Chapter 16

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Vanessa's POV:

When I land I text Stacy then I see my father and two siblings waiting for me in the waiting area.

"Vanessa!" Natty shrieks and runs to hug me.

"Hey Natty", I say and hug her then I walk up to Nate and ruffle his hair.

"Hey buddy, missed me?"  I say and he scowls at me.

"Dad", I say and hug him.

"Baby girl, I'll take your bag to the car", he says, he's in his police uniform, probably now come off his shift.

"I want ice cream", Natty says as we walk outside, the sun shining brightly with little clouds in the sky.

"That's if Vanessa wants", dad looks at me and I nod.

I got into the back seat with Nate and Natty.

"So Vanessa, what happened for you to come back just as the school week begins?" Dad asks as he drives.

"Its complicated", I sigh and look out the window, Jake still hasn't text me and the guys told him that I left.

"Whatever it is you got to talk it out with your mother", he says.

Yeah and then Jake's mother would know then for sure this weekend we'll have a meeting with her, so then I have to travel again.


"Mom I'm home", I say as I open the door.

"Vanessa I missed you so much", mom says and hugs me tightly.

"I know", I chuckle and then hug Paul.

"Mow go unpack in your room, then you'll tell me why you came here all of a sudden", mom says in a serious tone and I nod.

I went up in my room and open the door, it is still the same as I left it a few weeks ago; looks like mom keeps it clean all the time.

The sun is now setting which means just now is dinnertime, tomorrow I am going to relax home and go shopping with mom then hang out with my siblings at their home before I leave on Wednesday.

Hopefully this space would knock some sense into Jake.

I unpack and then went back downstairs to the kitchen.

"Paul is cooking dinner this time, so let's go to the living room", mom says and hand me a cup of hot tea.

We went to the living room and sit down on the couch.

"Now get talking", she says as she blows her tea.

"Well the weekend been good with my friends, but yesterday I went to see them off  then Jake and I were going  on our lunch date and he was late so I left for the airport with Archer, then he came and met us and had to leave to start this assignment with his partner who is the girl flirting with him daily,

"Last night he surprised me with a dinner date while I was watching a movie with Stacy and he left. I got dressed for the date, but when he saw me he said he isn't going again and was going to play video games with his friends while texting on his phone so here I am", I finish and mom remains quiet.

"This girl wants him?" She asks and I nod.

"Well you should have stayed, who knows what they're going to do after they finish their assignment this evening" she adds.

I feel my phone buzz, it is a text from Stacy.

Stacy: Go up on gossip magazine website, we got trouble

Me: Why?

Stacy: Just do it and quickly

"Do it I want to see", mom says and gets up to go for her laptop.

Gossip magazine always have stuff about famous people private life, they love to stick their noses in people's business.

"Here, now hurry", she says and hands  me the laptop.

I log in and went on the website, then gasp.

How could he?

The picture is taken earlier according to the photographer, there is a photo Quinn and Jake going into the coffee shop together then coming out laughing and another one when he opens the library door for her.

"I'm sure there is an explanation for all this", mom says.

"But look at what they say under it", I say and read it.

"Jake James in action with his new girlfriend, I'm sure you remember her from last week's business magazine and the news press, looks like this young future CEO is continuing his relationship with her, the real question is where is his ex girlfriend?"

The tears roll down my cheeks and I shut the laptop.

"Its just rumors, Jake would nev-"

The house phone rings and she gets up to answer it.


"Yes she's here."

"Yes we just saw it."

"I can't believe it either."

"Okay and thanks."

"Yes we'll get to the bottom of this."

"See you next week for the party."

"Alright bye."

She hangs up.

"That was Ana, she already confront Jake about it he's coming home after his game so you have the weekend all to yourself with your girls while his family takes a turn in his tale", mom grins and I nod.

Bro: That prick, I'm coming home Friday night and give him a good beat down on Saturday

Me: You don't have to

Bro: I will, dad already got two tickets book for Logan and I

Me: Okay well I'll be on campus

Anchor: When I'm done with him he's going to wish he didn't born

Me: Calm down my brother already dealing with it

Anchor: I'll put itching powder in his bed, pay back time bitch

Me: Yeah, but karma is a bitch I don't want revenge I'm going to sit back and just watch

Anchor: That's the Vanessa I know

Me: Yeah see you on Wednesday

"Lets go get you some ice cream", mom says and I get up.

Jake your weekend is going to be dramatic good luck.


I wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating under my pillow, I groan and rub my eyes.

Baby: Hey I'm sorry for what happen Sunday night and yesterday about the post, I'll never cheat on you

Me: Yeah heard that one before

Baby: I'm serious, I love you and only you

Me: That's not what the post said

Baby: Its all a lie, they're just looking for news 

Me: I came home for space, I'll text you tomorrow when I'm leaving 

Baby: Fine, but believe me I wouldn't cheat

I sigh and got off my bed.

"Vanessa we'll shop later, I really got to work morning shift today", mom says as she kiss me on the cheek, "there's breakfast in the microwave, see you later", she adds and shut the front door.

Just great, now what to do?


Jake's POV

After I finish text Vanessa, I went and take a shower. Archer is video chatting with Michelle before she goes to class. Since yesterday my phone been blowing up with messages from my friends, mother, father and sisters.

Yes the gossip magazine photographer followed me yesterday and took out pictures that would look like Quinn and I are dating.

