Chapter 7: Causatum

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It was 9 pm that day and Her assistant had rung her. Saying that she had a connecting call from Zabeel Palace from Sheikha Hind's private parlour. Aairah frowned. Why at this time. It was past dinner and Hamdan hadn't arrived. Not that she cared. Maybe a little.
She was done with her call and groaned after it was disconnected.

"I was going to have a celebratory bubble bath. Ugh!", she whined a little.
After arriving at the doors of Sheikha Hind's parlour. She waited before she entered surprised as there were no guards whatsoever.

She lightly rapped on the door when she heard a ring of the bell. She went in.

"Assalamualaikum waleeda (daughter). Come sit.", she smiled a painful one. To which Aairah hesitantly though gave a soft smile with a slight nod and was about to sit on the couch opposite to her. When Hind indicated her to sit next to her.

"How are you? ", she asked and Aairah knew it didn't mean like a general 'how you doin' (no not Joey style...but still imagine though.) It was more on the lines of how are you after all these 6 years.

"Fine...I will be good.", she replied trying to be precise but was a little awkward.

"I'm glad I hope you will be.", she stated at her.

There was a painfully awkward silence and Hind couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry.", she blurted out.

"What?!" ,Aairah whispered. Shocked to hear those words from her...She was a lady who barely needed to make any apologies.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be a good mother.", she whispered but maintained her cool and posture. Her voice firm but her eyes spoke volumes.

"I...but...", Aairah was at a loss of words.

"I didn't want you to be my daughter in law, wanted Emirati. And I had Sheikha in my mind. But after Hamdans father decided for you. I knew he would do so with a lot of thinking. I too knew about those papers. But I also argued with him again and again. That we could make you work for us and not bring you to the family. I didn't want to put us in any risk. What's inside stays inside. But after Hamdan spoke highly of you as a person. I felt the need to protect you as well by keeping away from the games and politics of this family. But what Allah wishes...happens. I was sceptical as to how you would blend with the family. And...although it started of somewhat rough you eventually blended in. I was afraid you would disappear. But I was proud you didn't. And I'm sorry I underestimated you. An Emirati is proud, strong, just, never giving up, takes the traditions forward into modernism. Without losing the sight of its roots. But most of all keeping our family first. In this we made big mistakes some which were unforgivable. Spoilt became our children and when we tried to bring them to the right path. They weren't controllable. Anything family did was conveniently swept under the rug . One thing led to another and I....kind of Gave up. Then you came...and I'm sure you felt like we never fully accepted you as a family but you did. I tried...but eventually fell in love with you. It wasn't hard to be honest.", she smiled slightly. "As a woman I could never forgive him...but as a mother I..."

"I know it's okay....I forgave him."

Hind paused before she let her heart out.

"The way Hamdan was happy. I hadn't seen him this happy with anyone. it isn't like him to do such a mistake or to do something this appalling. Sheikha messed with him.", she held Aairah's hands which seemed rough from having her hands most of the time in disposable latex gloves.

Aairah's eyebrow raised a little, "Hamdan is an intelligent man. I agree. Your husband hasn't just chosen him for being more ...pliable((here she insults him. Meaning A pliable person iseasily influenced and controlled by otherpeople))
and soft. Unlike Rashid." Hind was taken aback but not entirely as she didn't expect Aairah to say so. But she wanted her hatred and disappointment known to everyone. "And the thing that Sheikha did, wasn't something highly cryptic. It was plain and simple. How was he so easy to fool?! Simple...his love for her was far more greater than his love for me. Maybe he didnt love me. Maybe he just followed his father's orders and cared for me much more.And that's enough to destroy anything."

Hind's eyes teared up. She didn't know how to reason with that."And I'm not trying support anyone.", she paused. Waiting for a response from Aairah.

"I are not that low unlike others. Go on mother.", she replied. Hind was like mother to her in some ways. Although Hind was skeptical and distant about her till now. Her last work hit her in her heart.

