Chapter 36

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(Skipping to Thanksgiving weekend)

Vanessa POV:

The weeks flew quickly with mid term quizzes and courses to complete. Archer flew home two weekends already and been to one photo shot.

Jake and I relationship are fine for now, but Quinn is still lurking at her prey neither the less.

As for Michelle, she and T. J are dating which isn't a surprise for me.

I visited my brother and friends at their campus a few weeks ago with Jake's parent's private plane.

"I'm so happy to get a break from this college stuff, its so stressful", Stacy says as she falls on her bed from her evening class.

Its Thursday and tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so no classes till Monday. I'll be flying home in two hours with Jake, Aden and Jackson, then I'll get to see Kevin, Dianne, Isabel, Josh, Logan, Chase and Tyrell again.

On Saturday all of us are going to be gathering at Jackson's house for a day of fun, just hope Michelle doesn't appear.

"Well you got to finish pack, you know Carter will be leaving next hour", I remind her.

She groans,"I don't know why I can't spend the weekend by him instead, I don't want to see my parents so soon and have Quinn on my back all weekend long forcing me to go shop with her."

I laugh and finish fold my clothes for the weekend.

"How about I come just by you?" She suggests.

"Sorry, but my cousin is coming and I'm not planning on sharing my bed with her she'll be all up in my business", I reply.

"What's her name?"

"Jessie, Jessie Foster."


"18, she's a senior in her high school, also change boyfriends just like a pads when you are on your monthly", I state.

"Good luck, I think I'll go see Carter before he leaves", she says and leaves.

Someone knocks on the door, then opens it.

"Hey best friend", he grins, he's in a ripped jeans, with shirt and sweater.

"I'll miss you", I say and hug him.

"Its only for like 3 days vehicle, and we'll keep in contact", he chuckles,"I can imagine for Christmas", he mumbles.

"You'll be staying by me for Christmas of course", i grin.

"No can do, for new years I can, my grandparents and cousins are coming home so I can't get out of this one", he says.

"Well promise me you'll text me as soon as you land", I demand.

"I will, the second the wheel touch the runway", he nods and I smile.

"Well I got to go, my flight leaves in an hour and fifteen minutes", he watches his wrist.

"Okay and tell your mother hello for me and I promise I'll come see her before Easter."

"How about change of plans, you come with me instead", he winks.

"Nah I missed my siblings to much", I wave him off.

He nods and leaves closing the door behind him.

Jake was in a lecture earlier, so he suppose to finish by now. Then he'll go to the gym for like forty minutes and head back to his room to get ready to leave.


"I'm happy to be going home and enjoy some work free atmosphere", Aden says.

"Maybe I'll head to one of buddy's party tonight, since tomorrow night I can't get laid", Jackson laughs and fist bump Aden.

We are sitting in the waiting area of the airport waiting for the private plane to be ready, the pilot is filling it with fuel before we take off. Jake went to the restroom to come back.

Stacy left a few minutes ago with Quinn and Madison. Caleb is staying to go at Riley's house to meet her parents also Gregory and Greg will be there with their parents.

"I'll be right back, I'm going for snack", Jackson gets up and went to the vending machine which is opposite us.

"Cool get one for me to", Aden gets up.

I got out my phone and text Dianne.

Me: Leave yet?

Di: Yeah, but Chase couldn't wait so he is flying in just took off a few minutes ago, he might reach before you guys

Me: I think its the jet we're taking so we'll rest first ;)

Di: Whatever you say, see you later, I'm coming over for a sleepover on Saturday night

Me: But you know my cousin is coming over

Di: The girl I met over the summer? Who constantly tried to get Kevin's attention and flirted with Tyrell shamelessly?

Me: Yep the one and only Jessie Foster

Di: I have something to tell you, I overheard her talking to her friend on the phone wanting to sleep with Jake or Tyrell

Me: And you're telling me this now, why?

Di: Because it wasn't important then, but I'm sure she has changed

Me: Hopefully more horny than ever, I think I'll keep an eye on her when my brother comes tomorrow to pick me up cause of how muscular he got

Di: If she makes a move o him, I'll rip her head off

Me: Calm down mama bear

Di: Later girl

Jake comes back,"the jet is ready, let's go home."

I call Jackson and Aden who has a lot of snacks in their hands.

"Dude you're getting way better snacks on the jet than this", Jake says and they both shrug.

We board the jet and relax in our seats, Jackson and Aden play video games on the big flat screen while Jake and I watch a movie on my laptop.

My head is resting right under his chin as he eats popcorn.

When we also arrive to our destination I get a text.

Anchor: Just land safely, I know you're busy so text me when you reach home safely and in one piece

My lip curves into a smile.

"Home", Aden shriek falls on the sidewalk, people watch him as if he's crazy.

Jackson, Jake and I step away from him.

"Well I got to go, see you guys on Saturday if not tomorrow", Jackson says pulls Aden up.

They got into a cab and leaves.

"My car is park in the underground car park just a few blocks from here, I'll go get it you can stay here", Jake says leaving his bag with me.

I see a familiar brunette hair girl, she's in a skinny jeans and crop top, her phone attach to her ear.

Bianca, also Logan's ex girlfriend, she gets in a black car and closes the door.


