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Hey yo, all. I don't know how to write chapter names anymore. so I will just put some random words that sound decent and immerse its essence into the story or just chapter numbers...does that make sense. it didn't to me. nevertheless, I'm just lost in thoughts. so you know bye now Aairah has enemies so does the family. what these enemies don't know she has allies too in those people with the least power. and you also know by now that she is very resourceful. so she finds hope in hopeless things...sounds sweet right. but not really coz she is an opportunist as well. and she doesn't care about how people perceive her or how she feels for them that's the gist of what is to happen in this chapter...coz ladies get ready with Aairah and her gang to burn the witches down.

Smoke and Mirrors

as per urban dictionary:

Something/Someone that deceives or distorts the truth.

Oh just found out I didn't created these words...haha

Tension built around Aairah's presence. Not with Hamdan. They weren't strangers anymore but they barely had conversation other than hey. Morning. Good night. Yeah. No. A polite civil smile here and there.

Hamdan watched her back rise an fall from the breathing as she slept. He ached to hold her while going to sleep. He ached to hug her after the day at work or doing his crazy stunts . He ached to kiss her while they rode their horses. He ached to kiss heher softly or senselessly. He ached for her like he did for 6 years. There was no difference between them. He felt alone then and he felt even more lonelier now with her being present. He tried his best to make a conversation. She evaded him as if he was bubonic plague. He would get hurt everytime she ignored or dismissed him subtly. She wasnt rash or rude with him. That was what he wanted... some sort of response. Her indifference would hurt him. But that was the price he had to pay to not give up on her, to keep her around. Even if it meant agreeing to her conditions which she warned him about that he will get hurt.

Wide awake Aairah lay. Her thoughts were clouded by how the day would be eventful tomorrow. Avery and Sabrina. How rudely she had dismissed Sabrina in front of everyone. Like she didn't care for her...Like she didn't care for Avery. This put everyone in shock, and assurance to her enemies that Aairah was fighting this battle against them alone. But after a tearful Sabrina and a very persuasive talk by Hamdan she finally agreed to do the deed the trio had promised long long time ago.

She knew he too was awake and didn't have the guts to turn to her sleeping position. She had to face him for it. There was a time where she loved him selflessly and in her heart only love existed for him. Aairah no doubt still loved him. But her heart wasn't just filled with love for him anymore. There was at some level anger and disappointment. There were some emotions she didn't know how to convey. They were strong maybe more than her love for him. She couldn't figure it out, but he did the moment she stepped back into his life. Some time passed and Aairah felt her kids heavy. Letting sleep consume her, before she shut the world out. She felt the familiar yet strange pressure of warm lips on her temple involuntarily bringing a soft smile on her lips as she fell deep into slumber.
Sabrina drove through the traffic and was off the city. Aairah stared out the window. As much as sabrina wanted to talk. She couldn't, they were being watched. Even though the two were
Alone, Sabrina knew they were bein watched the moment she got into the royal vehicle. Aairah was curious as to why Sabrina didn't break the ice. And just as she thought of it.

"So how is it being back in dubai?", Sabrina broke the silence.

"Good...strange As well.", she replied without really looking at her.

Another 30 minutes passed and Sabrina was getting agitated as to how stubborn and indifferent Aairah was being. They were closer to their destination and in that small time span of doing the deed and getting back to the vehicle she had to pass her the message.

"Hey you know how terrible driver I am...and Alan never gives me his Porsche ever.", she tried to get her attention again.

"Yeah you sucked back then and you still suck...but better now.", Aairah commented with a chuckle.

"Exactly. So if you don't mind I hate getting up early in the morning and going to work and not able to...",she blabbered.

Aairah rolled her eyes, "can you stop beating around the bush...what do you want?"

"Can you feed me coffee? Please?", She requested.

Aairah grumbled a raised the Tim Horton's cup to Sabrina's lips. To which she quickly touched her hand to adjust and began tapping on to Aairah's thumb beneath the cup. Aairah looked puzzled at her and put down the cup.

"Hey I didn't ask you to stop yet....wait we are approaching a roundabout. Let me turn and the you feed me. Alright.", She stated nervously. Aairah felt it was odd of her why she was tap.....shit?!!


Aairah slowly nodded and let her continue.

●-- ●- - -●-● ●●●● ● -●●/ ●●●● ● ●- ●-● -●●

Aairah frowned. As soon as she had frowned so did they widen. Watched/ Heared! Shit they were being watched and heared.

She cleared her throat and kept the coffee cup in its holder. And switched on the radio.

Aairah thought for a while, "Sabrina how long?"

Sabrina turned to face Aairah, "Not don't remember?"

Aairah quickly did some blinking. With a disinterested look on her face. And turned away to look ahead.

