Chapter 2: Coma

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Logan woke up to the sun shining through the blinds in the bedroom, Logan rolled over to hug his wife, to only find the spot empty, he was confused and looked around the room to see the alarm clock was disabled and it said 9:55 am... Logan sighed to himself.

Logan: I should probably get up... Yea, I'll get up.

And he did, Logan got out of the comfort of his bed and went to the window and pulled the blinds up and opened the window to see the view of the small town, Ogden Utah.

Why Logan and his wife choose here to live, well... they wanted the piece and a quiet life after they retired from there job, their jobs required them to travel around alot and meet loads of people, not that they didn't like that because they loved meeting all the people and traveling, but it's nice that they can just settle down and live the rest of their lives in peace.

They've lived here for about 8 years now and at first people would ask them for a picture or and autograph to start with but after a few months they became part of the community, and they couldn't be happier, Logan sighed and grabbed and clean change of clothes, which was just a clean pair of underwear, a pair of sweatpants and a clean white T. 

Once Logan was washed, dried and dressed, he left the bedroom and made his way down stairs to sniff the air and smell the unmistakable smell on, his favorite, pancakes... Logan made his way to the kitchen and looked to see 3 kids sat at the table, one was a girl about the age of 6 and had Logan's brunette hair and her Mother's green eyes, another was another girl about the age of 4 she had her Mother's blonde hair and Logan's blue eyes, then there was a baby boy sat in a high chair eating what looks to be oatmeal, the only noticeable feature on the newborn is his blue eyes that resemble Logan's, the two girls were colouring in when they looked up and saw Logan walking into the kitchen, they were about to say something till Logan indicated for them to be quiet, the girls just chuckled knowing what Logan was planning, Logan went into the kitchen to see his wife standing at the counter string the pancake mix, Logan tip toed behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Logan: Morning beautiful.

He then kissed her neck and cheek, she turned around in his arms to reveal Charlotte.

Charlotte: I wanted to give you breakfast in bed.

Logan: Au, bless, well now I can have breakfast with my four favorite people.

Charlotte kissed him then smeared pancake mix on his cheek.

Charlotte: Go sit down, breakfast is nearly done.

Logan kissed Charlotte then sat down at the table and started playing with there son, making the baby laugh by making weird faces, the youngest girl off the two said.

???: Silly Daddy.

Charlotte then place a plate of pancakes in front of him, kissed his cheek then said.

Charlotte: Happy Anniversary babe.

Logan then made a face she didn't want to see.

Charlotte: How can you forget after all these years.

Charlotte then went over to the kitchen as Logan winked at his daughters.

Logan: Im sorry, love... I'll make it up to you I swear.

He said making his way over to her and wrapping his arms back around her waist, he kissed her neck and swayed with her in his arms.

Charlotte: Really?

Logan: You take the kids next door tonight and I will~

He then sucked on her neck slightly making Charlotte grin and push herself as close to Logan as she can.

Charlotte: I think that can be arranged~

Logan let her go, much to her disappointment but this was all part of Logan's plan for there 8th wedding anniversary... the day then consisted of them just having fun as a family, Logan would teach his daughters how to swim in the pool as Charlotte sat on a sunbed holding their son in her arms enjoying the sunshine and her husband playing with their little girls, after that they just watched Tv and had popcorn, they watched mostly Disney+, Logan really wanted to watch the new episode of 'Falcon and the Winter Soldier' but he was out voted, so they settled on 'The Lion King' the original, not the live action one... after that it was time for Charlotte to take the kids next door so Logan can make up to her that he forgot their anniversary... Charlotte new he would make it up to her, but she was still disappointed that he forgot... the married couple got their kids ready, then Charlotte took them next door as he got ready to surprise his wife... Charlotte knocked on their neighbours door and an elder couple opened up.

Charlotte: Hey, Mike and Angie... I now this is short notice, but can you watch the kids for us please, it's our anniversary...

Angie: Of course, sweetheart... Come on in you two.

The girls cheered as they ran into the house, they loved staying here as Mike and Angie have become lick grandparents to them, everytime they would stay here, they would bake cookies and do arts and crafts and stuff... not that they didn't do that with Charlotte and Logan but Mike and Angie have experience in that sort of field.

Mike: Wow, Anniversary ,huh? How long is that now?

He asked as Charlotte gave her son to Mike.

Charlotte: 8 years now... not as long as you two of course, but I'm sure Logan and I will get to 45 years soon... listen thanks again for this.

Angie: Don't worry about it sweety, now you and Logan enjoy your anniversary.

She said as her and Mike gave her a kind smile.

Charlotte: We will thank you guys... Mommy and Daddy love you two so much.

She said giving her kids a kiss on their heads.

Girls: Love you two Mummy.

