Eye Of The Storm

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January 31 2020

Friday Night Smackdown was happening as The Crowd Of Orlando cant wait to see the fallout in the Royal Rumble. The Crowd are also excited for Elimination Chamber as a lot of matches have been confirmed.

Right Now Charlotte was walking backstage as she was fixing her attire along with her robe and championship.

Charlotte was smiling at the producers as she continued walking until Kayla Braxton stopped her as she wanted to ask her some questions.

Kayla: Charlotte Flair, What are your thoughts on defending the Smackdown Women's Championship in a Elimination Chamber Match? Do you feel worried?

Charlotte had a smirk on her face as she began talking.

Charlotte: Worried? Why should I feel worried. I'm not afraid of anyone that gets in my way. You see Kayla, At Elimination Chamber, Everyone will....

Charlotte poked Kayla's nose as she gave a cocky smirk to her.

Charlotte: Bow Down To The Queen.

Kayla: Also, Do you think Kairi Sane will challenge you at Wrestlemania for the Smackdown Women's Championship?

Charlotte: If Kairi wants a shot at this then she can have it. She needs to remember that I won't go down without a fight.

Flair continued talking about Kairi and The Elimination Chamber match until she was interrupted by the IIconics as they laughed at her.

Billie: Same Old Promo Char.

Peyton: Say something new for once.

Charlotte: What do you want?

Peyton: Oh My Friend Billie is in the Chamber.

Billie: That's Right Charlotte and When I beat you along with the others and become Smackdown Women's Champion. Its gonna be......

Peyton/Billie: IICONIC!!!

Just Then They heard someone clapping as they saw Carmella walking towards them.

Carmella: I cant imagine you as Smackdown Women's Champion Hon. You see at Elimination Chamber, The Princess Of Staten Island is gonna be Champion.

Charlotte and The IIconics gave her a death stare before Liv Morgan walked towards them.

Liv: Its about time you all realise this is my moment. My time to shine, At Elimination Chamber, I will be the next Smackdown Women's Champion.

Liv was gonna say something until she heard a voice as they all turned around and saw Toni Storm walking towards them.

Toni: None of you are gonna be walking out of Elimination Chamber as Smackdown Women's Champion. Its gonna be my time, Toni Time.

Storm had a smile on her face until she was interrupted by Tegan Nox as they all looked at her.

Tegan: Now Hold it right there. I'm walking out of Elimination Chamber as Smackdown Women's Champion and The Arena will be chanting my name.

The Competitors began arguing with each other as Charlotte was watching them until Carmella slapped Charlotte as she was shocked. Mella had a smile on her face as she was gonna walk away until she saw someone standing in front of her.

Carmella stepped back in fear as the others were looking at the revenant staring at them.

Peyton: Hey what do you want?

No Response was heard, The Revenant was staring at them until he looked at Charlotte as she was looking at him.

Charlotte And The Revenant were staring at each other as Billie looked at him.

Billie: Hey Get out of the way!!!

Carmella: Or I'll knock you out.

Billie and Mella were gonna say something until they noticed the Revenants Eyes as he was angry as they stepped back in fear.

The Revenant walked away as Charlotte was staring at him in confusion as she looked at the Television Screen and saw the match card.

The Revenant Vs Andrade Vs Baron Corbin Vs Braun Strowman. Winner qualifies for the Elimination Chamber match.

Charlotte decided to sit by the commentary seat to watch the match as she fixed her robe and Championship around her waist.

Six Minutes Later, Charlotte was sitting by the commentary seat as She saw Strowman, Andrade and Corbin making their entrances as they were waiting for their final opponent for this match.


(I decided to change Alex's theme since I feel like it didn't fit him. Sorry if everyone liked it)

The Revenant made his entrance as The Crowd were watching the monster enter the ring as he was staring at Strowman, Andrade and Corbin. The Trio were having a stare down as The Referee was talking to them.

The Bell Rang as Strowman charged towards the Revenant but he hit a...

Andrade and Corbin were shocked by his strength as The Revenant was staring at them. Corbin was taunting the Revenant as he tried to hit a big boot on him but The Revenant grabbed his leg and stared at Corbin until he hit a...

Andrade began punching the Revenant as he ran through the ropes but He was met with a...

The Crowd along with Charlotte and The Commenters were shocked by what was happening as The Revenant grabbed Corbin and hit a..

The Revenant pinned Corbin but he kicked out at two as he was looking at the crowd.

Seven Minutes Later

The Revenant hit a Big Boot on Andrade as he saw Corbin running towards him but The Revenant hit Corbin with a...

Braun hit a drop kick on the Revenant as he was standing still as he tried to hit him with a lariat but The Revenant threw him to the corner as he hit another move to Strowman.

Braun was holding his back in pain as The Crowd was shocked by the Revenant's Strength. Andrade hit a springboard dropkick on him as he was standing still. Andrade tried to hit a Enzuguri on him but The Revenant ducked under it as he dragged Andrade through the ropes and hit a...

Corbin began punching the Revenant as Baron ran through the ropes but The Revenant took a page out of Corbin's book and hit a...

Braun tried to attack the Revenant but The Revenant hit a vicious forearm on him.

Braun was holding his jaw as The Revenant picked him up and hit a...

Andrade began stomping on the Revenant as he hit a Enzuguri on him as he was gonna hit a discus forearm but The Revenant countered into a...

The Revenant pinned Andrade but Corbin stopped the pin as he grabbed The Revenant and hit a choke slam back breaker on him.

Braun managed to get up as he picked up the Revenant and hit a running power slam. Andrade followed it up with a moonsault as he picked the Revenant up and hit a hammer lock DDT.

Braun threw both men out of the ring as he pinned the Revenant but he kicked out at one as Braun along with the Crowd were shocked.

Ten Minutes Later

Baron and Andrade threw the Revenant out of the ring as he was standing still as Andrade and Corbin began fighting each other while the monster watched. The Revenant looked at the Commenters until he looked at Charlotte as she was smiling at him.

Charlotte was smiling at the Revenant as he tilted his head in confusion.

Charlotte was telling the monster to turn around as Braun tried to attack him but The Revenant grabbed him and hit a...

The Commenters along with Charlotte were shocked as The Revenant went back in the ring and grabbed Corbin and hit a...

The Revenant turned around and saw Andrade grabbing a chair as he kicked the chair off Andrade's hands as he grabbed him and hit a...

The Revenant exited the ring as he picked up Braun and threw back in the ring as he also got in the ring with him. The Revenant was waiting for Braun to get up as he hit a discus lariat on him.


Braun was down as The Revenant picked him up again and hit a...

The Revenant pinned him and got the three count as The Announcer announced him as the winner. The Crowd was shocked by the dominance in this match as The Revenant were looking at them.

The Revenant continued looking at the Crowd before the lights went on as Everyone was confused until the lights came back on and The Revenant was gone.

Everyone was shocked by this until they heard something.


A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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