●-- ●●●● ---

Who Sabrina just nodded, looked around her dashboard and began tapping on the steering wheel to what seemed like to the music, but was another Morse.

-- --- ●●●● ●- -- -- ● -●●

What she found out was something she deep down knew.


The rest of the ride was quiet with the occasional yes, no or agreeing to something. Eating something.

" is married life?", asked Aairah.

A small smile creeper upon her lips. "Alan Is great. Married life is good. Wedding was quiet and romantic. How would you weren't there, even Hamdan was there! Out of all the people. I missed you and now you don't even care...not even a little bit about me." She sneered in the last bit.

"I just asked one thing. I didn't ask the guest list.",Aairah retorted.

Sabrina scoffed and shook her head as they finally reach their destination.

"Lets just get over with this.", Aairah mumbled as they both got out of the visual and audible rigged vehicle.

They both walked away from the vehicle and climbed over the barricade which was illegal but they didn't care.

"We are still being watched and not heard.",Sabrina stated with a fake smile.

"I know why he is doing this.", Aairah said agitatedly.

"He is keeping a close watch... A very close watch. There was a point where the phone calls were being recorded. But Alan managed to get that cut off. How? Even I don't know. We were just waiting for you. So we could speed up the process and leave the country."

"What if by the end of this No one will be able to touch you or Alan. What if I do something that makes you both stay.", Aairah assured her.

Sabrina was a bit miffed at this and faced her with a frown so the cam could catch it. "You are saying as if I don't want to be here. This is my Home. As it is yours."

Aairah just looked into the distance, "that was once upon a time Ri... and that was long time ago. I really wished we were together you know. But being a part of this family is toxic as long as there are wrong people. You very well know that.", Aairah's tired voice spoke.

"But you still lo-", Sabrina was immediately cut off.

"You are evading from the topic. You were going to give me something...What is it?", she asked curiously.

What Sabrina held a small ring box. Aairah held it close to herself and opened it. In lay Avery's necklace and with it lay a strange object....a usb.

Her eyebrow raised as she looked at Sabrina with a questionable look.

She smirks,"This is the Usb Ajay hid in his jacket..."

Aairah's eyes widened.

"That motherfucker hid it so well no one could figure where it was. He had it stitched between the layers of his jacket...That guy has given us the biggest video proof of who committed the crimes against our families and the child pornography thing.", she said with a straight expression but her lips were tightening into a straight line.

"We have it all to finish him off...but.", Aairah paused.

"What more better way to finish him off than doing it", Sabrina continued with an evil smirk on her lips even Aairah surprised to see.

"For Avery...", Sabrina whispered.

"And all those who died with her.", Aairah finished.

Together they both stood up clutching Avery's necklace and flinging it into the air letting it fall 1200 metres below.
.how was it?
It was 1 pm when Sabrina dropped Aairah off at the Zabeel Palace. Aairah was excited about this lunch. She was waiting for this lunch for so long. Mohammed is going to be at a toss today. And Hamdan? Poor him. He is going to lose a friend today. As much as Aairah wanted him hurt there was a part of her not wanting to see him in pain. But what needed to be done had to be done. Be a bitch be a bitch! She kept repeating to herself as she was escorted towards the family room. Surprisingly finding Hamdan waiting for her.

"Assalamualaikum?", she asked him quzzicaly stealing some quick glances at him to read his body language. Tense then relaxed. "What a-"

"Don't say anything just go with what I said.",Hamdan whispered decidedly.

Ookay someones hormonal.

The table was filled with delicious and full of food. So much variety that you couldn't count even with your ten fingers. Strong but quickly soothing anyone's senses was the food that lay along the length of the hall. Aairah's mouth immediately  began to water. Stop it! Now is not the time.

She smiled at every family member in the room. Some of Hamdans cousins and aunts were there. Some uncle's too. Who had been laying back and enjoying that the Indian girl was no longer there. But to shatter their petty dream she came back. They didn't like a non emirati being part of the royal family who could bear the future heir. The heir who wasn't fully a Falasi moreover an Emirati.

Little Rashid who was now 14 was gleaming in you to see Aairah after a painful 6 years. the atmosphere in the hall was mixed. Some joyful, some hesitant, some indifferent and few vengeful eyes.

Soon the lunch began and there was a cheerful banter shall I correct it to majority of pretend cheerful banter.
There was awkwardness  and tension in the air. But it was dismissed by Aairah who was happily chatting away with everyone to diffuse the tension. It wasn't long when Maryam stood up and announced of a letter everyone had received after Rashid's death that Aairah had yet to receive.

Everyone had been curious as to what it was and went quiet as they began to pay attention. Aairah scoffed at them, "oh please! It's not like you haven't read it. There is no privacy or secrecy in this house it only applies to the image of this family doesn't it?!", she questioned but the silence that followed Hamdan knew it was a remark targeted at his father.  Hamdan was curious too. But the last time he planted the seed of doubt, it had poisoned his relationship to the ground.

