Heroes memory

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After the alarm went off our heroes went to their rooms and got ready,your most likely asking what do their costumes look like?well,Hayden's suit is a black combat sweater and wood and metal armour and a chestnut and oak wood and Titanium and soft foam with bullet proof lens,Sarah's suit was a flight suit with a winged jet pack and a head set with a orange Vizzer,Chloe's was a soft female combat medieval style suit,Alec's was just a blue cape and a crown,Barrett and cassy had to stay back and help anybody around the base,the Hayden,Sarah,Chloe and Alec got on to a m11 condor and flew to where the problem was coming from.couple minutes later the quad squad and other soldiers got as close as possible to where the problem was."well that was a ride."said Alec."so...where is it?"said Alec with confusing,after Alec said that,silence,then a great big boom and some crazy drivers with gun came around the corner,and they were shooting everywhere."what in hells name was that!?!"said Alec with anger,but they weren't the one they had to fear,*thud thud*."what was that?" Said Chloe,after chloe ask what it was, "it" came around the corner.it was huge!!! It had long arms,stubby legs,long torso, and a t-Rex like head with four horns and black scales."what the hell is that!?!?"shouted Alec."RUN!!!"shouted Hayden,as they ran so did the creature,after a couple of minutes the creature disappears for a moment when it came back right in front of them,ten they ran the other way but the same thing happened even on the sides."what do you want!?!?"shouted Hayden."man of light."said the creature."I don't know where he is!"shouted Hayden."oh yes you do!don't lie!!!"shouted the creature, just as the creature was about to smash the group, out of nowhere Hayden started to glow a whitish green colour which blinded the creature, then Hayden's skin and clothing started to peel off to show a familiar face,it was shimmer"ahh,man of light,finally I get to eat you!!"said the creature,then Hayden/shimmers eyes started to glow pure white."NO!!! I will not be e
aten by you!!!"shouted Hayden,hayden led the creature to the centre of the city."come on you big dumb idiot!!!"shouted Hayden. When they got to the centre of the city Hayden circled the creature looking for a weak spot to attack,but to no victory he could not find a weak spot. So Hayden had to do something heroic and rememberable, he exploded his whole body,mind and soul,he killed the creature and saved the city. In honour of Hayden the entire city turned the test facility into a school for people who wish to be heroes, and out side the building was a statue of Hayden and on the plack on the statue it says"in honour of grim wood, may you rest in heaven." And so that's the story of the quad squad,I know,I know what could cassy and Barrett do,eh?the were in a fight of their own when the fight between Hayden and the creature was happening,so yeah also some people say that the scientists that made Hayden made another one and some people say that the child's name is Greg, well, they're right, how do you think I know this stuff when it happened fifteen years ago,well you're talking to the clone of Hayden,names Greg, nice to meet you,well I better get going,can't miss a single day of my job,well bye.(hey guy w.w here and sorry I haven't been making this new part and at the time I'm finishing this message up it is 3:09 am in the morning, so yeah also I'm thinking of giving the series to a friend of mine so they can carry on this story in no.2 and I hope it'll heaps better than how I wrote it.so until the next one read hard and keep on writing!!!

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