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Ch. 34

Percy nodded and led Zoe out of his father's palace. Percy used the currents to send him and Zoe in the direction of the army. After about ten minutes, they saw the army of Mermen still locked in battle. As they were about to charge, a voice behind them caused Percy to freeze. When he turned, he saw Oceanus standing behind him and Zoe with the largest monster Percy had ever seen in his life save for Ladon.

"Where do you think you're going Jackson?" Oceanus sneered.

"I was going to help the Mermen but now that you're here, I think I will kill you first." Percy growled.

Oceanus laughed loudly, "I think not little demigod. I have a meeting with your father but I'll leave my friend the Kraken here to keep you entertained." He spat before turning back towards Atlantis as the monstrous Kraken stood in his place looking at Percy and Zoe hungrily.

Percy looked at the monster in fear as this was not what he had been expecting to face. He would have gladly battled Oceanus over this monstrous squid like creature. It was huge, it had to be forty or fifty feet tall with giant tentacles that Percy knew once snatched he'd have one Hades of time trying to get free of. The monster looked like a cross between multiple different types of squid or octopus but had a shell covering its midsection where its head protruded from.

Percy glanced quickly at Zoe who looked just as worried as him.

"Any ideas how we fight this thing?" Percy asked hopefully.

"Well unless you've got Medusa's head hidden under your armor then I'm at a loss for ideas." Zoe replied back.

The monster continued to stare at the two but Percy knew it would strike any second.

"Alright then I guess we'll go with my favorite plan." Percy announced.

"Why does that not sound like something I'm going to like?" Zoe asked exasperated.

"Because it means we wing it. Split up before this thing attacks." Percy yelled before he sprinted to the left while Zoe sprinted to the right. The monster followed Percy as a tentacle flew toward him. Percy had Riptide out in a flash as he slashed at the tentacle. Riptide pierced the tentacle but despite the power of his strike, Percy couldn't cut through it.

Another tentacle flew toward Percy which he slashed away but it distracted him from the second that slipped around his leg. Before he could react, Percy's leg was pulled out from under him as the Kraken began dragging him toward its head. Percy tried to slash the tentacle away with Riptide but another tentacle knocked the blade out of his hand. Percy began to panic as he tried to reach for his hunting knives. As he reached for them, he saw Zoe in a similar position being dragged weaponless towards the Kraken's mouth.

Percy panicked before he began to get angry. He was about to lose another friend because he failed to protect her. Without realizing it, Percy's entire body caught fire. But not just any fire, Greek fire. The Kraken roared in pain as it quickly unwrapped its burned tentacle from Percy's leg.

Percy hopped to his feet and sprinted towards Zoe who was dangerously close to the monster's mouth. Tentacles tried to grab Percy as he ran but the Kraken couldn't touch his flaming body. Percy jumped at the tentacle, wrapping his arms around it only feet away from the monster's mouth causing it to release Zoe instantly.

Percy stood in front of the monster as Zoe climbed to her feet. The Kraken eyed Percy warily as it couldn't find a way to attack the demigod while his body was engulfed in Greek fire.

"Use your bow Zoe." Percy whispered as the Kraken picked up a large boulder and hurled it at Percy who rolled under just quick enough to avoid being crushed.

"Percy, how can I use a bow underwater?" Zoe hissed back.

"You are a daughter of the sea. It is yours to command and it will bend to your will. Focus on the currents and use them to propel the arrows." Percy replied as he felt Riptide return to his pocket.

"I don't know how to use my powers." Zoe replied.

"Yes you do, you've only forgotten. It will come naturally to you as it does all children of the sea. You only need to have confidence." Percy replied as he uncapped Riptide which was quickly engulfed in Greek fire like his body and charged toward the Kraken.

Percy rolled to the side as another boulder was hurled in his direction. He shot to his feet and slashed the closest tentacle which was cut clean off the monster's body this time. The Kraken roared again before an arrow pierced its head below the mouth.

The Kraken shrieked before hurling two boulders at Percy. The first Percy dodged but the second nailed Percy right in the chest knocking him off his feet and extinguishing the fire from his body. Before Percy could recover the monster's tentacles wrapped around his body squeezing him tightly.

Percy tried to ignite his body again but he couldn't focus as the monster continued to squeeze him tighter and tighter. Zoe fired arrows at the tentacle but the monster ignored the pain as it tried to crush Percy.

Percy's vision began to darken as he felt his bones nearing the point of breaking when the pain suddenly vanished and he was dropped to the ground. The Kraken shrieked in agony as its tentacle was blown off his body.

