The Battle

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Percy glared at Thalia for a moment before he smiled, happy that his friends had survived another battle.

Percy managed to gather up all the demigods in front of him as they waited for instructions for their next move. Percy was about to speak when the rumbling of footsteps caught his attention. Percy flashed himself to the top of a tree where he could overlook the area. What he saw made him pale incredibly. He could see the original Mount Olympus in the distance. At the base of the mountain was an army of several thousand monsters along with ten giants who seemed to be waiting in anticipation for the battle to come.

Percy flashed back down in front of the gathered demigods.

"The war starts now my friends. An army of monsters and giants await our arrival at the foot of the original Mount Olympus. I need everyone to follow the Athena cabin and their battle plans. The seven from the prophecy will need wait for instructions from their parents when they arrive. Everyone else, prepare yourselves as we will march to battle when the gods arrive." Percy announced before making his way over to Artemis and the hunters.

When he got there he kissed Artemis passionately before stepping back a few feet. She looked at him confused until ten flashes of light appeared behind Percy.

Zeus stepped forward, "I assume everyone is ready for battle Perseus?"

Percy bowed and nodded, "They are my lord. We are waiting for your orders to begin marching toward the mountain. Ten giants remain along with an army of monsters that is somewhere between three and four thousand."

"We have ten Olympians ready for battle. Each will fight with his or her child from the prophecy while the others will simply pick one of their children to fight alongside them." Zeus said.

Percy nodded, "We should be ready to march within the next thirty minutes. I would suggest the gods or goddesses without a child from the prophecy go and inform whatever child they want to fight alongside them of their orders."

Zeus nodded and began issuing orders to different Olympians.

Hera walked up to Percy with a smile, "I may not be fighting by your side Percy but I have a gift to help you in battle." She said before snapping her fingers. Percy's armor was replaced with lightweight pitch black armor. On his chest were the crossed emblems of a trident and a peacock feather. There was an emblem of an open flame was on each side of his helm. His armor was completely pitch black with the exception of the emblems. Sheathed at Percy's waist were two familiar looking hunting knives. Vambraces covered each of the wrists and forearms complete with retractable hidden blades.

Percy looked over his new armor as his smile continued to grow. He looked up at his mother and smiled widely before enveloping her in a hug.

"Thank you Mom." Percy said gratefully.

Hera smiled as Percy released her, "It's from both your Aunt Hestia and I. We may not be out of the battlefield with you but we wanted to do what we could to make sure you were safe. The armor is black but it is actually made of Olympian Silver. It is stronger than both celestial bronze or imperial gold. Nothing should be able to penetrate the armor to even get to your invulnerable skin."

Percy's eyes widened before he smiled again. He took a step forward and kissed his mother softly on the cheek, "Thank you Mom. I love you."

Hera smiled happily at his words, "I love you too Percy. Please be careful out there."

Percy smiled and nodded before Hera vanished into a flash of light.

Percy made his way over to the hunters who all looked at him with wide eyes when he strolled over in his new armor.

"Damn it Percy, you look like a badass." Thalia exclaimed causing many of the hunters to stifle giggles at her outburst.

Artemis looked at Percy with wide eyes before a smile graced her lips. She took a step closer to him before she leaned up to his ear, "You look really hot in that."

Percy's face reddened and he wished he had his helm on at the moment. Percy composed himself and smiled, "You don't look so bad yourself." He said as he eyed her suited up in in lightweight pure silver armor.

Before she could comment, Poseidon came over and placed a hand on Percy's shoulder, "Are you ready for this Percy? I've waited many years to fight alongside my favorite son in battle."

Percy smiled and nodded to his father. He took a step forward and grabbed Sophie's hand and pulled her over to their father. Poseidon's eyes widened when he saw his only other demigod child was a member of the hunt.

"When did you join the hunt Sophie?" Poseidon asked surprised.

Sophie just shrugged shyly making Percy chuckle, "I recruited her a couple days ago. I wanted her somewhere safe and where I could see her more often."

Poseidon smiled, "This is great. I haven't had many daughters in my life but I am more than happy you've become the first to join my niece in her hunt."

Artemis smiled at his words while Percy rolled his eyes, "I'm sure you are now that you don't have to worry about any boys coming after your little girl."

Poseidon smiled at Percy before he knelt down next to Sophie.

"I have something for you Sophie." Poseidon said softly.

Sophie looked up at him confused.

Poseidon merely grinned and a small bracelet appeared in his hand. Sophie's eyes widened when she saw the bracelet. Poseidon gently grabbed her hand and put the bracelet on her wrist.