" Don't... don't call me mother.", her voice beginning to crack. " I haven't been anything of that to you." And a single tear fell from her face.

Aairah couldn't do anything but hold her gaze. For the first time Hind teared up in front of her. No mother deserves it, "Ummi, you have been and that's why I call you so. When I was learning you cared for me. When I lost...lost my children -"

"Our children.", Hind corrected.

"Our children....",she repeated with a sorrowful smile."then too you cared for me and loved me...and when I lost were the only on whose love I could feel. Then why should I not call you mother.?", she asked wiping the single tear that had escaped. "I must leave." , both women got up, they hugged each other. Hind kissed her forehead while she kissed her hands.

"Remember Aairah...I am always with you. Come what may. Even if I have to fight with Allah. I will. I promise...nothing will go wrong with your plans.", she wanted to hold her and let her cry all those tears she held for all those years. But as much she wanted to hate Hamdan...he was her son and he had paid for his sins.

"Tusbih alaa khayr mother.", she smiled and walked to the door. As much as wanted to hug and console her and cry with her. She knew had she let her guard down everything would be over.

Just as she was about to leave, "Do you know where he is?", Aairah knew this wasn't she wanted to ask. It was whether she had my love left for him. To which she turned and replied, " I don't. And I couldn't care less."

Lies!!! Hind knew but just for a hint of confirmation and in desperation she tried once more.

"He would die without you!"

"He would die. But don't worry I won't let him die so soon. Just in the right time."she did a curt nod and left the premises.

With that Hind knew. Although she loved him once she will stop at nothing.
.How was it till here you guys? Comment your hearts out.

Soft breeze blew against his tear stricken face. The saltiness of the air at beach matched the saltiness of his tears which hadn't stopped streaming down his cheeks. He shuddered against the winter breeze of the underpass of the bridge as he was soaked to the bone. The same place where he walked with Aairah after her birthday date. The same place where the opinion on her changed. The same place where his heart to a step towards love.

Hypothermia. He thought. What an interesting way to die. It's difficult to cope. But not impossible. Aairah had mentioned once...The worst is yet to come. And he hadn't understood what and why. This was the worse thing he had to deal with when it came to his loved ones.

The worst is yet to come.

What is worse than this?! He thought being hated by the ones you loved so to give up anything is the worse ting.
If he could just stop time and let the water consume his thoughts. Consume him.


Was the question he wanted to ask himself. Why didn't he give her a chance? Why was he so blindly trusting anyone? Why did he let his anger blind him? Why did he make her cry? Why? Why? Why ?

The sun had begun to set, the water had become cooler. He began to walk into it. To think straight. That's what Aairah said helped her to think.

Fully submerged holding his breath. He shut his eyes.


Was his next question. How could he do this to her. The one who bared her self her soul her all to him just to protect him. His demons were far darker than hers. He still couldn't do what she did. Completely ignoring his flaws he blamed everything on her. How could he isolate her. How could he hate her. Did he have so much hatred in him...that he felt her miscarriage was all his fault. Even if he wasn't at fault. He felt responsible.

If there was a way he could feel her pain...maybe just to wash away her sins maybe to wash away her pain. He would happily go through it again and again till it was gone even if it meant for the rest of his life. How could he push here away. How could he let Sheikha do this to him?

Maybe she was right? Maybe he still loved Sheikha then and that's why he chose to blindly trust her. Maybe that's why he chose her instead of his wife.

How much she would have cried herself to sleep. He made her suffer throughout her pregnancy. Allah would surely never forgive him for that. How much she begged him to hear her out just once. How stupid had he gotten. He would have heard any guilty one out to be just to do right by them. How could he not even listen once to the woman he love and who loved him so much.

How could she forgive him so easily.