Percy opened his eyes to see his half-brother Triton standing with a trident in hand and he blasted back tentacles that tried to attack both him and Percy.

Zoe began firing arrows at the Kraken's head again, using her agility to avoid tentacles that lashed out towards her. Percy was on his feet again with Riptide out; his body caught fire as he fought his way toward the Kraken's head. The Kraken tried to use more boulders to attack but was met with a blast from Triton's trident every time it reached for one.

As Percy neared the monster's head, an arrow whizzed by and caught the Kraken right in the eye. It was followed by a blast of energy courtesy of Percy's half-brother just as Percy lunged forward and impaled a flaming Riptide into the vulnerable skull of the Kraken. The Kraken roared before it shuddered and dissolved into a huge pile of golden dust.

Percy brushed himself off and looked at Triton in shock.

Triton rolled his eyes, "Don't act so shocked. I know I have never been very kind towards you but for a demigod, you're alright. Besides, now that you're immortal I suppose I need to get used to the idea of you being around."

Percy's shocked face turned into a small smile, "Thank you Triton. You saved my life but how did you know where we were?"

"Oceanus and father were getting ready to battle when he taunted father that you were probably being crushed in the Kraken's jaws as he spoke. I flashed over here just in time I guess." Triton explained.

Percy smiled, "Thank you again."

Triton nodded, "We need to help the Mermen army so we can finally push back Oceanus' forces."

Percy nodded as he looked at Zoe. She smiled, nodding to show she was ready.

Triton and Percy flashed themselves behind the army battling the Mermen while Zoe found a good spot where she began firing arrows into the army of sea monsters.

When Percy and Triton appeared Percy brought his hands together and unleashed a blast of energy into the back of the monsters while Triton fired numerous blasts from his trident as monsters dissolved by the dozen.

Percy wasted in time in charging into the monsters with flames of Greek fire dripping from Riptide. Percy swung Riptide in a downward arc, slicing half the head off a Sharkman then spun on his heel slicing through the chest of a Telekhine. A couple Sharkmen charged swinging their swords in unison forcing Percy to duck the first aimed at his head while blocking the second that was aimed at his legs. He kicked the legs out of the first as he parried another strike from the second, using the disarming technique he learned from Luke all those years ago. The Sharkman's eyes widened before Riptide was slashed across his throat. Percy stabbed the monster trying to stand through the chest before he flipped Riptide in his hand and thrust it behind him without looking. The Telekhine's eyes widened as the sword impaled him through the chest while he thought he had snuck up on the demigod.

Triton watched his half-brother in awe as he tore his way through the monster ranks. He knew Percy's skill was nearly unrivaled with a blade but the ease in which he wielded it was astonishing to the minor god. Triton saw Sharkmen and Telekhine apparently dissolving randomly around the outskirts of the army until he saw a black arrow impale a Telekhine through the throat before it dissolved. He noticed Percy's friend Zoe firing arrows with remarkable speeds and accuracy as she cut down monsters in waves while still taking the time to watch both Percy and Triton's back, sniping any monster that tried to flank them by the sides or behind.

Triton was snapped out of his awe when two Sharkmen charged at him only to have one dissolve before reaching him when an arrow imbedded itself right between its eyes. Triton parried the strike of the second, pushing the monster back as he spun his trident and used the hilt to sweep the monster's legs on from under it. Triton drove his trident through its chest as he charged into the monsters. He fought his way through the monsters until he found himself by his half-brother whose flaming sword was cutting through monsters before they knew what hit them.

As Triton fought, he paused when he saw the monsters seemed like they were moving through Jell-O. He looked at Percy to see his eyes glowing with a golden glow, making Triton do a double take. He shook his head and used the situation to his advantage, sending a blast of energy into two Sharkmen. Triton jumped over their dissolving bodies and stabbed his trident through the throat of a Telekhine. He was about to stab another when a black arrow pierced it through the chest causing it to dissolve.

When Triton looked up he saw him and Percy standing in front of a battalion of wide eyed Mermen. At the sight of their prince, the Mermen bowed.

"Thank you Lord Triton." A Merman who seemed like the leader said gratefully.

Triton nodded, "Of course commander Aqualon but it was my brother and his friend Zoe who led the way to victory.

Commander Aqualon's eyes widened, "Brother?"

Triton smiled, "Don't tell me you've never heard of the Hero of Olympus Perseus Jackson commander."

Commander Aqualon's jaw dropped before he turned to Percy and bowed, "Lord Perseus, thank you for your aide."

Percy shook his head, "Please don't bow. I am not a god, just a demigod. And you're welcome for the help."