Aairah opened the letter in a careless abandon. It had his name on top and a tree was drawn below it like some trademark. Below she saw the 3 words people usually want to hear. Her smile faded and the stoic expression returned to her face. It isn't enough. it would be never enough for her. She carefully folded the paper and placed it between her and Hamdan. He knew something was wrong when he saw her expression  changed and caught the glimpse of the letter.

I am Sorry.

Sensing the awkward  silence. Hamdan putting a jolly front, "there is a lovely video the kids have put up for you ... when you were gone.", they had moved to their theatre room and Hamdan nodded to one of the servant who switched on the projector and dimmed the lights.

First came the faces of Rashid junior and little Mohammed Al Harbi. It was guessing from the shakiness was from a handheld camera or a phone.They few years younger guessing from their height.

"Assalamualaikum eima! How are you? We hope you are doing well. This year i got grade A's in all subjects. Just like you asked me to study." , spoke Rashid "i just started school...i like it." Spoke Mohammed in between. "Come home soon We miss you. Hamdan khaal misses you. Byeeeeee. We love you.", the screen went blank for few seconds as it shifted to a new scene.

A soft smile that had been on her lips turned into an uncomfortable  one at the mention of Hamdan and it didn't go unnoticed by him. It felt like tiny shards of glasses pricked him. He should have been used to it by now, but the sad thing is...everything he does or experiences with Aairah good or bad feels new every time.

Multiple videos later came the dreaded one...Hamdan's. He looked like he was sitting in front of his laptop. "Hey are you? I hope you are doing well? You are stronger than you think you are. I hope you have got what you were searching for............I've been watching the videos you sent me when you were here. I want to hear your voice" Multiple awwws followed but Hamdan just got a stoic Aairah. "Come back to me...Come home soon." The video ended with a soft smile on Hamdans face in the video.

Calm yourself Aairah. If you fall weak you will never be able to fulfil your quest. 6 years...six years you prepared for this.

She faked a smile to show everyone and quietly held Hamdans hand. Which surprised him very much. As the light dimmed once again for another video. But strangely this time it was Rashid again. Hamdan frowned slightly. Is the video being repeated? But wait...that's a different shirt! Wait what! He looked around and caught Aairah's! Why was she smiling ?

It only meant one thing!

He nudged Aairah who turned her head slightly but her eyes locked the screen. "Look it's the best part.!", she whispered excitedly.

Hamdan knew something was off and what Rashid said confirmed his doubts.he looked nervous as he kept pushing his hair back, "Hey, glad you are doing well. Just be alone when you watch this alright! So..."

The video was paused as Hamdan held the remote. "I suppose she should see this alone then.!", he said decidedly.

"Oh honey I saw this already...I thought we could share this with the family....he wanted everyone to know.", she spoke innocently but the subliminal message she conveyed in her tone made Hamdan automatically plead a little. " Oh alright the kids can leave, but the rest must see my love. Please...", she begged with fluttering her eyes adoringly. Hamdan knew of her kindness but he knew she was a fast learner and knew how to get things done her and only her way thanks to him after all she learned it from him.

"But it is my father's video. Can't I watch?", Mohammed spoke (sorry guys I messed up his kids name....for 2 books lol. Get your facts straight bitch) .

"Mohammed! Leave with others...this is something  we have to deal with. We will talk about it later alright son.", Hamdan spoke carefully as he spoke through his nervousness. He couldn't bear to hurt him. He just wanted Mohammaed to have good memories of his late father. But moreover he was scared of what was to come.

"Ok khaal(uncle).", he quietly said and looked at Aairah who wore the same false smile she wore so well.

"Don't worry it's just are too young for it.", she beamed with dripping sweetness.

Mohammed just nodded and left with the other kids.

"What's going on ?",Ahmed asked.

"Just something you all should know, brother.", she stated as a matter of factly.

Hamdan hesitantly pressed the play button and once again the screen sprung back to life.

"I just...please come back. I miss you. You know I have feelings for you...ahh I love you.", he ran his fingers through his hair frustratingly.

Hamdan was shocked, no he couldnt think. Hind felt the impending doom that was about to wreck the strong bond between him and Hamdan. She couldn't bear to see he dead son's face. Oh how much she craved to have him in her arms again. She loved her children equally or at least that's what she convinced herself to believe. But like every mother even though her second born he was her first son. The day he was born, everything changed. He automatically  became second in line to the throne. Dreams took birth around him. A single tear escaped her eyes and died between her lips. Just like how they died with him. If only she could save him from his demons. If only......