He remembered the First time they met in the elevator. How she would ask silly and serious question. How fate brought them together even when they didn't want to be together. How fate made them fall in love. It's strange and beautiful that despite everything she didn't hate him. He knew she still loved him. The time he jumped into the water out of jealousy to test her. How she jumped into the water despite her fears. How she told he loved. How her scars astonished yet intrigued him. How happy he was when he saw her in the wedding gown. How much deeper in love he fell for her when he cleared her thoughts for how he loved her for her and not all the glitz and glamour and vice versa. How beautiful she felt, how beautiful her eyes were when the made love. How her every moan she made every scream was so very pleasurable. How little but amazing time they spent together and how every single time of them she showered him with love and never even once forgot to convey her love to him.

He felt a constricting movement in her chest. He saw the laptop with all the false images and the video that destroyed his mind and made him wreck their relationship. He saw her beg on her knees. Crying for a chance. Begging him not to hate her. The constricting pain in his chest grew stronger and stronger and that's when he heard a scream.

A familiar scream...Aairah's scream. He tried opening his eyes but couldn't yet he saw her. In that pale blue gown soaked in blood. 'Help!!! Some one help me......please...' , her sobs grew louder and her screams grew louder with the pain in his chest. May be this is how she felt Helpless. Like how he felt . Wishing to comfort her then.

Letting the pain takeover. Letting the water fill to empty the air out. Darkness begin to envelope around him when he suddenly felt a tug and then heavy pull. He felt like a ragdoll.
Suddenly he felt the chill air around him. He was dragged across what felt like sand and was made sit up. Choking the burning sensation in his throat escalated. He peered only to find uncle Saeed staring mouth agape almost terrified and relieved. Next to him was Maktoum.

He looked over to uncle Saeed and began sobbing. "I destroyed her. I killed her. I took away everything from her."

Uncle Saeed hugged him and he sobbed louder, "i killed her. I don't deserve her I didn't deserve our children that's why Allah took them away from me. But she deserved it why did he take them away from her. How could she forgive me? How could she still care? How could I do this to. How can I face her? How? How?." He sobbed some more.

"Inshallah everything will be fine.", consoled Saeed.

"When will everything be fine? Will it be fine uncle? I'm so sorry you have to suffer because of me and Sheikha. You don't deserve it.", he sobbed.

He was pulled away from Saeed and he faced Maktoum's eyes. "Akhi You have cried for six years not anymore. Both of you have gone through terrible things. Get yourself together. Like you said then you couldn't even fulfill a promise you made her as her husband. But there is find those who destroyed her family and every other else and bring them to justice. It isn't just your Queen's justice anymore. It's ours."
How was Hamdan's part. Comment your hearts out.

Later that night

Aairah arrived at the Nad Al Sheba palace and went into her changing room. Decided she was too tired for even a bath. She changed into her soft cotton camisole and pj shorts. Ugh stupid boobs. She looked at the mirror. Couldn't they be a tad bit smaller so she wouldn't have back ache or maybe not wait for her clothes to get tailored and just get them ready made. She grabbed the book she planned to read and left the room when she heard men whispering if the place was on fire and she could only grab one thing...She ran to her dressing room grabbed the silk robe and pulled a random hijab scarf they were bright yellow. Why was her timing and choice so bad? !

She walked into the room and saw Maktoum and Ahmed looking slightly dishelved. With Maktoum slouched back on the couch and Ahmed picking up a t-shirt and passing it to Hamdan to change into after a shower.
Sensing Aairah's presence Maktoum jolted up like the couch burned his ass.

"Assalamualaikum Ukhthi."

"Assalamualaikum Ukhthi."

"Walaikumassalam...please have a seat. ", she gestured them to the couches.

"No no...we were just leaving it was a tiring day after all.",Maktoum said in one go.

She chuckled slightly, "then I insist you to come down for tea or coffee."

The two men looked at each other. And nodded in agreement.

They were in their mini kitchen. Where Aairah placed 3 mugs of chamomile tea and added sugar to two of them. Just then Cecilia walked and was surprised to see the two gentlemen.

She did a quick bow to the three of them and excused herself to bed.