I put on my clothes and decide to go for some breakfast then do a little review before practice that starts at 10:00 am.

"See you later man", I say and leave the room.

I see Carter just as I close the door with Jackson, they ignore me and head for the elevator.

Great everyone is angry at me.

"Jake we look good in the magazine", Quinn says and show me the gossip magazine.

Wow they didn't take long to print these.

"Whatever", I say and got my breakfast.

"If your friends are not talking to you, you can always sit by me", she whispers and went to a table with her friends.

I see the guys eating by a table on their phone, none of them look at me expect Alex who smirks.

I sit down by a table and eat quietly by myself, some people are reading the magazine and watching me mostly the girls.

I got a text from my dad.

Dad: Jake when you come home on Friday night, we're having a family meeting on Saturday and your both grandfathers will be here also

Me: Okay

Dad: Since your mother want to teach you a listen, you're not going to your game after classes is straight here with the private jet.

Me: What? She can't do that, this is my first game

Dad: Well to bad, you should know better than to go into the public when you know it  still have people following you around

I scoff and shove my phone in my pocket, mom can't do this to me.

This is all Quinn's fault, if we didn't go to the city none of this wouldn't have happened and if I didn't act like a jerk to Vanessa sh still would of been here.


After classes that evening, I am walking to my dorm when Quinn approach me.

"Are we still going to the city?" She asks.

I can't stood her up, maybe I'll wear a disguise.

"Yes if we put on a disguise, are any of your friends good with it?" I ask.

"Yep Ava, she's really good", she replies.

"Great I'll go freshen up, see you in one hour at your dorm", I say and she nods.

I went to my room and get ready, still no text from Vanessa.

There is knock on my door and I open to see a girl with black hair with orange streak and hazel eyes.

"I brought my stuff, lets get started", she says comes in with a bag.

I close the door and she points at my bed,"sit, I brought a wig", she orders. 

I sit and she takes out a short blonde wig and got to work.

15 minutes later

"Wow", I say as I watch myself with her mirror, my brown hair is completely hidden and my eyes are brown , since I put on contacts a and I had a dark shades to put on.

"Your welcome and Quinn says to put on a leather jacket and you are taking a cab", Ava says and leaves.

"Time to rock this new look Jake", I say to myself and put on my leather jacket uncle Jordan give me as a birthday gift with my black Nike shoes and the dark shades.

Not bad, I can pull off this bad boy look.

Quinn is in a skinny jeans and tank top with a jacket, her hair is brown and she is wearing  glasses.

"Wow didn't know you can pull off the nerdy girl wear", I smirk.

"This is my reading glasses I use it for studying only and watch you, you definitely make a good bad boy", she elbows me as we wait on the bus.

This is the first time I am travelling on one, with rich parents you don't need to worry about public transport.

A few girls walk pass us and they giggle and stare me down while one of them glare at Quinn.

"If they only knew who they were glaring at", she mutters and I laugh.


"I want to finish quickly, I'll go get the coffee", Quinn says and I nod.

I see a photographer by a lamp post  looking around, maybe for me and Quinn.

 Best disguise ever.

Quinn comes back out with two coffee and her hoodie over her head, I take the coffee and we cross the street to the library.

"Why can't we work in the park?" She asks.

"Thursday we will", I assure her.

"You're coming the after party on Friday?" She inquires as we climb the stairs.

"No I got to go home, I have a family meeting", I reply.

"Awww to bad, well next week for sure", she says.

"Can't neither, its my parent's anniversary and they are having a party", I say.

"Can I come?" She smiles.

"Sorry invitation only and I can only bring a certain amount of friends", I reply.

There will be media outside the hotel, I don't want to cause an embarrassment in front of my family and special guest.

We sit down by a table and got to work immediately, no sticking.

"Jake, I need help with this piece", Quinn says to me and I got up from my chair and sit down next to her.

"What?" I say and she kisses my cheek quickly.

I look at her and she smirks then leans in.

"Excuse me no making out here", the librarian snaps and Quinn stops.

Thank goodness.

I went back to my work.

2 hours and a half later

"I'm tired let's go eat", Quinn says as she packs away her books and put her hair in a ponytail.

"We'll get pizza and head back to campus", I  yawn, I don't want Archer getting to suspicious.

"Why? You promise we'll get dinner", she pouts and tug my arm. 

"Fine, but only thirty minutes", I sigh and she smiles.

"Table for two please", I say and the woman nods.

"Riight this way", she says.

We sit down by a boot with good light.

"What you like to eat?" She asks and I look at Quinn.

"A large milkshake with two straws and two slices of pizza each", she smirk at me.

"Oh a couple combo nice choice", the woman smiles.

"We're no-"

"Yes its our second romantic date", Quinn says and hugs my arm.

I roll eyes behind the shades.

"Your meal would be ready in five minutes", the woman nods and leaves.

Quinn takes off my shades and smiles.

"Nice, but I prefer your blue eyes", she grins.

We share the milkshake, while she drink I eat then I drink.

I'm in love with Vanessa and we never did this not even once.

"When will you be back?"

"Sunday evening I think", I reply.

"Cool, still jogging Monday morning?"I nod.

"Let's get going, I got some work to finish for tomorrow", I say and pay then we leave.

Tomorrow I have to make it up to Vanessa or else I'll lose her I already did once.


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