Chapter 13: Apologies.

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Since not many of you comment....I will ask after some para your opinion... so at least then please comment.

"So tell me...What is it about him?", Hamdan asked her. Doing a silent prayer that she had valid proof.

"Sit here. I'll be right back.", Aairah rushed to get her laptop.

Balancing in one hand the laptop and the charger she carefully walked towards the bed and Hamdan went and took it from her hands. "Would you be able to type with that hand?",he asked her. He's demeanor had changed from few minutes ago in the bathroom. This Aairah looked like she was on a mission. Focused not even the elephant in the room that's him could distract her. He liked seeing her this way. Where they worked together where her eyes didn't accuse him where her eyes didn't hold regret she had in loving him.

"I can type with the other hand...but if you don't mind typing then...", she looked at him with a question more like a request.

" don't have to ask. Just give me the order.", he offered. His voice tinged with excitement.

Amused by his participation, "wow...someone wants to be a team player!", a small smile escaped her lips when he turned to look at her. Hamdan could see a faint twinkle in her eyes. It reminded him of the girl stuck with him in the lift asking what sweet he liked years ago. "What.?", she asked him.

"No your eyes, it's just...", he managed to utter those words. It's been long since he last saw here eyes twinkle in joy or excitement.

"Oh come on! Type away into the screen. They aren't that pretty.", she shook her head and looked at the screen, avoidingvhis gaze.

"Well I don't think so....password princess.", he asked her further. It had been long since they spoke of things apart from all the drama. She felt light hearted.

She hesitated, " it's um..."

" asked me to trust you...I guess you could try.",he pointed out.

Reluctantly Aairah let it out loud, "it's um....bubblebutt007."

Hamdan did a double take,"What did you just say?! !....bubblebutt007!...thats your password ?! That's your company's password.!!! "

"Uh umm yeah it is...we 3 had bubblebutts and guttersluts as our passwords ever since grade 6 so don't judge....", she dismissed him pretending it didn't embarrass her. Suddenly slapping her forehead."that wasn't supposed to come out. Urgh"

Hamdan kept the laptop aside silently and held Aairah's shoulder to turn to face him and carefully spoke so as to be sure she heard every word of it wether it was right or wrong, "Aairah...Dr.Aairah 50 percent owner of Hawkeye surveillance company...has her passwords as bubblebutts and guttersluts.? "

"Uh yeah, we have variations to it.", not realising how she was embarrassing herself.

Hamdan burst out laughing. So hard he fell back on the bed laughing a belly laugh...more like abs laugh. "You seriously named it bubb....holy shit...hahahahaha....I can....I can't believe....oh god!"

"Oh stop it! Just stop it now will you ?! No one would have guessed it that's why? Urgh ...I trusted you...I thought you wouldn't judge me...hey...hey give that paper!" ,she tried snatching it from him when she stood on the shorter end of her night gown and fell right on top of him.

How was it till here...the light hearted moments...the part where little things still irritate her and Hamdan is using that to make some sort of a bond between  them.


He groaned as the weight of her was on his chest. He opened his eyes to see a shocked and frozen Aairah staring back at him. Time froze for them for a while. It brought back the time the last time they made love.

"You really have to go? Don't go.", she softly pleaded knowing it was of no use. After all duty came first to all men in the Maktoum family.

Sighing Hamdan pushed back the strand of hair behind her ear. "You think I want to get out of bed when you are here on top of me ....naked. naah...I have to do this...."

A smile came to her lips, " I know...but on the bright side...we will have the rest of our lives to do all kinds of things. Your wild as hell sports. And mine...singing weird music with me."

Aah cute...But it's unfortunate  how it turned out...6 years later and they are strangers.

"You sure have strange sense in music."

"No I don''s with special people I share...and I'm sharing with you which means you are in my special list." , she smiles while pinching his nose "you've got a big one."

"Ah the ladies say the same.", he said with a smirk while his grip on her tightened.

"Um...honey I was talking about your nose...not your thing which I don't know why you are so proud of. " , she laughed at the last part and squealed as he turned her over.

"Aah since when are you so experienced with men's genitalia? ", he asked ready to be amused at her answer.

"Well for first I'm a doc. Regardless of what field. I've seen plenty of...dead and some live ones.", she spoke sheepishly.

"Aha! Knew it.", he pointed out.

"Well whatever. The size kinda matters as what I've heard.", she stated as a matter of factly.

