Chapter 18

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Vanessa's POV:

The Next Day

I got ready for class, today the guys doesn't have practice so some of them will be hitting the gym or jogging to keep fit. Unlike Jackson who would stay in his room and play video games or chat with some of his classmates from high school.

"Carter is taking me out tonight, you'll be okay by yourself?" Stacy asks.

"Yes I'll chat with my friends and have Archer over for a board game or maybe go out with Jake hopefully", I say and she nods.

I put on my boots and jacket.

"I'm going to grab a cup of coffee before class, see you at the library", I say and she nods.

I open the door and see Jake about to knock, "hi Vanessa", he smiles and kisses me.

"Hey", I say watching my wrist.

"I was wondering if you'll like to come home with me tomorrow?" He offers.

"I'm good, I traveled already for the week", I reply and he sighs.

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch we're going to the city no objections", he states and leaves.

Looks like I'm going to the city.

"Riley look who's flirting with Caleb again", I say and elbow her.

We just walk out of our class building and see them a few meters away.

"Baby there you a-"

Riley stops when she sees Madison pulls Caleb towards her and kisses him.

I gasp and I see Riley did to.

Caleb pulls away and looks at Riley who had tears in her eyes.

"Riley I'm-"

"Save it", she snaps and walks to them,"Maddy why don't you see he's not interested in you? You spread infectious than the flu, so back off".

Madison smirks,"he wants me and when you weren't here on Monday we had so mu-"

She got cut off when Riley slaps her hard.

"He would never", she spits and grabs Caleb then smack her lips on his.

"He's mine, if you come in at least 3 feet to him you'll need to see a nurse", she growls and Madison storms off.

"Wow", Caleb grins.

"Next time when you see her go the other way", she snaps at him and leaves.

"Riley wait", Caleb runs after her.

I shake my head and went to look for Jake; I see him talking to Quinn by the library building.

"Then cancel we got to finish the last piece its due tomorrow and we can't do it later because its the girls are having a sleepover in my room", Quinn says to him.

"I can't cancel, we already had dinner last night I can't ditch her", Jake says.

What?! They had dinner last night together?

I shake my head and wipe the quick tears, I turn around and  run as fast as I can.

I slam my door and fall on my bed then cry.

My phone buzz and I ignore it. 

The door is lock so only Stacy can  get in.

I close my eyes and then fall asleep.


"Guys shh you'll wake her up", someone says.

"But look at how red her nose is, was she crying?" Another one asks.

"Be quiet let her sleep, she looks so cute", someone coos and that voice belong to Jackson.

I groan and open my eyes.

"its alive!" Jackson shrieks and Archer smacks him.

"Idiot", he mumbles.

I see Jackson, Archer, Riley, Stacy and Carter all around me.

"How long was I asleep?"I ask.

"About three hours, its 3:30 right now", Stacy says.

"Wow", I rub my eyes.

"Care to explain why you were crying and ignoring your messages?" Archer demands and sit down on my bed.

"Its complicated", I mumble.

"I bet it has something to do with Quinn", Riley hisses and I nod.

I tell them what happened earlier, Carter and Jackson hold back Archer from leaving to beat up Jake.

"Its no wonder I saw them left while we are having lunch to go to the library", Stacy states.

"Where are they now?" I ask.

"According to Alex they left the library half hour ago, Quinn went with her friends to the city and Jake was talking to his grandfather on his phone before he went to the gym", Carter replies looking at his phone.

The gym it is.

I got up and change my boots to my converse and my jacket to a hoodie.

"I'm going to see him", I say.

"Check your messages first", Riley tosses me my phone.

Baby: Where are u?

Baby: Aren't we going to lunch again?

Baby: Are you ignoring me?

Baby: I don't see you with out friends

Baby: Are you still up for lunch in the city?

Baby: I guess not :(, but who can blame you?

Baby: I'm going to finish my course now, see you later xox

Anchor: Are you okay? I just saw Jake and Quinn left together

Anchor: Van talk to me, I'm worried

Anchor: That's it after class, I'm coming to look for you

Stacy: Hope you're okay and by the way Greg asked for your number should I give it to him?

Baby bro: I'm seriously going home this weekend and beat the crap out of that dick head

I snort at the Kevin's message.

"Sure you can give Greg my number", I say to Riley and leaves.

"Who's Greg?" Jackson frowns.

I walk into the gym and stop dead in my track, I see Jake  but he isn't alone. 

There's a junior blonde flirting with him and touching his arm.

"So hard and smooth", she says as she rubs them.

Jake pulls away,"I got a girlfriend."

Damn right you do.

"So that doesn't stop you from secretly dating Quinn", she smirks.

"What?! We're not dating!" He snaps.

"That's not what the media is saying nowadays", she smiles.

"Those are rumors, I'm in love with Vanessa not that hooker!" He shouts.

"And he's right", I say joining the conversation.

"Well I got to go, see you tomorrow Jake", she says and leaves.

"Now you showed up", Jake scoffs and fold his arm.

