Chapter 14

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Vanessa's POV:

The Next Day

I wake up and see the rest of the girls sound asleep, Jake slept in my room because his roommate and his girlfriend were quite busy.

I rub my eyes as I got off the bed I am sharing with Dianne. I am in a short pants and tank top. I got my phone and text Jake, knowing that he just come back from jogging.

Me: Hey good morning, miss me?

Baby: Always 

Me: What you're doing now?

Baby: Nothing much going to take a  shower and go to get breakfast

Me: Can you come pick me up and we go to the city together?

Baby: Don't you want to have breakfast with your girls? They're leaving around lunch anyway

Me: Okay, but lunchtime we're going out

Baby: Deal

Me: Cool

I went in the bathroom and wash my face then brush my teeth. I walk back into the room and hear a phone buzz, it is Riley's own. 

I take it up and turn it on, it doesn't have a password I got in easily.

The message is from Twitter, I tap the app and gasp.

The tweet is from Quinn's profile.

It is a picture of a drunk Caleb giving Madison a body shot from the party.

Oh no, Riley can't see this.

"Hey is that my phone?" Riley asks in a sleepy voice.

Oh shit.

"Um yes, but you can't have it back yet", I say.

"Why not?" She frowns.

"Well because just look", I show her the post and she gasps.

"That bitch", she growls and change her clothes.

"Where you're going?" I ask as she goes to brush her teeth.

"Back to campus, I need to see Caleb and show Madison that he's mines", she replies she brush her teeth quickly and her hair.

"Tell the girls I'll see them soon", she says and gets her bag then leaves.

I sigh and text Archer to make sure there isn't anyone is Caleb's room.

Me: Hey best guy friend, can you make sure that Caleb doesn't have any chick in his room thanks.

Anchor: No problem and Michelle is already on her way back to the hotel

Me: Cool

"Where's Riley?" Dianne asks.

"She went back to campus, she got some business to handle", I reply and she nods.


We walk into the hotel restaurant and find a table to get breakfast, then I see Michelle coming.

"Morning girls", she smiles.

"Looks like someone had fun last night", Jen says and points at her neck, Michelle blushes.

"Just shut up", she laughs.

"What are we going to eat?" Isabel asks while on her phone.

"Pancakes?" I say and the girls agree.

We eat our pancakes quietly while enjoying the view of the city from the hotel.

"We must have another girl's night soon and this time Vanessa you're coming to visit us", Michelle says and I nod.

"I will", I say.

Then my phone buzz.

Riley: Vanessa I need you, Caleb had a hickey on his neck when I went to his room

Me: I'm on my way

"Guys I got to go, Riley is having a breakdown but I'm coming to the airport to see you off", I say and they nod.

I got up and went back to the room for my bag and call a taxi.

When I arrive back at campus and to my room, I see Riley crying and Stacy comforting her.

"Hey its okay, I doubt Caleb would do that to you just look at Carter he's a player, but that doesn't mean he'll cheat on me", Stacy says to her.

"But he can't flicking explain where he got the hickey from", she snaps.

"He was drunk he wouldn't remember a thing from last night", I point out.

"I don't know if I can trust him", she sniffs.

 Someone knocks on the door and I open it to see a very concern Caleb.

"Is she alright?" He whispers trying to look in.

"She's fine and you better make it up to her before you lose her", I snap and poke him in the chest and shut the door.

"Believe me I will", he says and leaves.


Caleb's POV:

I walk away from the room and down the hallway to the elevator, I'm going to make it up to you Riley I promise.

I shove my hands in my pocket as  I kick an empty can while walking on the path to the classes building.

"Dude why so down?" Carter asks.

"Because I messed up big time", I sigh.

"I'm sure its not as bad as my messed up in the past", he says which is true.

"I wake up with a hickey on my neck this morning and now Riley is angry at me and is crying in Vanessa and Stacy's room", I sigh.

"Dude you know how to make it to her", he smirks,"make up sex", he laughs and I punch him.

"Dude I'm not you and Stacy", I say.

"Then carry her to a date or something", he shrugs.

I nod and jog back to the girls' room.

"Where's her?" I ask.

"She just left, she's going home to spend time with her parents before they fly out on Tuesday morning", Vanessa replies and I sigh.

Great now I'm not seeing her till  Tuesday morning.

"She's in her room right now packing, maybe you can catch up to her", Stacy winks and Vanessa glares at her.

I run to Riley's room and knock the door, she opens it her eyes are red and puffy and her nose is red.

"What do you want?" she sniffs.

"Just to say I am sorry, I don't know what happened last night, but I'm so sorry", I say and look into her blue eyes.