"Oh babe, so sweet and innocent you are. It's the way it's done matters not the size. If you want I can show you with another round and with mine. You would go crazy.",He spoke huskily  as his hand slid down to her lower belly.

" No...we already...(gasps) 4 times...please.. st...stop..", she gasped as pleasure slowly build in her.

"Ok...tell me to stop now..." ,he chuckled mischievously.

He smiled back at her. And Aairah realised what position they were in. Hamdan happened to be in a jolly mood just to get her off guard.
"Your breasts are suffocating me."
Aairah mouth opened wide, appalled at his comment and jerked upright.

"You wish.", she scoffed.

"Yeah I remember  plenty of times I got an eyeful, handful and mouthful too.", he commented with a wink.

"Oh my goodness how indecent have you become!", Aairah clearly disturbed by with his innuendos.

"I was always like this hun.", he said with a smirk.

How was it till here. We didnt get to see much of pervy Hamdan till now. Was it to much or just right.?

Aairah grabbed the laptop and began to type with her left hand. Hamdan sat close next to her and now he could feel her cold rigid aura back again.
"Sheikh Hamdan, I came to Dubai after 6 years for a reason. And not to prance about and make friends... you unfortunately caught me in a situation. So let's get to work. If you want to know the truth."

Hamdan went silent and followed and observed Aairah...clearly enjoying their encounter few minutes back.

She goes hot then cold. Poor Hamdan.

"Ohkayyy...we are in the company server. Now just have to type in the serial number of the one I have my doubts we see this guy...James Richards...he is the one." , she typed away.

"How is this our guy?" Hamdan questioned. Grabbing all attention of his.

"It's a fake name and the server is masked. If I just get into the actual server....then we might just..." ,her words were cut off with a pop of another screen....

" hey bubblebutt what are you doing in this server!?", screached Sabrina. " Oh hey Hamdan? What the hell is he doing here? No offence though."

"None taken.", he waved at her.

" I think i got a little lost here. We are looking for James Richards who is fake account and the server we want to enter is masked...I don't know what to do. And dont call me bubblebutt!"

"You sure do have one"
"You sure do have one"

Spoke both Hamdan and Sabrina in unison.

she explained the further situation as Sabrina worked her magic.
"Got it...its coming from this man's office. He has been under the hidden name...for 4 years...ok let me check his financial records if I could just get the hint of his identity. Once that's done. I sent a hit code to the UN...and viola he will be arrested...Um...Hamdan How you doing?", she asked casually as she typed away and it was shown in their screen.

"Good I'm good. Great to be honest. Nice password by the way.", he commented.

"Thanks it's our nicknames....oh Oh oh here we go...we found the culprit...and it's not him being framed....this is him...Ill send you an encrypted mail only you can access. All proofs details of all records soon will be mailed. His recent access and exchange of videos and children trafficking  was that of just 1 week ago! Here you go..."

Aairah's  heart hammered...praying to be the guy she was against.

And in appeared a photo of Saeed bin Hamad. Hamdan was taken aback and now knew why Aairah had her doubts. He had to inform it to his father. After a few exchanges the screen shut and Aairah closed her laptop.

"How did you know? Since when were you on about him?"

" Well this guy I've been on for couple of weeks. And he will be the key to find the root of all causes.", she informed him.

"Any idea on who?", he asked knowing she would have some sort of  a clue.

"50 percent sure. This guy might just confirm it. After severe interrogation that is....he is a tough nut."

"Who?", Hamdan asked her. Expecting a no...but still trying.

"I can't."

Hey y'all how was the tracking part...I missed I wanted to put her here.

"I can't stay 4 months without you...what will I do? You have London and you horses...I have you...can't even meet my family till the probation is over...please don't go.", she looked upset.

"You know I have to...4  months...yes it's a long time...but...we have social media.", he tried consoling his wife who was holding back the overflow of her emotions.

"I know...besides I'm not feeling well since a week. So you better call me everyday or Skype ask about my health.", she demanded with a small smile.

"At your service your highness", he gave a short salute. And kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"And I you."

"Please don't..."she requested stoically.

"Alright I won't. But his arrest is in my hands. After the things he has done...there is nothing but an arrest warrant for him for the rest of his life. And you aren't going to interfere in this...I have plans. But...for anything to happen. Anything in the future any help you need from me...i want something in return.", he looked straight at the screen his eyes focused and frowning.

Fucking sneaky asshole.

"What is it?", she asked rolling her eyes back to the screen.