"Ceci...Come sit here I have made tea for you. You said you were having difficulty in sleeping.", called Aairah.

Ceci smiled at the men and 4 began to chat. After a while Cecilia retired to bed. Ahmed who normally knew how to divert the topic into anything he wanted was getting impatient Aiirah noticed how often he was fidgeting in his chair.

"So how did you find the evidence?", He asked. Maktoum intently listening.

She chuckled, "so finally you get to the point. Well I can't trust you completely. But I can say one thing. That over confidence can kill you and that gave me a way to find out who hired the doctor. Now I'm really tired. It was a long day for all of us. And I really don't want to answer any of your questions...because I have no answers. I'm going to bed. You both can exit yourselves right?"

"Yes Ukhthi. Don't worry.",They smiled and left together.

Aairah washed the mugs and put them on the drying rack and heated the left tea poured it into the mug an went upstairs.

Hamdan wasn't in the washroom nor on the bed . She found him in the balcony. In just a towel around his waist as she place the closed mug on his nightstand. Idiot! It's cold and he is wet. He surely is getting a cold and fever tomorrow. Nothing he can't handle by himself. Eh I'm reading this book and sleeping. She took of her robes and hijab and snuggled under the sheets with a book.

It wasn't long when he came in and sat on the bed his back to her without even trying to get her to look at him.

"Are you okay?", he asked. Waiting.

After a pause, "oh you are asking me. I'm good and jolly as always.Oh Ceci has tea for you."

She turned back to her book. Not being able To see his face. As he picked the mug and downed it's contents.

"I don't know if it's will never be enough...I'm sorry for what I've done...Will you ever be able to love me again?", he asked with a sorrowful tone. Not left in Aairah see his red rimmed eyes and puffy face.

"I've already forgiven you?" , she replied while still not looking away from the book. "And as for love...I don't have room for it anymore. Why do you want me to love you? You never just...ummm....wait", as she flipped the page. " you just followed you father's orders. So you shouldn't worry whether I will catch feelings for you. I can assure you I won't. And I realised you never loved me...when...I tried...telling you the truth about my condition and it's ok and you should sleep too. Night night?", she shut the book and switched her nightlamp off, popped her sleeping pill and went to sleep.

If breaking of heart could be heard, Hamdan's would be echoing through the streets of Dubai. His head hung low as he stared at the ground...losing hope along with the three people he loved so much.

He lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. When a movement from the bed caught his attention. Aairah rolled over to face him. Fully asleep yet she struggled to get her desired position. Hamdan carefully placed her head on his arm and she instantly snuggled closer. Sleeping peacefully.

"I loved you...I love you and I will always love you...even if you no longer do.", he whispered. With that he kissed her forehead and let slumber takeover him.
How was it?

In Maktoum and Ahmed's vehicle.

"I think i know who hired the doctor to slowly poison Aairah.", Ahmed uttered.

"I think i do too. And Aairah has no clue about it...or else she would have been dead.", Maktoum replied warily.
Sheikha was sitting alone weeping when her bedroom door was barged open. Saeed stormed in angrily. And slapped Sheikha hard for her to fall back down. For a small man he surely had strong hands.

"How could you! !!", he bellowed.

Sheikha fearfully watched her father.

"Father I...."

"How could you be so did he manage to send her that video message. After how much I had everything on him monitored. Argghhh!!! How could you not know he would turn?!"

"Father he wasn't....I didn't.. ", she whispered under his death glare.

"Now we have to find another way to finish him and Mohammed....since you are fired off every office you held because of your stupidity." , he huffed as he strode back and forth across the room.

"Again I have to find another way...Again.", he growled as he walked off her room leaving a scared Sheikha.

So bitches how was it? Another long chapter after a month I hope you all enjoyed it......omg poor Hamdan....poor they are torn desperate was Hind....And how sneakily sweet caring kind uncle Saeed is backstabbing let me know and support this comment and share.


Oneee looovvvveeee.

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