Chapter 5

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Vanessa POV

Sunday evening, after friends left

"Carter is so sweet, I don't know why people say he's a bad guy he's just misunderstood", Stacy says as she lays down on her bed with her tablet. I am doing my toes while listening to her.

"Yeah he's cool, he hangs out with my best guy friend and boyfriend", I say.

"Quinn doesn't want me with him, she's acting just like my bossy mother", she scoffs,"I am over eighteen so I can date who I want."

"Why do you hang out with her anyway?" I ask.

"Because I am shy around groups of guys and no one wants to be my friend", she sighs.

"You can hang out with Riley, she's cool", I state.

"I guess, but there's a gossip about her being  desperate for attention and taking girl's boyfriend", she says.

"Those are only rumors spread  by a jealous bitch, Riley isn't like that and Caleb likes her they're just jealous that she got his attention without even trying", I defend Riley.

"Okay I'll try, but that doesn't mean I'll be sitting with the guys", she says.

"What if Carter wants to introduce you?" I suggest.

"Fine then I'll sit with you guys, but not everyday I got a life too you know", she says and I nod.

There's a knock on the door and I open it, Riley's standing there with a sleeping bag and another bag.

"Mind if I crash here tonight? I would of stay with Caleb, but I don't want gossipers getting the wrong idea", she says and I nod.

She walks in and Stacy gland up from her tablet.

"Let me guess your roommate put you out?" She questions.

"Not exactly, she's been  acting like a bitch and talking about Caleb and how it wouldn't work out", she sighs sitting on my bed.

"She's just jealous that she can't get the attention of any hot guys", she adds.

"Yeah I'm dating Carter so it would be worst for me", Stacy pipes in.

"We got to stick together", Riley agrees. 

I leave the room for them two to chat and bond.


I walk outside and shove my hands in my jacket, I see Lucas and Harry hanging out by a tree with two girls looking like juniors and they're sophomores.

"Hey guys", I say and the girls start to glare gripping their arms immediately.

"Oh hey Vee", Harry says.

"What's up?" Lucas did a fist bump with me.

"Who's she baby?" One of the girls ask, as she tugs Lucas. 

She got chestnut hair and blue eyes.

"My friend, she's really cool", Lucas grins at me and I smirk, the girl tugs on Lucas' arm.

"I want a drink", she says.

"Me too", the blonde hair one says as well.

Harry and Lucas share a look.

"Let's go, Vee would keep them company", Harry says and Lucas watch me I nod.

When they leave, that's when trouble begins.

"Listen here freshman, if you make a move on any of them we'll make your life a living hell", the blonde says.

"Bitch I got no time for them, when I have a boyfriend who's filthy rich and hire to a big business", I boast and their jaws hang open.

"You mean  that hot freshman with curly brown hair and blue eyes? The brunette says.

"Yes and he's mines so back off" I snap and they share a look then smirk.

"Don't worry we don't want him, Quinn is already on it", the brunette smiles.

"I can handle bitches like her, its senior year all over again", I say and walk off just as Harry and Lucas arrives.

"Bye guys see you tomorrow for lunch", I mumble.


The next day

I wake up and see Riley dressing to leave and Stacy still sleeping.

"I got to go, I'll see you in class", she says and leaves.

I got a message from Jackson,

Jackson: This girl just don't know when to give, we were jogging this morning when the bitch just came out of nowhere and jog with us next to Jake and keep sending him smiles.

Jackson: I mean doesn't she have any other guy to go stalk?

Me: Calm down Jack, once she doesn't make any move on him I'm good

Jackson: No Vanessa she already making her move first stalking, next thing you know she's sitting with us and when she's alone with Jake try to kiss him or accidentally trip to land into his arms.

Me: So in other words watch her every move?

Jackson: Something like that if Jake's going a party go as well make sure he doesn't drink plenty and keep him in your sight at all times.

Me: But you know how much I dislike parties, I'm sure college own is worse

Jackson: Fine, but still go and keep an eye on things

Me: Okay

There's a knock on the door and I open it there standing is Archer with breakfast.

"Hey best friend, I brought breakfast", he says walking into the room.

"Thanks anchor", I say and sit on my bed then eat the toast and drink the coffee.

"Nice room", he says looking around,"although Jake and I own are bigger", he adds.

I roll my eyes and his phone buzz, "it's Michelle she now wake up", he says and leaves the room.