" I get to touch you whenever and where ever I want and morning and goodnight kisses...without being inappropriate." ,he had this gaze. The intense one, the kind that meant I'm dead serious.


Aairah once again got to see that intensely terrifying yet alluring gaze and for a while got pulled into them. He stared at her daring at her to break the contact and look away. While she switched on her stoic charm, pondering and weighing her options she spoke. "Tjats the best ypu could cpme up with?! Alright, that shoyld be easy...Then I guess it time to call it a night. I'll keep this in." ,she got up with the laptop.

"Don't worry I got this.", he too got up as she handed the laptop and walked towards her table in the walk in closet. And just before that...


"Oww! Hey you can't smack my ass!",Aairah rubbed her behind annoyed with him.

"Well my dear...I can touch you right...that ass Is mine....go to bed....bubblebutt." , he winked and walked in.

Ok I fou d this section was it when Hamdan finally convinces her that he trusts her and how sneaky he is like his father to make a deal with his wife...even if it was something small in return...little things matter and poor Hamdan misses holding her and being flirty and playful with her.
Ok please comment next to each para....coz I feel this is a kickass section...plez....I might die. Let me know your views.
"Assalamualaikum sir, Sheikha Aairah is here.", his p.a informed him.

Mohammed anticipated as to why she was here. He understood her anger  and was agitated by her reaction. At least it didn't cause a repercussion into the public. What irked him was how she spoke about Hind's parenting skills. His wife did her best. He tried too. May be not in the right way. He knew all his life...many won't see wether your heart is in the right place....people see what way was used to do something. He was always judged For that. He began to change. People didn't like it. It helped him to not care. Power gave him a strange sensation of peace. Aairah stopped things that were getting in his way. He could finish her existence in seconds had not that he owed her way too much. His confidence and his entire clan. But mostly he saw her as that person who taught him those things in life that partly defined him now. All he wondered was what was Aairah wanting from him right now.

She sat across him, prepared. For what he couldn't figure out. "Would you like to have some qahwa, tea, juice or water?"

"Water...would be good.", she answered with a slight smile.

"So what is it that you wish to talk to me about? ", he asked her calmly.

"You see, Hawkeye is planning to expand by adding more cities and countries to it. That way the country can have access and provide in depth ban of such sites and added security with surveillance too. Yeah you do have surveillance but it can be easily hacked. And for your information. Sabrina has been hacking into your security systems and has a long line of sex offender in a list. Some legally arrested some not.",she presented her idea.

"So you are here to have my approval to carry out and expand your's good. I have a question? Why didn't you try it here the moment you started?", he was curious to what her answer.

"Simple....I don't trust you.", she had this devil may care aura around her today.

"And now you do?", a smirk forming on his old lips.

"Still don't,  just found a way to not fall and get what I want from you.", her confidence intriguing him.

"What do I get?", he asked waiting for it so he can deny it and be done with it.

"Well, first thing first you have access to it. Second thing the security arrest , imprisonment punishment all would be by the UAE law or the Emirate laws that's there.  It would a good addition to the resume of Dubai. A stepping stone for a permanent  place in the UN....but for reviewing the security would be that of Hawkeye's which will be allotted by the UN.", she laid out the contract files.

"You have come prepared!...good.",  he took the file and kept it aside.

"Well thank you and you can take your time. ", She offered.

Mohammed just stared at the cover of the file. He wondered why the sudden offer? He wondered why now? Until recently he had threatened to kill her friend quiet unwillingly, she hadn't budged and thankfully Hamdan had already taken the clue he sent him and acted upon it. There was something she was up to. And he wanted to know why?

"So...Aairah...why do you hate me?",he asked. Aairah nearly choked on her own spit. But all Mohammed  could see was a fleeting moment of pain and uncertainty to her well worn stoic expression.

"I don't hate you...I never hated you. You never caused me harm and in fact protected me more than your own. But I could still never fully trust you...and You know why?" , she asked him.

Mohammed could figure out one thing. She was going to turn the tables on him. "I'm sorry I do not know why?"

"Please don't pretend to not know. You will now know that I know have kept that man safe that could have destroyed your family which I thought was mine too, had it not been my family. The Maktoum clan wouldn't even exist. The one who destroyed many families whose children were trafficked from here or bought here. Had it not been me, he would have the written and signed contract to kill every single one of you and take over the throne...and that would have been the law. His words would be the law." , Mohammed too maintained his composure as he realised that she could have found those papers before anyone else did. she leaned over to him, the intensity in her eyes reminded him of when his son Rashid was hell bent on getting his way done...and this look he knew all too well. She lowered her voice, "I know you have your reasons, that's why you haven't done anything...even to me. I knew you would take me out...", she rested her back against the chair.