Sophie eyed it with wonder making both Percy and Poseidon's smiles grow.

"Pull the little trident charm." Poseidon told her.

She did and a small celestial bronze sword appeared in her hand. Sophie's eyes widened even further at the sight. The hilt was a dark sea green while the blade was a gleaming celestial bronze.

"The sword will grow with you. As you get bigger, the sword will as well so that it is always the correct size for you. When you want it to turn back into the charm, simply think of it being on your bracelet and it will." Poseidon explained softly.

Sophie eyed the sword for a minute before it vanished from her hand. She ran forward and wrapped her arms around her father's neck, "Thank you Dad." She whispered as she hugged him tightly.

Percy grinned at the sight of his father and sister hugging. As soon as the two broke apart, Zeus' voice carried over the talking in the clearing.

"Everyone knows their assignments. We march to war for the survival of Olympus and the freedom of mankind everywhere. We march to victory!" Zeus bellowed.

A loud cheer from the demigods met his announcement as people began to line up to march. Percy looked at his father and nodded before Percy turned back to the hunters.

Percy quickly hugged Thalia and whispered some words in her ear. Thalia looked at him worriedly when they broke apart but nodded.

Percy turned to Artemis. He knew people were around but at the moment, he didn't really care. He took two steps forward and threw his arms around her waist, picking her up and pulling her close to him. Artemis was surprised but shook it off and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Percy stayed there holding her close to him for a minute, just enjoying the moment of being close to her before he leaned down to her ear.

"I love you Artemis. Please be safe out there, I wouldn't be able to move on this time if something happened to you." He whispered softly in her ear.

Artemis smiled at his words and hugged him tighter, "I will Percy but only if you do the same. Remember your promise to me Percy. You said I could depend on you and it applies to this too. Don't leave me."

Percy set her down gently and nodded, "I promise, no matter what, I will always come back to you Artemis. I love you."

Artemis smiled and nodded. Percy turned around to find a pair of eyes narrowed in his direction. A quick death glare from Artemis and Apollo averted his eyes from them. Percy smiled at Artemis one more time before taking his side by his father who was eyeing him strangely but decided against saying anything.

Percy and his father caught up to Jason and Zeus, who had turned himself into Jupiter for his Roman son, as they led the army towards the original mount Olympus. As they walked, Percy could sense to the nervousness in Jason. He put a hand on his shoulder garnering his attention.

"We got this bro. It doesn't matter what Gaia throws at us, we will win because we have a much stronger reason that drives us. We fight for our friends and family while they fight for nothing but power and control. Have faith in your family and friends, we will win this war." Percy said seriously.

Jason stared at Percy for a minute before he nodded and smiled, "You're right Percy. We do have much more to fight for, thanks."

Percy smiled while Jupiter was staring at his nephew with pride.

As they reached within a few hundred yards of the original Mount Olympus, two giants walked ahead of the rest and towards the Olympian Army.

Percy and Jason stopped while their fathers walked forward. Jupiter turned and beckoned them both to join them in meeting the giants. When the six met in the center of what was to become the battlefield, a standoff began as Jupiter and Poseidon stood glaring at the two giants Porphyrion and Gration.

Finally Porphyrion spoke, "You have one chance to surrender and our mother offers some leniency when deciding your fates."

Jupiter's nostrils flared in anger, "This war will end exactly like the last time we met; with you and your brothers in Tartarus and your mother deep in slumber."

Percy and Jason watched the two twenty foot giants glare at their fifteen foot fathers.

"Don't worry little godling, not all you Olympians will spend eternity in Tartarus. We plan to make a number of the females our wives when we rule the world. I will take your wife as my new queen while my brother plans a wonderful eternity with your little maiden daughter Artemis." Porphyrion said mockingly.

Jupiter body tensed but before he could react, Percy had fired four arrows into the throat of Gration. The giant stumbled back as he clutched his throat. Poseidon took aim with his trident and sent a blast of energy into the stumbling giant sending him flying back several feet onto his back.

Jupiter had his bolt in hand as he immediately squared off with the Giant King. The army of monsters charged at the sight of Gration being attacked. The Olympian army matched their charge as both armies surged forward where they met with thunderous clash of swords meeting swords and arrows flying from both sides.

Percy got separated from his father when the armies met in battle. He quickly found himself surrounded by monsters who hesitated to attack the legendary son of Poseidon.

Percy smirked as he pulled out his two hunting knives and sent fireballs to each side of him before he charged forward with flames licking the blades of his hunting knives. He sprinted toward a group of Cyclops where he did a baseball slide to avoid the clubs swung in his direction, slicing the thighs of two of the monsters as he went by. He hopped to his feet before driving the blades into the chest of the two injured Cyclops.