She looks away,"well there's nothing you can do now, my mother is coming to pick me up soon", she says.

"You're not packing?" I frown, looking at the tablet on her bed.

"I am going home, my closet is fill with clothes that can last me till summer", she replies.

I try to hug her and she push me away.

"I'll see you on Tuesday", she says and shuts her door.

I run my hand through my curly black hair, then leave.


"Hey Cal, last night was so much fun, let's do it again soon okay?" Madison winks at me as I head to the field.

"Never bitch", I snap.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning", she coos.

I ignore her and went to the field where I see a few of my friends tossing a football.

"Hey guys", I say.

"Dude you look like you just lost your favorite sweatpants", Harry says.

"More like lost my girlfriend's trust", I say.

"Let me guess? Madison strikes again", Jay says and I nod.

"Yeah and a girl left this here and I think its her", I say and point at my neck.

"Dude", Austin says and goes to high five me and I shoot him a glare.

"Yeah and now Riley left to go spend time with her parents before they're off again on Tuesday", I sigh.

"You need to run after her dude or else she'll think that she's not worth it", Harry says and the guys nod.

I call a taxi, I need to get to her ASAP maybe some flowers too.


Jake's POV:

I am going to pick up Vanessa for lunch when Quinn approaches me.

"Jake I am thinking, maybe we should be partners for one of our courses I really need the help", she bats her eyes at me. 

"Actually I am fine working by myself", I say.

"Mid term is coming soon and I need a study partner", she pushes.

"Its true Jake, she needs a partner and since you two are the only persons without one I think it would be a good idea", my professor says as he comes out the main hall.

"But sir-"

"No buts, she has an assignment to complete for this Friday and it will take two persons to complete it, also its part of your mid term marks and I'm sure your coach doesn't like failing students", he says and I sigh.

"You better get started, you came here to be successful and take over your family business not to be with your girlfriend all the time, maybe some space will do you two some good", he adds and I see Quinn nods.

"Yes I can't have my partner failing", she says.

"I'll get started after lunch, I'm late for my lunch date the last time I saw my girlfriend was quite yesterday evening not even this morning I saw her", I say.

"Okay Jake well see you in two hours", Quinn says and walks away.

"She's an intelligent girl, you two would do great on your courses", my professor says and leaves.

I jog to Vanessa's room and only see Stacy.

"Where's Vanessa?"

"She went with Archer to the hotel, your friends are leaving soon and some have to take the plane, also she forgot her phone", she replies and I clutch my fist.

It is Quinn's fault, I'm late and now Archer is with Vanessa makes me even more angry.

I got a text from Kevin,

Kev: Where are u dude? We're about to leave the hotel to go catch our plane.

Me: On campus, I didn't know Vanessa is with you guys

Kev: She's with Michelle and Archer, they now left for the airport

Me: On I'm on my way

I went back to my room and got into my car, then go to the airport.


When I reach I just see Vanessa hug Isabel, Dianne, Michelle and Josh before they board  the plane.

 Archer is standing next to her, so their arms are brushing against each other.

They talk and went to get something to eat, I sit and wait for them to finish.

When they are done, I approach them

"Glad to see you are enjoying each other's company", I sat trying not to sound jealous.

"We are, but I'm more happy with you", Vanessa says and throws her arms around me.

My phone buzz, it is a text from my professor.

Teacher: Jake, Quinn is ready to start on the course where are you?

Me: At the airport, I'll be there soon

"I got to go, my professor wants me to start on my mid term assighment", I say and kiss her cheek, she nods and give me a tight hug.

"I'll see you later, right?"

"Yeah maybe", I say and wave at Archer.

I return to campus about one hour later and went to the library.

"About time, I thought you stood me up", Quinn says.

 Boy I wish I did.

"Let's just get this thing over with", I grumble.

"Someone's in a bad mood", she smirks and I hold back from snapping.

We got to work on the first part of the assignment which last three hours, because Quinn keep re tweeting her friend's post and texting unstop.

Between that time I only got text from Tyrell, Marcus and Chase about how much fun they had and couldn't wait for the next one. 

Not a single text from Vanessa, probably busy with Stacy or that jerk Archer.

"Well I'm looking to go, girls outing today", Quinn says as she packs her stuff.

"Maybe we can get coffee tomorrow before we start the next part", I suggest and her eyes widen in surprise then she nods.

"Here's my number", she says and write it on a paper.

"We can work in the city library that way we can get the coffee easier", I say and she smiles.

"Sure, can't wait", she says and leaves.

I hope I know what I'm doing, I don't want to hurt or lose Vanessa's trust.


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