"Since you know my Intentions of having those papers to myself and you are the one that only knows of it. Let's make a deal...", he proposed his idea.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but there is no deal here. I want to live long enough to see him dead. And I also want to know what is it that's making you protect the one who destroyed too many children's lives...too many families lives. If you want a deal...we have to be crystal clear and homest about everything.", her jaw clenched as she further wanted to lash out.

Mohammed looked like he was about to commit something bad. " I...made a promise. And you very well know a Falasi never breaks his promise."

Aairah scoffed," it? Well what big crime is this to break a promise more than innocent and your family are indeed strange. And if you do... then what happens.?"

"Everyone in this family loses their title, I have to abdicate the throne. Everyone in this family will lose any rights in this country. I cannot let that happen...Everyone in our family sacrificed plenty so the ruling stays in the family. So people who would make a mess out of this country would be kept at bay. And hence because of the way we rule...we have loyalists to the throne....if you are wondering...any family member has one promise to ask of me in their lifetime....Saeed asked me to protect him and his family. From all the crimes he has committed.", he breathed a sigh of relief.

A smirk appeared on Aairah's lips, "And you still let thousands of children teenagers be assaulted. Interesting concept of keeping promise. To protect him you can go ahead and kill me."

"You see that's the problem. I owe you and your family everything. And Hamdan had asked me of two things one was before marriage and one after. The first he asked me to let you have the complete custody of your and his children.", he let out a secret anticipating that in current situation being emotional, hopefully she will reveal where is it and what does she intend to do so.

"We don't have any and I'm not going to stay in this marriage until it's all over and your son has agreed to it.",she stated.

Mohammed raised his eyebrows at her words of not giving their marriage a chance. " The other thing protect you till I live. So there is no chance of me killing you. Infact because of this all these 6 years you lived and recovered. Not that i did'nt wanted to. But because you have those papers that my father passed onto my brother and then he was supposed to pass it down to me. And i need it."

Aairah's mouth formed an 'O', " yeah you will get that, but your brother asked me to keep it till you are truly worthy or you use it to the benefit of's nice to have the paper that could reset everything. That IS the first law your father wrote. Then why would Maktoum hide the letter in your mother's pendant. He knew this way before I came here... He must have seen something. He must have"

"Let me get this straight...I have done some questionable things. Sacrificed unwillingly. I'm no black or white. I'm just grey. And i cant go back to white or black. Unfortunately im not that lucky.", he had that look which said that he meant it but still couldnt be trusted.

"Look I appreciate it, but I know you...and really just sign the papers when you want to I'm getting late. Ma..", she was cut off when she saw Mohammed sign the papers. Woah...he wasn't the kinds who would sign any paper without reading it. Hell he just didn't even look at it!

"You have my word. And in paper can trust me on this. I will sign whatever you want and whenever you want me to. Just....", he looked away for a while. Aairah was preparing for another bullet of entanglement in his games when,  "Stay with him...Make it work. I wouldn't make this request had he not be deserving. You did so much for my family....our family. I could never repay you. No one could. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you both when he wouldn't believe you. I'm sorry you were all alone and we didn't do anything. I'm sorry that I'm protecting Saeed, but..."

"Why are you giving me information?", she was still unsure of his intentions.

"Aairah I promised him that I would protect him from you. I never promised not to help you.", his cheeky smile gave it all.

Aairah smirked, "You are one sneaky" she pondered at this last statement , her eyebrows knotted together at the fact that Hamdan used his promise for her and what would matter the most to her. The freedom for her to be the mother who had every right to mould her children... something he knew his mother never got the chance. He knew she would die if she couldn't help her children against the tough sacrifices her children would have to make at a very young age. And her live for her to be safe.

" but, i dont love him any more. And I've been alone long enough to realise that...Unfortunately we aren't meant to be. There wasn't any time there weren't dog ts. There was no trust. Our relationship never got the chance to grow.Well you do what you can and I do what is right and what will avenge my family and my pain....and I'm sorry too...for earlier." , she had a small smile.

" didn't get a chance....give yourself if not him...a chance.", he knew he would get to her just use her words and put it in her mouth.