Charlotte: Behave... Good night.

She said waving as she made her way back to the Kenway residence, but what she didn't notice is that Mike and Angie had grins on their faces as Mike put his arm around his wife and sadi.

Mike: Logan's a good kid.

Angie agreed as they went into the house and started their planned night of fun with the Kenway children, yes they planned a night because Logan asked them to look after them a few nights ago, as this was all part of Logan's plan.

Charlotte enter her house to see rose petals and candle lights leading upstairs, she smiled and followed the trail leading to their bedroom, Charlotte opened the door to see a nice black dress laying on the bed with a note attached.

Note: My Lovely wife... I think this is the dress you wanted the other day... I'm not to sure... either way you'll always be beautiful to me XOXOX.

Charlotte smiled at the note as she got changed and made her way down stairs, she started to look for Logan but he wasn't in eye sight, so she went into the living room... no Logan... she then went through to the connecting dining room to see the table beautifully presented with candles and rose petals, Charlotte gasped and put her hand over her mouth as she did that Logan came up from hiding behind the kitchen island and Charlotte was so happy, when she saw the suit he was wearing.

Logan smirked and said.

Logan: I thought we could match...

He then saw the relieved look on her face, now knowing Logan didn't forget was a great feeling for her.

Logan: I don't know whether to be happy that after 10 years of being together, I can still surprise you... or be offended that you actually thought that I forgot our anniversary.

Charlotte smiled and walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck as he put his hands on her hips.

Charlotte: You should be happy that you made me believe you forgot, more than anything...

She then kissed him and he kissed back and they stayed like that for a few minutes, before she realized something, Charlotte then pulled away.

Charlotte: Mike and Angie are in on it aren't they?

Logan just nodded with a toothy grin.

Logan: Wait right here...

He then sat her down on one of the chairs.

Logan: And let me treat you like a Queen.

Logan then went into the kitchen to get the food he cooked for the both of them, Logan was a really good cook as when he was traveling he taught himself how to do it, so when he cooked for his wife he put 110% into it, as he walked form the kitchen counter back to the table with two plates in hand, Charlotte couldn't help but grin the whole time, Logan then sat one of the plates in front of Charlotte and she was even more happy when they started to eat and just generally enjoy each other's time.

They continued to converse all the way through the meal talking about their lives in the WWE to there kids who the loved so much, once done Logan cleared the table... but he stilled had one more surprise for the Queen, he lead her upstairs and into their bedroom, Charlotte thought they were going to have sex, but when Logan took her into the bathroom to see a warm bath with bubble and rose petals, with candles around the tub... Charlotte then got an idea.

Charlotte: Only if you join me.

She said with a grin, Logan smirked back and took off his suit jacket... once they both were naked they climbed into the tub as Charlotte layed her back against Logans chest and Logan wrapped his arms around his wife as they just sat there in silence for a few moments just enjoying each others company... after the bath they got out and dried themselves, Logan walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed, what he didn't expect was his wife to follow him still completely naked and sit on his lap.

Charlotte: You think you can go through all this and not get a reward~

Logan just smirked then said.

Logan: I didn't do all this for a reward... I did this because I love you.

Charlotte was so happy when he said that and it made her love him even more, Charlotte then wasted no time in smashing her lips to his and sliding her tongue in his mouth, she then laid him down as the two continued to have sex for the rest of the night...


Logan and Charlotte are just laying in bed with the sun coming through the blinds, Charlotte was laying on Logan's chest as he gently rubbed her arm in an up and down motion, but the out of the blue Charlotte held both his cheeks, looked him in the eyes, kissed him partially on the lips then said.

Charlotte: Please come back to me... I need you...

Logan was a little confused and concerned as this was completely out of the blue and Logan had no idea of what was going on.

Logan: What are you talking about?

But before Charlotte answered everything for Logan went completely black, everything around him just faded out of existence and he was scared because he doesn't know what's happening to him.

All of a sudden he managed to open his eyes and looked around, but couldn't see anything as it was all blurry, he did however feel a tube in his throat and he freaked out and tried to pull it out but was stopped and it was pulled out carefully, Logan coughed and as he did his eye sight came back to him, but he didn't know who he is or where he is, once he layed back, a man in a white coat checked his eyes with a flashlight then asked.

???: Can you tell me your name and the year?

Logan tried and tried to think but nothing was coming to mind, he just said.

Logan: No.

???: Ok, I'm Doctor Michaels and you have been in a coma for 2 years...

Before the doctor could finish a bunch of people came running in the room and started to hug Logan and say hi and welcome back, but one blonde lady hugged him and he was happy she did, but he didn't know who she was... he didn't know who any of them are.

Logan: This is nice an all... but I don't know who any of you are...


(To Be Continued)

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