't feel like regular moths, almost supernatural

Back in the hacienda Satan had felt that Punguari had been liberated.

Satan: Oh no

Mama Lope: What's the matter?

Satan: Nothing, I must leave

Satan opened a portal into the spirit realm to warn the gods that Punguari has been freed.

Hades: What happened?

Satan: It's about Punguari, she's been freed

Anubis: Oh no, we must warn the others

Satan: I must return, I don't know if my grandson caused it by accident, either way I must return *opens another portal*

Meanwhile back in Mexico.

Leo, Donna, Chozen and Jake felt a strange disturbance in the mystical world and they went to see what was happening.

Jake: This isn't right, something weird is going on

Leo: You don't say, monsieur

Donna: Where are these moths coming from, I was about to beat Mama Lupe in her own game with my ice qi

Chozen: Hey wait, where's Lincoln and Ronnie Anne

Jake: They said that they were to go to the Punguari mountain

Leo: You don't think that the legend could be real, do you?

Chozen: We met the Egyptian gods and the Greek gods before and Satan multiple times, so yeah, let's go before they get hurt

Jake: Oui oui Monsieur

Meanwhile with Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, they heard someone crying for help and went to see who was crying for help.

??: Help someone help me

Lincoln: Come on

Ronnie Anne: We have to help her

??: Help, I'm stuck under a tree

Lincoln: And it's a big one

Ronnie Anne: We'll get you out in not time

Lincoln: How did this happen?

??: I was hiking but then this huge tree fell on me when the earth began to shake and this moth face came out of nowhere

Ronnie Anne: You saw that too?

Lincoln: Earthquake, mothes, do you know the legend of this Punguari

??: Yeah it's well known here

Ronnie Anne: Crap, we must've set her free

Lincoln: We should warn the others and with this sword, we can stop her

Punguari still in disguise as an average young adult, she shivered as she saw Lincoln's sword, now knowing that he's the grandson of Satan.

Ronnie Anne: You ok?

??: Ye-Yeah, it's just that, that's a big sword

Ronnie Anne: Please put it away, honey

Lincoln: Sure thing

Back with Leo, Donna, Chozen and Jake. They made to the Punguari mountain and encountered a pack of hell hounds.

Leo: They must be the disturbance, we felt

Donna: Even on vacation, we can't get a break

Chozen: They're not from Satan, they're from the Aztec time

Jake: Let's kill all for Le France

Leo, Donna, Chozen and Jake began to transform into their beast forms to fight the hell hounds.

Leonardo Huang The WereLion

Donna Ivanov The WereWolf

Jake François The WereCheetah

Chozen Toguchi The WereRhino

WereLion: Let's go

WereWolf: Right

In the beast forms, Donna used her ice powers to freeze the hellhounds

Jake used his super speed to prevent the hell hounds from escaping and to those who tried to, Chozen would use his super strength to make the ground, last but not least Leo used his sonic boom roar to blow them back to the pits from which they came.

Jake: That was easy

Donna: But we should stay alert, they might return

Chozen: True

Suddenly they heard footsteps, thinking that the hellhound returned for more, they prepare for battle but saw that it was Lincoln and Ronnie Anne with a new friend. Punguari was shocked to see the Qi masters in their beast forms, she saw their ancestors doing the same and thinks that it's them.

Leo: Are you guys ok?

Lincoln: Yeah we're ok, why? What happened?

Jake: We encountered some hell hounds

Ronnie Anne: Oh my but they're not in the legend Of Punguari

Donna: Anyways who's your friend?

Ronnie Anne: We don't know

Shara: Shara my name is Shara

Jake: Um ok Shara, you better come with us, you'll be safe until we find a way to stop those hell hounds

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