Aaaaaaaaaaaah how was it....I was screaming while typing this was the conversation between the 2. How was it that they finally reveal the main antagonist of their lives...there will be more...but that's it for now.... how was it that he finally let his real feelings be known to her a little. How they both apologised. How was their whole banter.

Aairah waited in the plush tan leather chair, she sat few days back. Waiting for her mother in law. She had to apologise to her as she believed the mother didn't deserve her fury. She was after all a mother. And had it been Aairah's mom present...she would have been so disappointed in her. Aairah was never a disrespectful or a disobedient child. But unfortunately life happened to her. Time hadn't changed. Situations changed her. Once the girl who would cry at others pain. Hug anyone who was depressed and went out of her way to sooth their pain. Now she was a ghost of her past. No longer the sweet girl she was.

Hind knew why Aairah wanted to visit her. She knew Aairah without really knowing her much. It was time Hind put her words into action. It was time she believed she was good at. Supporting her child.

Aairah looked up as the door opened to see Hind walk in. More like float in with a kind smile. How did she do that! Suddenly Aairah felt guiltier seeing her smile. She walked to her and they both exchanged pleasantries and sat down for tea and coffee.

" I...mmhh...I'm here to make an apology.", she breathed out at the first step of breaking the ice. She was never really good at it, bit sometimes luck was in here favour. Today it wasn't as she wasn't using people against each other or playing any mind games.

Hind patted to her side of the lounge sofa, "come sit her binti ."

As she sat. She felt a lump stuck in her throat and go dry She didn't like apologising and wasn't really good with it. "Ummi....about the other day. I was out of line...with my words and manners. This isn't me....I..."

Hind took Aairah's hand in hers, "I knew you regretted it that's and I knew you were apologetic the moment I saw you here. Binti...few years back my husband got this young, sweet, kind and beautiful child to my house. I made a promise to her mother to protect her take care of her. Ignore her mistakes and look for what she really was. It isn't like me to judge another without knowing and I judged that child to be not worthy of this home."

Aairah felt needles prick her throat as tear pricked her eyes.

" I had become so blind to the goodness and kindness of that child this house needed the most. That I stopped being involved in my son's  marriage when it was needed. Time is something we can't turn back...don't waste your tears on my words child." , she wiped a stray tear of Aairah's cheeks and pulled her closer to a side hug, where Aairah's head rested on her shoulder.

"It is pointless but if I could I would and I would never let a single scratch come onto you. It was you I should have protected ..", she sniffed. 

Aairah looked at her and wiped the tears off her face. She felt she could aee her mother amidst the tears that clouded her eyes. And hugged her tight.

Hind loosened herself from Aairah and asked her to rest her head on her lap. Both shocked at this but didn't waste anytime either.

Aairah began to sob, "I can't fight anymore...I know what I want but...I...I don't know wether I can....I'm so tired ma."

Hind wiped her own tears as she saw a grown woman of 28 breakdown  and cry like a child. She had called her ma. And she couldn't imagine how helpless a child would feel. How she can turn nowhere to her parents for advice. To hold her when she breaks. To strengthen her when she falls weak. To guide no matter how old she gets. She couldn't imagine it. She didn't want to imagine it again, as she had seen Rashid, Hamdan who had an ironwill who stood tall in a tornado break and her eldest Hessa who was forced into a marriage. She didn't let Hessa drown. She couldn't help but see Rashid succumb to his weakness. And she vowed to herself she wouldn't let Hamdan and Aairah drown. Even if she had to brave her husband's storm alone.

"Binti...You called me ma. Today I promise you that I Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum will fight beside you till you see Saeed's end.", she looked at Aairah who got off her lap and sat back.

"How did you know?", astonished at what she found out.

"I have my sources...", she smiled at her.

"Thank you ma... I..just....thank you.", Aairah didn't have any words to convey her thanks.

"You don't have to...I instead should thank you for you have comeback into my Hamdan's life."

The light of hope faded a little in her eye, "I may have come but I'm not here to stay. I won't."

"I know you love him. You can lie to anyone and fool even my husband, but I can look right through you. You never stopped loving him and I have full faith in Allah and in Hamdan's love for you...that you will stay. Until then can rest on my lap...if you want to...I see you enjoyed it.", she smirked at her while Aairah gladly took up on that offer.

"I promise to help you finish him.", she whispered as a tired Aairah succumbed into slumber.

Ok I cried a little here.

So looking add chapter was it...I called 2 parts to one.

How was it overall

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