"Hello, any home?" I call as I open the front door.

The place looks quiet, to quiet.

Mom and Paul knows that I'm coming home today, where are they?

I see a sticky note on the fridge.

Dear Vanessa,

We are out and wouldn't be home till in the morning, there's money on your bed to order take outs tonight.


Just great, the time is now 7:10 pm.

I sigh and went up the stairs, not before putting on all the lights in my house.

There's a knock on the front door, I open it and Dianne hugs me.

"I missed you, change of plans I'm spending the night here, mom is out and Daniel is staying at Daniella's father mansion for the weekend", she says.

Dianne's baby sister is one year and about 3 months.

"Well mom and Paul aren't home, but they left money to buy take outs", I grin.

"Brilliant, then let's order", she shuts the door and drag her small suitcase to the living room.

I went to my room with my bag, then I see the money on the bed.

I smile and wen back downstairs to make that order.


Jake's POV:

"Glad you're back Jake, grandpa Alvin and grandma Chelsea is waiting for you outside in the back", Ashley says and Freddie takes my bag out the car.

"I now reach Ash, let me have a little air first", I sigh.

"But they're so eager to see you", she pouts, but didn't press on.

"Jake!" Jared shrieks and run through the door, hugging my waist.

"Hey bud", I smile down at him, his silver- gray eyes staring up at me.

He is the splitting image of me and dad, mostly dad since they both got the same curly brown hair and silver- gray eyes.

"Look how handsome you have gotten", mom coos, kissing my cheek.

"Mom", I blush as we walk inside.

"There's my favorite grandchild", grandpa Bill says coming through the back door.

"But I thought I was your favorite", Jeremy scoffs.

"Yes bu-"

"You thought wrong bro, its obvious me", Ashley flicks her hair, cutting off grandpa who shakes his head and tilt his head to the living room and I nod.

"No, me", Jared argues.

"Its me, I'm the nicest", Liana boasts.

I laugh as they continue to argue and mom trying to reason with them.

"How are your games and studies going?" He ask as we sit down.

"Fine I guess", I shrug.

"And your relationship?"

"Stable at the moment.

"Okay because in September I saw you were hitting cover page magazines with another girl, care to explain?"

"I'm sure mom already told you about the incident and what happened with Vanessa", I state and he nods.

"I honestly didn't know they would do that, now I feel the pain celebrities have to go through", I wipe my face.

"And me too when my ex wife went to jail", grandpa says sadly.

"Jake time to go unpack, dinner would be ready in ten minutes so take quick shower also", mom says coming into the living room.

"Where's dad?"

"At his parents house, trying to reason with Bill to have the Thanksgiving dinner here tomorrow instead of by them", mom sighs, this happens every year, dad and grandpa Bill always argue where to have Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.

This year it suppose to be by us, I think.

"I don't know why one can have the Thanksgiving dinner and the other has Christmas and next year change", grandpa sighs.

"I know right it is frustrating, Jessica is coming over for dinner and leaving the men to argue all night", mom chuckles.

I shake my head and went upstairs to my room, to take a shower.


"Jake I'm so happy to see you", grandma Chelsea hugs me I walk into the dining room.

"You too grandma", I kiss her cheek then sit down beside her.

"Mom can we eat now? I doubt dad would be coming anytime soon", Ashley points put getting impatient, she got that from grandpa Alvin no patient.

"Fine, just because I don't want to steak to get cold", mom says and we dig in.


(Third person POV)

"Dad we're having the dinner tomorrow at my house, it bigger", Justin says.

"But its better here, the kids love the open space", Bill argues.

"Open space, here doesn't even have a backyard, mine does", Justin barks and pour out some wine.

"Last year you had Thanksgiving at your house", Bill says.

"No it was here", Justin replies.

"I'm going, see you later honey", Jessica says and leaves.

"We're having it here and that's finally", Bill puts his foot down.

"No my house, its better and Alvin and Chelsea are there they don't like to travel up and down, not in this cold climate", Justin states.

"What about me? I'm sick too, I can't be in the cold to much either."

"Then come to my house tonight", Justin says.

"And have a lot of noise in my head, plus extra tomorrow? I rather not."

Justin sits down as his father gulp down his wine.

"We're having it at my house, I'll get a limo for you if I have to", he suggets.

"That wouldn't be necessary cause I'm not coming", Bill says stubbornly.

"Then you'll stay here all alone and eat cold food then", Justin says trying to get his father to reconsider.

"Fine by me, my grandchild will leave you and come here if they hear the kind of dessert they'll be getting", Bill grins.

"Are you bribing my kids with junk food?"

"I know Jared love them, so he'll come running first that's for sure", Bill smirks.

"We are having it at my house and if I have to drag you I will", Justin threats.

"You can't threaten me Justin, you forgot I run a multi million its a shame you didn't want to take it over when you graduated high school", Bill says with disappointment,"but I know Jake wouldn't let me down."

Justin sighs, he wished he had taken up the offer, but engineering was his dream and didn't want to follow in his father's footstep being away from his family a lot on business trips and now Jake would be doing that to his future wife.

"We're having that party here", Bill adds.

"No my house", Justin argues back.

And they start all over again, there ego making them think that they run the country and stubbornness making them not seeing that they had to put their differences aside.


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