Percy noticed his father locked in battle with the giant Eurytus and forged his way in that direction. His movements were a blur as he slashed and stabbed his way through the monsters, slowing occasionally to send waves of fire into groups of monsters. After a few minutes he managed to fight his way to his father.

Percy sheathed his hunting knives and uncapped Riptide. He sprinted forward before vanishing into flames. He reappeared on the shoulder of the giant who froze in shock when he felt Percy appear on his shoulder. Poseidon grinned evilly when he saw his son perched on the giant's shoulder. Percy drove Riptide through the throat of Eurytus who bellowed in pain. Percy twisted his blade before pulling it out and flashing down to the ground behind the giant. He ran and jumped, driving Riptide into the back of the giant's knee, causing it to buckle as he dropped to a knee. Poseidon was already in front of Eurytus with his trident raised. Poseidon brought the weapon down, impaling it through the chest of the giant. Eurytus quickly dissolved into golden dust.

Percy looked at his father who smiled proudly before both looked out over the battlefield for their next target.

Poseidon saw Hermes struggling to battle the giant Hippolytus and gestured in that direction to Percy.

Percy nodded and vanished into flames while Poseidon flashed away and over to Hermes side just in time to block a strike aimed for the stunned messenger god's throat. Poseidon kicked the giant back where he quickly found himself being peppered with flaming arrows from his left.

Hippolytus charged toward Percy only to be tackled to the ground by a blur. Hermes quickly drove his blade through the giant's stomach causing him to writhe in agony. Percy ran over with Riptide out. He was about to impale the giant when he was suddenly smashed with a club from the giant Agrios who had managed to sneak up undetected.

Percy was sent flying from the thunderous impact of the club. He landed over twenty yards away in front of the hunters whose eyes widened when they saw Percy land. Before any of them could help him, Percy was snatched by earthen hands and held in place. The hunters were about to run over to help free him when several dozen Earthborn rose from the ground between them and their injured friend. The Earthborn charged the hunters making them unable to reach Percy.

Artemis who wasn't far away ran to Percy's side and tried to free him by slashing the earthen hands with her hunting knives. She made a little progress before a celestial bronze net was thrown over her, knocking her to the ground.

Gration appeared next to her staring at her lecherously, "Relax my dearest Artemis, I am only here to restrain you until this battle in over. Then you can take your place by my side in the new world."

Gration tied the net before Artemis could escape and began dragging her away.

Percy stared with wide eyes as the giant dragged the love of his life away from the battlefield. Percy tried flashing out but found he couldn't. He let his body catch fire but the earthen hands seemed unfazed. A scream in the distance made Percy's blood turn cold. Artemis was screaming and he was helpless at the moment.

As Percy struggled, his rage only continued to grow. His body began to glow in an almost blinding ethereal sea green light as the earth struggled to hold him. Percy slammed the back of his head into the ground, releasing a small earthquake. It was just enough for Percy to break free of the hands holding his arms. Percy slammed his fists into the hands holding his legs, causing them to shatter under the power he unleashed.

Percy wasted no time flashing in the direction that Gration had left with Artemis in. He appeared a hundred yards away as he heard Artemis scream again from a secluded spot off to the side of the battlefield. Percy quickly flashed there and saw a sight that made him snap.

Artemis was bound by earthen hands as the giant Gration groped her body. Percy lost control and sprinted at the unsuspecting giant. Instead of using a weapon Percy charged straight towards the giant, sending his shoulder barreling into the side of Gration's knee.

A sickening crunch told Percy he had broken bones in the giant's leg. Gration's leg bent in an unnatural direction as he fell to ground roughly. Percy smashed his fists into the earthen hands, freeing Artemis from her restraints. Percy pulled out Riptide and turned back to the shocked giant of the hunt.

Gration stared at Percy with fear as the demigod's body was glowing brightly as he stalked toward the giant. Artemis simply watched Percy in awe as she had to shield her eyes partially from the blinding light that was being emitted from Percy's body.

Gration tried to pull himself to his feet as Percy approached but his leg was mangled at the knee making movement near impossible. Percy remained silent as he looked around the room until a small stream about fifty yards away quickly caught his attention. Percy drew the water to him before making it wrap around the giant's arms and legs and freezing it into shackles, rendering the giant completely immobile.

Gration looked at Percy fearfully as his silence made the demigod even more horrifying to the giant.

"Just hurry up and be done with it." Gration growled as he knew he could not escape.