Commander Aqualon stood up with a smile, "I see your humbleness was not exaggerated my lord."

Percy shrugged, "Please commander, just Percy if you don't mind."

Commander Aqualon nodded, "Very well Percy, thank you for your help. Who is your friend?"

Percy smiled, "This is Zoe Nightshade, daughter of Pleione and lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis."

The commander looked surprised before smiling at Zoe, "Thank you as well Lady Zoe."

Percy chuckled at Zoe's face when she was called Lady Zoe. She sent an annoyed glare in Percy's direction.

"Commander, take your troops to Atlantis, the city needs to be defended as it has sustained some significant damage. I will join you after Percy, Zoe and I check on my father who is battling Oceanus as we speak." Triton said.

Commander Aqualon nodded, "Yes my lord, we will make haste to the city."

Commander Aqualon gathered up his troops and they marched quickly towards Atlantis.

"Come Percy, we must find father to make sure he is alright." Triton said as who took off in the direction of Atlantis, using the currents to propel him.

Percy reached over to grab Zoe but she shook her head, "No, I think I can do it now. Lead the way."

Percy nodded and sped off in the direction that Triton went. When Percy stopped he saw his father and Oceanus locked in battle. The two deities were just outside the city of Atlantis, battling back and forth for dominance over the sea. Poseidon had Oceanus backed up against a wall but could not land a blow capable of ending the fight. Percy could see his father was tiring along with Oceanus, both seemingly trying to outlast the other.

Just as Poseidon looked ready to deliver a fatal blow, he was thrown back with colossal energy blast from the Titan, something Poseidon had obviously not anticipated.

Before Oceanus could try to finish off his father, Percy flashed in front of the sea god with Riptide out as he sent a murderous look in Oceanus' direction.

"I would have guessed you would be Kraken food by now Jackson. It looks like the rumors about your power were not exaggerated. No matter though, I will simply kill you before I kill your father and take my rightful place as ruler of the seas." Oceanus arrogantly taunted.

Percy's eyes narrowed but he remained silent, eyeing the Titan closely as his mind raced with the best ways to defeat the foe in front of him. He knew Zoe would cover him from a behind, providing a distraction for the Titan when the fight began.

Percy felt a presence standing beside him as Triton stepped up beside Percy, both standing protectively in front of their father.

"Don't be a fool grandson. Why protect the man who treats your mother like trash, producing pathetic little demigods like Jackson." Oceanus sneered at Triton.

Triton's face hardened, "Leave now Titan and we won't kill you."

Oceanus' eyes narrowed before he sent a blast of energy at Triton. Triton dodged it before sending his own back at Oceanus. The two continued trading energy blasts while Zoe began firing arrows at the Titan who simply grunted in annoyance when each found their way into his skin.

Percy used the distraction to check on his father. While unconscious, Poseidon seemed to be alright. Percy stood and was turning back towards Oceanus when a sea green blur shoved him roughly to the side. Triton was flung back several yards when the blast hit him square in the chest.

Percy watched his brother take the blast that was meant for him in shock before it was quickly replaced with anger and rage.

Percy focused hard and sent his own blast of white energy at the Titan who managed to block it but staggered back under the power of the blast. Percy used Oceanus' momentary distraction to charge, Riptide out in front. As Percy reached the Titan, Oceanus raised his blade to block the strike but Percy dropped and baseball slide by the Titan as his hidden blade sprung out of his vambrace which he drove into the unprotected knee of the Titan.

Percy jumped to his feet and slashed at Oceanus' back before he could turn; cutting a deep gash that began to pour golden ichor. Oceanus bellowed in pain as he spun, sending a powerful strike at Percy who blocked but stumbled back. He recovered and attacked again sending quick powerful strikes that Oceanus blocked and matched with his own. Percy managed to block and evade the Titan's strikes but was having trouble getting out of being to the defensive.

Ocean feinted a strike to Percy's legs, using the distraction to send Percy flying with a hard kick to the chest. Oceanus was standing over Percy almost instantly; about bring his blade down to finish the immortal demigod off. Before Oceanus could deliver the blow he roared in pain and stumbled as three arrows found their way into the still open wound on his back.

Percy sent a flaming ball of Greek fire at Oceanus, causing the Titan to have to roll to the side to avoid the strike.

As Oceanus was about to get back to his feet, he froze; Poseidon's trident inches from his throat. Poseidon kicked away the Titan's weapon as the Titan fumed at being defeated in his effort to take over the sea once again.

"It's over Oceanus." Poseidon growled.

