Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

(Third Person POV)

Demetria ran across the cobblestone street, Antonio waddling behind her. She kept her hand tightly wrapped around his, practically dragging the poor baby along. Antonio was quiet, knowing that this wasn't the time to cry or scream. Demetria wasn't quiet at all, though. Ever since Eleanor's death, she had been more alert than ever. After decided to make their way back to the kingdom, she had seen her father's ship docked at the loading bay.

"Daddy." Demetria said under her breath. Ever since then, she had been running none stop back to her home.

"Come on, Antonio. Hurry." She said to her little brother.

"Is Daddy home?" Antonio asked. He had made much progress with his speech since his father had left on his voyage. And after the attack on Telmar. Demetria had made it her mission to get Antonio talking before Caspian got home so that Antonio could make him proud, and so that he would regret leaving them even more.

"Yes, Antonio. Daddy is home. He'll protect us. We won't have to be afraid anymore." Demetria told her brother as they stumbled along down the abandoned street. As they made there way towards the castle, a figure stepped in front of them. The two children screamed and fell back, landing on their backsides. They were shocked to see another human, they figured that everyone was dead.

"Are you Madeline'ssssss children?" The figure asked. She had a hood on over her head, hiding her face. Demetria latched onto her brother's hand once again, afraid to let go. She didn't trust this person, not one bit. Her mother had always told her to never talk to strangers unless her mother was with her, and right now their mom was no where to be found. Antonio squeezed his sister's hand in fear.

"Mommy says, 'Don't talk to strangers.' " Demetria stated, getting to her feet and glaring at the cloaked woman. She laughed a horrible, crackling laugh that frightened the two children even more.

"Come with me, kidsssss. I'll take care of you. Don't worry. I can take you to your mother." She hissed, extending her hands towards them. Demetria took a step back, so did Antonio. The poor boy was shaking, hiding behind his big sister, using her as protection. Demetria stood tall, courage flowing through her. She feared this creature, but she refused to show it. The cloaked woman's hands fell to her side and she sighed sadly.

"Alright, kidsssss. I guesssssss we'll have to do thisssss the hard way." She stated, causing Antonio to shake even more. The two took another step away from her, their backs hitting a debris wall. They were trapped, and they knew it.

"Ssssssay good night, kiddiesssss." The figure said as she pulled down her hood, revealing her snakes and her eyes.

One word echoed through the air as the two children suddenly were froze.



(Caspian's POV)


I looked at Susan and Lucy as the voices rang through the air. I knew exactly where they were coming from.

Town Square.

"Demetria! Antonio!" I shouted as I ran out of the castle. My boots slammed against the ground, my heat racing. They had to be alright, they had to be. I couldn't lose them. I couldn't. I could hear Susan, Lucy, Edmund, and Peter running after me. But I didn't stop. My children needed me, they needed their father. I had to be their for them. I couldn't let anything happen to them.

"Antonio!" I shouted, nearly running out of breath. The debris around me was getting thicker the farther I ran. "Demetria!"

Then I found them.

The two statues of my children.

"No." I said under my breath as I stumbled over to them. Demetria was holding her hand out in front of her, as if trying to shield herself and her brother from harm. She was facing away from whatever had froze her, her eyes squeezed shut. Antonio had his arms wrapped around his sister, his head buried in the cloth of her dress. The two didn't stand a chance. I kneeled beside them, the air leaving my lungs. Tears dripped down my cheeks as I shook my head.

Even when facing death, my courageous daughter had protected her family till the end.

"N-no....n-no......why?" I whispered to myself as I wrapped my arms around the two statues. My children, my innocent children. My own flesh and blood.....frozen in fear. I could hear the Pevensies approaching, their footsteps echoing through the silence. After a moment, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Caspian." Lucy said to me. I stood up, realization hitting me like a ton of bricks.

"Peter." I said under my breath.

"What?" Lucy said. They obviously hadn't heard me. I turned around and smashed my fist against Peter's jaw, causing it to break as he fell to the ground. Susan, Lucy, and Edmund quickly got between us, stopping a fight before Peter could even fight back.

"This is your fault! You could've stopped this!" I screamed.

"How is this my fault?!" Peter shouted, grabbing his jaw in pain.

"You knew something was wrong! But you never said anything! You let this happen!" I shouted, my tears continuing to flow down my cheeks. This was his fault. He did this.

"Caspian! Shouting isn't going to bring them back!" Lucy told me.

"Get out of here, Peter! Get out of Telmar!" I screamed at him. "You aren't welcome here!"

"Telmar's gone! Your kingdom is in ruins!" Susan shouted at me.

"You think I don't see that?!" I said, gesturing around.

"My kingdom is destroyed because of you! Leave!" I screamed at Peter. "My family is gone! Because of your jealousy!"

Peter stood up, and walked away, out of sight.

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