Percy looked up at the giant but his face remained expressionless. Percy simply raised a hand, focusing on the water with the giant's golden ichor. Percy focused, slowly heating the water up as Gration's eyes widened before he started screaming in agony. Percy dropped his hand a minute later, letting the ichor cool back down.

Gration was breathing heavily, awaiting his death but was met with a hunting knife being driven through his injuried knee. Gration screamed again and Percy eyes began to glow as he slowly twisted the blade in Gration's knee.

Percy stepped back and began to heat up the giant's ichor again causing Gration to scream in agony as he was slowly boiled from the inside. Percy continued for another minute before letting his ichor cool down again.

"Please, please, just kill me now. I'm sorry." Gration pleaded.

Percy ignored the giant's pleas as he sent a fireball at Gration's chest, keeping it burning for a full minute before he let the fire die out. Ichor began to pour from the hole the fire burned through the giant's chest.

Percy was about to heat up Gration's ichor again until he felt a slender hand slip into his. He turned and saw Artemis looking at him a little fearfully. Percy's head dropped as he realized how badly he had lost control.

Small slender fingers cupped his chin and brought his gaze up to Artemis' silver crescent moon eyes. The glow from Percy's body vanished as he looked at Artemis staring at him with love.

"Let's just be done with it Percy." Artemis said softly.

Percy gave her a small smile and nodded. He pulled out Riptide and walked to the writhing giant's head.

"This is only a taste of what you will face if you ever lay a finger on her again." Percy growled before he drove Riptide straight through Gration's heart.

Artemis notched an arrow and fired it into the giant's throat, finally sending him down to Tartarus.

Percy looked at Artemis a little nervously but all the nervousness vanished when she crashed her lips into his. Percy smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and rested his forehead against hers when they broke the kiss.

"I'm sorr..." Percy began but Artemis put a finger to his lips.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You saved me Percy, I love you." Artemis said softly.

Percy smiled, "I love you too."

Both ended their moment and flashed back to the hunters who looked panicked at the loss of their mistress as they continued to fire arrows into the still massive legion of monsters. The hunters' eyes widened when they saw Percy and their mistress appear by their side. Identical smiles appeared on every one of the huntresses' faces.

Percy turned to Artemis, "I need to go help my father again."

Artemis nodded and kissed Percy softly, "Be safe love."

Percy nodded and smiled before vanishing into flames.

Percy appeared about fifty yards from his father who was helping Athena and some of her children battle the giant Enceladus. Percy looked around and saw Frank battling the giant Pelorus with his father Mars. They were not doing well. Despite his dislike of Ares, Percy cared for his friend Frank and sprinted over to help them.

Percy began firing arrows into the giant as he neared them. Pelorus kicked Ares away before spinning on Percy with a murderous look in his eyes. The giant charged at Percy with his spear and drove it into the earth in the place Percy had been standing. Percy was now standing by a heavily breathing Frank.

"You having fun yet Frank?" Percy asked casually.

Frank looked at Percy like he had grown a second head, "Dude these things are impossible to kill."

Percy shrugged, "No man, you just can't fight them like they're any other monster. Use their size to their disadvantage."

Frank scoffed, "How many have you killed today?"

Percy shrugged, "Two but I see number three trying to figure out how I disappeared."

Frank's jaw dropped but Percy already began firing arrows into the giant who had finally noticed where Percy was.

"Turn into one of those eagles from Camp Jupiter and give me a lift." Percy said as he continued firing arrows as Pelorus tried swatting them away like annoying flies.

Frank glowed until he turned into a giant eagle. Percy climbed onto his back and whispered some instructions before Frank shot off into the air. Percy continued firing arrows while Frank zigzagged around the giant.

Mars had climbed back to his feet with an imperial gold spear in his hand. He saw Percy and Frank keeping the giant distracted and charged.

Percy pulled back on the string of his bow and pictured three flaming arrows on the string. He grinned when the arrows appeared. Percy waited as Frank circled around to the front of Pelorus. Percy saw Mars sneaking up to the side of the giant and waited. When Mars was within striking distance, Percy released the arrows which connected with the throat of Pelorus just as Mars drove his spear through the heart of the giant. Pelorus' eyes widened as both strikes found their way into his body before the giant dissolved into golden dust.

Percy told Frank to fly over the battlefield to scan the area to find who needed help. Percy saw only a few of the giants still remained but Jupiter and Jason were struggling against the Giant King Porphyrion.

Percy sent Frank to help the campers with the army of monsters as Percy jumped from his back as flashed down next to Jupiter. Percy appeared just as the Giant King knocked Jupiter back before spinning on Jason who was trying to sneak up behind him. Before Percy could react, Porphyrion thrust his spear at Jason. The spear only grazed the son of Jupiter but it cut a gaping hole through the right side of his body. Jason dropped to the ground dead almost instantly.