I eat my breakfast, then got ready for class.

"Bye Stacy", I say as I leave the room.

I catch up to Carter and Caleb when I am going to class.

"Hi guys", I say and put my hands over their shoulders, some girls glare at me.

"Morning", I hear Riley says and turn around with Caleb.

"Morning", Caleb says and hugs her, then put his arm around her waist.

"They're so cute together", I coo and Carter laughs.

We enter the room and Caleb sits next to Riley, Kat, Sabrina and Jenny are sitting together gossiping and watching Riley.

"Desperate hoes", Carter coughs and I laugh sitting down  next to him.


Isabel's  POV:

"How are you going Izzy?" Logan asks as we walk to class.

"Fine I guess", I say and I see Josh talking to his roommate .

"Talk to him, he missed you over the weekend", he says and walks over to them. Josh watches me, then looks away quickly.

He's so cute with blonde hair and gray eyes.

"Hi let's go", Dianne says pulling me with her, Michelle and two other girls are waiting.

"So what's the plan for them two to talk?" Michelle aska Dianne.

"You'll see", Dianne smirks.


When I'm making my way to the cafeteria, someone grabs me and put there hands over my mouth from screaming. I try to fight out of there grip , but couldn't.

 I am push into a room, then they lock the door.

"So they kidnap you too?" A voice all to familiar chuckles.

I turn around and see Josh leaning against the wall smirking at me.

"Yeah so how long are we to be in here?" I ask, then my phone buzz.

Di Di: You two got one hour to work things out.

"Don't worry I just found out", I sigh.

"Look Isabel, I'm sorry about last week I didn't know she was going to kiss me", he begins.

"How could you not if you hooked up with her?!" I snap and he flinch.

"It was a mistake and you know that I want you and only you", he says.

"Bu**sh*t, when you moved away after winter break and broke up with me you broke my heart also I'm sorry, but I don't believe you", I say.

He sighs in frustration running his hand through his blonde hair.

I text back Dianne.

Me: Open the door, I think we're done here

Di Di: Its been only 10 minutes, you got to stay in there till Kevin gets back and that would be in one hour

I sigh and shove my phone in my pocket, then sit down on the floor.

Josh watches me and says nothing, but his eyes show emotions. Sadness, confusion, anger and frustration.

"Please Isabel I missed you, give me another chance", he pleads and I close my eyes and shake my head.

"For you to break my heart again no thanks", I say.

I feel him come sit next to me and embrace me, then I let the tears out.

"Shhhh, its okay please don't cry I didn't mean for you to cry", he says softly.

I shake my head and push him away.

"I can't I don't want to get hurt again", I say.

"I promise I wouldn't Bell, please believe me", he says and embraces me again.

 I sigh and struggle up into his jacket.

"One more chance, but we're starting up as friends and build up from there", I suggests. 

Maybe by spring break we'll be dating again.

"Okay no problem and if you end up dating during our friendship I'll wait for you", he replies.

We sit in silent, until I drop asleep against Josh's chest.


"They're so cute cuddling up together so", I hear someone says and a camera goes off. 

I open my eyes and see Josh sleeping, we're still in the same position.

"How did it went?" Michelle smirks as I look up to see Dianne, Kevin and her standing there by the door.

"Alright we're starting as friends", I say.

"What if it only stays as friends?" Michelle asks.

"Then its better to have him in my life than not to", I say and got up, waking Josh in the process.

"Hi guys", he says and rubs his eyes.

"Time to go buddy, we got training", Kevin says and helps him up.

"We got classes", Michelle pulls me behind her.

" I got shopping with my cousins who are in town", Dianne says.

We all leave, but Josh and I got lunch before going our separate places.

"Josh's so cute, but his ex been chatting with him lately", a girl says to her friend.

"Yeah she's so desperate to get him back, I mean there are prettier girls than her on campus he's bound to get a date than her", her friend replies.

"Ignore them", Michelle whispers.

"Hey if you got something to say about me say it to my face!" I snap at the girls and they both laugh.

"So you're Josh's ex? I thought you would of been prettier and blonde or brunette since he hooked up with a brunette chick", one of them smirk.

I clutch my fist and Michelle pulls me away from the gossip girls.

"If I hear them talk about me again, I'll give them something to talk about", I growl.

"Calm down", Michelle says.


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