Chapter 4: New friends and New foes

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That's Leo out of his costume-^

The explosion sent both Shinx and Kiss flying in opposite directions.

"Shinx Thunder!" Nicole yelled and Shinx roared blasting a huge wave of electricity that broke the ground underneath the powerful blast of electricity.

"Kiss." Leo said nodding and so did Togekiss and she slashed it with one air slash and spun around gracefully using the electricity to make herself sparkle and shimmer.

"Shinx Wild Charge and Swift!" Nicole yelled and Shinx ran towards Togekiss who gracefully danced in the air and sparkles. Shinx had a trail of stars behind him completely electrifying the stars and making them spark up.

~Kiss~ Kiss danced with her eyes clothes before, with one air slash, breaking the ground and sending Shinx flying into the air. The she used the sparking swift stars that followed her to crash into Shinx by getting close and dodging at the last second letting the Swift smash against Shinx.

"Shinx is unable to battle. The winner is Togekiss." Jules and Ari said as Shinx landed right on Nicole's arms.

"How did you do that?" Nicole asked Leo after returning her poor fainted Pokémon into it's pokéball.

"A lot of practice on speed and turning." He answered giving Togekiss a Pokéblock.

**Jules POV**

"That was so cool!" I said as Smoochum held on to my head as Ari and I ran to Leo and Nicole who were talking about something. Dedenne held on to Ari's head.

"So can we go with you guys on your journey?" Ari and Nicole asked looking at Leo with a sparkle in their eyes.

"Sure. Why not? You both are pretty strong and maybe I can learn a thing or two from you guys while you learn from us." He said with his usual cute smile.

"Yay!" Ari Nicole and I jumped and high fived happily. Leo sighed and chuckled before going grabbing his stuff and placing Togekiss's saddle on her and put his bag and stuff on the sides and she took off.

"Santalune city is that way. If we go now we'll get there by sun down." Leo said checking the map for the distance. "So let's go." He said and we all nodded and with our stuff followed him to the famous city of Santalune city.

"Isn't it famous for the Roselia statue and the beautiful flower meadow beside it?" Ari asked and I nodded.

"Isn't Santalune city like right beside the entrance to victory road that leads to the elite four where the champion is?" Nicole asked and I nodded.

--Somewhere in Laverre Town--

"Why don't you just leave then!?" A woman yelled at a little boy around 13 years old.

"FINE I WILL!" The young boy yelled grabbing a bag from a room and running out of the house, slamming the door. The woman fell to her knees crying as she covered her face with her hands.

The young boy ran to the nearest route and kept on running with nothing but the clothes on his back and his one bag.

--a couple hours later--

**Jules POV**

"That was great training!" Ari said high fiving Nicole as I gave one to Leo.

"Yeah we took those two down!" Nicole said all pumped up and ready for another battle.

"They do know training didn't start right?" I ask Leo as Smoochum smiled and giggled.

"No but they'll get it tomorrow morning." He said as we all walked into the Pokémon center. "Hello nurse Joy. Can you please heal our Pokémon?" He asked so politely.

"Sure." She said taking our pokéballs. I held on to my egg and smiled.

"Oh I almost forgot." Leo said whistling and Togekiss flew into the Pokémon center with her saddle and his bags. He folded the saddle and put it in his bag before returning Togekiss and giving her pokéball to Nurse Joy.

"You can take a seat over there." She said politely. We nodded and went over to the waiting area and took a seat talking about what we were gonna do tomorrow.

"Here. I was gonna give it to you in the hotel but here will do just fine." Leo said taking out a blue pokéball out of his bag and giving it to me. I looked at the pokéball surprised and excited.

"Omg thank you!" I said hugging him happily.

"Don't just sit there open it." Ari said as Nicole was on the table trying to see what Pokémon it was.

"Okay. I'll open it." I said with a chuckle as I threw the pokéball into the air and a ball of light danced and twirled around elegantly, turning into an oval before turning skinnier and then into a white skinny Pokémon with a tutu and light blue hair and orange things coming out of her sides of her head. She was on her tippy toes and twirled around before stopping perfectly right in front of me.

~Kirl~ She said looking at me and the pokéball in my hand.

"Omg that's a -" Nicole began to say but was cut off.

"Shiny Kirlia!" Ari cut Nicole off and squealed looking at her. Nicole looked like she was gonna faint.

"Jules, I would like you to meet Shimmer. Shimmer meet Jules." Leo said to Kirlia and me. We just looked at each other and both smiled.

"Hi." I said smiling at her.
~Kirlia~ she said smiling back.

"Your Pokemon are fully healed." Nurse Joy said as our pokéballs were on the counter with Smoochum next to them.

"Thank you nurse Joy." Leo said politely as Kirlia hid behind me to surprise Smoochum.

"Hey Smoochum." I said giving her A hug. "Look, meet Shimmer. Smoochum. Shimmer." I said letting Smoochum stand in front of Shimmer and they happily greeted one another.

"They look like best friends already." Nicole said putting her pokéballs in her bag letting Shinx out and letting it ride in the bag.

"Yeah so Cute!" Ari said looking at them smiling as she let Dedenne out of her pokéball and let her chill on her head.

"Let's go." Leo said going towards the hotel rooms after talking with nurse Joy. We followed and went to our room.

Smoochum, Kirlia and I went to route22 to train.

**??? POV**
--Kalos Airport(Lumiose City)--

"Thank you." I said as I grab my luggage and walked to the main exit/entrance.

~Typhlosion~ Soul said looking around at the big airport.

"Yeah can't wait to meet whoever made that explosion before." I said pumped up to battle someone.

"Why not just battle someone?" Morty said walking up next to me with Gengar floating beside him.

"That would solve your problem." Lance said walking up with Dragonite.

"Alright." I said looking around. There was a battle field outside but no one that looked strong enough to fight me.

~Gallade~ "Why not battle us?"


"Come on Scizor. Let's go battle someone." I said looking around in the forest as we walked down to the town.

"Why not just battle one of us?" Korrina asked skating next to me with Lucario besides her. ~Car!~ he agreed.

"You can improve your strength in mega battling." Alain said walking up next to me with Charizard.

"No I need something new." I said as I went to the towns direction.

~Gard~ "You're right Crystal. Why not battle us?"

--To Be Continued--


Hey guys! Like it!? I want to thank these two fabulous people for joining the book!

Topas_Plays as Ruby.
XXSpreadMyWingsXX as Ashtyn.

More things will happen with these characters later on.

Who is this strange boy who ran from home?

Is The Boy even important to this story?

Why don't you check out my "B.L.A.D.E." Book?
(Don't judge me. If I don't promote it who will?)

Why am I Such a big self promoter?

Love y'all. Kay bye!

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