"Don't hate me. I know after this you will. Don't let Hamdan know! Please it will kill him.", he sighed.

"I don't want to see this!", commented Sheikha and got up to leave. Aairah pulled her down, " Don't! He has to apologised to you too.", she had a smug smile. "Why don't you take my seat beside Hamdan... because you won't be able to stand after this.", she smiled sweetly at the pale Sheikha who sat down slowly.

"I'm sorry Sheikha! But I have to do this... We caused everything Aairah!", he spilled out. "I am so so sorry.", he whispered and it was evident that his voice was cracking. "We planned to cause Hamdan to hate you. I can't believe I listened to her. She was hurting. So was I. Jealousy took over me and it destroyed years of love and friendship I have with Hamdan. Please don't tell him....maybe one day you will have to. I loved Sheikha but Hamdan had her. I fell in love with you but then again he snatched you from me...", he chuckled. Hamdan's world seemed to stop around him he couldn't hear anything, except his heart hammering in his chest. His best friend hated him. His brother hated him.

"At least that's what I thought then. I hated it when he ignored you. And one day o snapped That's when I called Sheikha to agree to her plans. She hated him and so did I. But I begged her not to have you hurt. She hated you too. She planned I implemented. The photos, the false video sent to Hamdan when they were in London. Everything from A to Z. We did everything to destroyed your relationship with him. So Sheikha could have him and I you. But after that horrible day....I couldn't help but send you this message from the rehab centres computer lab. I didn't just destroyed your relationship. We destroyed the two of you. You weren't the same neither was he. There was no longer light in his eyes. The one he had for you. And you no longer had that light for him which I craved. I realised I messed up. I was to come back, but father stopped me. I'm guessing he found out about me and Sheikha!", he spoke with a heavy voice or a heavy heart. There were gasps. Hamdan was silent. Sheikha couldn't move, not just because her truth was out in open. But the masculine angered grip on her hand wouldn't let her move.

Aairah slowly walked away. Towards Mohammed. She lowered her voice so only he could here ." Your secrets one day will be out. And no matter what you try everything in your power to stop me. You won't be able to touch a hair of mine. The smoke and mirrors image you have created for the world to see will fall. And when that happens it will all be over. Help me...or else.", with that she silently but swiftly walked out of the dark room.
"I'm so sorry Aairah. I...", there were tears in his eyes. "I didn't want any of this to happen. I realised that you loved him too much so did he. But his trust in me and Sheikha made him blind to your love. I feel horrible. I wasn't to say any of this. But Sheikha blackmailed me. I should have told this to both you and Hamdan before I left. I chickened out . I couldn't see him in the eye. I still am unable to. But one day I will. But if you do forgive me one day please tell Hamdan not to hate me and let him know that he is the only one I have and I love him. I love you.", with that the screen went off.

Silence befell the hall. Every single one had tears. Some of shame some of pain. One of terror and the other had white hot rage gleaming in his eyes.
He was the first one to stand up. Took his phone out. Spoke in a low tone to some one. He then placed it back in his pocket and turn to face everyone especially Sheikha. His face now matched that of Aairah. The same stoic expression.

"Hamdan I...please's not...I can explain.!", sputtered Sheikha.

"It's alright Sheikha you don't have to...tomorrow you will receive the papers. You have to sign them and my assistant will collect it from you. Whatever you are involved in with me and just everything in general, will be taken back. You will no longer be associated to anything I'm part of. Neither as team mates, neither colleague, neither friends....nor family.", his voice was filled with ice. No one had seem this side of him except Aairah. She was the victim of his rage and today it was Sheikhs turn. "You from now on are nothing to me. I have nothing to do with you. Nor do you have anything to do with me. You took away the only source of tru happiness from me. I was fooled. I won't be anymore. You will suffer the consequences had I not received your resignation signatures within 2 days. You Sheikha Sheikha bint Saeed so Maktoum are dead to me.",He said it softly but the weight in his voice set his words in stone. With that he stormed off the hall. Hearing shouts from his poor uncle Saeed and a crack of loud slap followed.

She was right. Betrayal was what he will get. And he indeed received it in the worse way he could think off. From his lifelong best friend, his brother. From his best friend whom he loved once and never stopped caring. And from that one person he looks up to. To who he wanted to become. His father.

He felt like his heartripped out of his chest. He marched towards his jeep and got into the drivers seat completely oblivious to Aairah's presence on the passenger seat. He drove and drove. She didn't question him because his face spoke of her victory.

She was one step closer to finish it all.

Oh gawd that was a heavy chapter. I'm so so sorry it took me over a month to update this chapter. I'm still in India and it's hectic. I hope this chapter was good.

Let me know what you think.

Vote comment and share....

Oh on a lighter note...belated Eid Mubarak to you all.

Byeeeeeeee....see you soon.

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