Oceanus' eyes narrowed, "Perhaps this battle but Olympus will soon fall anyway and I will reclaim my rightful place as ruler of the seas when Erebus and Nyx control the world."

Percy slapped celestial bronze shackles on the Titan's wrists and ankles, "Actually you're going to be spending some time with my friends Aether and Hemera along with the rest of the captured Titans." Percy growled.

Oceanus glared at Percy but never got a chance to speak before Percy put a hand on his shoulder and the Titan of the Seas disappeared into a blindingly bright light to join the other Titans in the realm of Aether and Hemera.

Percy looked around until he saw Triton sitting on the ground a few yards away, injured but okay for the most part.

"Why did you do that?" Percy asked when he reached Triton's side.

Triton shrugged, "You may only be my half-brother but you're still family. Family protects family no matter what."

Poseidon smiled at his son proudly, "It's nice to see my two sons getting along at last."

"Thank you again Triton, I would be dead if not for you today." Percy said gratefully.

Triton gave him a small smile and nodded.

Poseidon turned to Percy, "I assume you must return to Olympus to get ready for the coming battle?"

Percy nodded, "Yea but once we finish this blasted war, I will come visit down here. It has been many years since I've seen Atlantis and I almost forgot how beautiful it is."

Poseidon smiled and turned to Zoe, "You are welcome in Atlantis whenever you please. You have done me a great service by aiding Percy and Triton in defending my kingdom."

Zoe bowed her head a bit, "Thank you Lord Poseidon."

"I will see you soon Dad." Percy said as his father pulled him into a hug. Poseidon smiled as Percy released him before Percy put a hand on Zoe's shoulder and vanished in a blinding light back to Olympus.

Percy and Zoe appeared in the middle of the throne room on Olympus where the council minus Poseidon was in the middle of a meeting. Both Percy and Zoe's eyes widened before they bowed quickly to the council.

"Umm sorry about that. Didn't think you'd be in the middle of a meeting." Percy said awkwardly.

Zoe rolled her eyes at Percy while a number of the Olympians chuckled at his words.

"I take it you were successful in holding off Oceanus' forces?" Zeus asked.

Percy nodded, "Yes Lord Zeus. Actually my father should be able to return to Olympus as soon as he recovers. We captured the Titan Oceanus and the Alantean Army should have no problem dispatching the army now that the main force of Mermen has reached the city."

"You managed to capture Oceanus already?" Zeus asked surprised.

Percy nodded, "Zoe, Triton and I were able to subdue him and he has been sent to Lord Aether to join the other captured Titans."

Zeus smiled proudly, "Well done nephew, now we need not worry about Typhon being freed."

Percy smiled his thanks, "Any word on the army of Erebus and Nyx?"

Zeus' smiled vanished, "Yes it appears an army of mass proportions in marching towards New York. We were discussing how to best protect the mortals when the war reaches the city."

Percy nodded as he thought about the problem. His mind came up blank until he remembered the last battle of Manhattan during the Titan War.

"What if we do the same thing the Titan's did during the last war?" Percy asked speaking up.

Zeus raised an eyebrow.

"Well since Morpheus is on our side this time, we could put the city to sleep again. It wasn't really an advantage for the Titans but did protect the mortals from the battle for the most part." Percy explained.

Zeus looked thoughtful before turning to Athena who also looked deep in thought. After a minute she nodded, "Yes father, I believe that may be the best option. The mortals will be safer while we also won't need to worry about them getting in the way of the battle."

"All in favor of Perseus' idea?" Zeus asked.

Everyone's hands shot up.

"Very well, we shall summon Morpheus to perform the act shortly before the army reaches New York. It appears we have about three days before they arrive so for now, council dismissed but we shall reconvene tomorrow to discuss the matter more and bring the demigods to Olympus so they may be ready to defend the city." Zeus announced before he and most of the Olympians flashed out of the throne room.

Percy and Zoe were left with only Artemis in the throne room who was looking at the two with a smile on her face.

"So are you two going to tell me what happened down there? Or perhaps how Zoe was able to fight in Atlantis while I could not?" Artemis asked curiously.

Zoe was about to speak but Percy shook his head and grinned. He closed his eyes and focused on the water from the fountain outside the throne room. The water floated into the throne room and towards Percy. Percy nodded to Zoe who smirked as she concentrated on the water as Percy let go of control. Artemis stared at the two confused until the water shot forward and soaked Percy head to toe.

Artemis began laughing at Percy's shocked face.

"That wasn't what I was telling you to do." Percy growled playfully at Zoe.

