Chapter eight: Transforming

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Rose Prov

My eyes are still cat like Echo is in her human form
"Mis Rose I'm sorry that I did not tell you about Claude he is your brother William is going to try to take you to the Council because if you loss control you might die" she said with a sad look
"It's ok Echo I'm not mad at you and I don't want to go to a Council because if I go they will try to be the boss I don't want a boss Claude seems nice but I'm a Calowing and I'm suppose to be free" I smile a guy in red walked up
"Hello are you Rose" he said I growled my eyes turning red
"And if I am" I say I can feel more power and Echo is basically my shadow so her power must have expanded
"then you will be heading with me" he said
"Good luck with that" I growled and did a back flip and landed on the fire escape all of sudden I jumped to the roof red and back feathers went around me and now I have wings I did a spin Sebastian and Ciel was on this roof "Sebastian I'm not going to a Council I'm the Queens Guard Kitten so how do you think this will go " I smile with a light growl
"Rose the queen said you were living with us so we won't turn you into the reaper Council or Claude" Sebastian said with a smile and Ciel nodded and smiled my hair turned black but my eyes turned pink again
"So you are a reaper William" I say as William walked behind me I smile my eyes turned red and I push William into a wall a piece of my hair fell in my face and I chuckle
"You thought you could sneak up on me" I lost control of my actions and now there was five over people on the roof is growl seeing Grell and the other reapers I smile a red and black aura appeared around me along with the red and black feathers my anger was all I had and I know it's to late
"Rose stop this" one of the reapers said I laugh
"Rose is not her at the moment my name is Shadow Faustus" I say with a smirk.
-----------------------------------------------------------hope you are enjoying this😀

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