He's angry? He can't be, he's the one who had dinner last night with that hooker.

"Sorry after class I went to my room and fell asleep", I say.

"Oh really", he laughs.

"Yes and I did cause I heard you still went to that dinner reservation you made", I hiss.

He freezes and looks at me, "I......."

"I don't need an explanation I heard it all and you know what hurt the most? That you didn't even text me after you came from doing your assignment this evening!" I snap and he looks at me sadly.

"Vanessa please."

"No, I don't want to hear it", I snap and leave.

"Vanessa wait", Jake calls after me.

"Let her get some space man", I hear Austin says.

That's what I need space, maybe a get away weekend with Riley and Stacy.

"Riley we're going to your house tomorrow night", I announce as I walk into her room.

"Aww, but I wanted to stay here and go to that party with Caleb, Carter and Stacy", she pouts.

"I don't want to stay here", I whine.

"Fine I'll cancel on Caleb, but you knew what happened at the last party last week", she says.

"Then he can stay with us", I say.

"That's a great idea", she says.

So another weekend at Riley's house and is Jake free.


Archer's POV:

I walk into my room and see Jake looking stress out, looks like things with him and Vanessa didn't go well.

"You okay?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I messed up and now my grandfather is thinking about handing me the business when I'm 26", he sighs.


"Yeah, but he'll reconsider because of the media all up in our privacy now", he says.

"How bad did you messed up?" I ask and he gulps.

"From a scale of 1- 10, I'll say 8."

"What did you do?" I demand not liking this very much.

"Well..... I sort of went out for dinner with Quinn", he says.


''I know it was a mistake I should of cancel the reservation", he sighs.

"And now she knows", I say and he nods.

"Not cool dude, not cool", I shake my head and leave the room before I punch him.

He needs serious help cause if he keeps this up he'll lose Vanessa before Halloween.

"Hey Archer", Ava says as I walk outside.

"Tell your friend Quinn to back off Jake he's not interested in her an-"

"Looks like he is, I see Vanessa and him in some problems", she smirks.

"Its because of your horny friend", I snap.

"Whoa hulk calm down, its Jake's choice to talk to her if he didn't then there will not be a problem", she says.

She's right, Quinn only talking to him regularly cause he is showing her his interest in talking to her.

"They are building a friendship, it isn't Quinn's fault that Vanessa lack trust in her popular boyfriend", she shrugs,"trust me they're only strictly friends just like you and Vanessa", she adds.

I leave and went to Vanessa's room.

"Do you trust him?" I ask.

"Trust who? Jake?" She asks and I give her a look, "not sure with all that's been going on I don't know", she sighs with frustration.

"Its okay, you just need time", I say and rub her back.

She looks up at me and I see sadness and hurt flick in her eyes. I wipe the tear that just falls our her eye.

"Its okay", I whispers and hug her then rubs her hair.

I see Stacy just about to walk in and she gasps then back away and close the door.

"Will you come with me this weekend?" She asks.


"To Riley's, you don't have to co-"

"I would love to, when you're leaving?"

"After the game."

"No problem, I'll pack in the morning."

I kiss her forehead,"feel better?"

"A little thanks", she nods.

"I can sleep here if you want."

"Tomorrow at Riley's, Carter will be coming too so Stacy and him would share a room", she grins.

"Hope we don't have a room next to theirs or Riley's", I say and she laughs.

Then she gets a text message, so I leave her to it.

Maybe this weekend would be good for me, I would have Vanessa near me and away from Jake for a few days.


Jake's POV:

After Archer leaves I text Quinn I don't care anymore I need someone to talk to.

Me: Cancel your shopping I need to talk to you

Q: I didn't leave campus, be there in a few

Me: Cool ;)

She arrives in 5 minutes, "what's up?"

"I just need someone to talk to", I say.

"You look stress let me give you a massage", she says and rubs my shoulder, I relax.

"Look how relax you are", she says.

"Yeah sorry I can't make it to the party tomorrow", I say.

"No problem, there's always Halloween next month and your next game", she says and I nod.

She stops and I pull her making her sit on my lap, I smirk when she her eyes widen.

"If you want t-"

"No, this is a mistake", I say and she gets up.

"Maybe this will get your mind off this", she says and kisses me.

 I pull away and wipe my mouth, "what the hell?" I growl.

"Come on I know you was thinking the same", she says and massage my shoulder again.

"I know you want me, let's just go to my room", she whispers and kiss my neck, rubbing my back.

I tense up.

"Just for 30 minutes", she says.

"No I can't and you should go", I snap.

"Fine, but if you want you can have these and it will be our little secret", she says and gestures to her top.

"I'm fine", I say.

"Okay, but we can have a lat-"

"Just go!" I shout and she scoffs.

She leaves and I sigh, I need Vanessa.

I got up and watch the time 4:30 pm.


"Please Stacy let me see her", I plead.

"Sorry, but she doesn't want to see you", she snaps.

"I want to apologize", I say.

"You had your chance and you blew it", she says and shut the door.

I sigh and went to the field do let off some stress.


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