Zoe shrugged, "I had to show it wasn't you controlling the water anymore."

"Wait. You can control water now Zoe? How?" Artemis asked.

Zoe smiled, "Percy convinced his father to unlock my sea powers that were taken when I became a Hesperide. Now with some practice, I'll be better than Percy in no time, seeing that he is still a man."

Percy willed his body to dry and sent the water on the floor straight into Zoe's face making Artemis break into a fit of laughter again.

Zoe glared at Percy, "Dry me." She hissed.

Percy shook his head, "Do it yourself all-powerful Zoe Nightshade." He taunted.

Zoe's eyes widened before she thought of herself being dry. A huge smile appeared on her face when she instantly dried.

"I won't kill you this time only because I'm grateful you did this for me Percy but next time you're going to be in a world of hurt." Zoe said with a threatening glint in her eyes.

"Anytime you want to duel Zoe, I'll be happy to knock around the legendary huntress of Artemis." Percy challenged.

Zoe rolled her eyes before drilling Percy in the arm with her fist. Percy grinned as he rubbed his arm.

Artemis smiled at the interaction between the two. They had developed a sibling like relationship that reminded her of Percy and Thalia's.

"So why did you bring Zoe and not Sophie? Wouldn't a daughter of Poseidon be of use in the battle?" Artemis asked.

Percy shrugged, "She is too young. She isn't ready to battle monsters like the Kraken with only me to fight with her."

Artemis' jaw dropped, "You two fought the Kraken?"

"Yes but certainly not by choice. Oceanus used the monster to distract us from helping the Alantean Army while he battled my father. Triton helped us kill the monster and defeat Oceanus when my father was unconscious." Percy replied.

Artemis smiled proudly at her lieutenant and boyfriend.

"Zoe I am sending you back to Camp Half Blood. You can tell your sisters the story of the battle in Atlantis. Percy and I will gather you and all the hunters then. You will stay on Olympus with us tonight; you've all earned a night away from camp." Artemis explained to Zoe.

Zoe smiled, "Of course milady and thank you."

Artemis put a hand on Zoe's shoulder causing her to vanish in a flash of silver.

Artemis turned towards Percy with loving shining in her silver crescent moon eyes. She grabbed his hand and flashed them to her palace.

As soon as the appeared, Artemis wrapped her arms around Percy's neck and pulled his head down into a searing kiss. When they broke apart she smiled at him, "That was very nice of you to convince your father to return Zoe's powers over sea to her. I don't remember the last time I've seen her so happy."

Percy shrugged, "She deserved them back. She isn't a Hesperide anymore so she should have her inherited powers just like every other child of the sea."

Artemis smiled at his words, "You and Zoe seem to be getting along good."

Percy shrugged, "She is a lot like Thalia but at the same time different. She is a good friend and someone I trust to have my back completely on the battlefield. Besides, she is the best friend of the goddess I love so it's good that we get along."

Artemis nodded as they both sat down on the couch in her palace living room. Artemis laid herself down on the couch and propped her feet on Percy's lap as she closed her eyes.

For a few minutes they sat in silence, both deep in thought about the coming battle. Eventually Percy's ADHD took over and he started to rub Artemis' feet just so he had something to do with his hands. One of Artemis' eyes opened before a smile crept onto her face as she began to enjoy the massage.

"Are you nervous about the battle?" Artemis asked, her eyes still closed.

Percy thought about it for a minute before answering, "No. I'm not nervous we will lose but I am nervous about losing more friends."

"Why are you so sure we can win?" Artemis asked confused.

"Because losing isn't an option. I won't think of losing as a possibility because it's not. We will do whatever it takes to win the war since the world will fall if we don't. I am nervous about what they will try to throw at us though. So far we have stopped every thing they have thrown at us between to two attacks on Camp Half Blood or the attacks on Camp Jupiter and Atlantis. Now they know this is their last chance to defeat us and they will throw everything they have at us." Percy replied in a serious tone.

Artemis smiled at Percy's words, deciding his perspective was the best to take.

"So what do you want to do until we grab the hunters from camp?" Artemis asked, changing the subject to a lighter topic.

"How about a date? Let me take you out to dinner in the city and we can pick up the girls after." Percy asked with a smile.

Artemis was a little surprised by his answer, "A date?"

Percy's smile grew, "Yes, I would like to take my girlfriend out to dinner. Nothing god or goddess related, just a normal dinner at a restaurant like we are two normal mortals. I'm 30 years old and never been on a date before so it would make me happy to take the woman I love out to dinner."

Artemis smiled at his words, "I think I would like that Percy."

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