An all too familiar pang of hurt entered Percy's heart as he watched another one of his friends die on the battlefield before his very eyes. Percy looked at Jupiter to see a look of shock and sadness in his electric blue eyes. Percy locked eyes with his uncle as they both turned toward the smirking Giant King.

Percy wasted no time in charging at the giant. Percy sprinted toward Porphyrion who grinned in anticipation of killing another powerful demigod. As Porphyrion raised his spear, Percy burst into flames before vanishing. He reappeared between the giant's legs where he pulled out both of his hunting knives and jammed one into the side of each of Porphyrion's knees.

Porphyrion stumbled and raised his spear just in time to block a powerful strike from Jupiter. The two exchanged blows as Percy stood behind, drawing water from a nearby creek. When Percy had a large mass of water circling him, he stopped the water and split it into three giant spears that he quickly froze into ice.

Jupiter continued to keep Porphyrion's attention on him as he saw Percy begin to form the spears of ice. Jupiter drew the giant back allowing Porphyrion to push him on the defensive, waiting for Percy to be ready.

Porphyrion lunged forward trying to impale the King of the Gods but missed and was kicked backwards. The giant stumbled until he stiffened. Porphyrion looked down in shock to find three huge ice spears protruding out of his chest. He looked up just in time to see Jupiter bring his bolt down like a spear, impaling the giant through the heart. Porphyrion crumbled in dust.

An ear splitting scream rang out through the battlefield, freezing gods, demigods, and monsters in their tracks. The remaining monsters all sunk back into the eath. The giants were all dead. Percy looked up and his heart clenched. A beautiful woman stood at the foot of Mount Olympus in an earth colored Greek chiton and dirt brown eyes. What made Percy's heart clench was the people who were bound in earthen restraints next to her.

Artemis, Thalia, Sophie, and Zoe were all bound in earthen restraints. Annabeth stood smirking evilly with a dagger held at Thalia's throat while Earthborn stood beside Zoe and Sophie with blades at their throats. Gaia herself stood beside a restrained Artemis as she glared at Percy with hatred.

"PERSEUS JACKSON!" Gaia bellowed.

Before Jupiter could stop him, Percy flashed himself to the foot of Mount Olympus and stood before Gaia and Annabeth along with his captured friends.

"You, Jackson, have killed eight of my children yourself. This war may be lost but I will not return to my slumber without my revenge. I will give you a choice. Surrender yourself to me so I may kill you or watch your family and friends here die by my hand." Gaia spat at a now furious Percy.

"Don't you dare Percy." Artemis yelled before Gaia backhanded her across the face and had an earthen hand wrap around her mouth.

Percy glared at Gaia with pure hatred as he watched his loved ones look at him with pleading eyes, begging him to refuse.

Several gods tried to flash over to Percy but were blocked by earthen hands whenever they came within twenty yards.

"I will surrender to you if you release my friends first." Percy growled.

Gaia narrowed her eyes, "Swear on the Styx that you will surrender peacefully if I let your friends go free." Gaia hissed.

Percy looked over at Annabeth with such hatred that Annabeth couldn't help but flinch involuntarily.

"I, Perseus Jackson, swear on the River Styx to surrender myself peacefully to Gaia if she releases my friends back to the other gods first." Percy said softly as he looked at Artemis apologetically.

Gaia smiled evilly. The earthen hands released his friends as they stumbled forward. Percy locked eyes with Artemis as tears began to fall from both their eyes.

"I'm sorry Artemis. I love you." Percy said softly before all four girls were shot from the earth and flew into the waiting crowd of gods and demigods where they were caught quickly.

Artemis jumped out of Apollo's arms and sprinted back toward Percy. She was stopped by an invisible force.

Percy looked back at her and smiled sadly.

Artemis looked at him frantically, "You promised Percy!" She yelled as she was pushed back by the invisible force.

"I'm sorry." Percy whispered before turning toward Gaia who was grinning evilly.

"Come Perseus, I have many sons anxious to spend some time with you." Gaia said happily.

Percy walked toward Gaia with his hands up. When Gaia reached out to grab him, Percy smirked.

Percy's hidden blade shot from his vambrace as he drove it into Gaia's heart. Gaia screamed loudly before a blinding flash of light illuminated the entire battlefield.

When the light died, Gaia was sinking back into the earth, golden ichor pouring from her chest. Perseus Jackson was nowhere to be seen.

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