Present Day

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6:00 am Casagrande, Great Lake City, Michigan, USA.

Ronnie Anne wakes up early so that she can go to the skate park with her friends because it's her eighteenth birthday and on her birthday, she is wondering if Lincoln will appear.

Lincoln: *Kisses Ronnie Anne* Good morning Ronnie Anne

Ronnie Anne: *Kisses Lincoln back* Buenos días mi amor, thank you so much that you arrived m

Lincoln: Anything for you, mi amore

Ronnie Anne: I love when you use your Italian accent, it turns me on

Lincoln: Veini qui, mi amore *kisses Ronnie Anne*

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne left the Casagrande building and are planning what to do while her family is still asleep.

Lincoln: Well it's your birthday, what would you like to do, birthday girl?

Ronnie Anne: Well I'm planning to go to the new awesome skateboard, wanna come with me?

Lincoln: Of course, I used to skateboard and roller skate

Ronnie Anne: Ok then let's go

Ronnie Anne grabbed her skate board and Lincoln grabbed his roller skates, the happy couple went to the skate park.

Ronnie Anne was surprised to see how Lincoln was talented with his roller skates, Ronnie Anne fell in love with Lincoln even more as she saw Lincoln roller skating in slow motion.

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln that was amazing, how did you do that?

Lincoln: I've been practicing, my brother Jake François taught me

Ronnie Anne: Neat

Lincoln: Also I have gift

Ronnie Anne: What is it?

Lincoln: Since now we're both eight teen, I want to give you this

Lincoln kneeled and grabbed a small box from his shirt.

Lincoln: Would make me the happiest man in the universe? Will you marry me?

Ronnie Anne: *Tears in her eyes* Oh Lincoln yes!! Yes I will marry you

Lincoln put the ring on Ronnie Anne's ring finger and kissed each other on the sunrise.

Ronnie Anne: Oh Lincoln, it's beautiful

Lincoln: For you, mi amore

Ronnie Anne: But what about Emiko? I know that I agreed to share you with her but what will think of this?

Then a phoenix came out of the sun and transformed into a human girl.

Emiko: Don't worry Ronnie Anne, he gave me a ring exactly like that

Ronnie Anne: Oh glad to know that

Emiko: And don't worry, I won't intervene a lot, this story is all about you two but I will be part of the adventure

Lincoln, Ronnie Anne and Emiko walked back to the Casagrande apartment building and were met with a huge surprise.


Joshua: Happy Birthday child

Alcina: Lincoln called us and told us the news, congratulations

Ronnie Anne: Thank master Joshua and lady Alcina

Maria: We got another surprise for you mija

Ronnie Anne: What is it mom?

Maria: We're all taking you to Mexico, we'll spend more time together like I did with my mother

Ronnie Anne: Oh great but can Lincoln come too

Maria: Si, everybody is come

Chozen: Hai, this will be fun

Everybody packed up their stuff and hopped on Joshua and Alcina's backs in their mythical forms, next stop Mexico.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

In just two hours, everybody arrived in their destination.

Lincoln: Riding a dragon and a giant vampire is super fun

Ronnie Anne: Yea, this is a beautiful place

Lincoln: Shí de, the beauty of the land, the culture and you

Ronnie Anne: Oh honey *kisses Lincoln* mom, we're going to check around

Maria: Ok but be back soon

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne went to check out the town, they saw that they came just in time the festival of the new fire, meanwhile Donna noticed that they have the game of fire ball.

Donna: Fire ball? Fascinating

Carlos: You're interested in it?

Donna: Da, as a woman of hockey, I'm interested, also with my ice wolf powers, I would be a champ

Back with Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, they were sightseeing until Ronnie Anne felt a strong connection to a gem necklace, feeling like it's calling her.

Necklace Salesman: Oh I see you found my most valuable necklace with a great offer for thirty American dollars

Maria: A bit expensive for a gem necklace

Necklace Salesman: Well according to legend, it has the powers between the gods and the human world

Tourist Girls: That's what you said about my necklace

Necklace Salesman: *Gulp* Twenty five dollars will do

Ronnie Anne: I'm buying it anyways

Maria: No, you can't spent your money on piece of junk, I'm your mother and I know what's best

Lincoln: Look how about if I buy it for her, I have a lot of money spared from a mission I had in Greece

Maria: Fine

Lincoln paid for the necklace and gave it to his beloved.

Ronnie Anne: Gracias mi amor *kisses Lincoln in the cheek*

Lincoln: Anything for you, mi amore, plus I know it feels when you get a spiritual connection to a necklace

Ronnie Anne: Really?

Lincoln: Yep, when master Joshua and lady alcina adopted me, they gave me this amulet

Ronnie Anne: It's beautiful

Lincoln: Yeah, they told that it would protect me at my time of need and they were right

Ronnie Anne: Wow and were the beads part of it?

Lincoln: No, I added them to it, I think they're  Polynesian theme

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